Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Peter Eager M. D.

PETER EAGER, M. D., dealer in drugs, medicines and druggist sundries. His son, John L B. Eager, is proprietor of the business and carries a stock of about $2,500. He is First Lieutenant of Camp No.3, Sons of Veterans of the G. A. R. The Doctor came to Wyandotte, April 25, 1883. He was born at Montgomery, Orange Co., N. Y., August 24. 1835, and was raised in his native State; was educated in the medical department of the University of New York, graduating in 1857. Soon after, purchased a part interest in his brothers' drug store which continued until 1861, when he bought the whole business, continuing it until 1873, when, from failing health, he had to retire from active business. He enlisted as private in Company H, Seventh, New York infantry, April 17, 1861; detailed part of the time for hospital duty; mustered out at expiration of term; re-enlisted June, 1862, same company and regiment; was mustered out September, 1862, in the same year. He then resumed medicine and drugs in New York City until August, 1873, then removed to Newburg, N. Y. He was married January 21, 1857, to Miss Phebe A. Wilkin, of Bloomingburg, Sullivan County, N. Y. They have three children - John, L. B., Hattie J., married to Mr. Clifford C. Baker, city editor of the Commonwealth of Topeka, Kan., and Mary Eliza. He was Postmaster at North Tarrytown, N. Y., for some time; a member of the New York State Board of Charities; founder of a branch society for prevention of cruelty to children; also to animals at Newburg, N. Y. He is a member of Atlantic Lodge, A., F. & A. M. No. 178; Corinthian Chapter, R. A. M., No. 153, of New York City, Ivanhoe Commandery, K. T., No. 21, Wyandotte.

Authors Research.

Birth: August 25, 1835, Orange county, New York.
Death: March 31, 1887, Kansas City, Kansas.
Father: William Blake Eager.
Mother: Susan Moore Eager.
Wife: Phoebe Wilkin Eager, married January 21, 1851.

Mary W. Mamie Eager.
John L. B. Eager.
Harriet Eager.

Military Service.

Peter Eager was not in the New York, Volunteer Infantry. He servied the the New York State Militia, first enlistment was for 30, days in 1861, his second enlistment was for 3, months in 1862.

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