Monday, February 28, 2011

Names Of The Second Kansas Cavalry.

One of the hardest fighting regiments of the Kansas regiments was that of the Second Kansas Cavalry.. Although they fought in many battles in the civil war, for many Kansans it was the battle of Wilson’s Creek, Missouri, that their best known for. This page is to help you find some information about your ancestor who was in the second regiment. This page is on only on those men that were wounded or killed.

This page is in two parts. The first part is on those that were wounded, killed, or missing. The second part is of those that were taken prisoner.

Note. Those of you who didn’t find a ancestor or a person of interest may request a look up. My address can be found in my profile.

Note. You will note that there are a lot of ( C. N. ), this is for Cherokee Nation.

Second Kansas Cavalry.

Field Staff.

Major Fisk Julius G. Quindaro Jan. 1, '62 Must. out Apr. 18, '65, at Little Rock, Ark.; W. in action Nov. 28, 1862, at Cane Hill, Ark.

Company A.

Corporal Spencer George W. Feb. 19, '62 Feb. 19, '62 Must. out Apr. 14, '65, at Little Rock, Ark.; W. while carrying dispatches Apr. 15, '64, near Roseville, Ark.*

Private Ballance Joseph Greenwood Dec. 19, '61 Dec. 19, '61 Disc. Sept. 27, '63, at Ft. Leav. Kan., on account of w'ds rec'd in action Dec. 7, '62, at Prairie Grove, Ark.

Private Osborn Vincent B. Fort Ellsworth Feb. 19, '62 Feb. 19, '62 Disc. for dis. May 8, '65, at Little Rock, Ark., caused by w's rec'd in right limb, Jan. 17, '65, on str. Anna Jacobs; limb amput. above the knee.

Private Payne Albert L. Garnett April 15, '62 April 15, '62 Disc. Nov. 9, '63, on account of w'ds rec'd in action at Reed's Mountain, Ark., Dec. 6, '62.

Private Walker James F. Garnett Feb. 26, '62 Not mustered Disc. for dis. Oct. 1, '62, in the field, Ark., caused by w'ds rec'd at Wilson's Cr., Mo., Aug. 10, '61.

Company. B.

Sergeant Hinkle Jasper N. Springfield, Mo. Aug. 31, '63 Aug. 31, '63 K. in action Aug. 11, '65, at Boston Mountain, Ak.

Private Camp George Boonville, Mo. Sept. 3, '63 Sept. 29, '63 Miss. in action at Poison Springs, Ak., Apr. 18, '64.

Company C.

Captain Lines Edward C. D. Wabaunsee Feb. 23, '63 Transferred from Co.. K, May 4, '63; K. in action Sept. 1, 1863, at Backbone Mountain, Ark

Sergeant Duff James Dec. 9, '61 Dec. 9, '61 Prom. Capt. in 2d Ark. Cav. Nov. 25, '63; W. in action Dec. 7, 1862, Prairie Grove, Ark.

Sergeant Staatz William Junction City Sept. 2, '62 Aug. 4, '63 K. in action Sept. 1, 1863, at Backbone Mt., Ark.

Private Hampton Robert Dec. 6, '61 Dec. 6, '61 K. in action Sept. 16, '64, near Ft. Gibson, C. N.

Private Nance William S. Dec. 9, '61 Dec. 9, '61 Killed at Fort Scott, Kan., August 8, 1865, by accidental discharge of gun.

Private Reese Hiram Nov. 17, '61 Nov. 17, '61 D. near Fort Larned, Kan., July 20, 1862; broke his neck by diving, while bath'g in the Ark. riv.

Private Duval Bailey Ft. Smith, Ark Oct. 17, '63 Dec. 19, '63 K. in action Sept. 16, '64, near Ft. Gibson, C. N.

Private Falkner Frank Junction City Sept. 2, '62 Aug. 4, '63 D. at Ft. Smith, Ark., Sept. 7, '63, of w'ds rec'd in action at Backbone, Mt., Ark., Sep. 1, 1863.

Private penegar William Lawrence Oct. 17, '63 Dec. 19, '63 Ass. to new Co. C, Mar. 18, '65; W. in left hand and hip, Sep. 16, '64, in act'n at Ft. Gibson, C. N.

Company D.

Sergeant Callahan Cornelius Kinnekuk Nov. 12, '61 Nov. 12, '61 Mustered out Jan. 14, '65, at Leav., Kan; W. by minnie ball through thigh, in action at Roseville, Ark., April 4, 1864.

Private Kout Jacob Eden Nov. 16, '61 Nov. 16, '61 Mustered out Jan. 14, 1865, at Leavenworth, Kan.; W. by gun shot through hand, April 4, 1864, in action at Roseville, Ark.

Private Rhoe Thomas J. Eden Nov. 13, '61 Nov. 13, '61 Killed in action at Roseville, Kan., April 4, 1864.

Private Wills William T. Muscotah Nov. 25, '61 Nov. 25, '61 K. in action near little Santa Fe, Mo., Mar. 26, '62.

Private Mentor Joseph Mt. Pleasant Dec. 13, '61 Dec. 13, '61 K. near Cane Hill, Ark., by guerillas, Aug. 12, '64.

Company E.

First Sergeant Rosa John S. Junction City Nov. 8, '61 Nov. 8, '61 Killed in action Dec. 7, '62, at Prairie Grove, Ak.

First Sergeant Harper Marion Atchison Nov. 25, '61 Nov. 25, '61 Died at Waldron, Ark., Dec. 30, 1863, of w'ds received in action December 29, 1863.

Private Beates Gurden E. Junction City Nov. 8, '61 Nov. 8, '61 Mustered out Jan. 26, '65, at Leavenworth, Kan.; W. in left shoulder Dec. 29, 1863, at Waldron, Ark.; also in right foot April 4, 1864, at Roseville, Ark.

Private Jones Theodore Junction City Nov. 13, '61 Nov. 13, '61 Mustered out Jan. 26, 1865, at Leavenworth, Kan.; W. in left arm severly November 12, 1863, in actioin at Boonville, Ark.

Private LaCroste Joseph Sept. 30, '61 Sept. 30, '61 Died at Fort Smith, Ark., Nov. 18, 1863, from effects of pistol shot received in quarrel.

Private Miller John A. Nov. 18, '61 Nov. 18, '61 Died at Prairie Grove, Ark., Dec. 16, 1862, of wounds received in action December 7, 1862.

Private Smith James Sept. 14, '61 Sept. 14, '61 Died at Junction City, Kan., June 29, 1862, of wounds received June 15, 1862

Private Stout Levi H. Louisville Dec. 10, '61 Dec. 10, '61 K. in action Dec. 7, 1862, at Prairie Grove, Ark

Private Moyes Henry May 4, '63 Aug. 13, '63 Died at Fort Smith, Ark., June 12, 1864; wound received by accidental discharge of gun

Private Robinson Neal C. Baldwin City Sept. 1, '62 Aug. 13, '63 Died at Roseville, Ark., of wounds received in action April 4, 1864

Private Thompson John M. Manhattan Sept. 1, '62 Died in General Hospital at Fayetteville, Ark., December 16, '62, of wounds received in action December 7, 1862, at Prairie Grove, Ark.

Company F.

Corporal Hunter Almon Topeka Feb. 7, '62 Aug. 13, '63 Promoted Sergeant Oct. 1, 1862; was wounded in action at Coon Creek, Mo., Aug. 13, 1862.

Corporal Hewins Edwin M. Dover May 22, '62 Aug. 13, '63 Promoted Sergeant Oct. 1, 1862; was wounded in action at Coon Creek, Mo., Aug. 13, 1862.

Private Johnson John Leavenworth Nov. 15, '61 Nov. 15, '61 Killed by guard for disobeying orders at Fort Smith, Ark., December 6, 1863.

Private Selig Henry W. Lawrence Nov. 5, '61 Nov. 6, '61 Killed May, 1864, en route for Fort Tyler, Tex.; murdered by captors for being unable to march on account of wounds received in battle.

Private Longnecker James Topeka Oct. 1, '62 Aug. 13, '63 Killed at Fort Smith, Ark., November 5, 1864 by accidental discharge of gun.
Private Mitchell William N. Lawrence April 20, '62 K. in action near Maysville, Ark., Oct. 22, 1862.

Private Potter George Lawrence April 28, '62 Aug. 13, '63 K. in action, while on escort duty, Aug. 11, 1864.

Company G.

Sergeant McDougal John Shawnee Mar. 20, '62 Mar. 20, '62 K. in action near Fort Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, '64.

Corporal Dower John Olathe Dec. 8, '61 Dec. 8, '61 K. in acton at Boonesborough, Ark., Dec. 6, '62.

Private Ball William F. Peru, Nb Nov. 29, '61 Nov. 29, '61 Promoted Corporal January 7, 1862; killed in actioin at old Fort Wayne, C. N., Oct. 22, '62.

Private Carpenter William T. Leavenworth Dec. 10, '61 Dec. 10, '61 Killed by the enemy after being taken prisoner near Scullyville, C. N., October 27, 1863.

Private Craig Ranzel Brownsville, Nb Dec. 11, '61 Dec. 11, '61 Deid at Fort Scott, Kan., January 12, 1863, of wounds received in action.

Private Crossman William Shawnee April 8, '62 Dec. 26, '63 K. in action near Fort Smith, Ark., July 29, '64.

Private Flint Daniel Shawnee Sept. 27, '62 Aug. 13, '63 Killed in action near Scullyville, C. N., Oct. 31, '64.

Private Hall Henry L. Brownsville July 28, '63 Aug. 10, '63 K. in action at Cabin Creek, C. N., Sept. 19, '64.

Private Ingles John Leavenworth Mar. 28, '62 Dec. 26, '63 Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865; W. in action near Cassville, Mo.

Private Lanker Eli Brownsville, Nb Feb. 3, '62 K. in action at old Ft. Wayne, C. N., Oct. 22, '62.

Private Roberts John Shawnee April 2, '62 Dec. 26, '3 Died at Fort Smith, Ark., June 14, 1864, of w'ds received in action.

Private Smith John W. Pedonia Aug. 18, 6'3 Aug. 26, '3 K. in action Sept. 16, 1864, near Ft. Gibson, C. N.

Company H.

Private Hiatt Henry H. Marysville Nov. 14, '61 Nov. 14, '61 Killed in action at Van Buren, Ark., Dec. 29, '62.

Private Howard Jesse Marysville Nov. 14, '61 Nov. 14, '61 Died May 29, 1864, at Fort Smith, Ark., of w'ds rec'd in action on board of steamer, May 8, '64.

Private Wittenberg Arnold Marysville Nov. 30, '61 Nov. 30, '61 Died at Little Rock, Ark., May 9, 1864, of w'ds received in action March 22, 1864.

Private Blackford John C. Lawrence Sept. 10, '62 Aug. 13, '63 K. in action at Poinson Springs, Ark., April 18, '64.

Private Hirsch Henry Topeka May 1, '62 Aug. 13, '63 K. in action near Fort Smith, ARk., Sept. 1, 1864.

Private Root William Ft. Smith, Ark. Oct. 4, '63 Dec. 26, '63 Died Sept. 2, 1864, at Fort Smith, Ark., of w'ds rec'd in action Sept. 1, '64, near Ft. Smith, Ark.

Private Rodgers Thomas W. Burlingame Feb. 26, '64 March 4, '64 Missing April 20, 1864, while on march with escort near Fayetteville, Ark.; supposed to have been killed by guerillas.

Company I.

First Lieutenant Williams Clarence J. Lawrence Oct. 20, '63 Promoted 1st Lieut. and Regt'l Qr. Mr. Dec. 7, '64; was W. in left shoulder Dec. 20, '63, in Ark.

Quartermaster Sergeant Henderson Joseph McGregor, Iowa Oct. 20, '61 Oct. 20, '61 K. in action at Prairie Grove, Ark., Dec. 7, '62.

Corporal Ackerson John McGregor, Iowa Nov. 1, '61 Nov. 1, '61 Killed in action near Baxter's Springs, Kan., January 20, 1864.

Corporal Stahl Francis M. Auburn Aug. 25, '62 Aug. 13, '63 Assigned to new Co. C, March 18, 1865; was W. in left hand Sep. 1, '63, in acton at Backbone Mt., Ark.

Bugler Hale William Nov. 17, '61 Nov. 17, '61 Discharged June 18, 1862; cause, gun shot rec'd in right heel in action near Shawneetown Kan., March 15, 1862.

Prite Eytinge Henry S. Dec. 23, '61 Dec. 23, '61 Disc. Nov. 1, '62, in the field, Mo., on account of wounds received in right arm, in skirmish at Sarcoxie, Mo., September 25, 1862.

Private Cunningham John Leroy Aug. 25, '62 K. in action at Prairie Grove, Ark., Dec. 7, '62.

Private Lawrence Thomas Aug. 25, '62 Killed in action at Prairie Grove, Ark., Dec. 7, '62.

Private Myers George Aug. 29, '63 Discharged May, 1863, at Fort Scott, Kan.; cause gun shot wound rec'd at Prairie Grove Ark., December 7, 1862.

Private Manter Roland S. H. Auburn Aug. 25, '62 K. near Charleston, Ark., by guerrillas, Oct. 24, '63.

Private Sullivan Francis M. Blooming Grove Aug. 29, '62 Aug. 13, '63 K. in action at Poison Springs, Ark., Apr. 18, '64.

Private Tomson Joseph V. Aug. 25, '62 Aug. 13, '63 Killed near Fort Smith, Ark., by Choctaw Indians, November 1, 1863.

Company K.

Captain Russell Avra P. Leavenworth April 5, '62 Died December 12, 1862, in Field hospital near Prairie Grove, Ark, of wounds received in battle December 7, 1862, at Prairie Grove, Ark

Private Bisbey Charles F. Wabaunsee Nov. 6, '61 Nov. 6, '1 Promoted Corporal October 26, 1862; mustered out Jan. 23, 1865, Leavenworth, Kan.; W. in hand in action at Prairie Grove, Ark., Dec. 7, '62.

Private Daily Martin Junction City May 22, '61 June 20, '61 Mustered out May 22, 1864, Ft. Smith, Ark.; W. in right hand April 18, '64, at Poison Sp'gs, Ark.

Private Mayberry Scott Lawrence Dec. 29, '61 Dec. 29, '61 K. by guerrillas near Clarksville, Ark., June 27, '64.

Private Press George Leavenworth Jan. 12, '62 Died January 5, 1863, at Nashville, Tnee., of wounds received in disobeying orders.

Private Adams Cyrenius M. Emporia June 17, '62 Killed in action at Cane Hill, Ark., Nov. 28, '62.

Private Clayton John Lawrence April 23, '62 K. near Cassville, Mo., by guerrillas, July 31, '63.

Company L.

Private Gynes Absalom Ft. Smith, Ark Dec. 4, '64 Killed in action near Scullyville, C. N., Feb. 1, '64.

Prisoners of War.

Company C.

First Sergeant Farmer John Q. Dec. 3, '61 Dec. 3, '61 Must. out July 15, '65, Leav'worth, Kan.; was prisoner of war cap'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N. Sept. 16, '64.

Sergeant Gugler Gotlieb Junction City Sept. 2, '62 Aug. 14, '63 Assigned to new Co. C as Sergt., March 18, '65; was prisoner of war, captured near Fort Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, 1864.

Sergeant Nance James M. Dec. 9, '61 Dec. 9, '61 Must. out Aug. 4, '65, Leav. Kan.; was prisoner of war, captured near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, '64.

Sergeant St. Matthews George W. Lawrence Sept. 20, '62 Sept. 20, '62 Assigned to new Co. C, Mar. 18, '65; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sep. 16, '64.

Sergeant Davis Andrew W. Leavenworth Oct. 29, '61 Oct. 29, '61 Must. out June 19, '65, at Leav., Kan; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sep. 16, '65.

Bugler Frank Thomas Leavenworth Dec. 11,'61 Dec. 11, '61 Must. out Apr. 18, '65, at Leav., Kan; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, '64.

Saddler Bates William J. Grasshopper F. Dec. 6, '61 Dec. 11, '61 Must. out Aug. 11, '65, at Leav., Kan; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sep. 16, '64.

Wagoner Taylor Amos Nov. 27, '61 Dec. 11, '61 Must. out Aug. 11, '65, at Leav. Kan.; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, '64

Private Fellman Louis Dec. 3, '61 Dec. 3, '61 Must. out Aug. 10, '65, at Leav., Kan; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, '64.

Private Hickey Thomas Junction City Nov. 23, '61 Nov. 23, '61 Must. out Aug. 11, '65, at Leav. Ks; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, '65.

Private Hickox William M. Dec. 9, '61 Dec. 9, '61 Must. out May 12, '65, at Leav. Kan.; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Smith, Ark., Oct. 28, '63.

Private Shaughnessey Edmond Nov. 5, '61 Nov. 5, '61 Must. out Aug. 11, '65, at Leav. Kan; was pris'r of war capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, '64.

Private Smith Peter Dec. 9, '61 Dec. 9, '61 Must. out Aug. 11, '65, at Leav. Kan; was pris'r of war capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, '64.

Private Stout John Jr. Omaha, N. T. Nov. 23, '61 Nov. 23, '61 Must. out Aug. 11, '65, at Leav. Kan; was pris'r of war capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sept. 5, 1864.

Private Stubblefield William Dec. 9, '61 Dec. 9, '61 Must. out Aug. 11, '65, at Leav. Kan; was pris'r of war capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, '64.

Private Troxel Mathias Dec. 9, '61 Dec. 9, '61 Must. out April 22, '65, at Little Rock, Ark; was pris. of war, cap. at Poison Sp'gs, Ak., Apr. 18, '64.

Private Van Horn John Leavenworth Dec. 10, '61 Dec. 10, '61 Promoted Corporal Dec. 19, 1862; mustered out Aug. 11, 1865, at Leav., Kan; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, 1864.

Private Benson Ezra Junction City May 19, '62 Aug. 14, '63 Ass. to new Co. C, March 19, 1865; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, '64.

Private Beigert David Fort Riley Sept. 2, '62 Aug. 14, '63 Ass. to new Co. C, March 18, 1865; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, '64.

Private Carlton James M. Leavenworth Sept. 22, '63 Dec. 19, '63 Ass. to new Co. C, March 18, 1865; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, '64.

Private DePrieste Green A. Osage City, Mo May 29, '63 Aug. 4, '63 Ass. to new Co. C, Mar. 18, '65; was prisoner of war, captured in C. N., October 28, 1863.

Private Milliman Jacob A. Troy Jan. 18, '62 Aug. 4, '63 Promoted Bugler, 1862; assigned to new Co. C March 18, 1865; was prisoner of war, captured near Fort Gibson, C. N. September 16, 1864

Private Northum Allen K. Ft. Smith, Ark Oct. 20, '63 Dec. 19, '63 Ass. to new C. C, March 1865; was pris'r of war captured near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, '64.

Company D.

Private Ellis Daniel Robinson Dec. 6, '61 Dec. 6, '61 Must. out Feb. 8, '65, at Leav., Kan.; taken pris'r near Mine Creek, Kan., by U. S. forces, supposed to be a rebel spy.

Private Thornhill Asbury Eden Nov. 2, '61 Nov. 2, '61 Must. out Aug. 24, '65, at Leav., Kan; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sep. 16, '64.

Private Carlock William Huntsville, Ark Oct. 16, '63 Oct. 16, '63 Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865; pris'r of war, capt'd at Muzzard Prairie, Ak., May 22, '64.

Company F.

Bugler Hamblin George W. Leavenworth Dec. 19, '61 Dec. 19, '61 Must. out Feb. 21, '65, at Leav., Kan.; prisoner of war, captured near Van Buren, Ark., Oct. 28, 1863; escaped from Tyler, Texas.

Private Shunks Samuel F. Leavenworth Nov. 1,'61 Nov. 7,'61 Captured while escorting refugee train, October 25, 1864, on march in Cherokee Nation.

Private Wright James M. Leavenworth Dec. 21, '61 Dec. 21, '61 Prisoner of war, capt'd at Poison Springs, Ark. April 18, 1864; no further record of him.

Private Leondard George M. L. Bazaar Sept. 9, '62 Aug. 13, '63 Prisoner of war captured while on escort duty, in C. N. September 19, 1864; assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865.

Private Riggs Joseph S. Ft. Smith, Ark Oct. 1, '63 Dec. 26, '63 Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865; pris'r of war, capt'd at Poison Springs, Ak., Apr. 18, 64.

Private Thorp George W. Winchester March 8, '62 Aug. 13, '63 Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865; pris'r of war, capt'd at Poison Springs, Ark., Apr. 18, '64.

Company G.

Second Lieutenant Straw Philander W. Brownsville, Nb May 23, '64 Assigned to duty as 2d Lieut. in new Co. D, March 18, 1865; prisoner of war, captured near Fort Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, 1864.

Sergeant Tuxson John Brownsv'le, Nb Nov. 29, '61 Nov. 29, '61 Must. out March 21, 1865, Leav., Kan.; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sep. 16, '64.

Sergeant Hanna Andrew J. Brownsv'le, Nb Nov. 20, '61 Nov. 20, '61 Must. out March 21, 1862, Leav., Kan.; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sep. 16, '64.

Corporal Ainsworth William T. Wyandotte Dec. 2, '61 Dec. 2, '61 Must. out Aug. 11, '65, Leav., Kan.; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, '64.

Corporal Clark Enoch Brownsville, Nb July 18, '63 Aug. 14, '63 Ass. to new Co. D, March 18, 1865; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sep. 16, '64.

Corporal Goodwin Elijah Brownsville, Nb July 18, '63 Dec. 26, '63 Ass. to new Co. D, March 18, 1865; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sep. 16, '64.

Corporal White Frank Shawnee April 4, '62 Aug. 13, '63 Ass. to new Co. D, March 18, 1865; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sep. 16, '64.

Private Bracelin Thomas Pawnee City, Nb Nov. 28, '61 Nov. 28, '61 Must. out April 10, 1865, Leav., Kan.; was pris'r of war, captured at Camden, Ark., April 25, '64.

Private Freeman John K. Olathe Dec. 10, '61 Dec. 10, '61 Mustered out Jan. 13, 1865, at Leavenworth, Kan.; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, '64.

Private Fuller Jay Leavenworth Nov. 8, '61 Nov. 8, '61 Must. out Aug. 11, '65, at Leav., Kan.; prisoner of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Oct. 16, '64.

Private Hammer Louis Leroy Dec. 10, '61 Dec. 10, '61 Promoted Corporal Jan. 1, 1864; was pris'r of war, capt'd at Carthage Mo., Nov. 27, 1862.

Private Hanna Robert O. Brownsville, Nb Nov. 20, '61 Nov. 20, '61 Must. out Aug. 11, '65, at Leav., Kan.; pris'r of war, capt'd near Poison Springs, Ark., April 18, 1864.

Private Harmon John Nov. 29, '61 Nov. 29, '61 Must. out Aug. 11, '65, at Leav., Kan.; pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson C. N. Sept. 16, '64.

Private Mahoney James Olathe Dec. 10, '61 Dec. 10, '61 Must. out Aug. 11, '65, at Leav., Kan.; prisoner of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, '64.

Private Yelkin Riner Brownsville, Nb Nov. 27, '61 Nov. 27, '61 Must. out Aug. 11, '65, at Leav., Kan.; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sep. 16, '64.

Private Corbin Andrew F. Springfield, Mo July 3, '62 Aug. 13, '63 Ass. to new Co. D, March 18, '65; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, '64.

Private Dillon Isaac Brownsville, Nb Aug. 20, '63 Aug. 26, '63 Must. out Sep. 8, '65, at Leav., Kan.; was pris'r of war, capt'd at Poison Springs, Ark., Apr. 18, '64.

Private Dean Marcellus D. Brownsville, Nb July 18, '63 Aug. 10, '63 Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, '64.

Private Daniels Absalom Brownsville, Nb July 18, '63 Aug. 10, '63 Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Poison Springs, Ark., Apr. 18, '64.

Private Goodwin Isaac Brownsville, Nb July 18, '63 Dec. 26, '63 Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865; pris'r of war capt'd near Scullyville, C. N., Oct. 31, 1863.

Private McIninch William H. Brownsville, Nb July 18, '63 Aug. 10, '63 Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865; pris'r of war, captd at Poison Springs, Ark., April 18, 1864.

Private Mayes Henry C. Brownsville, Nb July 18, '63 Aug. 10, '63 Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865; was pris'r of war, capt'd at Caddo Gap, Ark., Jan. 26, 1864.

Private Parker James Mt. Ayer, Iowa July 15, '63 Aug. 26, '63 Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865; pris'r of war, cap'td near Fort Gibson, c. N., Sept. 16, 1864.

Private Renix John Mt. Ayer, Iowa July 15, '63 Dec. 26, '3 Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865; pris'r of war, capt'd near Poison Springs, Ark., Sept. 16, '64.

Private Test Edward B. Paola Feb. 28, 6'2 Dec. 26, '3 Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865; pris'r of war, capt'd near Fort Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, 1864.

Private Whiteday Henry Shawnee April 19, '62 Dec. 26, '63 Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865; pris'r of war, capt'd near Fort Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, 1864.

Company H.

Corporal Coulter George Leavenworth Jan. 22, '62 Aug. 13, '63 Must. out Sept. 11, '65, Leav., Kan.; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Smith, Ark., Sept. 1, '64.

Private Carson James W. Marysville Nov. 20, '61 Nov. 20, '61 Must. out Sept. 11, '65, Leav. Kan.; was pris'r of war, capt'd at Cabin Creek, C. N., Sep. 19, '64.

Private Wagner Charles St. Louis, Mo. Dec. 3, '61 Dec. 3, '61 Mustered out March 18, 1865, Little Rock, Ark.; prisoner of war, captured near Van Buren, Ark., Oct. 28, 1863; escaped from , Tyler Tx.

Company K.

Corporal Buzzard Jonathan Cow Creek, Mo Sept. 23, '62 Aug. 13, '63 Prisoner of war, captured at Poison Springs, Ark., April 18, 1864; supposed to have been K.

Farrier Cook Albert B. May 9, '62 Aug. 13, '63 Prisoner of war, capt'd at Poison Springs, Ark., April 18, '64, supposed ot have died of wounds.

Wagoner Palmer Timothy B. Auburn April 5, '62 Dec. 26, '63 Prisoner of war, captured in C. N. Oct. 1, 1864, while on scout, supposed to have been killed.

Private Hand Thomas J. Jan. 15, '62 Aug. 13, '63 Prisoner of war, captured at Saline river, Ark., April 29, 1864; supposed to have been killed.

Private Press George Leavenworth Jan. 12, '62 Died January 5, 1863, at Nashville, Tnee., of wounds received in disobeying orders.

Private Tooey Thomas March 13, '62 Dec. 19, '63 Must. out April 17, 1865, Ft. Leavenworth, Kan; pris'r of war, capt'd at Coon Creek, Mo., Aug. 24, '62.

Private Sellers Edward G. W. Cow Creek, Mo Sept. 23, '62 Aug. 13, '63 Prisoner of war, captured at Jenkin's Ferry, Ark., April 29, 1864; supposed to have been killed.

Company L.

Corporal Stacey William Jenny Lind, Ark March 4, '64 May 20, '64 Prisoner of war, capt'd near Fort Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, '64; no evidence of muster out on file.

Farrier Blackwell Ambrose Waldron, Ark. Dec. 19, '63 Dec. 19, '63 Must. out Aug. 11, 1865, Leav., Kan.; pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, '64.

Private Andes Henry Waldron, Ark Dec. 10, '63 Dec. 26, '63 Mustered out Aug. 11, 1865, Leav., Kan.; pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, '64.

Private Blackwell John H. Waldron, Ark Dec. 1, '63 Dec. 19, '63 Must. out Aug. 11, '65, Leav., Kan.; pris'r of war capt'd near Fort Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, '64.

Private Cogburn Henry P. Waldron, Ark Feb. 8, '64 Feb. 26, '64 Must. out Aug. 11, '65, Leav., Kan.; pris'r of war, capt'd near Fort GIbson, C. N. Sept. 16, '64.

Private Cogburn John W. Waldron, Ark Feb. 8, '64 Feb. 26, '64 Must. out Aug. 11, '65, Leav., Kan.; pris'r of war, capt'd near Fort GIbson, C. N. Sept. 16, '64.

Private Gist John Waldron, Ark. Dec. 19, '63 Dec. 19, '63 Must. out Aug. 11, '65, Leav., Kan.; pris'r of war, capt'd near Fort Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, '64.

Private Hunt Robert Ft. Smith, Ark. Dec. 1, '63 Dec. 19, '63 Mustered out Aug. 11, '65, Leav., Kan.; pris'r of war, capt'd near Fort Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, '64.

Private Moor John R. Waldron, Ark Jan. 6, '64 Feb. 26, '64 Must. out Aug. 11, '62, Leav., Kan.; pris'r of war, capt'd at Fort Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, 1864.

Private Nelson Thomas J. Ft. Smith, Ark Dec. 1, '63 Dec. 19, '63 Must. out Aug. 11, '65, Leav., Kan.; pris'r of war, capt'd at Fort Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, 1864.

Private Pate William H. Waldron, Ark Jan. 21, '64 Feb. 26, '64 Must. out Aug. 11, '65, Leav., Kan.; pris'r of war, capt'd at Fort Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, 1864.

Private Peden Andrew Mc. Waldron, Ark Jan. 21, '64 Feb. 26, '64 Must. out Aug. 11, '65, Leav., Kan.; pris'r of war, capt'd at Fort Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, 1864.

Private Peden John B. Waldron, Ark Feb. 14, '64 Feb. 26, '64 Must. out Aug. 11, '65, Leav., Kan.; pris'r of war, capt'd at Fort Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, 1864.

Private Palmer Samuel S. Ft. Smith, Ark Feb. 25, '64 Feb. 26, '64 Must. out June 22, Fort Gibson, C. N.; W. in skirmish near Webber's Falls, Ark., Aug. 6, '64.

Private Rose Bazil Ft. Smith, Ark Dec. 1, '63 Feb. 26, '64 Must. out Aug. 11, '65, Leav., Kan.; pris'r of war, capt'd at Fort Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, 1864.

Private Rose John A. Ft. Smith, Ark Dec. 1, '63 Dec. 19, '63 Must. out Aug. 11, '65, Leav., Kan.; pris'r of war, capt'd at Fort Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, 1864.

Private Smith Henry S. Waldron, Ark Dec. 7, '63 Dec. 25, '63 Must. out Aug. 11, '65, Leav., Kan.; pris'r of war, capt'd at Fort Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, 1864.

Private Stewart John W. Ft. Smith, Ark Dec. 8, '63 Dec. 19, '63 Must. out Aug. 11, '65,
Leav., Kan.; pris'r of war, capt'd at Fort Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, 1864.

Private Terry James Ft. Smith, Ark Dec. 1, '63 Dec. 26, '63 Must. out Nov. 25, '65, Leav., Kan.; pris'r of war, capt'd at Fort Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, 1864.

Note. If you didn’t see a mane on this list take this link to the Camp Ford, Tyler prison page, you will find more Kansas prisoners of The second and other regiments from Kansas.


  1. Great information! My great, great Grandfather John Tuxson(actually spelled Tuxhorn) was taken as a POW at Battle of Flat Rock Creek(Hay Camp). 2nd Kansas Cavalry, Company G.

  2. The references to C.N. are to Cherokee Nation, which was almost all of Northeastern Oklahoma, where the Battles of Flat Rock Creek and Cabin Creek occured.
