Thursday, May 24, 2012

Delos or Deloss Miller Sheriff.

Delos or Deloss. MILLER was born in Herkimer County, N. Y., in 1837 or 1838, and lived in his native State eighteen years, and traveled in the Western States three years, and located in Kansas in 1857, at Le Roy, Coffey County, and from 1857 to 1861, engaged in the milling business, and in 1861 enlisted in Company G, Fifth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, and served with that regiment three years and a half. Mr. Miller was promoted from a private to the Second Lieutenancy of his company. At the close of the war he returned to Le Roy, and engaged in milling until 1878, and was elected Sheriff of Coffey County, and served four years. During that time he lived in Burlington, and has since been engaged in the milling business in Le Roy, and is also engaged in farming. Mr. Miller was married in 1866, to Miss P. F. Garner, and have two children -- Maude A. and Nora B. Mr. Miller was County Commissioner for four years, and Mayor of Le Roy. Is a member of the Masonic Order, and Independent Order of Odd Fellows.

Deloss or Delos Miller was born in 1838, New York, the 1880 census shows he was 42, years old and sheriff of Coffey county Kan.  His wife was Permelia Francis "Frank" Garner, they were married March 25, 1866.  Census show her as being born in New York, age of 1880, census as 29, years.  They had two known children, Maud Miller, born 1866, Kan., in 1880, age was 14, years.  Norah Miller born 1874, Kan., in 1880, age was 6, years.

Civil War.

Sergeant Miller Deloss, residence Leroy, enlisted Oct. 10, 1861 Oct. 10, 1861. Promoted 1st Sergeant. Promoted 2d Lieutenant November 1, 1863. Mustered out April 6, 1865, Leavenworth, Kan.; prisoner of war, captured near Pine Bluff, Ark., March 9, 1864.

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