Monday, April 7, 2014

John Mannion Sr.

Picture publish date 1905.
Push to enlarge.

Birth: March 22, 1822, Ireland.
Death: July 30, 1908.

Burial: Calvary Cemetery, Augusta, Butler county, Kansas.

John Mannion Sr., was a farmer and stock raiser, Section 5, of Spring township P. O. Augusta. He is one of the pioneers and solid farmers of Spring Township. He is a native of Ireland, and was born in County Galway about the year 1824. In 1847 he came to the United States. For a number of years he was engaged in agricultural pursuits in Macon County, Mo., coming from there to Kansas in 1867, locating where he now resides on the 4th of July in that year. Mr. M. has all the difficulties to contend with the first few years in Kansas, and has been eminently successful as a farmer. He was early identified with the school interests of his district. He was married in St. Louis, Mo., to Miss Margaret Gormley. They have had eleven children - Katie, Mary A., Maggie, Ella, Thomas P., John Eliza, William H. and James C. Lost two - Mollie and an infant.

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