Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Four Men Of Barton Co. Kansas.

Samuel J. Day, attorney-at-law. He first came to Kansas in 1875, and opened a law office at Great Bend. He was elected County Attorney of Barton County in 1876, re-elected in 1878 and served two terms. He was born in St. Lawrence County, N. Y., January 19, 1837, and was raised and educated in his native county. He studied law with Hon John L. Russell. Was admitted to the bar of practice September 15, 1858 at Maline, Franklin Co., N. Y., Supreme Court. He remained and practiced law with Mr. R. until April, 1860, thence went to Quincy, Ill., and practice law, and in the fall of 1860 he made stump speeches in favor of Abraham Lincoln. Enlisted in the spring of 1861 in Company E, Tenth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, his health failed in the fall of same year and he was commissioned to enlist volunteers, ranking as First Lieutenant; he raised three companies of soldiers. He afterward settled in La Grange, Mo., and practiced law. He served as County Attorney in Lewis County, Mo., beginning in January, 1867; held the office two terms, he remained there in the practice of law until he came to Kansas. Married in March, 1863, to Miss Sarah L. Scranton, of Mendon, Ill. They have six children - Lulu, Mabel, Kate, Ella M., Charles S. and Lorin S. He is a member of the K. of H., and the Congregational Church.

Military service.

Samuel J. Day, Corporal, company E., 10th., Illinois infantry, Age 25, Height 5' 5 ½, Hair BLACK, Eyes BLACK, Complexion DARK, Marital Status SINGLE, Occupation LAWYER. Enlisted April 20, 1861 for 3 months, Enlisted at QUINCY, IL., Mustered in April 29, 1861, at CAIRO, IL. Nativity of CANTON, ST LAWRENCE CO, N. Y., Mustered out July 29, 1861.

MYRON GILLMORE, Sheriff, came to Kansas in 1874, locating on a farm near Ellinwood, Barton County; he engaged in agricultural pursuits until 1880, when he moved to Great Bend. He has 800 acres of fine land, 500 of which is cultivated. In 1882 he raised 7,354 bushels of wheat, an average of twenty-eight bushels per acre. Corn was a poor crop in his vicinity. He has recently engaged quite largely in stock raising. Was elected Sheriff of Barton County in the fall of 18769, re-elected in the fall of 1881. Was born in Erie County, Pa., September 27, 1841, and raised in Avon Township, Lake Co., Ill. Enlisted in August, 1862, in Company B., Ninety-sixth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, participating in all battles of his command until at Atlanta, GA., where he was severely wounded and discharged in January, 1865, from Marine Hospital, Chicago, Ill. He soon afterward went to Livingston County, Ill, and followed farming until he came to Kansas. Was married in the summer of 1867, to Miss Flora E. Abner, of Hainesville, Lake Co., Ill. They have one daughter, Florence M. Gillmore. He is a member of the first two branches of Masonic order and Legion of Honor.

Military service.

Myron Gillmore, private, company b., 96th., Illinois infantry, Residence AVON, LAKE CO, IL., Age 22, Height 5' 10 ½, Hair LIGHT, Eyes GRAY, Complexion FAIR, Marital Status SINGLE, Occupation FARMER. Nativity PA., Joined When AUG 9, 1862, Joined Where AVON, IL., Period 3 YRS, Muster In SEP 5, 1862, Muster In Where ROCKFORD, IL Remarks DISCHARGED FOR WOUNDS PVTD IN ACTION JAN 5, 1865

EDWIN TYLER, merchant, was the fifth child and fourth son born to Nathaniel and Clarissa Tyler, his birth occurring on the 27th day of November, 1842. His father was a native of New York State, and was a cooper by trade, but in later life was engaged in mercantile business and farming. Edwin was born in Richfield, Adams Co., Ill. His education was received at the common schools of his native county, which he attended until the war of secession commenced. His father died in 1853, after which Edwin, during the time he was not attending school, assisted his mother in conducting the business of the store. On August 20, 1861, he enlisted in Company C., Fiftieth Illinois Infantry Volunteers. He participated in the battles of Fort Henry, Fort Donelson, Shiloh, siege and battle of Corinth, and also took part in several severe skirmishes in Western Tennessee, Northern Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia. While in the army he lost the sight of one eye, and after having served three years and three months, was mustered out of the service at Rome, Ga. Leaving the army he engaged in mercantile business, and on December 31, 1865, was married at Richfield, Adams Co., Ill, to Lydia F. Mosley, a native of Missouri. The issue by this marriage has been T. Young Tyler, born at Richfield, Ill., May 15, 1867, died October 19, 1880; Clarissa Y., born in Audrain County, Mo., September 18, 1868; Taylor B., born at Richfield, Ill., December 12, 1870, died December 22, 1880; Dora M., born at Great Bend, Kas., May 1, 1874; Hailie, born at Great Bend, Kas., October 20, 1877; Eddie, born at Great Bend, Kas. November 4, 1881, died March 4, 1882. Mr. Tyler has served as a member of the City Council of Great Bend, and has at various times served in other official capacities, and was for four years Deputy Sheriff and Deputy County Clerk of Barton County, and is at present engaged in mercantile business in Great Bend.

Military service.

Edwin Tyler, Corporal, company C., 50th., Illinois infantry, Residence RICHFIELD, ADAMS CO, IL., Age 19, Height 5' 9, Hair LIGHT, Eyes BLUE, Complexion LIGHT, Occupation FARMER, Nativity ADAMS CO, IL., Joined When AUG 20, 1861, Joined Where PAYSON, IL., Period 3 YRS, Muster In SEP 12, 1861, Muster In Where DECATUR JUNCTION, AL. Remarks PROMOTED SERGEANT REDUCED TO RANKS TERM EXPIRED SEP 27, 1864

DR. W. J. WINNER, physician and surgeon, first came to Great Bend, Kansas, in 1876, where he has since continued the practice of medicine. He practiced the profession in Topeka, Kansas, in 1869. He was born in Bucks County, Pa., January 23, 1836. When quite a lad his parents moved to Mount Pleasant, Ohio, and there he was raised until sixteen years of age, when the family emigrated to Fulton County, Ill, where he made his home until coming to Kansas. He was principally educated in Illinois. He graduated from Rush Medical College, in Chicago, Ill, in 1860. He was Assistant Surgeon in the sixty-first Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, enlisting as Hospital Steward, March 1, 1862. He participated in the battles of Shiloh, capture of Vicksburg, Little Rock, and was on the Red River Expedition. He was mustered out in 1865. He then practiced medicine in Illinois until he came to Kansas. He was married in 1866, to Miss Luellen Webster, of Marysville, Ky. They have one daughter - Annie L. He was Examining Surgeon for Pensions at Great Bend, Kas., for six years, and is a member of the K. of H. He is a dealer in general line of drugs and druggists' sundries. Opened business in 1876, and carries a stock of $4,000. He has 400 acres of land, 200 acres cultivated, and a herd of cattle.

Military service.

William J. Winner, Private, company F., 61st., Illinois infantry, Residence VERMONT, FULTON CO, IL., Age 26, Height 5' 9, Hair DARK, Eyes GRAY, Complexion LIGHT, Marital Status SINGLE, Occupation FARMER. Nativity PHILADELPHIA, PA., Joined When MAR 24, 1862, Period 3 YRS. Remarks TRANS TO NON COM STAFF AS HOSPITAL STEWARD. Second remark;  DISHONORABLY DISCHARGED SENTENCE OF GCM MAR 25, 1863.

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