Friday, April 27, 2012

Kansas Jails

The other night I was watching Mythbusters, and the myth was to break a prisoner out of jail by tring a rope a round the window cell bars then tring it to a horse then try to pull the window out.  But it couldn't be done.  They use a copy of a Kansas jail and it got me thinking of Kansas jails.  Now if you were to search Kansas jails on the inernet you will find all kinds of infomation on them.  I did some research and found some ineresting facts that you may not find on the net, at lest I found them interesting, I hope you do too.

Brown County Kansas.

1886, George H. Wheeler a prisoner in the Brown County jail annonce himself as a candidate for sheriff.

June 8, 1887, Joseph Beckman, suicides by hanging in the Horton jail.

November 28, 1887, A mob beraks open the jail door shortly after midnight, overpowers sheriff Brown, dragged Comodor True out and hung him in the court yard.

Cowley County Kansas.

During the summer of 1873, the city of Winfield built the present brick county jail, upon a lot donated to the city by the Winfield town association.  The jail cost the city the sum of $2,700., and was subsequently donated to the county.

Allen County Kansas.

In 1868, $10,000 in bonds were voted to build a jail and the stone struck is still in use, it was erected the following year 1869, at a cost of $8,400.  The jail is still in use today as a historical site.

Woodson County Kansas. 

The first case that appears on the docket of the District Court of Woodson County, as shown by the records , was filed September 9, 1854.  The title of the case was:  The State of Kansas against D. H. Miller, charge with breaking jail.  This note appears on the trail docket:  "Case continued on account of the absence of the defendant."


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