Sunday, August 12, 2012

James F. Taber Arrests Own Son, Willard Kansas.

The Topeka State Journal
Tuesday September 7, 1920.

Arrests Own Boy.
Willard Parent Brings Son to County Attorney Todaay

Swears Out Warrant and Pays the Ten Dollar Fine.


James F. TaberCondueted His Own Raid Last Sunday.

Says Army Life Has Aroused Gambling Spirt.

James F. Taber, of Willard, drove to Topeka in a motor car today with his son  Carl, age 18 years, and took the young man to the office of Tinkham Veale, assisant county attorney.

"I want you to issue a warrant charging this boy with gambling," He told Veale.  "I'll swear to the complant.

Veale follwed directions and issued the warrant.  Then father and son and the somewhat nonplussed Veale marched upto the thir floor of the court house and walked into the court of Topeka.

"Now my boy," said the father, "What do you want to do--stand trial or plead guilty and pay a fine?"  The bot studied a moment.  Then said.  "I'll plead guilty."

The judge find him $10 and costs which the boy paid.  Then father and son walked out of the court house, jumped into the car and droved home to Willard.

Shots Craps In Garage.

"I'm in the garge business at Willard."  The father said.  "There are a bunch of boys who have been shooting craps in the garage and other places.  My boy works in the garage.  The gambling became town talk.  It hurt my business and injured the reputation of my family.

"T warned the boy time and again to stopgambling but he didn't stop.  On Sunday afternoon I saw the boys go down towards the rail station.  "I followed.  There they were bending over a pair of dice.

"Son, you come with me," I said.  He did.  The other boys scattered." Continuing, Taber said that the gambling spirt which seems to have taken hold of the youth of Willard since the boys returned from the Army was creating much trouble.


"There are other parents who will take the same methods to put an end of this gambling business on part of the boys."  Said Taber. Taber also swore to a warrant charging Ray Mansell with gambling.  "He is the "Root" of the evil." Said Taber.  "All he does apparently is to gamble."  The warrant must be served on Mansell.  He didn't accompany Taber and his son to Topeka.  The warrant issued by Taber, the father, for his son arrest follows:

"I James F. Taber, do charge Carl Taber and Ray Mansell bet money upon the result of throwing dice; each of the said Carl Taber and Ray Mansell they and there throwing said dice and betting on the result of the movement of the same."

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