Thursday, September 22, 2011

John C. Scott.

of Cutler's HISTORY OF KANSAS (Pub. 1883)

John C. SCOTT, firm Scott & Thurston, dealers in hardware and agricultural implements. The trade was opened by Mr. Scott in the spring of 1878, running the business until 1880, when the company was formed. They carry a stock of about $12,000; also deal quite largely in live stock, and employ five men. Mr. Scott was born in Lucas Co., Ohio, September 2, 1844. His parents moved to New York when he was a small boy, where he lived until he was twenty-one years old, when he went to Eaton Rapids, Mich., and there farmed until 1876, them (sic) came to Kansas, as before noted, first engaging in the coal trade a year. He enlisted July 29, 1862, in Company C, One Hundred and Twenty-sixth, New York Volunteer Infantry; participated in all the battles of his command in the Army of the Potomac; wounded at Gettysburg, in July 1863. The whole regiment was captured at Harper's Ferry, but soon paroled and mustered out June 3, 1865. he was married at Eaton Rapids, Mich., in January, 1869, to Miss Anna M. Harwood of the latter place. they have four children--Susie A., Boyd P., Katie L., and John H. Mr. Scott is a member of City Council, Masonic order, Knights of Honor, and Universalist Church of Junction City.

Mr. Scott in the 1880, census was 36 y., his wife Anna M. was 30 y, Daughter Susan A., was 10 y., Daughter Kate L., was 5 y., Son Boyd P. was 7 y., Son John N., was 1 y., Brother-in-law Frank T. Howard was 24 years.

Millitary Record.

SCOTT, JOHN C.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, July 29, 1862, at Ovid, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, August 22,1862: surrendered, September 15,1862, and paroled, September 16,1862, at Harper's Ferry, Va,; wounded in action, July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa.; mustered out with company,
June 3, 1865, near Alexandria, Va.

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