Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Benjamin E. Binns

Benjami E, Binns

Birth: 1830.
Death: 1900.
Burial: Oak Ridge Cemetery, Buchanan, Berrien County, Michigan.

Captain Benjamin E. Binns, merchant, was born in Yorkshire, England, in 1829. Emigrated to America in 1844, locating in Madison Co., N.Y. In 1846, he removed to Michigan, locating at Niles, and engaged in cabinet making. The following year located at Buchanan and continued in the same business for a number of years. October 14, 1861, Twelfth Michigan Infantry and received a commission as Second Lieutenant of Co. C. In 1862, October 10, was promoted, receiving a Captain 's commission, serving in all three years and six months. He was wounded during the battle of Pittsburg Landing. After returning from the army, he engaged in the mercantile business in Buchanan, Mich., and in 1877 sold out and emigrated to Kansas, locating at Sedan, Chautauqua Co. Soon after he came here, he located a claim on Section 27, Township 33, Range 11, of 160 acres, one mile from the city of Sedan, and for one year was engaged in improving his place.

Erecting a large house, he broke thirty acres and planted an orchard, and made many other improvements. The place is well situated and is watered by a fine spring. The 1st year he began the stock business with one cow and a calf, and at present has seventy-five head of cattle, and six horses. Also owns a farm of 160 acres, on Section 36, same township. In 1878, he engaged in the mercantile business and has doubled his business the last two years. Mr. Binns is one of the best business men in the city, and has made some extensive improvements in the county since he came here. Binns' Brothers has put up the largest building in Sedan, a stone store 24x80, two stories. He is also in company with Mr. Bennett, of Chautauqua Springs, engaged in the mercantile business. They also own forty acres on the town site, which they have laid out into lots, and are doing considerable business in city lots at that place. In 1851, he was married to Miss Julia E. Day, of Buchanan, Mich. They have two children -- Nancy C. and Andrew F. Mr. B. is a member of Stone River Post, No. 74, G. A. R.; Buchanan Lodge, No. 68, A., F. & A.M.; and I.O.O.F., No. 141, Sedan and Verdigris Encampment, 22, I.O.O.F.

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