Friday, January 7, 2011



Birth: February, 14, 1843.
Death: November 25, 1884.
Wife: Annie Louise Nelson Fuson (1849 - 1935).
Children; Flora Adelle Fuson Burkwall (1877 - 1930)
Chester Garfield Fuson (1881 - 1965)
Burial: Wakeeney City Cemetery, WaKeeney, Trego County, Kansas.

Was a Probate Judge and real estate agent. Willis H. Was the fourth son born to William S. and Sarah Fuson, his birth occurring on the 14th of February, 1843. His father was a native of Virginia, and his mother of Ohio. When four years old his parents moved to Fulton County, Ill., and settled upon a farm where Willis H. Resided until January 29, 1862, upon which day he enlisted in Company E, fifty-third Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry; was in the engagement at Shiloh, participated in the siege and capture of Corinth, was severely wounded through the right hand and wrist at the battle of big Hatchie in an engagement with the Rebels under Price and Van Dorn, by reason of which he was discharged for disability on March 3, 1863. His only means of obtaining an education before the war were those afforded by the common schools, but after leaving the service he attended Lombard University at Galesburg, Ill., during 1863 and 1864.

Not having sufficient funds to enable him to pay his tuition until his studies were completed, he taught school for several terms to get the necessary means, and re-entering the university, he completed the course, and graduated in 1871. Leaving the university he became the principal of the graded schools at Bath, Ill., where he remained for one year, when he went to Summum and entered upon like duties. In the fall of 1873 he became engaged as principal of the graded school at Yates City, Ill. In 1874, he was married to Miss Annie L. Nelson, a native of Sweden, who is also a graduate of Lombard University. While in charge of the school at Yates City he found time to read law, and at the close of the school engagement he moved to Galesburg, where he completed his law studies, and in September 1876, was admitted to the bar and practiced his profession in Galesburg until the fall of 1878, when he moved with his family to Kansas, locating in Wakeeney, Trego County.

Mr. Fuson took an active part in the settlement and development of the county and upon the organization of the county, in June, 1879, he was appointed by the governor as one of the first County Commissioners. At the first election held in the county, in 1879, he was elected Probate Judge, which office he has held without interruption from that time to the present. By his marriage with Miss Nelson, two children have been born to them, a daughter and a son, the former born at Galesburg, Ill., March 9, 1877, and the latter at Wakeeney, Trego County, Kan., May 18, 1881.

Service Card.

Name FUSON, WILLIS H., private, Company E. Unit 53rd., Illinois United Ststes Infantry. Residence OTTAWA, LASALLE CO, ILL., Age 18, Height 5' 11, Hair BROWN, Eyes BLUE, Complexion LIGHT, Marital Status SINGLE, Occupation FARMER, Nativity CHAMPAIGN CO, OH., Joined When JAN 29, 1862, Joined Where HAVANNAH, ILL., Period 3 YRS., Muster In JAN 1, 1862. Remarks, DISCHARGED FOR DISABILITY MAR 4, 1863.

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