Monday, June 9, 2014

Clayton Walters Hodgen.

Picture publish date 1907.
Push to enlarge.

Clayton Walters Hodgen.

Birth: 1878, Iowa.
Death: Unknown.

Wife: Laura Hodgen.

Children: Roy L., and Earl W. Hodgen.

Burial: Unknown.

Mr.  Hodgen came to Sherman County, Kansas in 1905.  Settled in the town of Goodland, Kansas, there he was a Architect and Contractor.  His youngest son Earl was killed in Iowa, when the car he was riding in was struck by a train in Iowa,   He was born in Kansas ( 1906-1917 ).  Mr .  Hodgen singed up for W. W. I, in 1918.

1 comment:

  1. I'm CWs grandson and can add some info:
    1) His middle name is Waltus, not Walters
    2)b.10/2/1878 Pleasant Plain, IA
    3) d. 3/26/1957 KC, Mo
    4) his 3rd son was Clayton Robert Hodgen b. 11/3/1915
    5) he had a patent on windows 1922
