Sunday, February 20, 2011

Private James T. Grimes

JAMES T. GRIMES, senior member of the firm of J. T. Grimes & Bro., wholesale and retail dealers in pumps, windmills, etc., was formerly from Rockford, Ill., where he was born October 1, 1841. he learned the plumbers' trade, and was employed in that line of business from the spring of 1867, until he came to Kansas, twelve years later. he served three years in the war of the Rebellion with Company A. of the Twelfth Illinois Volunteer Cavalry. In November, 1879, Mr. Grimes came to Hiawatha and established the above business, of which a decided success has been made. The firm keep four teams traveling through Brown and the surrounding counties, for the sale and delivery of goods. they also operate a well augur, which is a new but very much needed enterprise in Hiawatha. He was married on December 4, 1867, at Rockford, Ill., to Miss Jane M. Cox, of that city.

Military service.

Rank Private Company A., Unit 12th., Illinois U. S. Cavalry, Residence ROCKFORD, WINNEBAGO CO, ILL., Age 20, Height 6', Hair BROWN, Nativity Illinois, Joined When AUG 19, 1862, Joined Where ROCKFORD, ILL., Period 3 Years. Muster In SEP 14, 1862, Muster In Where SPRINGFIELD, ILL. Muster Out JUN 16, 1865, Muster Out Where MEMPHIS, TN. Remarks TRANS TO CO A. AS CONSOLIDATED.

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