Thursday, January 27, 2011

Captain John Kendall-16th., Kansas Infantry.

I was asked to look up some information on John Kendall, after finding some information on him they found it was the wrong man. I found this report interesting, and those looking into him well too.

Captain John Kendall, company D., sixteenth, Infantry. Residence Leavenworth, Kansas. Mustered in February 4, 1864. Dismissed the service per S. O. No. 276, Dept. Missouri, series of '65.
Authors note. One of the reason for his dismissal, maybe from the events in the following report.

FORT RILEY, KANS., February 9, 1865.
Colonel JAMES H. FORD,
Commanding District of Upper Arkansas:

COLONEL: I have the honor to report that in pursuance to instructions received from headquarters District of Upper Arkansas, I proceeded to Council Grove to ascertain the facts about the shooting of First Lieutenant Dexter, belonging to Company D, Sixteenth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry. From information I received by Lieutenant Dexter and soldiers belonging to Company D, Second Regiment Colorado Cavalry, and also by citizens of Council Grove, it seems their stories are too clear to have any doubt but that it was an attempted murder, in which the captain of Company D, Sixteenth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, would be implicated.

The facts, from all I ascertained, are these: First Lieutenant Dexter and Captain Kendall, of Company D, Sixteenth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, have had some difficulties concerning military matters, and on account of this First Lieutenant Dexter was reported by the captain absent without leave, and was, therefore, dismissed the service of the United States and ordered to report to Fort Leavenworth, Kans. The lieutenant, after receiving his order, prepared to obey said order, and while at Council Grove, preparatory to starting to Fort Leavenworth, a squad of eight men came from the camp to Council Grove to arrest this first lieutenant, Dexter, by order of Captain Kendall, and ordered him to go with them to camp, and the lieutenant replied that his captain had nothing more to do with him, and that they had no proper order to show concerning his arrest; still, he would go, no started, but they had not proceeded more than 300 yards from the hotel when the eight men at once leveled their pistols at the lieutenant and the command to fire was given.

The lieutenant at the same time drew his pistol and fired on shot, but finding that he was wounded, ran for the hotel immediately. He was pursued by some of the same party, and would have been killed at the hotel if Sergeant Tibbits, with his detachment of Company D, Second Regiment Colorado Cavalry, had not come to his assistance immediately. The soldiers who pursued him to the hotel were still threatening that they would kill Lieutenant Dexter if they had to search every house in town, but they finalletachment of Company D, Second Colorado Cavalry, would kill the first one who attempted to open or break a door. They were then ordered to go back to their camp. During all this time I understand that their captain was about the town. The next morning I returned to this post.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
First Lieutenant Company D, 2nd Regiment, Colorado Cav., Commanding Detach.

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