Friday, May 31, 2013

Margaret Walz.

Picture plub. date 1902.
Margaret Walz.

Birth: unknown
Death: Dec. 20, 1927.

Margrate Walz Stutz (1875 - 1956)
Nora Walz Stutz (1876 - 1968)

Burial: Mount Vernon Cemetery, Atchison, Atchison County, Kansas.

Mrs. Walz came to Atchison county in 1871, and settled in section 33 of Shannon township.  She had a 160 acre farm from which she was a farmer and stock raiser. She lived 3 miles west from Atchison from which she got her mail and supplies.

Stephen H. Fairfield.

Picture plub. date 1902.
S. H. Faorfield, was horn September 4, 1833, in Middleton, Essex county, Massachusetts. Went to Minden, Illinois, in 1856, reaching Kansas in September of the same year, selecting a claim near Wabaunsee. In 1860 was united in marriage to Miss M. H. Burt, of Tabor, Iowa. Returning to Kansas he was, in 1861, elected doorkeeper of the state senate, also of the high court of impeachment. In September, 1861, enlisted in Co. K, 11th Kansas Volunteers. Was detailed as clerk at regimental headquarters, and subsequently assigned to duty as postmaster of his division and the army of the border. In 1863, had entire charge of the military mail in Kansas City, for Missouri, Kansas, and Colorado.* Rejoined his company in 1864, the regiment then being cavalry, and served as corporal till 1865, when he was detailed as clerk in the quartermaster's department of the frontier. During the same year rejoined his company at Horse Shoe, Wyoming Territory, where he remained while subduing the hostile Sioux. Was mustered out at Fort Leavenworth, September 15, 1865. While in the army participated in the battles of Maysville, Cane Hill, Prairie Grove, Van Buren, Lexington, and the Big Blue. In 1865, was elected county clerk, county treasurer in 1867 and 1869. Also to the office of register of deeds the same year, which office he continued to hold 'till January, 1886. Was editor and proprietor of the Alma Union two years. Was a member of the court house building committee and took an active interest in building the Congregational .church, being the first Sunday school superintendent. Mr. Fairfield owns a pleasant residence in Alma besides several of the best farms in the county. He is largely engaged in the real estate and loan business and has always been at the front in advancing any public enterprise.

*An item in the Kansas City Journal in December, 1863, says: Mr. Fairfield, postmaster at headquarters, keeps himself informed of the location of the various regiments and companies, and forwards all mail for officers and soldiers without delay. The arrangement of mail matters for convenience of those in the service, seems to be about perfect.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Daniel N. Kilburn


Daniel N. Kilburn.

Birth: 1837.
Death: 1917.

Burial: Achilles Cemetery Rawlins County Kansas .

Mr. Kilburn, settled in section 4, of Jefferson township of Rawlins County.  He was a farmer and got his mail from Achilles, Kansas which was five miles north of the farm.

Picture plub. date 1906.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Warren Harpin Riggs.

Picture Plub. date 1906.
Warren Harpin Riggs.

Birth: Oct. 5, 1837, Ohio.
Death: Jan. 24, 1910.

Parents: Harpin Riggs (1809 - 1865)
Melinda B. Hanson Riggs (1813 - 1882)


Warren H. Riggs, Age 24, Residence Mount Pleasant, Nativity Ohio, Enlisted September 11, 1861, Mustered in October 15, 1861.  Promoted Hospital Steward July 1, 1863.  Discharged October 17, 1864, Chattanooga, Tenn.  Expiration of term of service.

Mr. Riggs came to Washington County in 1870, and settled in section 33, of Linn township.  He had a farm of 160 acres which was about 2 and a half mile south of Linn, Kansas, from which he got his mail and supplies.

Burial: Linn City Cemetery, Linn, Washington County, Kansas.

John Nall.

John Nall, a Kansas pioneer and prominent Johnson county farmer, is a native of North Carolina. He was born in Chatham county, in 1832, and is a son of John and Dorcas Nall, both natives of Chatham county, North Carolina, who came from that State to Tennessee and then to Missouri at an early date. They were the parents of ten children, as follows : Wesley, Thomas Carter, Orville Eastland, Sarah, Mary, Atlas, Lemuel, Willis, Elizabeth and John. John Nall, whose name introduces this sketch, was educated in private schools and in the public schools of Tennessee and Missouri. In 1856, he came to Kansas from Missouri and settled in Bourbon county, near Mapleton. He remained there about two years and went to Bates county, Missouri, but returned to Kansas, March 18, 1859, this time locating in Mission township, Johnson county, then Shawnee township. With his brother, Thomas, he bought a claim of 160 acres of school land. He then bought a claim of eighty acres from a Shawnee Indian named Wash White, paying him $12 per acre, and also purchased forty acres from a Shawnee woman named Sarah Prophet for $1.25 per acre. This land is now worth $200 per acre.

His last purchase was forty acres from Milton McGee, of Kansas City, Mo. This last forty acres joins the school land which he first purchased. There were a great many Shawnee Indians here when Mr. Nall came and Graham Rodgers was the chief of the tribe. He lived where John R. Foster now resides, about three-fourths of a mile from Milburn station. Mr. Nail resided on his place through the days of the border warfare and the Civil war, except while he was in the service for a short time. He served in Company D, Thirteenth regiment, Kansas militia and was in camp with his company at Little Santa Fe, Olathe Mission and Shawneetown. Mr. Nall's home is on an eminence overlooking the battlefield of Westport, which is about two and one-half miles distant.

He was home on the day of the battle, and saw the charges and countercharges and not only could hear the firing but could hear the yells of the soldiers as the conflict was waged. Mr. Nall was married in 1857 in Bates county, Missouri, to Miss Nancy J. Sells, who died in 1870. To this union were born nine children, two of whom are living, as follows. Tabitha Josephine, married Philip C. Nall and is now a widow, residing in Shawneetown, and Benjamin Franklin, who resides in Kansas City, Mo. Mr. Nail was married the second time in 1872 to Miss Susan Emma Mooney, at Mission, Kan. She died August 19, 1915, and is buried in the Nail cemetery. Six children were born to this marriage, four of whom are living, as follows : Robert E. Lee is married and resides at Oakland, Calif.; Maggie Cornelia resides at home; Susan Asenith married W. J. McClellan and lives on the home place, and Thomas Raymond resides at home. Mr. Nail is well known in Johnson county and is one of the substantial citizens of Mission township. Thomas Nail, who came to Johnson county with his brother in 1859, died December 31, 1903, and is buried in the Nail cemetery. Orville Nail, another brother, lives with his younger sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Bowles, in Rosedale, Kan.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Charles T. Callender.

Charles T. Callender.

Birth: 1832, Pennsylvania.
Death: 1913.

Wife: Martha E. Callender (1844 - 1890).

Burial: Hanover Cemetery, Hanover, Washington County, Kansas.

Mr. Callender came to Kansas in 1860.  He lived in Independence township in the town of Handover, Kansas were he had a business called C. T. Callender & Walter, what kind of business it didn't state.
Picture Publ. date 1906.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Captain Henry A. Oakes.

Plub. Date 1902.

Henry A. Oakes.

Birth: March 18, 1837.
Death; march 11, 1903.

Burial: Oak Hill Cemetery, Douglas County, Kansas

Mr. Oakes came to Douglas county in 1879, and settled in Palmyra township, in section 6, his post office address was Lawrence, Kansas.

Illinois Civil War Detail Report

Name: OAKES, HENRY A. Rank: SGT. Company: I. Unit: 129 IL US INF. Personal Characteristics. Residence: NAPLES, SCOTT CO, IL. Age: 25. Height: 5' 11. Hair: DARK. Eyes: BLUE. Complexion: FAIR. Marital Status: SINGLE. Occupation: FARMER. Nativity: SCIOTO CO, OH. Service Record. Joined When: AUG 4, 1862. Joined Where: NAPLES, IL. Period: 3 YRS. Muster In: SEP 8, 1862. Muster In Where: PONTIAC, IL. Remarks: PROMOTED 2LT, mustered in March 25, 1863, at Gallatin Tn., Promoted to First Lieutenant, mustered in June 29, 1864, in the field Ga., Promoted to Captain, mustered in December 20, 1864, near Savannah, Ga. Mustered out June 8, 1865, Washington D. C.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Isaiah Starkey.

Picture plub. date 1906.
Isaiah Starkey.

Birth: 1841.
Death: 1918.

Burial: Wellsford Cemetery, Wellsford, Pratt County, Kansas.

Mr. Starkey was a farmer came to Pratt county in 1884 and settled in McClellan township on section 7. His farm was 160 acres.  He got his mail and supplies from Wellsford, Kansas which was in Kiowa County and about two miles west of the farm. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Lawrence Bratcher.

Lawrence Bratcher was born in Grayson county Kentucky on April 15, 1883, and lived there until February, 1885, when his father moved to Comanche county and settled on a farm one and a half miles south of Protection Kansas, on the northeast quarter of section 15, township 33 south range 20.

Lawrence was one of the young cattle herders of the county and flowed small bunch of cattle at the age of five years and continued herding until he was ten years old.

Later he herded on a horse and herded from 200 to 750 head of cattle for his father and their neighbors.  He followed this life continually, Sunday and every day of the week, until he was nearly ten years of age.  At the age of ten he entered school in district no. 42, a mile south of his father's house, and at this time his associates were in the second and third readers, while he was in the primer, trying to learn to read.

At the age of fifteen years he passed the county examination for a third grade certificate and later attended the Southwestern Kansas Collage, located in Winfield, Kansas.

In the summer of 1904, he entered the race for the nomination of Register of Deeds of Comanche county, Kansas, and was successful in the convention and afterwards on the 8th., of November was elected by a good majority.

He has served two terms and is filling the last of second term now ( 1909 ).  At the time of his election he was the youngest Register of Deeds in the state, ( being Twenty-one years of age at this time ), if not the youngest county officer in the state.

He was married to Goldie Brown on December 25, 1904,and is residing in Goldwater, Kansas now.
His father was Zephaniah J. Bratcher. Mother was Minnir Millem Bratcher.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Sarah E. Brown.

Plub. Date 1906.

Sarah E. Brown.
 Birth: Mar. 23, 1842, New Castle, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania.
Death: Jul. 17, 1928, Atwood, Rawlins County, Kansas.

Sarah Eleanor (Edie) Brown was born the daughter of Alexander Edie and Hannah Calahan in Lawrence county, Pennsylvania. The family moved to Maquoketa, Jackson county, Iowa followed by a move to Washington county, Kansas then to Rawlins County, Kansas.

Sarah married Fritz Wallace Brown. Sarah and Fritz were parents to: Oscar Alexander, Robert Pratt, Charles Hare,Mary Josephine and, Sidney Calahan

Parents: Alexander Edie (1815 - 1888). Hannah "Annie" C Callahan Edie (1812 - 1896).

Husband: Fritz Wallace Brown (1838 - 1898).
Burial: Odd Fellows Atwood, Rawlins County, Kansas


David Lewis Hamar.

David Lewis Hamar.

Birth: Oct. 6, 1839, Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana.
Death: Oct. 21, 1905, Howard, Elk County, Kansas.

Parents: James Hamar (1810 - 1876). Anna Silvey Hamar (1814 - 1869).

Wife: Ellen Fertig Hamar (1842 - 1915).

Children: Baty Walker Hamar (1874 - 1936). N. Ethel Hamar Maxey (1878 - 1947).

Burial: Grace Lawn Cemetery, Howard, Elk County, Kansas.

He had a business called Hamar & Son, they deal in Abstracts and Real Estate, their business was in Howard Kansas.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

George H. Nicolay.

Plub. Date 1918.

George H. Nicolay.

Birth: May 25, 1850.
Death: May 7, 1926.

Parents: John Jacob Nicolay (1818 - 1889). Phebe McPherson Nicolay (1822 - 1886).

Wife: Belle Virginia Linville Nicolay (1860 - 1955).

Children: Owen Daten Nicolay (1895 - 1964).

Burial: Highland Cemetery, Scranton, Osage County, Kansas.

Mr. Nicolay was born between 1850 and 1851, in Illinois.  Married Belle Lynnville.  Mr. Nicolay came to Osage county in 1866, and settled in section 2, of Fairfax township.  He is a farmer, the farm is called Cedar Lane Farm.  He also served as Trustee, for Fairfax township. Mr.  &  Mrs.  Nicolay had eleven children.  The farm was about eight to ten miles south west of Osage City, Kansas, from which he got his mail and supplies.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Isaac Nees.

Isaac Nees.

Birth: Nov. 27, 1837
Death: May 29, 1922

Father: Jacob Nees (1800 - 1878).

Wife: Sarah Elizabeth Atkins Nees (1845 - 1916).

Children: Cyrus Nees (1865 - 1945). Simon F Nees (1871 - 1967). Flora E Nees (1882 - 1884). Jewell E Nees Seamans (1886 - 1926).

Burial: Couch Cemetery, Jewell, Jewell County, Kansas.

Mr. Nees came to  Jewell county in 1879 and settled in section 5, of Browns Creek Township.  He was a farmer and Stock Raiser and was the Prop. of the Ash Grove Farm which was 316.80 acres.  He lived about 5 miles south-west of Jewell City, Kansas, from which he got his supplies and mail.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Frederick ''Fred '' Rump.

Frederick ''Fred'' Rump.

Birth: 1849.
Death: 1933.

Wife: Elmira Mina Childers Rump (1856 - 1930).

Children: Glenn Rump (1883 - 1912). Ralph W. Rump (1895 - 1974).

Burial: Singer Cemetery, Bluff City, Harper County, Kansas.

Mr. Rump came to Harper county in 1885 and settled in section 27, of Silver Creek township.  He was a farmer and owned 160 acres, lived five miles south of Freeport Kansas from which he got his supplies.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

John Pishny, Sr.

Push to enlarge.

John Pishny, Sr.

Birth: Feb. 15, 1865, Slovakia.
Death: Mar. 31, 1961, Blue Rapids, Marshall County, Kansas.

Son of Jan or John & Mary Stephan-Pishny. Married Frances Musil in April 1890. Father to John F. Pishny 1894-1964, Marie O. 1900-1912. Burial records states he was born in Bukovi, Moravia and came to America in 1869, then Wisconsin and came to Kansas in 1888.

Parents: Jan (John) Pishny (1838 - 1923).
Mary (Marie) Stephan Pishny (1841 - 1914).

Burial: Czech-Moravian Cemetery, Riley County, Kansas.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Henry Saxton.

Push to enlarge.
Henry Saxton.

Born: February 26, 1825.
Died: October 29, 1906.
Wife: Martha A. Saxton, born February 20, 1840.  Died July 8, 1909.
Child: Henry B. Saxton.
Buried: Mount Vernon Cemetery, Atchison, Atchison County, Kansas.

Mr. Saxton had been a farmer, came to the county in 1866.  In 1903 was living in Grasshopper township in section 6, his post office  address was Everest, Kansas.

Samuel A. Okeson

Push pictures to enlarge.
Samuel A. Okeson Mr. Samuel A. Okeson occupies a prominent place among the successful young farmers and stock-raisers of Brown county. He was born May 6, 1862, in Livingston county, Ill., and is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Okeson, now residents of Walnut township in Brown county. He came to Kansas in 1874 with his parents and resided for two years at Sabetha, when the family moved to Brown county. In the spring of  1885 he moved to his present home one mile west and one and one-half miles north of Fairview. His farm consists of 240 acres, of which 160 acres are in bluegrass and timothy, as experience has taught him that this is the most valuable crop a Brown county farmer can raise.

George B. Okeson.
Date 1887.
He has two fine barns, one 20x40 with a 20 foot shed, and the other 32x42. These two barns have a storage capacity of seventy-five tons of hay and 3,000 bushels of grain. He buys thousands of bushels of grain every year, and is one of the most extensive feeders of cattle, hogs and sheep in the county, as well as one of the most successful ones. He has just completed a fine two-story eleven room house, which is considered one of the best farm residences in Brown county, being heated by a hot air
furnace, lighted with acetylene gas, and supplied with all the modern conveniences.

In polities Mr. Okeson is a Republican and always takes an active interest in the party's affairs. His
personal popularity is evidenced by the fact that although Walnut township has a good-sized Fusion
Mrs. George B. Okeson.
Date 1887.
majority, he was elected trustee in 1895 and re-elected in 1896.

Mr. Okeson was married in 1885 to Miss Grace A. Peek, of Newark, N. Y. They have a family of six children, Bertha E., George B., Helen F., Vera M., Winslow P. and Rexford D. Both Mr. and Mrs. Okeson are members of the Baptist church at Wairview

Monday, May 13, 2013

Charles A. Campbell.

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Charles Allen Campbell.

Birth: March 3, 1844.
Death: January 17, 1915.

Burial: Union Cemetery, Wayne, Republic County, Kansas.

Mr. Campbell came to Republic county in 1866, and settled in Grant township in section 3, he was a Farmer and Stock Raiser.  He own 162.23 acres. his farm was about 3 miles north of Wayne Kansas from which he got his supplies.

Civil War Service.

Charles A. Campbell enlisted in July, 1862, at Perry, Illinois, and was enrolled as a private in Co. F, 99th regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry; served in the western army under McClernand and Canby, and was on duty with the regiment during the entire period of his enlistment; was in the battles of Grand Gulf, Port Gibson, Champion Hill and in the Vicksburg campaign; served in Texas and the Red River campaign, and Spanish Ports and Port Blakesley; was mustered out and honorably discharged at Baton Rogue, Louisiana, after serving three years.

Illinois Civil War Detail Report.

Name: CAMPBELL, CHARLES A. Rank: PVT. Company: F. Unit: 99 IL US INF. Personal Characteristics. Residence: CHAMBERSBURG, PIKE CO, IL. Age: 18. Height: 5' 10. Hair: LIGHT. Eyes: GREY. Complexion: FAIR. Marital Status: SINGLE. Occupation: FARMER. Nativity: MONROE CO, MO. Service Record. Joined When: AUG 7, 1862. Joined Where: PERRY, IL. Joined By Whom: LEMUEL PARKE. Period: 3 YRS. Muster In: AUG 23, 1862. Muster In Where: FLORENCE, IL. Remarks TRANS TO CO A AS CONSOLIDATED Company A., Mustered out July 31, 1865, at Baton Rouge, La.

Andrew Jackson Boyles.

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Andrew Jackson Boyles, a Butler county pioneer, and one of the largest land owners in Fairview township, is a native of Ohio. He was born in Hamilton county, December 20, 1845, and is a son of Cyrus and Mary (Crall) Boyles. Cyrus Boyles was a native of Pennsylvania, and when a young man, went down the Monongahela and Ohio rivers as far as Cincinnati. He was a carpenter and cooper, and was employed in Cincinnati, building keel boats which were operated in the Ohio river. Here he was married to Mary Crall, a daughter of James and Margaret Crall, the former a native of Germany, and the latter of Ohio. Thirteen children were born to this union, of whom Andrew Jackson Boyles was the eighth in order of birth.

Andrew Jackson Boyles grew to manhood in Hamilton county, Ohio, and learned the carpenter and cooper trades with his father. He was married in May, 1867, to Miss Emma Stewart, a native of Ripley county, Indiana. She was a daughter of John Stewart, a native of Ohio. In the fall of the same year that they were married, Mr. and Mrs. Boyle came west, locating in Johnson county, Missouri, where they farmed rented land for three years. In the spring of 1870, they came to Kansas, locating in Allen county, and from there they came to Butler county. They drove through, from Johnson county, Missouri, and brought eighteen head of shoats, some young heifers, and a barrel or pork, and $50 in cash. They had a unique way of inducing the hogs to follow the emigrant outfit. Mrs. Boyles rode in a spring wagon, and now and then dropped some shelled corn in the road, and the drove of hogs followed close after her, eargerly looking for more corn. While in camp one night on Harrison creek, in Greenwood county, the hogs strayed away, and after searching in vain for them for some time, through the tall blue stem, Mr. Boyles came on without them. However, the hogs were found later in that vicinity, on a little stream which was called Hog creek, from that day.

Upon reaching Butler count)^, Mr. Boyles homesteaded the northwest quarter of section 11, Fairview township, and now owns an entire section in that township. He has followed general farming and stock raising, and dealt quite extensively in cattle for a number of years, and has also been largely interested in mules. He began with a small capital, and has been very. successful. Mr. Boyles is a man who has a wide reputation for honesty and integrity, and has never endeavored to violate an agreement, regardless of whether the fulfillment of it meant profit or loss to him. He has always regarded his word of more value than profit. He is a man of whom it can be said, that his word is as good as his bond.

When Mr. Boyles came here, game was plentiful,- and he hunted a great deal, and in fact, obtained the meat supply with his rifle, which was not only profitable but furnished him with a great deal of sport, as he was an expert marksman when he was younger.

The following children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Boyles : P. C, operating the home farm in partnership with his father; Charles, deceased ; Earl Lee, resides on the home farm ; and Ida, wife of John Waddell, El Dorado, Kans. Mrs. Boyles, the mother of these children, and faithful pioneer wife, departed this life January 17, 1916. She will long be remembered by her many friends and acquaintances, as well as by her immediate family, as a noble Christian woman, who bore her part nobly and well, in the pioneer days and the subsequent development of Butler county. Both Mr. and Mrs. Boyles were of the hospitable kind of people who never turned a stranger from their door, and during the forty-six years that they have lived in Butler county, they have taken many weary way-farers in, and given them lodging and a square meal, and sent them on their way rejoicing. The Avorld is made better by •such people as Mr. and Mrs. Boyles, having lived in it.

Friday, May 10, 2013

William Marion Ray.

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William Marion Ray.

Birth: Jun. 22, 1834.
Death: Jan. 14, 1907.

Wife: Rebecca Miller Boggess Ray (1828 - 1911)

Burial: Delavan Cemetery, Delavan, Morris County, Kansas.

Mr. Ray came to Morris County in 1884, and went into the lumber business in Delavan Kansas.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Joseph Simpson.

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Joseph Simpson, a retired carpenter and contractor of Spring Hill, has spent more than forty-five years of his life in Johnson county. He was born in Yorkshire, England, in 1839, a son of Thomas and Mary (Bradbury) Simpson, both natives of England. The mother died when Joseph was three years old, leaving five children. The father married again, and, in 1844 with his wife and children immigrated to America on a sailing vessel which required thirty-seven days to make the voyage. While in mid-ocean the vessel on which they were making the voyage collided with another ship and narrowly escaped being sunk. They reached the port of New York where the Simpson family embarked on a boat and sailed up the Hudson river and from there on the Erie Canal and Lake Erie to Sandusky, Ohio, and drove inland from there to Springfield, Ohio.

This was before the days of railroads in that section of the country. The father was a shoemaker and worked at his trade in Springfield for a few months when he located at North Hampton, Ohio, where he followed his vocation four years. He then purchased an emigrant outfit and in 1848 drove to Wisconsin and settled on Government land where he died in 1857. In 1859, Joseph Simpson, whose name introduces this review, went to Illinois locating in Lasalle county where, in 1862, he was married to Miss Hannah M. Miller, daughter of Andrew and Caroline Miller, natives of New York. Mr. and Mrs. Simpson began life on a farm in Lasalle county and about a year later removed to Kendall county, Illinois, where they remained about eight years, and in the meantime bought a farm. In 1870 they came to Kansas, locating at Spring Hill.

His original intention was to engage in farming but on account of his health he could not stand the hard work incident to that vocation. Therefore, he learned the carpenter's trade and later drifted into contracting and made that his life business. To Mr. and Mrs. Simpson have been born six children, as, follows : Nettie Bell married Clay Reynolds, Spring Hill ; George, Spring Hill ; Maud married F. A. Smith, resides in Salina, Kan. ; Jessie married Gale Chamberlain, Spring Hill ; Lulu married Homer Ainsworth, Spring Hill, and Ollie married Elmer Burch. In the spring of 1861, when President Lincoln first called for troops to defend the Union, Mr. Simpson was among the first to respond. He enlisted in the Thirteenth regiment, Illinois infantry, and in September of that year was discharged on account of disability. However, he offered his services later during the war, but was rejected as being physically unfit for service. Mr. Simpson is a Socialist and is one of the substantial citizens of Johnson county and the family is well known and prominent in the community

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Jacob Hoak

Jacob Hoak.

Birth: 1853.
Death: 1908.

Wife: Alice Hoak (1858 - 1933).

Burial: Attica Cemetery, Attica, Harper County, Kansas.

Mr. Jacob Hoak, came to Harper county in 1886 and settled on section 16, he also owned land in section 9, in all he owned 480 acres.  He was a farmer and stock raiser, the farm was  known as Bluff Creek Stock Farm, which was about 3 miles north-east of Attics Kansas from which he got his supplies. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

James Allen Corzine.

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James Allen Corzine.

Birth: Oct. 31, 1859.
Death: Dec. 29, 1936, Sumner County, Kansas.

Parents: William M. Corzine (1835 - 1902). Sarah Corzine (1837 - 1876).

Wife's: Addie J. Corzine (1867 - 1911). Clara M. Corzine (1889 - 1971).

Burial: Corzine Cemetery, Corbin, Sumner County, Kansas.

James Allen Corzine came to Sumner county in 1872, and settled in section 16, of Falls township, his ranch had 637.80 acres he was a Stock Raiser and Breeder of registered Hereford cattle.  He lived 3 miles south of Corbin Kansas from which he got his supplies.    

W. H. Bodecker

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W. H. Bodecker, a Butler county pioneer, came to Butler county at a time when many early settlers were having a struggle for existence, but Mr. Bodecker was not of that type. He had the fore- sight to see great possibilities in the future of this section of Kansas and the courage to act according to his convictions. He invested heavily in lands, and, as a reward of his capability and industry, he has become one of the wealthy men of the county, and is now the largest land owner in Murdock township.

Mr. Bodecker was born in Adams county, Illinois, in 1853, and is a son of G. D. and Anna Bodecker, Illinois pioneers and of German descent. He came to Butler county in 1885 and bought 160 acres of land. Having some means when he came here, he was in a position to take advantage of opportunities when he saw them. He started in Butler county with a cash capital of $7,000 and bought land from time to time, not only in Butler, but Sedgwick and Comanche counties, until he became the owner of 3,371 acres. Some of this land has not only doubled, but more than tripled in value since he bought it. He went into the cattle business extensively, and became one of the successful cattle men of this part of the State. In 1907, he realized $21,000 from cattle alone, and that was just about an average year.

Mr.. Bodecker was married, in 1878, to Miss Marguerite Schmitt of Illinois, and a daughter of Andreas Schmitt, a prosperous farmer of that State. To Mr. and Mrs. Bodecker have been born the following  children : Louis, Benton, Kans. ; Mrs. Emma Leeder, Benton, Kans. ; Mrs. Rose Wilson, Augusta, Kans. ; W. J., Benton, Kans. ; Mrs. Christina Ohlson, Benton, Kans. ; Frank, Benton : Nellie, viola and Beatrice, all of Wichita.

In 1912, Mr. Bodecker retired from active business life and built an $8,000 residence in Wichita, where he now resides. At the time that he retired, he gave each of his five children a quarter section of land, and they are all successful and well-to-do farmers and stockmen. The Bodecker family are well known in Butler county, and are prominent in the community where they reside.

Mr. Bodecker died November 27, 1938, and is buried in Highland Cemetery, Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas.  Mrs. Bodecker died October 14, 1932 and is buried beside him.

Monday, May 6, 2013

H. C. Bates.

H. C. Bates, a Civil war veteran, like many others in serving through the Civil war, had developed within him that trained courage and spirit of adventure which so well qualified him for the task of playing his part in the opening up and developing of the then wild and unbroken AVest. H. C. Bates is a native of Michigan, born in 1837, son of Vrelon and Eunice (Wilhelm) Bates, the former a native of Massachusetts, and the latter of New Jersey. The Bates family consisted of four children as follows: H. C. the subject of this sketch; Charles F., Dexter, Mich. ; Mrs. Emma Litchfield. Dexter, Mich., and Marv A., unmarried also resides at Dexter, Mich. H. C. Bates was reared in Dexter, Mich., and received a good common school education, considering the times and conditions, and after leaving school was employed in the great lumber industry in his native State. His peaceful pursuit, however, was interrupted when the call to arms was heralded in 1861. At the president's call for 75,000 volunteers to defend the Union, Mr. Bates enlisted in Company K, Fourth Michigan infantry, and remained in that branch of the military service about a vear, and after serving- his time he enlisted in the navy at Erie, Pa., and was a soldier of the sea for two and one-half years. He prticipated in a number of the important naval engagements of the Civil war, having served under Admiral Farragnt.

At the close of the war Air. Bates was mustered out at Memphis, Tenn., and after receiving an honorable discharge, returned to Michigan and re-engaged in the lumber business. He owned a mill at Dexter, which he sold in 1870, and came to Kansas, first locating in Franklin county. Shortly afterwards, he came to Butler county, locating in Augusta township, where he took up a claim on the southwest quarter of section 9, range 27, township 4, and still owns this place to which he has since added additional acreage. An unusual thing in the history of Mr. Bates original claim is, that it has never gone through a single transfer since he received his title from the Government, and this is the only place, between Towanda and Augusta, of which that can be said. Immediately, upon locating in Butler county, Mr. Bates began farming in a small way, after the plan of the average pioneer, but increased his operations rapidly and soon became one of the extensive farmers and stock raisers of his neighborhood, and is today one of the prosperous and well to do citizens of Butler county. In October, 1910, at the close of a period embracing forty years of successful activity, he came to xA.ugusta and purchased three lots upon which he built a commodious and comfortable residence which is his present home.

Mr. Bates was united in marriage at Dexter, Mich., to Miss Nettie Negus, a native of that place, and a daughter of a Vermont, parents, who settled in Michigan at an early date. Mrs. Bates is a sister of Col. E. L. Negus, who served with distinction in the Civil war, and it is recalled that the severity of loss which his regiment suffered at the battle of Gettysburg is almost without parallel in the annals of the Civil war. Of his 1,126 men who answered at roll-call in the morning before going into action, only 138 were present at roll-call the following morning. One child has been adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Bates, William, who resides at Augusta. He married Maud Beaver, an Augusta girl, and to them have been born four children, as follows: Harvey, Blanche, Lena and Frank. a href="file://niile/">\\niile Mr. Bates was not one of the first settlers of Butler county, he came here at a time when many of the early pioneer conditions prevailed, and has seen the great development from that time to the present Butler county with her prosperous citizens and progressive institutions. Then he came here the nearest railroad was at Emporia, and he remembers when there were only seven houses in Wichita. Many changes have taken place within tlie lifetime of this sturdy pioneer.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

David S. Fairchild

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David S. Fairchild.

Birth: 1840, Indiana.
Death: Feb. 17, 1918.

Wife: Ellen M Fairchild (1847 - 1941), Born Kentucky.
Married about 1864, at the time of his death they had been married 54 years.

Burial: Overbrook Cemetery, Overbrook, Osage County, Kansas.

Mr. Fairchild was a saleman of Real Estate and Insurance.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Samuel Erwin Morland.

Samuel Erwin Morland. Also spelled Morlan.

Birth: Nov. 8, 1821.
Death: Apr. 2, 1906.

Wife: Anna Byers Morlan (1842 - 1905)

Burial: White Rock Cemetery, Republic County, Kansas.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Henry W. Barber

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Henry W. Barber.

Birth: Jan. 30, 1843.
Death: Jan. 2, 1926, Ransom, Ness County, Kansas.

Parents: Romanta Barber (1799 - 1853), Lydia Foote Barber (1805 - 1881)

Wife: Frances Maria Woods Barber (1843 - 1928).

Children: Frederick Abner Barber (1867 - 1940), Adelbert Harry Barber (1870 - 1966), Mabel Irene Barber Lynn (1875 - 1961), Millie Alice Barber Jackson (1878 - 1966), Dora Belle Barber Barkley (1881 - 1959).

Note: Spouse of Frances Maria Woods, son of Romanta Barber and Lydia Foote Barber

Burial: Ransom Cemetery, Ransom, Ness County, Kansas.

Mr. Barber lived in the city of Ransom, was the Postmaster in 1906
 and Dealer of Coal.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Benjamin Franklin Bisbee.

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B. F. Bisbee, frequently called "The Big-belly Wheat King of Meade County," was born at Ann Arbor, Michigan, on June 22nd, 1842. He was married at Mason City, Ill., in January, 1867, to Rebecca Grisson. To this union were born six children, to wit: Carrie, Grace, Leona, William I., and Maud and Myrtie, the last two being twins.

Mr. Bisbee came to Meade County in 1887, and has ever since been engaged in farming and stock raising.

Years ago he earned and carried the title of "Farmer Bisbee" because he was one of the very few men in Meade County who were making a success of farming at that time.

He has been Trustee of his township, and is a member of the I. O. 0. F. at Meade.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Captain Henry A. Oakes.

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Captain Henry A. Oakes.
Birth: March 18, 1837, or 1838, Ohio.
Death: March 11, 1903.
Wife: Eleanor Oakes, born April 8, 1829 England.
Death: November 26, 1911, Kansas.
Daughter; Ellen Oakes, born Illinois.
Son; Harry Oakes, born Kansas.
Father born Rhode Island.
Mother born Kentucky.
Burial: Oak Hill Cemetery, Lawrence, Douglas County, Kansas.
Mr. Oakes came to Douglas County in 1879 and settled in Palmyrs township.  He was the Prop. of the Oakes Stock Farm.
Civil War Service Record.
Illinois 129th., Infantry.
Illinois Civil War Detail Report
Name: OAKES, HENRY A. Rank: SGT. Company: I. Unit: 129 IL US INF. Personal Characteristics. Residence: NAPLES, SCOTT CO, IL. Age: 25. Height: 5' 11. Hair: DARK. Eyes: BLUE. Complexion: FAIR. Marital Status: SINGLE. Occupation: FARMER. Nativity: SCIOTO CO, OH. Service Record. Joined When: AUG 4, 1862. Joined Where: NAPLES, IL. Joined By Whom: JAS F CRAWFORD. Period: 3 YRS. Muster In: SEP 8, 1862. Muster In Where: PONTIAC, IL. Remarks: PROMOTED 2LT.
Second Lieutenant.
Joined When: MAR 25, 1863. Joined Where: SOUTH TUNNEL, TN. Joined By Whom: GOV OF ILL. Period: 3 YRS. Muster In; MAR 25, 1863. Muster In Where: GALLATIN, TN. Remarks: PROMOTED 1LT.
First Lieutenant.
Joined When: JUN 29, 1864. Joined Where: IN THE FIELD, GA. Joined By Whom: GOV OF ILL. Period: 3 YRS. Muster In: JUN 29, 1864. Muster In Where: IN THE FIELD, GA. Remarks: PROMOTED CAPTAIN.
Joined When: DEC 20, 1864. Joined Where: NEAR SAVANNAH, GA. Joined By Whom: GOV OF ILL. Period: 3 YRS. Muster In: DEC 20, 1864. Muster In Where: NEAR SAVANNAH, GA. Muster Out: JUN 8, 1865. Muster Out Where: WASHINGTON, DC.

Captain Thomas Adair.

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Captain Thomas Adair.

Birth: 1824, Ohio
Death: 1913.

Wife: Mary Adair 1941-1942, born Illinois.
Married about 1868.
Daughter: Anna Adair, born Illinois..

Civil War veteran, joined 10th Kansas Infantry, Co A., as a Private 16 July 1861. Later promoted to 2nd Lieutenant 83rd Infantry USCI, Co C., then promoted to 1st Lieutenant. Discharged from US Army 9 October 1865. Member G.A.R. Franklin Post #68, Olathe, Kansas. GAR medallion beside gravestone. Note: Burial: 8-May-1913 Lieut. Co. C. 83rd USCI

Burial: Olathe Memorial Cemetery, Olathe, Johnson County, Kansas.

Mr. Adair came to Johnson county in 1857 and settled in section 30, of Olathe township of Olathe county.  He was a farmer and got his supplies from Olathe which was about six miles south-east of the farm.