Wednesday, February 2, 2011


LEWIS G. PARKER, lawyer, was born in Brown County, Ohio, January 1, 1845, where he resided until 1856, when his parents removed to Peoria County, Ill., where he resided on a farm until 1861, when his mother moved to Princeville, Ill., where he remained at school until August 13, 1863, when he enlisted in Company A, Second Illinois Volunteer Artillery, as a private; was discharged at Springfield, Ill., August 27, 1865, by a special order of the War Department; injured by premature discharge of a cannon. After his discharge from the army he returned to Princeville, where he attended school until 1867, when he was apprenticed to learn the tinners' trade, which he followed until 1869, when he read law until 1870, when he went to Bedford, Iowa, where he worked as a practical tinner until 1871, then went to Platteville, Iowa, where he ran a shop for one year, when he returned to Bedford, Iowa, and established a hat, cap, and furnishing house which business he conducted until 1877.

He then read law in the office of McCowan & Holliday, and was admitted to the bar of the District Court, Taylor County, Iowa, May 30, 1878, and practiced law at Bedford, Iowa, until August, 1878, wen he came to Oberlin, Kan., where he has since been in the practice of law, formed copartnership with G. Webb Bertram, in law and land business, March 15, 1879; dissolved such partnership January 1, 1883, and is now in business alone in Oberlin, Kan. Was married September 25, 1870, to Miss Addie M. Bingham. They have had four children, of whom two are living, Clyde B. and Olgay N. Was Nobel Grand of I. O. O. F., at the organization of Lodge 158, at Oberlin, Kan., in 1879. Was elected County Attorney in 1880.

Service card.

Rank Private Company A Unit 2 IL US L ART.
Residence PRINCEVILLE, PEORIA CO, ILL., Age 18, Height 5' 11, Hair DARK, Eyes GRAY, Complexion DARK, Occupation FARMER.
Nativity OH.
Joined When FEB 15, 1864, PEORIA, IL.
Period 3 years.
Muster In FEB 15, 1864, PEORIA, IL.
Muster Out JUL 27, 1865, SPRINGFIELD, IL.

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