Thursday, April 30, 2015

Stansbery S. Tracy

S. S. Tracy Home.
Publish date 1906.
Push to enlarge.
Stansbery S. Tracy.

Birth: August 8, 1844.
Death: April 8, 1925.

Wife: Anna B. Tracy., ( 1847-1920 ).

Children: Non found.

Burial; Achilles Cemetery, Rawlinsv County, Kansas.

Mr. Tracy came to Rawlins County, Kansas, and settled in section 11 of Achilles township.

He was a  Farmer and Stock Raise.  He owned a round 400 acres .His post office address was Achilles, Kansas, which was about 3 miles south east from the farm.

He was a Civil War Veteran, being in the Missouri 2nd., State Militia Cavalry, Co. L.,Enlisted April 2, 1862; Mustered in October 7, 1862; Mustered out April 3, 1865.

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