Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Prospect Kansas, Republic County.

From time to time I like looking at old county maps and try to find little known towns.  Prospect Kansas is one of them.  Prospect is on a county map for 1884, its indicated just as a Post office. Prospet may not have been a town at all but one house were you could get supplies and a over night stay.  There were a lot of people from two townships that used Prcspect as their P. O.  There are two books written about Republic County and neither one has anything on the Post office nor the people that may have lived there.

Prospect Post Office opened January 25, 1878 and ran to January 30, 1888, then was moved to Courtland City on January 30, 1888.  G. W. Harris, was noted as Postmaster for Prospect in 1884.

The following are the names from Courtland Township, who used Prospect as their P.O.  Those who would like to know just were Prosoect was and the people that lived around it can take this link.

Courtland Township.   

C. O. Anderson, Farmer.
Aaron Anderson, Farmer.
A. Anderson, Minster.
F. J. Anderson, Farmer.
G. W. Adkinson, Carpenter.
A. W. Adkinson, Farmer.
T. J. Boggs, Framer.
R. Buckver, Framer.
H. J. Bailey, Farmer.
Frank Brandt, Carpenter.
E. Brandt, Farmer.
August Brandt, Farmer.
G. W. Frees, Farmer.
O. P. Frees, Farmer.
I. W. Fuller, Farmer.
G. W. Harris, Farmer & Postmaster.
James Irwin, Farmer.
W. Jordan, Farmer.
L. W. Jones, Farmer.
H. M. Johnson, Farmer.
J. A. Johnson, Farmer.
E. O. Johnson, Farmer.
O. B. Kackley, Farmer.
T. Larson, Farmer.
J. G. Miller, Faemer.
H. L. Miller, Farmer.
M. H. Miller, Farmer.
David Martin, Farmer.
J. F. Martin, Farmer.
J. F. Null, Farmer.
John H. Null, Farmer.
H. Nicholes, Farmer & Plaster.
E. B. Oliver, Farmer.
Henry Page, Farmer.
James Page, Farmer.
J. A. Rhoades, Farmer.
W. J. Reve, Blacksmith & Wagon Shop.
J. M. Stafford, Farmer.
Sol. Stafford, Farmer.
N. Stafford, Farmer.
A. Stafford, Farmer.
Ed. Stafford, Farmer.
Elmer Stafford, Farmer.
David Stahlman, Farmer.
H. Squire, Farmer.
C. Taylor, Farmer.
Ed. Totten, Farmer.
Tim Totten, Farmer.
William J. Totten, Farmer.
L. S. Walker, Farmer.
Fred J. Wilkins, Farmer.
John Walter, Farmer.
James Wilkins, Farmer.
Samuel Walter, Farmer.
C. M. Zickefoose, Teacher & School.

Beaver Township Map.

Beaver Township.

John Berg, Farmer.
L. E. Bronson, Renter.
D. Barricklow, Farmer.
C. Barricklow, Farmer.
Henry Bollen, Stone Mason.
E. Bollen, Farmer.
E. M. Etter, Farmer.
K. Erickson, Farmer & Stock Raiser.
Aug. Freeman, Farmer & Renter.
J. Gardner, Farmer & Stone Mason.
G. Gabrielson, Farmer.
Mark Huselby, Farmer.
H. Hokanson, Renter & Farmer.
L. Hall, Farmer.
A. E. Hall, Farmer.
Frank Hanson, Farmer.
Nils Johnson, Farmer.
C. A. Johnson, Farmer.
A. Johnson, Farmer.
F. A. Johnson, Farmer.
Andrew Johnson, Farmer.
P. G. Johnson, Farmer.
William Lawrence, Farmer & Stock Raiser.
Nels Morson, Farmer.
Magnus Morson, Farmer.
M. C. Norman, Farmer & Renter.
O. Olun, Farmer, Stone Mason & Carpenter.
P. Peterson, Farmer.
J. Rambo, Farmer.
Gustav Ralf, Farmer.
John Ralf, Farmer.
Charles Ralf, Farmer.
John Rouse, Farmer.
John Swan, Farmer.
Peter Swan, Farmer.
S. W. Smith, Farmer.
Clayton Stoufter, Farmer.
D. Somer, Farmer.
H. S. Willis, Farmer.

Authors Note.  I stated at the start that there was no town, just a post office but after looking at all these names and some of the occupations there must have been some kind of town.  There are just to many people going to a house to drop off their mail.

I would like to say something about the maps.  The section map of Republic County, shows Prospect on it, however the township map does not, for some reason.  So here is the link to that part of the section map that shows Prospect, so you will get a better idea were it is on the township map.

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