Monday, January 24, 2011

Three Soldiers-Coffey County Kansas.

DR. JOHN M. ALLISON was born in Charleston, Coles Co., Ill., in 1845, and lived in his native State for twelve years, and moved to Philadelphia and lived in that city ten years. Moved to Burlington, Kan., in 1870, and engaged in the book business, and established his present business in 1874, and has been engaged in that business since. Dr. Allison is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, in the class of 1869. He was married in Burlington, March 30, 1881, to Miss Clara Link, a native of Paris, Ill. Dr. Allison is a member of the I. O. O. F. and the G. A. R. He enlisted in 1864, in Scranton, Pa., in the Fifteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, and served with that regiment until the close of the war.

15th Cavalry Regiment, 160th Pennsylvania Volunteers, Company B.

Allison, John M. Private, Mustered in September 28, 1864 Mustered out with Company, June 21, 1865.

ANSEL D. BROWN, postmaster and editor, was born in Livingston County, N. Y., in 1838, and lived in his native State about seven years, and removed with his parents to Cleveland, Ohio, in 1843, and remained there about two years, and moved to Michigan and lived in that State about ten years. Moved to Walworth County, Wis., in 1848, and remained there until the spring of 1855, when he removed to St. Paul, Minn., and remained in that State until the spring of 1857, and came to Kansas and located in Greenwood County and lived there until the spring of 1861, when he enlisted in the Third Kansas Regiment and served one year with that regiment; was transferred to the Fifth Kansas Cavalry and served with that regiment until near the close of the war. Mr. Brown was the Lieutenant of Company A of the Third and F in the Fifth Regiment, and married in Burlington in May, 1866, to Miss Katie C. Morey, a native of Connecticut. They have three children, Edward, Dwight and Ira. Mr. Brown is the postmaster at Burlington, and is editor and proprietor of the Burlington Daily Patriot, and is a member of the Masonic order and the Episcopal Church.


Couldn’t find his record for the third.

Fifth Regiment Kansas Volunteers - Cavalry
Company F.

Second Lieutenant, Brown Ansel D., home Burlington, Mustered in July 12, 1861 Promoted 1st Lieutenant December 31, 1862, Mustered out Aug. 11, 1864, Leavenworth, Kan.

DR. WILLIAM F. OSBORN was born in Fayette County, Pa., in 1830, and lived in his native State twenty- three years, and removed to Quincy, Ill., and lived there until 1857, then removed to Chicago, and remained there three years; then moved to Memphis, Mo., and commenced the practice of medicine, and also took editorial charge of the Memphis National Democrat, entering warmly into the political issues that were then about to convulse the nation, strongly advocating the cause of the Union, and opposing the secession movement. In 1861 he returned to his native State and entered the army as Assistant Surgeon of the Eleventh Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry; was promoted and made Surgeon of the Thirteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, and remained with that regiment until it was mustered out of service at the close of the war. He then located in Mount Pleasant, Pa., and practiced his profession there until 1870, when he removed to Burlington, Kan., where he has since resided. Dr. Osborn commenced the study of medicine in Quincy, with Dr. W. S. Everett; took a six months' course at the Michigan University, then went into the office of Dr. Daniel Brainard, of Chicago, and graduated at Rush Medical College, February 15, 1860. He studied law, and was admitted to the bar as a practicing attorney in Burlington, in 1872. He was married in Fayette County Pa., in June, 1875, to Miss Frances Freeman, a native of that county. They have two children, William F. and John L. The doctor is a member of the Masonic Order, and I. O. O. F. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church.


11th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, 3-Years Service,
Field and Staff Officers.

William F. Osborne, Assistant Surgeon, March 24, 1863, Promoted to Surgeon, 13th Regiment Penn. Cav., Feb. 3, 1865.

13th Cavalry, Pennsylvania Volunteers, Field and Staff Officers.

William F. Osborn, Surgeon, Mustered in January 7, 1865, Mustered out with regiment, July 14, 1865.

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