Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sidney A. Breese.

SIDNEY A. BREESE, County Clerk of Chase County, was born in Mount Gilead, Morrow Co., Ohio, October 4, 1836,. He received a common school education and resided in his native country until 1855, when he removed to Muscatine County, Iowa, where he remained until he came to Kansas in the fall of 1857. He remained at Lawrence about a year, a part of this time engaged in the law office of S. N. Wood Esq. In November, 1858, he came to Chase County, and in the following spring he received a commission from Gov. Medary, as one of the members of the first Board of County Supervisors, the other members being Frank Leonard and J. M. Pherson. This board held its first meeting March 15, 1859, and proceeded to organize the county of Chase. In April of that year, Mr. Breese was elected Register of Deeds of Chase County, and afterwards re-elected, and held the office until he entered the army, October 10, 1861. He enlisted as a Corporal in Capt. Wood's Independent Company, known as Kansas Rangers. This company was afterwards attached to the Sixth Regiment, Missouri Cavalry, and served in Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana.

Mr. Breese was subsequently promoted to the position of Captain of his Company. He participated in many skirmishes and engagements with the enemy in Missouri and Arkansas, and in the siege of Vicksburg, the battle of Jackson, Miss., and the Red River campaign, under Gen. Banks. He was wounded, April 8, 1864, in the battle at Sabine Cross Roads, La. This wound disabled him from further service, and he resigned in New Orleans, in September, 1864. He returned to his home in Ohio, on a visit, and remained until the following fall, being married during this time. He then returned to Cottonwood Falls and engaged in mercantile business, in which he continued two years. In 1867 he was again elected Register of Deeds, holding the office two years. In 1868 he bought an unimproved farm of 360 acres, situated two miles west of Elmsdale (sic), in Diamond Creek Township, and removed to this farm during the last year of his official term.

He afterwards continued the cultivation of his farm until in the fall of 1871, he was elected to the dual office of County Clerk and Clerk of the District Court. He held the office of Clerk of the District Court until January, 1877, and has held the office of County Clerk continuously since his election in 1871. He was elected County Assessor in 1859, and in 1860 made the first assessment in Chase County. He also made the official United States census in Chase County, and the then unorganized county of Marion during the same year. The first post office in the county, was on a farm near the present site of Strong City. This office was removed to Cottonwood Falls in 1859, and Mr. Breese was appointed the first postmaster, holding the office until he entered the army. He is a member of Zeredatha Lodge, No. 747, K. of H. He married Miss Maggie Irwin, of Mount Gilead, Ohio, May 19, 1864. She died August 10, 1873, leaving two children, - Carrie H., and Maggie B., both now living. He married Miss Theresa L. Young, of Cottonwood Falls, October 5, 1876, by whom he has two children - Harris Young and Victor Irwin, both living.

His Missouri service record states something different then the information stated above.
Sidney A. Breese, Captain, 6th., Missouri Cavalry, company D., Enlisted Oct. 10, 1861, at Rolla Mo., Mustered in Jan. 9, 1862, at Iberia La., Wounded and resigned Aug. 18, 1864.

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