Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Charles Herman Selig

CHARLES HERMAN SELIG, druggist, came to El Dorado in 1870, embarking in business in 1872. Mr. S. is a native of Germany and was born in the city of Hamburg, February 17, 1849. In 1860, came to the United States with parents, locating in Lawrence, Kansas, which was his home for several years, and where he became proficient in pharmacy. Mr. Selig has been a vigorous worker in putting forward El Dorado's interests, and is one of the solid men of the place. Has been Councilman and otherwise officially identified. Is a member of the K. of H. and charter member of the Lodge in El Dorado. In 1861, enlisted as drummer boy in Company F Second Kansas Cavalry. At that time was eleven years and eleven months old, being the youngest boy in the service as far as ascertained. He participated in the battles of Cane Hill, Prairie Grove and other engagements. His father, Henry W. Selig, was in the same company. At Poison Springs was taken prisoner and held two weeks by the Confederates. After serving three years and two months was honorably discharged.

Charles Enlisted November 16, 1861, in Co. F., Second Cavalry, was mustered in same day. Mustered out Jan. 18, 1865, at Leavenworth, Kan.

His father Henry W. Selig enlisted in the same regiment and company November 5, 1861, mustered in November 6, 1861, Killed May, 1864, en route for Fort Tyler, Tex.; murdered by captors for being unable to march on account of wounds received in battle.

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