Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Reuben C. Chase.

REUBEN C. CHASE, green house and nursery, is a native of Otsego County, N. Y., born February 1, 1835; received a common school education in his native county, and also attended the Franklin Institute in Delaware County. At the completion of his studies he secured a situation to teach in Cooperstown Seminary, and afterward became principal of the graded school at Unadilla. He took part in the war of the Rebellion, enlisting with Company E, of the Third New York Volunteer Cavalry, but after serving one year, his health failing from exposure during service, he was discharged. He returned home and October, 1862, married Miss Julia A. Houghton, of Mr. Vernon, Ohio. In the spring of 1864 Mr. Chase re-enlisted with the First New York Engineers and served until the close of the war, and then returned to his native State and resumed school teaching. In 1867 he came to Hiawatha, permanently locating on the place where he now lives.

In 1870 he was elected County Superintendent of Public Instruction, which position he held three terms, having previously been principal of the Hiawatha school. He also taught the same school in 1880. Mr. Chase established his nursery in 1878 and now has twenty-five acres in all kinds of fruit trees best adapted to this Western climate. He is also proprietor of two large green houses, 18x60, where anything in the form of choice house or garden plants and cut flowers in beautiful designs may be found. He was Township Clerk of Hiawatha a number of terms, and is now one of the Trustees of the Morrill public library. He has always been a strong advocate of temperance and was largely instrumental in ridding Brown County of that able assistant of human depravity, the saloon. He is connected with Hiawatha Lodge, No. 83, I. O. O. F, and is a charter member of the Star of Hope Lodge No. 1338, of the K. of H. and was first presiding officer in said Lodge.

Service Record.

New York 3rd. Cavalry.

CHASE, ( REUBIN ) REUBEN C—Age, 26 years. Enlisted August 12, 1861, at Schenevus; mustered in as private, Company D, August 13, 1861, to serve three years; appointed corporal, date not stated; discharged for disability, April 7, 1862, at Washington, D. C.

New York 1St., Engineers.

C H A S E , R. C—Age, 29 years. Enlisted, August 30, 1864, at Norwich; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 30, 1864, to serve one year; promoted corporal, November 1, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Richmond, Va.

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