Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Ira A. Flood.

IRA A. FLOOD, hardware merchant, was born in Muhlenburg County, Ky., February 8, 1840. When eight years old his parents removed to Cincinnati, and thence to Rush County, Ind., thence to Crawford County, Ill. Enlisted August 15,1861, in Company H. of the Eleventh Missouri Volunteer Infantry, and at the end of a year was mustered out on special order. August 5, 1862, re-enlisted as a private in Company E, Ninety-eighth Illinois Volunteer infantry. He was promoted to First Lieutenant October 1, 1862; Captain, April 3, 1863, and commissioned Major, but did not muster until a few days before the expiration of his term of service. After the war, engaged at trade at Vincennes, Ind., first in dry goods on his own account, and for seven years was a traveling salesman for a Boston firm - wholesale dealers in boots and shoes. In 1877 came to Kansas on a visit, and was so well pleased with the country that he has remained ever since. Located in Clay Centre, and began a very successful career as a merchant in the hardware line; also handles stoves, tinware and harness. Has one of the best businesses in the county. He was married March 5,1867, at Vincennes, Ind., to Miss Mary E. Wyant. Has a very fine home, and enjoys it. Is a member of the I. O. O. F.

Military service.

Ira A. Flood. Muscian, 11th. Missouri, Co. F. & S., Enlisted September 1, 1861, at Palestine Mo., Mustered in September 12, 1861, no dates for discharge.

Name FLOOD, IRA A., Rank 1LT., Company E., Unit 98th., IL US INF, Residence PALESTINE, CRAWFORD CO, ILL., Age 21, Height 5' 6, Hair LIGHT, Eyes GREY, Complexion LIGHT, Marital Status SINGLE, Occupation POST MASTER, Nativity KY., Joined When AUG 15, 1862, Joined Where CRAWFORD CO, ILL., Period 3 YRS, Muster In SEP 3, 1862, Muster In Where CAMP CENTRALIA, ILL., Remarks; PROMOTED CAPTAIN.

Was 22, years when he became Captain, then was PROMOTED MAJOR, but wasn’t Mustered. He was Mustered out June 27, 1865, at Nashville Teen., was Mustered of as Captain of company E.

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