Wagon Depot Hotel, also known as the Old Bank Hotel.
Taken in the 1880's or 1890's.
Push to enlarge. |
Strong City of 1901.
Strong City, one of the important towns of Chase county, is located on the north bank of the Cottonwood river at the junction of the main line of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R. with branches running to Abilene and Bazaar. It is about 2 miles from Cottonwood Falls, the county seat, with which it is connected by street cars. It has 2 hotels, a theater, 2 banks, a newspaper (the Herald) which is printed daily and weekly, and all lines of mercantile enterprise. The largest and best equipped stone quarry in the state, from which a fine grade of lime stone is quarried, is located in the vicinity. This is one of the most important stock markets in the state and some of the most extensive dealers in live stock in the state are permanently located here. Natural gas is used for heating, lighting and commercial purposes. The quarries furnish employment to hundreds of men. Strong City is supplied with telegraph and express offices and has an international money order post office. The population according to the census of 1910 was 762.
Strong City was founded in 1872 by the Cottonwood Town company and for a number of years went b\- that name. The Atchisdu. Topeka & Santa Fe R. R. went through the county that year and the new town was located on the north side of the right-of-way. Inside of ten years from the date of its founding, Strong City was a thrifty little place and had some of the best business buildings in central Kansas. Banks had been organized and all lines of mercantile houses established. The first newspaper was established by R. M. Watson in 1880. It was an organ of the National labor party and was called the Independent. The Strong City bank was organized in 1882 with a capital of $100,000.
Strong City Businessmen of 1901.
William Beanblossom, Dealer in Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Brick, Lime, Cement, Agaitie, Coal and Hardware.
J. A. Costello, Proprietor Livery, Feed and Sale Stable.
George W. Crum, Under Sheriff.
L. Franz, Wholesale and Retail, Dealer in Floor, Feed and Coal.
S. F. Jones, President, Strong City Bank.
Lantry B. & Sons, Railroad Contractors; also Ranchmen. Hereford Cattle a specialty.
M. McDonald, Probate Judge.
J. C. Petty, Postmaster of Strong City.
Petty & Knapp, Dealers in Staple anf Fancy Groceries and Queenware.
Strong City of 1883.
Strong City was organized by the Cottonwood Town Company, D. L. Lakin, President, and Edward Wilder, Secretary, February 29, 1872. It is located on the east one-half of the southeast quarter of Section 17, Township 19, Range 8, and the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter
(sic) of Section 17, Township 19, Range 8. Emslie's addition to Cottonwood was made May 9, 1879. Hon. David K. Cartter, John Emslie, E. A. Hildebrand, George O. Hildebrand and Richard Hoffman were the parties in interest. This addition was located north of the right of way of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad, on the east one-half of the southeast quarter of Section 17, Township 19, Range 8, and on the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 16, Township 19, Range 8. The railroad company completed their line of railroad through the county in the spring of 1872.
The county was fortunate in securing it without aiding it with railroad bonds. Cottonwood station, now Strong, is the objective railroad point in the county. Cottonwood Falls, the county-seat, had expected to be a main station on the road, but for certain reasons the road was directed from there for more than a mile to the northward, and Strong is a prosperous and rapidly growing city. In all directions around it are inexhaustible quarries of the best of building stone. Here are stone-crushers and stone-sawing establishments that furnish employment to hundreds of men. Here is one of the largest and most metropolitan structures in Central Kansas. It contains a bank, a city hall and D. C. Webb's famous store. S. F. Jones is President and E. A. Hildebrand is Cashier of the Strong City bank, which has a capital of $100,000.
The town has three general stores, three groceries, an extensive hardware store, a druggist, two physicians, two attorneys, two shoemakers, a livery, feed and sale stable, a milliner, a blacksmith, an auctioneer, a drayman, a carpenter and builder, a meat market, a well-driller, a tobacconist, keeper of a hotel and a restaurant. The town has the second best school building in the county, an excellent stone structure of ample proportions. There are in 1882 two teachers employed. The Strong City bank was chartered under State laws. The officers are: S. F. Jones, President; E. A. Hildebrand Cashier; the bank transacts a general banking business. It was organized in June, 1882, and began business July 1, 1882, capital $100,000. The approximate statement April 1, 1883, showed: loans and discounts, $57,000; deposits, $60,000. It has notes in circulation. Strong is a city of the third class. J. T. Dickeson is Mayor; J. J. Massey, Police Judge; A. W. Harris, City Attorney; E. A. Hildebrand, F. M. Jones, C. I. Moule, L. P. Santy and J. G. Winters, Councilmen.
Strong City Businessmen of 1883.
DAVID BIGGAM, farmer and railroad contractor, was born in Ayrshire, Scotland, April 20, 1838. He came to the United States in 1859, locating at Leavenworth. For five years he was in the United States Government service, in the capacities of teamster and train- master. In 1864 he settled in Jefferson County, and bought a farm of 160 acres, which he operated for about ten years. Then, in March, 1875, he came to Chase County and bought a farm of eighty acres, situated in Diamond Creek Township, which he still owns. The same year he commenced business as a contractor, taking contracts for grading on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad. He has since had contracts for grading nine miles of this railroad, besides several contracts for surfacing, raising track, ballasting, etc. He stands well in the esteem of the railroad company, and with the community in which he resides. He is a member of Zeredatha Lodge, No. 80, A., F. & A. M. He married Miss Mary Frasher, of Ayrshire, Scotland, December 31, 1857, and by this marriage has had nine children, of whom William, David Jr., James F., Joseph F. and Mary E. are now living.
ALFRED C. BURTON, general merchant , was born in Shelby County, Ill., March 8, 1860. When he was four years old his parents moved to Arcola, Douglas County, Ill., where his father engaged in the dry goods business. Here the subject of this sketch remained until 1876, when he went to Texas and engaged in clerking in a wholesale grocery establishment, remaining until the fall of 1878. He then went to Pueblo and engaged as a traveling salesman for a wholesale grocery for two years. In December, 1880, he came to Kansas, and in connection with his brother, George K. Burton, established the retail grocery business at Strong City. IN the fall of 1881 he bought the interest of his brother, and continued the business alone until March, 1883. He then connected with D. B. Berry of dry goods and clothing, boots and shoes, etc. They then removed to the fine new store building just completed by E. A. Hildebrand and D. Rettiger, on Cottonwood Avenue. They carry a large and well-selected stock of general merchandise, and have an extended business field. Mr. Burton is a member of Strong City Lodge, No. 110, A. O. U. W. He is unmarried. Although yet a young man, he possesses business ability and shrewdness of no mean order, and bids, ere many years, to make a name and fortune in so thriving and energetic a city as Strong.
JAMES T. DICKESON, agent of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad, was born in Bartholomew County, Ind., February 20, 1848. When he was six months old his parents removed to Davis County, Iowa. He remained there until after attaining his majority. He was brought up on a farm and followed farming until 1868. He then commenced his railroad career as an operator on the Des Moines Valley Railroad. He continued with this road about two years. He then engaged with the Missouri, Iowa & Nebraska Railroad, and held the position of agent at different stations on that line about five years. He came to Kansas in April, 1879. Four months later he accepted the position of agent of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad at Strong City. He still holds this position. Mr. Dickeson was elected Mayor of the city in 1881, and re-elected in 1882. He is a member of the Baptist Church. He married Miss Annie E. McGhee, of Ottumwa, Iowa, January 16, 1873, by which marriage he has had three children, of whom Bertie and Amabel are living.
JOHN EMSLIE, contractor and stone-cutter, also proprietor of the celebrated Cottonwood stone quarries and stone saw-mills, was born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, August 14, 1823; emigrated to Canada in 1836, and came to the United States in 1862, and to Kansas the same year. In early life he learned the trade of stone mason, and followed it for years before he came to this country. His first work here was as a contractor for stone work on the eastern division of the Kansas Pacific Railroad, with headquarters at Leavenworth. He remained at Leavenworth, engaging in stone-quarrying and masonry until 1872, when he came to Chase County, having been awarded the contract for the stone and brick work of the court house at Cottonwood Falls. This building he completed in 1873, and it is considered the finest court house in the State, built of limestone from the celebrated Cottonwood quarries. Upon the completion of this contract he engaged in quarrying and shipping, and still continues supplying large quantities of stone, dressed, sawed and in the rough, for a large proportion of the most prominent public and private buildings in this State, also the States of Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa and Colorado; also furnishing large quantities of bridge stone for the A., T. & S. F. R. R.; F. S. & G. R. R.; K. C., St. Joe & C. B. R. R., and Missouri River bridge at Atchison. He has identified himself with the growth of the city ever since he located here, and has done much to advance the prosperity of the place, and furnishes employment to many men who have located here. Mr. Emslie is a member of the Presbyterian Church N. S. He married Miss Jane Sim, of Guelph, Canada, March 24, 1856. They have no children.
REDFORD W. FISK, M. D., was born June 22, 1846, in Ripley County, Ind. His grandfather, Abraham J. Fisk, was Captain of the Nineteenth Regular Infantry in the war of 1812, and received meritorious mention in letters to the then Acting Secretary of War, James Monroe, from Maj. - Gen. Brown, dated November 14, 1814. His father was an eminent physician, and also took a prominent part in the politics of Indiana. In 1857 he was elected to the State Senate by a large Democratic majority in a strong Whig district. He removed to Olney, Ill., in 1861, where he continued the practice of his profession until his death, July 18, 1874. Under the direction of his father, the subject of this sketch began the study of medicine at an early age, and enjoyed his thorough teaching for many years. His first practice was at Springfield, Mo., in 1871, where he remained over two years. Upon the failure of his father's health, in July, 1873, he returned to Illinois, and upon his death succeeded to his practice, and there remained until 1878. In June, 1878, he graduated from the Eclectic Medical College, Cincinnati, Ohio. In November, 1878, on account of his ill health, he removed to San Antonio, Texas, where he remained two years engaged in the stock business. In July, 1880, he came to Kansas with stock, and met and married Miss Noah L. Webb. Returning to Texas in December, the climate and surroundings not suiting his wife, he returned to Council Grove in July, 1881, and began the practice of his profession. In June, 1882, he removed to Strong City, Kansas, to superintend a large branch store for his father-in-law, Mr. D. C. Webb. Dr. Fisk, in addition to the management of this extensive business, continues to devote some of his attention to the practice of his profession. He is still a young man, active, ambitious and energetic in business, and generous in his social relations, enjoying the respect and esteem of those who come in contact with him. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. He married Miss Noah L. Webb, of Council Grove, December 29, 1880.
HUGH HARVEY, druggist, Strong City, was born in County of Donegal, Ireland, and raised in Lanarkshire, Scotland. He came to the United States in 1867, locating first in Ritchie County, W. Va., where he remained about three years engaged in coal mining. He came to Kansas in the spring of 1871, locating in Morris County, where he engaged in farming and remained until October, 1881. He then removed to Strong City, and bought a drug store and stock. He has since been engaged in the drug business. His store is located upon Cottonwood Avenue, the main street in the city, and he carries a stock of drugs, paints and oils, notions and fancy goods. Mr. Harvey is a member of the Catholic Church. He married Miss Mary McCloskey, of Lanarkshire, Scotland, in 1858. She died in February, 1882, after bearing him seven children, of whom Catharine T. (married to Mr. Charles T. White, of Osage City) and Rosanna are now living.
EDWARD A. HILDEBRAND, Cashier of Strong City Bank, also lumber, hardware and cattle dealer, of the firm of Hildebrand Brothers & Jones, was born at West Liberty, Logan Co., Ohio, December 13, 1849. He was educated in the common schools of his native county, where he resided until the spring of 1868, when he came to Kansas. After a residence at Leavenworth of only a few months he removed to Independence, Mo., and engaged in woolen manufacturing, in which business he continued until the spring of 1871, when he returned to Kansas and engaged in the lumber business at Strong City, where he has remained since. In 1876 his brother, George O., became interested with him in the business and the firm name was changed to Hildebrand Brothers. In 1878 they added the hardware business and in connection with the lumber and agricultural implement business, continued until June, 1882, when Mr. S. F. Jones took an interest in the firm, the name being changed to Hildebrand Brothers & Jones, and the business enlarged and extended. Upon the organization of the Strong City Bank in June, 1882, Mr. Hildebrand became its Cashier, which position he now holds. Though yet a young man he possesses a large business experience and great ability. He is a member of Emporia Commandery, No. 8, K. T., a member of Angola Lodge, No. 58, I. O. O. F. of Cottonwood Falls, and a member of Falls Lodge, No. 747, K. of H. He married Miss Lottie P. Oliver of St. Joseph, Mo., April 16, 1873, by whom he has three children, of whom Lillie M. and Charles E. are now living.
GEORGE O. HILDEBRAND, of the firm of Hildebrand Brothers & Jones, dealers in hardware, lumber and agricultural implements, grains and cattle, was born at West Liberty, Logan Co., Ohio, April 20, 1840. He spent his early life at this place, and here received his education. Before attaining his majority he engaged in the dry goods business and followed it until April, 1861. He then enlisted as a private in an independent company raised and commanded by Don Platt. Before leaving the State the company re-enlisted for three years and was designated as Company D, Thirteenth Regiment, Ohio Volunteers. It was assigned to the Western army under General Thomas, and upon the re-organization of the army formed part of the Fourteenth Corps. Mr. Hildebrand participated in the battles of Pittsburg Landing, Stone River, Chattanooga, and in many skirmishes. He was mustered out at Columbus, Ohio, in July, 1864. He returned to West Liberty, Ohio, and re-engaged in the dry goods business at which he continued until 1871. He then went to Bellefontaine, Ohio, and remained a year; from this place he went to Minneapolis, Minn., and engaged in business with the Minneapolis Harvesting Company, with whom he continued until January, 1876, when he came to Kansas and located at Strong City. He then engaged in the lumber and agricultural implement business in connection with his brother under the firm name of Hildebrand Brothers. In 1879 they added the retail hardware business and continued until June, 1882, when Mr. S. F. Jones bought an interest in the firm, which has since been continued under the present name. The business was at this time enlarged and extended, until at present it is quite a power in Chase County, and is established upon a firm foundation of prosperity. Mr. Hildebrand is a member of the order of K. of P., the I. O. O. F., and the I. O .of R. M., belonging to Ohio lodges, not having as yet connected himself with the organizations in this State. He married Miss Ella S. Marsell of Nashville, Tenn., July 20, 1864, by whom he has two children - Alma and Katie M., both living.
CHARLES W. JONES, postmaster, was born in Fayette County, Ohio, January 19, 1849. He received a common school education in his native county. After attaining his majority he learned the trade of carpenter and engaged in the business as carpenter and builder. In February, 1878, he came to Kansas, locating at Strong City, where he has since resided. He engaged in business as a contractor and builder. He continued in this occupation until January, 1880, when he was appointed postmaster at Strong City. He took a prominent part in getting Strong incorporated and filled the office of Mayor, being the first Mayor Strong City. He then discontinued his business and entered upon his official duties and in connection with his office established a grocery store which he operated until January, 1882. He then disposed of it and put in a stock of books, stationery and notions. This business he now operates in connection with the office. He also takes some contracts for building. Mr. Jones is a member of the Fayette Lodge, No. 449, A., F. & A. M., and is a member of Strong City Lodge, No. 110, A. O. U. W. He married Miss Eliza Nicholas of Strong City, February 18, 1879, by whom he has two children - Charles G., born November 24, 1880; and Daisy May, born May 22, 1883.
FRANK M. JONES, M. D., physician and druggist, was born in Fayette County, Ohio, February 21, 1847. He was educated at Bloomsburg Academy, Fayette County. After attaining his majority he engaged in the publication of the
News, in which he continued about two years at Washington Court House. The paper was then removed to Mount Sterling, Madison County, where he continued its publication about four months. He then sold it and returned to Washington Court House and began the study of medicine with Dr. C. A. Foster. In February, 1878, he came to Kansas, locating at Strong City, where he began the practice of medicine and engaged also in the drug business. In 1880 he went back to Ohio and attended the Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery, from which he graduated in March, 1881. He then returned to Strong City, where he has since resided, engaged in the active practice of his profession and in the drug business. Dr. Jones is a member of the order of A., F. & A. M, and of the order of K. of P., also a member of Strong City Lodge, No. 110, A. O. U. W., of which he is medical Examiner. His medical ability is unquestioned, and his practice is quite equal to his theory. The latter fact makes him a very popular physician in Strong City and vicinity. He married Miss Lucy A. Gray of Hamilton County, Ohio, November 17, 1870, by which marriage he had one child - now deceased.
STEPHEN F. JONES, farmer and stock-raiser, Section 6, Township 19, Range 8, also dealer in lumber and hardware, and President of the Strong City Bank, was born November 5, 1826, in Wilson County, Tenn., where he remained until after attaining his majority. In 1849 he went to Alabama and engaged on a cotton plantation, remaining one year. He then went to Texas and engaged in farming and stock- raising. His start in life was made in that State, where he remained eighteen years. In 1868 he removed to the Arkansas Valley, Southeastern Colorado, and was also here engaged in farming, stock- raising, dealing and shipping. His stock interests were very large and he was very successful in his business enterprises, amassing a large property. In 1878 he came to Kansas, locating on Fox Creek, in Falls Township, Chase County. He has since acquired land by different purchases to the amount of 7,000 acres which is the present extent of his farm. All his lands are enclosed with stone fence. He has about 300 acres under cultivation. His principal business is raising stock. He has in his herd thoroughbred Herford
(sic), Galloway and Durham stock to a considerable number. His hogs are of the Berkshire and Poland China breeds. He also raises some horses and sheep. He has the best improved farm in Chase County. His improvements include a very find and commodious stone residence, a stone barn three stories high, and so arranged that a farm wagon can be driven into each story to unload grain, other stone farm buildings and an orchard of about five acres. In the summer of 1882 Mr. Jones bought an interest in the lumber and hardware business of Hildebrand Brothers at Strong City and the business has since been conducted under the firm name of Hildebrand Brothers & Jones. In June, 1882, he organized the Strong City Bank, of which he is the principal stockholder and the President. The bank has a capital of $100,000, and transacts a general banking business. Mr. Jones is recognized by all as one of the most "solid men" in Chase County, and he has done and is doing much to advance the prosperity of the young and ambitious Strong City. Mr. Jones married in Alabama, in November, 1849, Miss Louisa M. Barber of Tallapoosa County, by which marriage he has had five children, of whom Christiana A. and Louisa M. are living. Mr. and Mrs. Jones are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. He is a member of the order of A., F. & A. M.
JOHN F. KIRK, merchant, Strong City, was born July 28, 1853, at Hamilton, Ontario. He received an academic education and before attaining his majority learned the trade of carriage-maker, which he followed several years. He came to the United States in 1874, locating at Dayton, Ohio, where he remained about two years, following his trade. He then removed to Woonsocket, Rhode Island, and engaged in business as a carriage manufacturer, remaining there about one year. He then returned to Dayton and remained another two years, then removed to Danville, Ill., whence he came to Kansas in the fall of 1882; located at Strong City and engaged in the grocery business, starting on a small scale in a store-room 20x22 feet. Mr. Kirk has within a year built up a large and prosperous business. Has greatly enlarged his store room and added to his stock of groceries a line of boots and shoes, glass and queensware and notions. He has purchased a lot on Cottonwood Avenue and has in process of erection a fine stone store building. The rapid development of his business is a good indication of what is to be accomplished in Kansas by industry, honest dealing and attention to business. Mr. Kirk is yet a young man, and with a good prospect before him, may confidently hope by the application of the qualities he has shown, to early rank with the leading merchants of Chase County. He married Miss Addie M. Gassett, of Woonsocket, R. I., September 21, 1876, by which marriage he has had three children, of whom Edwin H. and Hazel are living.
BARNEY LANTRY & SON, contractors and builders, railroad bridge masonry a specialty, was born in St. Lawrence County, N. Y., August 10, 1833. At the age of seventeen he went to Rutland, Vermont, and learned the trade of a stone-cutter. In 1853 he removed to Madison, Wis., and followed his trade three years, then removed to Prairie Du Chien, Wis., and engaged in steamboating, and in railroad contracting in Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota. His home was at Prairie Du Chien for twenty-two years, and in the summer of 1877 he came to Kansas, located at Strong City, and engaged in business as a contractor of railroad stone masonry, on the line of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad. He has extensive quarries of magnesian stone at Strong City and ships stone as far as Mexico, where he has a large contract on the Mexican Central R. R. Mr. Lantry also owns and operates a farm of 3,500 acres, situated on Fox Creek and the Cottonwood River, in Falls Township. His farm is enclosed by nineteen miles of stone fence. He has about 500 acres under cultivation. His principal crop is corn, but he also raises wheat and oats. He raises many cattle, sheep and hogs, paying special attention to the breeding of fine stock. Mr. Lantry owns considerable town property at Strong City, where his residence is also located, and he has done much to build up and improve the rapidly growing city. He is Democratic in politics, but is not an active politician. He married Miss Bridget Fogerty, of Rutland, Vermont, February 6, 1854, and by the marriage has had six children, four of whom are living, Henry E., Lizzie L., Charles J. and Nellie A. Mr. Lantry and his family are members of the Catholic Church.
CHARLES I. MAULE, general merchant, was born in Wayne County, Ind., March 26, 1846. His father died when he was a year old. Three years later his mother took him to Chester County, Pa., and bound him out to a farmer, with whom he continued until 1861. He then returned to Indiana. In October, 1863, he enlisted as a private in Company F., One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment Indiana Volunteers. The regiment was assigned to the Twenty-third Army Corps, army of the Cumberland. Mr. Maule was afterwards promoted to Corporal and Sergeant, and participated in the battle of Buzzard's Roost, the campaign and siege of Atlanta, the battles of Pulaski, Spring Hill, Franklin, and the second battle of Nashville. The regiment then proceeded by land and water to Moorehead, North Carolina, and joined the army of General Sherman in its march through that State, and was afterward stationed at Charlotte and Greensboro, North Carolina. He mustered out at the latter place in October, 1865. Mr. Maule then started to obtain an education, having had poor opportunities for doing so in his youth. He afterward learned the trade of a plasterer, which he followed most of the time until he came to Kansas. In November, 1878, he located at Strong City and engaged in merchandising, which business he has since followed. He carries a large stock of dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, glass and queensware, etc. He does a large and prosperous business. Mr. Maule has been a member of the City Council of Strong City two years, and is now serving his second term as Mayor of the city. He also hold the office of Treasurer of Falls Township. Mr. Maule is a member of Angola Lodge, No. 58, I. O. O. F., a member of J. W. Geary Post, No. 15, G. A. R., and a member of Strong City Assembly, No. 2,578, Knights of Labor. He married Miss Mattie A. Stephenson, of Wayne County, Indiana, May, 1870, by which marriage he has had seven children, of whom George S., Frank K., Joseph V., Alexander G., Llewellyn and Mattie M. are living.
WILLIAM H. MOORE, deputy postmaster, was born at Cincinnati, Ohio, January 10, 1858. In 1872 he came to Kansas with his parents. His father located on Spring Creek, in Falls Township, and entered eighty acres of land under the Homestead Act. Upon this farm the subject of this sketch remained about four years, then began business for himself, engaging in cattle dealing. In 1880 he rented a farm, which he operated on season. In November, 1881, he came to Strong City and engaged in the grocery business with C. K. Nichols, under the firm name of Nichols & Moore. Six months later he sold his interest in the business to his partner and accepted the position of deputy postmaster, and with the exception of six months when he was engaged in the hardware establishment of Hildebrand Brothers & Jones, he has since filled. He has the whole management of the office, the postmaster being engaged in other business. He also has an interest in a hardware and agricultural implement business at Quenemo, Osage County, in connection with his brother-in-law, Mr. J. F. Kirker. Mr. Moore is a member of Strong City Lodge, No. 110, A. O. U. W. He married Miss Agnes A. Freeborn, of Chase County, July 23, 1879.
P. J. NORTON was born in Park County, Ind., January 31, 1853. Two years later his parents came to Kansas, locating in Shawnee County, where his father died in 1856. In the spring of 1859 his mother removed to Chase County, where the subject of this sketch has ever since resided, except during his absence at school. He received an academic education, and graduated from the St. Louis University in June, 1873. He then taught in the public schools of Chase County for two terms. In 1874 he was appointed Deputy County Clerk and Deputy Clerk of the District Court. In the fall of 1877 he was elected Clerk of the District Court, re-elected in 1879 and again in 1881, thus holding the office six years. During this time he studied law under Cogran & Carswell, attorneys at Cottonwood Falls, and in December, 1882, he was admitted to the bar by the District Court of Chase County, Judge S. R. Peters presiding. Retiring from office in January, 1883, he accepted the position of chief clerk in the office of Barney Lantry, Esq., extensive contractor of stone masonry at Strong City, which position he now holds. Mr. Norton is a member of the Catholic Church.
M. S. PETERSON, formerly merchant, but now engaged in painting for A., T. & S. F. R. R. Co., Topeka, residence Meriden, Kan. Came to Kansas in the fall of 1858, and located at Osawkie, where he remained about eight years, dealing in general merchandise, and drugs in connection with his father, who was a physician. Mr. Peterson was also postmaster. Removed to Oskaloosa, and remained about eight years, dealing in general merchandise and removed from there to Meriden, where he followed the same business, besides being postmaster, Justice of the Peace, and Notary Public. Went to Topeka in May, 1882, in the employ of the A., T. & S. F. R. R. Co., and May 29, while painting on a scaffold suspended a short distance from the ground, met with a severe accident, by the scaffold falling and breaking his leg, which will permanently disable him. Mr. Peterson was with the Fourth Kansas Militia in their pursuit of Price in 1864; and was captured at Hickman's Mills, Jackson Co., Mo., and taken to Newtonia, in southwestern Missouri, and paroled after eight days. He was born August 13, 1846, at Pleasant Unity, Westmoreland Co., Pa. Moved to Gettysburg, Ohio
(sic), when three years old, and remained about two years, and moved to Robinson, Ill., stayed a short time and moved to Newton, where he remained about two years and moved back to Gettysburg. Removed to Pinkneyville, Ill., Shelbyville, Mo., and to Mount Vernon, Mo., and from thence to Kansas. He was married May 11, 1868, at Oskaloosa, Kan., to Miss Antonette Patrick, a native of California, and has two children - Mary B., and John M. Is a member of Eagle Lodge, No. 32, I. O. O. F., Oskaloosa, Kan., Meriden Lodge, No. 29, A. O. U. W., Meriden, Kan. Is also a member of First Methodist Episcopal Church, Topeka.
DAVID F. SHOLLY, general merchant, Strong City, was born in Union County, Pa., October 17, 1852. He was brought up on a farm, and received an academic education . Before attaining his majority, he began clerking in a store in new Berlin, Pa. In 1872 he removed to Three Rivers, Mich., and clerked in a store about six months, then returned to Pennsylvania, and clerked in a general store at Selina Grove, until he came to Kansas, in the spring of 1878. He located at Emporia, and clerked in the dry gods establishment of Sherman and Richardson, until January, 1880; he then established himself in the dry goods business, which he continued to operate until the spring of 1883, when he secured more store room and added a line of groceries, etc. He occupies a large and fine stone store room on Cottonwood Avenue, and carries a large and well-selected stock of dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, hats and caps, furnishing goods, groceries, crockery, glassware, etc. He has already secured a large trade, and is doing a prosperous business. He speaks both English and German, and finds the latter language of great benefit to him in his business.
R. M. WATSON and J. C. HILDEBRAND, editors and proprietors of the Strong City
Independent, the second newspaper printed in Strong City; was established in August, 1881, by R. M. Watson, a practical printer and journalist of fifteen years experience. It continued Independent in politics until the heated campaign in the fall of that year, when it supported the Greenback candidates for the County Offices; since which time it has continued to espouse the Greenback case. The paper received the hearty support of the people, and its circulation increased rapidly. In the spring of 1883 J. Clarence Hildebrand, a journalist of some experience, purchased a half interest and became associate editor with Mr. Watson. The office was removed to more commodious quarters and new material added. The
Independent is considered to-day one of the most prosperous county papers in the State.