Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Harrison H. Patten.

Update June 23, 2011.

I was given more information on H. H. Patten, so much that I made up a new page on him. It tells of his military career and his personal works. This new page can be read at:

Harrison H. Patten.
Birth: 1837.
Death: 1899.
Burial: Fairview Cemetery, Greensburg, Kiowa County, Kansas.

Service record.

Harrison H. Patten, Sergeant, Indiana 17th., infantry Co. I., Age 29, Date Enrolled: 1861/04/30, Where Enrolled: Indianapolis, Indiana, Regiment: 17., Company I., Discharged February, 1864 to accept Promoted to in U.S. Colored Troops. Captain, 17th Regiment Colored Troops.

The following information comes from; (William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas.), KINGMAN COUNTY, Part 4.

H. H. PATTEN, attorney at law, was born in Sullivan County, Ind., July 17, 1836, being the eldest child of Joshua T. and Barbara A. Patten. Parents now reside in this county--father born in Sullivan County, Ind., but before the State was admitted into the Union; mother, whose maiden name was Crooks, born in Henderson County, Ky. Father, small farmer and flat-boat-man, he having made twenty-one voyages out of the Wabash River and its tributaries to New Orleans. Early education neglected. Occasionally attended the neighborhood schools in winter, when the weather was unsuitable for work on the farm and in the "clearing," and for a short time attended an academy at New Lebanon, Ind. Began the study of law just before the breaking-out of the late war, and in April, 1861, enlisted as private in Company I, Seventeenth Indiana Volunteers (afterward mounted and formed part of "Wilder's Brigade" of Mounted Infantry in the Army of the Cumberland). Was in active field service with the regiment until after the battle of Chickamauga and the campaign which followed, when in January, 1863, went before Board of Regular and Volunteer Officers, at Nashville, Tenn., organized for the purpose of examining applicants for commissions in colored troops.

Received commission as First Lieutenant, and was assigned to the Seventeenth United States Colored Infantry to date February 26, 1864. Commanded company in the battle of Nashville, December 15 and 16, 1864. Was promoted to Captaincy in same regiment, and while on duty at Decatur, Ala., received an accidental wound and was rendered unfit for field duty and was appointed Post Treasurer of Nashville, Tenn. and afterward Provost Mashal sic of that place. Was mustered out of the service with command on the 29th day of April, 1866, having served as volunteer five years to a day.

On receiving discharge, came immediately to Miami County, Kan., and renewed the study of law and worked on farm. Was married to Miss Gertrude Pratt November 28, 1867, and as the fruits of said marriage there have been born three children--Flora Ann, born September 8, 1869, and died February 24, 1875; James Horace, born December 23, 1872; Nora, born July 11, 1880. Continued the study of law under the direction of Maj. B. F. Simpson, and practiced in Justice Court until December, 1874, when he was admitted to the practice of law in the District Court at Paola, Kan., and in the following March removed to that place and established himself in the profession, and continued to reside there until in the month of March, 1883, when he removed to Kingman, Kingman Co., Kan., for the purpose of making it his future home. In politics, he is a Republican.

1 comment:

  1. Hello me at for more information concerning H. H. Patten
