William F. Osborn .
Kansas State Militia
William Cutler wrote the following about this gentleman:
HON. W. F. OSBORN, farmer, Section 8, Lane Township, P. O. Virgil, was born in 1827 in Davis County, Ind., and in 1842 removed to Buchanan County, Mo., where he remained engaged in farming until his removal to Kansas in 1857, locating upon his present farm May 9, the above year. He experienced all the vicissitudes of the early settler in this State at that period, and during the first years of his residence here, and until after the war was a member of the State Militia. He is now the oldest settler in Lane Township. In 1869, he was elected Representative to the State Legislature, continuing in office until 1871, and again filling the same office in 1880-81-82. He was married in 1849, to Miss Mary Barns. Of the children of this union three survive, viz.; George Henry, who was born in 1852; Sarah F. (who is now Mrs. J. S. McCoin), born in 1854, and William r., born in 1860. All the above now reside in Oregon. Mrs. Osborn died in November, 1860, and in 1862, Mr. Osborn married Miss Sarah F. Smith. They have one child living, Clara, who was born in December, 1864. Mr. Osborn's farm contains 300 acres, of which 154 are under cultivation, and has always been exceptionally productive. In former years he dealt extensively in cattle and other live stock. The farm residence is a fine two-story building, with a porch and balcony, and is situated in the center of a spacious lawn, which is ornamented with several fine evergreens and shade trees. At a short distance in rear of the house is the orchard, containing about 600 assorted fruit trees. Mr. Osborn was one of the first Board of County Commissioners, and served as such for six years. He has always been a stanch Republican, and is one of the most prominent men in the community.
William E. McGinnis.
Co. K, 5th Kansas Cavalry
Co. H, 11th Kansas State Militia
Enlisted as a Lieutenant 1st Class on 21 August 1861
Mustered Out on 9 February 1862
William McGinnis also participated in the actions precipitated by Sterling Price's 1864 raid through Missouri (Battle of Westport) and Kansas (Battle of Mine Creek). His service with the 11th Kansas State Militia at that time is why his tombstone is marked with unit designation. However, records for the Kansas State Militia were not as well preserved as they might have been and no record of his service with the Militia has been found.
Biographical Sketch form William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas, first published in 1883 by A. T. Andreas, Chicago, IL
William E. McGinnis, real estate agent, was born in Vigo County, Ind., June 27, 1835. At an early age removed to Vermillion county, Ind., where he was partially reared. Resided several years in Edgar County and other portions of Illinois. In 1856, with parents and other members of his family came to Kansas, settling in Coffey County, being among the early settlers there. At the breaking out of the war enlisted in the Fifth Kansas Cavalry, serving as Lieutenant for eight months. During the border difficulties contributed his assistance toward the Fre-soil cause. After the war located in Hartford, Lyon County; subsequently he was engaged in stock raising in Linn and Cherokee counties. For a few years resided in Joplin, Mo., where he was engaged in mining. In 1879 came to El Dorado, engaging in the real estate business. For three years was Justice of the Peace. Mr. McGinnis has been twice married; first in 1860, to Miss R. F. Hunt, of Kansas (now deceased); by this marriage has one daughter--Lucretia F. In 1866, Miss Liddie J. Bacon became his wife. They have two children--William H. and Ira E. He is a member of the G. A. R.
Alexander G. Seaman.
Hon. Alexander G. Seaman resides on the west half of section 26, township 19, range 22, and is one of the well known farmers of Liberty Township, Linn County. His residence in this county dates from 1860, although he resided in Kansas for two years previous to his advent in Linn County. During the period of more thirty years that he made his home here, he has, while materially promoting his own interests and gaining a competency, also advanced the welfare of his community. At the time of coming to Kansas he had only $4 in cash and was in debt to the amount of $15 but through untiring perseverance and good management he has been greatly prospered.
Born in Chemung County, N. Y., January 2, 1835, our subject is the son of Chauncey and Margaret (Glenn) Seaman, both natives of the Empire State. The Seaman family is of English extraction, but has been represented in the United States for several generations. The grandfather of our subject, Andrew Seaman, was a native of New York, where he followed the trade of tailor, and also engaged in farming. During the War of the Revolution he was a soldier in the defense of the Colonies, and drew a pension from the Government for his services. His home was for many years in Schenectady County, N. Y., where he died at the age of ninety-six.
One of a family of twelve children, Chauncey Seaman was born in October, 1807. He was reared as a farmer, and for a time engaged in teaching school. After his marriage he resided for a few years in Chemung County. His wife died a few years after their union, leaving two children: Andrew, a resident of Whiteside County, Ill., and Alexander G., of this sketch. He married a second time, and of that union one child was born, Stephen, a resident of LaCygne, Kan. In 1850 Chauncey Seaman emigrated to Illinois and resided in Whiteside County until 1863, meanwhile clearing some land and improving a farm. Coming to Kansas in 1863, he purchased a half-section of land near Parker, and here he remained until his death, which occurred in 1867.
In his political belief, Chauncey Seaman was in early life a Free-Soil Democrat, and in 1860 supported Stephen Douglas, but he subsequently acted with the Republican party. At the time of his death he was filling the position of Justice of the Peace, which was the only office he ever held. However, he was always active in the support of his party’s principles, and gave his influence in behalf of its candidates. He was a man of firm convictions upon all subjects of importance, and through his upright life and conscientious dealings with all, he gained the esteem of his large circle of associates.
Orphaned in infancy by the death of his mother, our subject was taken into the home of his grand-parents and by them tenderly cared for until his father’s second marriage. He was reared on al farm, and in addition to becoming familiar with agriculture in its various departments, he also learned the trade of a carpenter and joiner. In 1850 he emigrated to Illinois, and resided in Whiteside County until he came to Kansas in 1858, making the journey to this state with an ox-team, and spending two months en route. He stopped first at Burlingame, Osage County, where he pursued his trade. In 1860 he came to Linn County, and resided on the land owned by his father until 1864. He then purchased one hundred and sixty acres of unimproved land, to which he has since added until he is now the owner of three hundred and twenty valuable acres. Here he engages in general farming and stock-raising, and buys and sells stock extensively. His farm is embellished with all the attributes of a first-class estate, and the residence is one of the most attractive in the township.
In 1858 occurred the marriage of Mr. Seaman to Miss Elizabeth Klingaman, and four children have been born of the union: Margaret, wife of R. W. Nungesser; Chauncey, who resides in Sedgwick City, Kan.; Amelia, Mrs. William Hockenberry, who lives with her parents; and Emma, wife of Henry Adams, of Pueblo, Colo. Formerly a member of the state militia, Mr. Seaman was caller out into active service several times during the Civil War, and took part in the battle of Westport. In politics he is a Republican. In 1874 he was elected Treasurer of Linn County and held the office for the term of two years. He has been Trustee of his township several terms, and in 1869 represented his district in the State Legislature. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, being a Knight Templar, and is also identified with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
Before the village of Parker was founded Mr. Seaman conducted a general store for three years, and also had a postoffice here. When the railroad passed through Parker he sold his business to the first merchant in the town. For about ten years he conducted a nursery business on his farm, and for five years, he was connected with a nursery at LaCygne. His nursery was the first in this part of the county and was started by Mr. Bishop during the Civil War.
Hugh H. Morrison.
Co. G, 15th KS. State Militia
A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans, written & compiled by William E. Connelley, 1918
HUGH H. MORRISON. The history of Salina from beginning to the present time was like an open book to Hugh H. Morrison, who went to that section of Kansas when it was far out on the frontier and before Kansas had become a state of the Union. For over fifty-five years he lived there, and the farm which he once cultivated has gradually been absorbed within the city limits of Salina. His was a prominent part in connection with the various movements and events of Salina's early history.
Mr. Morrison was born August 8, 1836, in a log house on a farm in Ohio County, Indiana. His parents were Rev. A. A. and Nancy C. (Beaty) Morrison. His grandfather was Rev. I. S. Morrison, a native of Virginia. Rev. A. A. Morrison was born in North Carolina February 24, 1808. In 1830 the family moved out to Indiana. Rev. A. A. Morrison was a graduate of Knoxville College in Tennessee and spent his active career as a Presbyterian preacher. He did pastoral and missionary work in Indiana and Ohio, and in 1860 came to Kansas. He was the first Presbyterian minister to hold services in Salina. From pioneer times he did a splendid work in carrying on the cause of religion in that section of Kansas, and his death occurred at Salina October 20, 1884. In 1835 Rev. A. A. Morrison married Miss Nancy C. Beaty, who was born in Pennsylvania July 5, 1812, a daughter of Hugh and Margaret Beaty, both natives of Pennsylvania and of Irish descent. Mrs. Morrison died at Salina, Kansas, March 20, 1864. She was also a life-long member of the Presbyterian faith. They had six children, two sons and four daughters: Hugh H.; Joseph, who died when six years of age; Sarah Margaret, now deceased; Nancy E., widow of Robert Crawford; Marietta, who is unmarried and lives at Salina; Myra, widow of Perry Rittgers of Salina.
As a boy Hugh H. Morrison had the restricted advantages given to the American youth in the pioneer conditions prevailing, in the middle states seventy or eighty years ago. In 1859 he came out to the Territory of Kansas, arriving at Salina on the 14th of October. He located on a Government homestead adjoining Salina, and he kept his residence in that one locality until his death, which occurred on the 28th of May, 1917. Mr. Morrison opened the first meat market at Salina. He furnished meat to the contractors who built the Union Pacific Railway through Northern Kansas. For a number of years he operated a dairy on his farm, and continued farming and dairying until the encroaching city spread over his land and made it too valuable for agricultural purposes.
Mr. Morrison was a charter member of the First Presbyterian Church, which was organized May 12, 1860, and of which his father was the first minister. Mr. Morrison was the first justice of the peace in Saline County. He was appointed to that office by the governor for the primary purpose of swearing in the first set of county officials. In 1861 he himself was elected county clerk of Saline County, but did not qualify for the office. Another distinction that gives him a place in the early annals of Salina is that he taught the first public school of the county. This was in 1863-64. He also did his part as an early settler along the frontier and was an honored veteran of the Civil war.
He served as a private in Company G of the Kansas State Militia, Fifteenth Regiment, all his service being against the Indians along the frontier. He was an honored member of John A. Logan Post, No. 127, Grand Army of the Republic, at Salina, and for a number of years filled the place of chaplain. Mr. Morrison was twice married. April 2, 1862, he married Miss Rebecca S. Elwell. She was born in Washington County, Illinois, July 28, 1840. To their union were born the following children: Nancy M., deceased; Nellie; Mary, deceased; Anna, deceased; John A.; Henry H., who was killed in battle in the Philippine Islands as a member of Company M, Twentieth Kansas Infantry, under Gen. Fred Funston; Fred E.; Myra; Bessie and George. On December 2, 1913, Mr. Morrison married Mrs. Abigail M. Muir, widow of James Muir, and daughter of Henry and Mary (Lyons) Wilcox. Mrs. Morrison was born on Broome Street in New York City, November 9, 1839, and is of English and Irish lineage.
David Condit.
Looks Like Co. B, 56th MO. State Militia
The La Cygne Weekly Journal, Friday, March 6, 1908, Pg 5
Obituary of David Condit.
David Condit was born July 8, 1818, in Washington county, Penn., and died February 22, 1908 aged 89 years, 7 months and 14 days. His early life wa s spent in Washington county. His father moved from Pennsylvania to Crawford county, Ohio, in 1839. On January 27, 1842 he was married to Mary J. Black of Richland county, Ohio. In 1852 they moved from Ohio to Holt county, Mo. and from there to Iowa in 1857 and in 1861 moved back to Holt county, Mo. In 1868 moved to Richardson county, Neb. And in 1879 moved to Brown county, Kansas. Mary J. Condit, his wife died July 25, 1889 and was buried in the Hiawatha cemetery, Brown county, Kansas. Since the death of his wife he has made his home with his daughter, Permelia E. Danner. David Condit was a blacksmith, kept a show. David and Mary J. Condit first united with the Baptist church at Bloominggrove, Ohio, and always kept their membership in that church. To David and Mary Condit were born 7 children, 5 deceased and 2 living—Jonas B. Condit, of Arkansas City, Kansas, and Permelia E. Danner, of La Cygne, Kas.
The history of the Condits was written by Jotham and Eben Condit of Oeward, N. J. and it is from 1678 to 1908. John Condit came to America from England 1678, with his son Peter and settled at Newark, N. J. John Condit died in 1713. John Condit, Knight, married in England, Catherine Barton, who was a niece of Sir Isaac Newton, with whom they resided during his life of Sir Isaac, and inherited his estate. He succeeded Sir Isaac, also as Master and Warden of the Mint, England and he died Jan. 20, 1739. This estate at Kensington descended to the Earl of Portsmouth.
John Condit’s son, Peter came to America with his father in 1678 and settled at Newark, N. J. died in 1714. Philip, Peter Condit’s son born in 1709 at Newark, died 1801. His son Jabez was born in Morris county, N. J. 1739, died 1804. His son Jonas was born at Morristown, N. J. and died in 1836 in Licking county, Ohio. Jonas’ son, Isaac was born in 1796 in Morris county, N. J. and died in 1840 at Bucyrus, Ohio. Isaac’s son, David was born July 8, 1818 in Washington county, Penn., died Feb. 22, 1908 and was buried in the Oak Lawn cemetery at La Cygne,
John James Ingalls.
Judge Advocate and Aide with rank of Major to Gen. George W. Deitzler, of the Volunteer State Militia
William Cutler wrote the following about this gentleman:
HON. JOHN J. INGALLS, is a citizen of Kansas since October 4, 1858, and of Atchison for the past twenty-one years, made his first home in the territory in the new town of Sumner, just started a few miles below Atchison. The town proved a failure, town shares in a few years being obtained "without money and without price, and would not command ten dollars a dozen. " So wrote one of the early settlers of Sumner. In the summer of 1859, then less than a year in the Territory, Mr. Ingalls was elected Delegate from Atchison County to the Wyandotte Constitutional Convention, being at that time in his twenty-sixth year, and, according to the testimony of one present, "a comely youth to look upon," as well as "the recognized scholar of the convention. " In 1860, Mr. Ingalls was Secretary of the Territorial Council; in 1861, Secretary of the State Senate, and in 1862, State Senator from Atchison County.
In September, 1863, in company with Albert H. Horton, he leased the Atchison Champion, editing the paper until the return of Col. Martin from the army, January, 1865. He was nominated for Lieutenant Governor by the Republican Union State Convention of 1862-63, and, as the "anti-Lane" candidate, was defeated. He was elected United States Senator to succeed S. C. Pomeroy taking his seat March 4, 1873, and at the expiration of his term of service, was re- elected to the same office, January 21, 1879. Senator Ingalls is the son of Elias Theodore and Eliza Chase Ingalls, and a lineal descendant of Edmund Ingalls, an English Puritan, who with his brother Francis emigrated from Yorkshire in 1628, and the following year founded the town of Lynn, in Massachusetts. He was born in Middletown, Mass., December 29, 1833, graduated at William College, in 1855; studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1857; emigrated to the territory of Kansas a year later, and devoting all his energy of mind and soul to her interests, is now thoroughly identified with the political, juristic and literary history of his adopted State.
After locating in Atchison, Mr. Ingalls conscientiously devoted himself to his professional duties, finding meantime recreation and rest for himself, and giving unbounded satisfaction and pleasure to others, by writing occasional articles for publication, which Kansans think of to-day with a feeling of exhilaration. The name of Senator Ingalls is thoroughly identified with the best literature of the State, and his readers will never forget the pleasure derived from his magazine essays and sketches. During the war, Mr. Ingalls was Judge Advocate and Aide with rank of Major to Gen. George W. Deitzler, of the Volunteer State Militia, participating in the battles of Westport, Lexington and Independence, during the Price raid in the fall of 1864. He was married, September 27, 1865, at Atchison, to Anna Louisa, daughter of Hon. Mr. Chesebrough, a prominent merchant of New York City. Mr. Chesebrough removed with his family to Atchison in 1859, residing in that city until his death, which occurred in October, 1864. The children of Senator and Mrs. Ingalls, now living, are Ellsworth, Ethel, Ralph, Sheffield, Constance, Marion and Muriel.
Samuel Adams Drake.
Wyoming Cemetery, Melrose MA
Samuel Adams Drake was born and educated in Boston, Massachusetts. He went to Kansas in 1858 as telegraphic agent of the New York Associated Press, became the regular correspondent of the St. Louis "Republican " and the Louisville "Journal," and for a while edited the Leavenworth "Times." On the organization of the state militia at the beginning of the Civil War, Adams became Adjutant General of the Northern Division, and Captain of Militia in the service of the United States. He rose to the rank of Brigadier General of Militia in 1863, and in 1864 was Colonel of the 17th Kansas Volunteers, commanding the post of Paola, Kansas, during Price's invasion of Missouri in that year. In 1871, General Drake returned to Massachusetts. His first publication was "Hints for Emigrants to Pike's Peak " (a pamphlet, 1860). He later wrote "Old Landmarks of Boston" (1872), "Old Landmarks of Middlesex " (1873), "Nooks and Corners of the New England Coast" (1875), "Bunker Hill" (1875), "Captain Nelson" (1879), "History of Middlesex County, Mass." (1880), "Heart of the White Mountains" (1881), "Around the Hub" (1881), "New England Legends" (1883). "Our Great Benefactors" (1885), and "The Making of New England " (1886).
Mr. Drake's brother and father were also historians and prolific authors.
Alfred J. Marks.
Co. K, 27th Michigan Infantry
William Cutler wrote the following about this gentleman:
Alfred J. Marks was born in Moscow, Hillsdale Co., Mich., January 3, 1845, living there until 1863, when he enlisted in Company K, Twenty-seventh Michigan infantry, serving until the close of the war, first in Tennessee, and afterwards in the Army of the Potomac, taking part in the various battles in Virginia in the latter part of the war, receiving a wound at Spotsylvania Court House in 1864. After the close of the war he returned to Michigan working three years for the Detroit Street Car Company, and after that until 1871, was employed at the penitentiary at Jackson, Mich. He then moved to Kansas, locating at Council Grove, where he engaged in the transfer freight business, which he has since continued. In 1881, he, with his brothers also engaged in the livery business as stated above. He formed Company K, of Kansas State Militia, of which he was Duty Sergeant, and afterwards promoted to Orderly, Second and First Lieutenant respectively, resigning while holding the last named position. He is a member of the A.O.U.W. and S. K. of the same order at Council Grove, and of Wadsworth Post, G.A.R. at Council Grove. He was married at Council Grove, Kan., December 25, 1874, to Miss Jennie Moriarty. They have three children--Lloyd, Minnie and Henry.
Israel Beck.
William Cutler wrote this:
ISRAEL BECK, farmer, Section 15, P. O. Chard, native of Missouri, born in 1844. He is one of a family of six boys, his parents having ten children in all. In 1857 they emigrated to Kansas, coming into the State near Columbus, Cherokee County, and passing up through the Osage or Wasabites, as they called themselves, they arrived at the old Osage Mission. There was no other evidence of civilization until they passed an old cabin, occupied by a half-breed, about where the town of Erie now stands. Further north they came to a trading post, run by a man named Canville, who had a squaw wife. The Becks afterward traded there; going on they located on Coal Creek, three and one-half miles south of Humboldt.
Having good oxen they at once broke some forty acres, and gathered bountiful harvests, until the year of 1860, when the drouth drove them with their cattle south into Cherokee County, for water and grass. Israel, then six years of age, leaving school, went with them, but the spring of '61 opening early, they at once returned to the farm. In 1872 Mr. Beck bought 110 acres where he now farms, using it for pasture or range until 1875, when he moved onto it and made a farm. During the war Mr. Beck was in the Militia. In '63 his brothers J. M. and Phillip, were in the regular service. In '64 Mr. Beck commenced freighting for Mr. Bashaw, and was engaged at this until '69. Since opening his present farm he has done well. In '82, on a piece of bottom land, he raised twelve acres of corn, four of which yielded 105 bushels to an acre; the rest averaged eighty. In 1875 he married Miss McCabe. They have two children. Mr. Beck is a member of the Masonic order.