Monday, April 20, 2015

Daniel T. Hopkins.

Daniel T Hopkins. 

Birth: Dec. 9, 1833.
Death: Feb. 4, 1926.

Wife; Nancy Husted Hopkins (1838 - 1904).

Children: Alfred Hopkins (1869 - 1869).

Burial: Bridgeport Cemetery, Bridgeport, Saline County, Kansas.

Kansas Ex-Prisoners of War.

Daniel T. Hopkins, Town Bridgeport, Saline County; Iowa 14th., Infantry, Co. K.; Captured Pittsburg Landing, April 6, 1862; Prisons, Cahawba, Macon, Released May 28, 1862.

Iowa State Records.

Iowa 14th., Infantry, Co. K.

Hopkins, Daniel T. Age 28. Residence Des Moines County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Oct. 10. 1861. Mustered Nov. 6, 1861. Missing in action April 6, 1862, Shiloh, Tenn. Mustered out Nov. 16, 1864, Davenport, Iowa.

Kansas County Histories

D. T. HOPKINS, farmer, P. O. Bridgeport, Section 25, born in Union County, Ind., December 9, 1833, and was raised and educated in Decatur County, Ind. In 1854, he moved to Des Moines County, Iowa, where he engaged in farming until 1861, when he enlisted in Company L, Fourteenth Regiment Iowa Infantry.

He participated in some of the hard fought battles, and was taken prisoner at Shiloh, and was confined in various Southern prisons, and was paroled at Macon, Ga. He then re-entered the service, and was discharged at Davenport, Iowa, in 1864. He came to Kansas in 1866, and located on his present place of 360 acres. He is also largely interested in a flouring mill at Bridgeport. The mill is a five story building, 30x44, propelled by water, and consumes about 450 bushels of grain per day.

Married in Des Moines County, Iowa, November 11, 1858, Miss Nancy Husted. She was born in Union County, Ind., January 28, 1838. They have nine children - Mary E., Lillie S., Cora, Josiah W., Nettie, Albert, Robert, Edward H. and Edith.

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