Friday, April 10, 2015

Philip Hund.

Hotel Paxico, publish date 1901.
Push to enlarge.
Philip Hund . 

Birth: Oct. 13, 1865.
Death: May 6, 1938.

Father - Michael Hund
Mother - Otlillia (Peters)

Wife: Anna Lamm Hund (1868 - 1925).
Married May 8, 1888.

Children: Ida T. O., Rosa A., Mary M., Florentina P., Mary A
., Thresa D.,  Adelaid Hund (1897 - 1909)

Burial: alvary Cemetery, Mankato, Blue Earth County, .Minnesota


Was born in Mankato, Minnesota, October 13, 1865. Came to Kansas with his parents when but five years of age, the family locating near Newbury. Was educated in the district and parochial schools. On May 1, 1888, was united in marriage to Miss Anna Lamm, to which union seven children were born. Until September, 1900, Mr. Hund was one of the progressive farmers of Newbury township, but is at present proprietor of the Hotel Paxico, which, under his efficient management has attained a reputation as a popular stopping place with the traveling public-equalled by few and excelled by none.

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