Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Thomas A. Blanchard.

Thomas A. Blanchard.

Service record.

Thomas A. Blanchard, Missouri 1St., Cavalry, Company K., Age 30, Enlisted Jan. 5, 1864, Little Rock Arkansas. Mustered in March 2, 1864, Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Remarks Vet. In Co., I., Promoted 1St., Sergeant 7th., Cavalry, Volunteers. Mustered out, September 1, 1865, Little Rock Arkansas.

The following information comes from; ( William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas. ), COWLEY COUNTY, Part 4.

T. A. BLANCHARD, farmer, Section 7, P. O. Winfield, was born in Perry County, Ind., in 1833, is a son of I. A. and Margaret Blanchard. His mother died in Cowley County in l870. He was married in 1857, to Miss Sarah E. Allen, daughter of John C. and Margaret Allen. They have four children - Mary E., John D., Lammie and Elphia. He came to Kansas in 1865, and located in Woodson County, where he engaged in f arming and stock-raising. He was Sheriff of that county one term. In 1869, he moved to the farm where he now resides. He has an orchard of 100 peach, 120 apple and a variety of other fruits. He was in the war of the rebellion, enlisted in 1861, in the Seventh Missouri Cavalry, Company I. He was in the battles of Lone Jack, Bloomfield, Cape Girardeau, Springfield, Little Rock, Brownsville, Branchford, Chalk Bluff and Duvall's Bluff. In 1863, he re-enlisted in the First Missouri Veteran Cavalry, and was in the battle of Marks Mill, Camden, Saline River, Pine Bluff and in other engagements of his command, and was mustered out in 1865 a First Sergeant. Mr. B. was Township Clerk for four terms, is now Trustee of Walnut Township; was one of the first County Commissioners of the county. He is a member of the Old Settlers Association of Cowley County, of the A., F. & A. M., G. A. R., Winfield Post, and of the I. O. O. F.

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