Saturday, February 26, 2011

Battle At Flat Rock, 1864.

Here is a battle report that gives a lot of Kansas soldiers names.

Osage Catholic Mission, Kans., September 25, 1864.

SIR: I have the honor to forward the following details in relation to the late raid:

On Tuesday, 20th instant, 2 a. m., messenger arrived from Cabin Creek, reporting train captured. By 8 o'clock Tuesday stragglers began to arrive, confirming first report. Officers who had arrived earnestly requested me to send subsistence and transportation forward for the relief of the wounded. I dispatched Lieutenant Smith with a detachment and a wagon with rations. During Tuesday p. m. they continued to arrive in large numbers, and were positive that scores on the road would be overtaken and murdered if not assisted. Wednesday morning I placed Lieutenant Brooks, of the Sixth Kansas, in command of all stragglers at this post, and at the earnest solicitation of all officers present started for the scene of disaster with my company, a detachment of the third Wisconsin, and some Osage braves, who had volunteered as scouts and guides, taking two wagons with rations and forage. Scores were met on Wednesday.

Wednesday night encamped on the Neosho, six miles above mouth of La Bette. At 2 a. m. Thursday messenger arrived with order to return. By 3.30 a. m. was on the road to Mission. main body with teams arrived in camp at 11 a. m. bringing in over twenty sufferers. I have succeeded in saving, besides the lives of those early famished, several thousand dollars' worth of Government property. I got five mules yesterday brought in by Osages, whom I promised coffee and sugar for all property brought in. Two men from Companies C and G, Second Kansas, came in yesterday from the Arkansas River. They were taken prisoners at Flat Rock, brought by the rebels within for miles of the battle-field at Cabin Creek, and taken south after the capture of the train and made their escape at the crossing of the Arkansas. They report as follows:

The rebel force was composed of the Seventh, Twenty- ninth, Thirtieth, and Thirty- first Regiments Texas Cavalry, two Creek and one Seminole regiment, and a six- gun battery. They attacked the force at Flat Rock on Friday, having previously murdered the two companies of negroes stationed below.

James M. Carlton, Company C, Second Kansas, one of the escaped prisoners mentioned above, reports Corps. Robert Hampton, Privates James H. Davis, James Ledgewood, Bailey Duval, and Marion Thompson missing and supposed killed; Sergts. John Q. Farmer, G. Gugler, and James M. Nance, Corpl. Andrew W. Davis, Privates Peter Smith, William Stubblefield, Frank Thomas, Ezra Benson, Jacob Milliman, David Beigert, John Van Horn, Thomas Hickey, Amos Taylor, and John M. Taylor prisoners; Private William Pineger wounded and prisoner; all of Company C, Second Kansas.

Private Louis Hammer, Company G, Second Kansas, the other escaped prisoner, reports Sergeant McDugal and Private Smith killed; Sergt. John Tuxson and Private A. Frank Corbin wounded and prisoners; First Lieutenant Straw, Second Lieutenant Miller, Sergts. A. Jackson Hanna, and John Bousfield, Corpls. Frank White, Clark, and William T. Ainsworth, Privates Fuller, Riner Yelkin, John Harmon, James Mahoney, Dean; Henry Whiteday, Goodwin, Parker, and Edward B. Test prisoners.

The rebels took over the Arkansas about 150 prisoners, 100 being soldiers, the remainder citizens and teamsters. They left Perryville, Ark., on Tuesday,- instant, with four days' rations. A portion of the force was from Boggy Depot, Ak. They had five negro soldiers prisoners, the remainder they killed, some thirty in number. Of the citizens taken prisoner Mr. Twist, Mr. Martin (hay contractor), are mentioned. The rebels arrived at the Arkansas crossing on Tuesday evening, when they were met by General Cooper with another force to assist them over with the fruits of their expedition and cover their retreat to Perryville. They effected the crossing about 10 o'clock Tuesday night. The above- named escaped prisoners report the rebels highly elated at their success. A teamster from below has just come in, having been without food since last Sunday, a week to- day. He has been lying in the timber mostly, being afraid to venture out.

I remain, colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain, Commanding Company.
Lieutenant Colonel GEORGE H. HOYT,
Fifteenth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry.


  1. Thanks for this information. My great great grandfather was Johan Tuxhorn, his name was mispelled in most of his military records as John Tuxson. He was listed in this account as wounded and taken prisoner. He survived his wounds and his time as a POW. After the war, he returned home to Auburn, NE where was a successful farmer, community leader, and the father of ten children.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My great-grandfather was Private Peter Smith who was taken captive and spent time in prison in Texas during the war. He was released after the war and went back to Kansas - where he had numerous children - my grandmother being the 21st child. It looks like he may have been taken for dead at one point. I do know he was injured during the war - so that may have been the reason that they thought he was dead.
