Simpson Kansas date Unknown. |
Here is a picture of Simpson the date it was taken is unknown. I believe it was between the late 1880's or 90's it may be in the early 1900's, it's hard to tell as many rural Kansas towns were slow coming into the modern age. Many Kansas towns fought and kicked all the way, while others just faded away.
The following names were farmes and used Simpson as their P. O. address, the year 1884.
1. William E. Vernon.
2. J. M. Vernon.
3. L. F. White.
4. C. D. White.
5. W. H. Abling.
6. John Atinson.
7. William Critchfield.
8. Nathaniel Critchfield.
9. W. S. Critchfield.
Simpson is in Logan county Logan township 8-south range 6, section 1.
If you would like to see a full screen of Logan county, which will have most of the names listed here on it, take this link. http://www.kansasmemory.org/item/224024/page/21
Simpson was built on the site of Brittsville, which opened it's post office on June 22, 1871, and ran to April 3, 1882. When Brittsville changed it's name to Simpson the post office open on April 3, 1882, and ran to ?
How Simpson got started.
Simpson, which was previously known as Brittsville, also Britain and Simpsonville, originated in 1871 when G. Beaver, who at that time owned a mill at Delphos, came up the Solomon River to sight a spot for a mill.
With financial aid from Thomas Shanks and Alfred Simpson, a mill was erected at the site where Brittsville started. By 1879 Brittsville was a thriving little village with a store, drug store, blacksmith shop, post office and stage stand. With the coming of railroads, between 1879 and 1880, Brittsville was moved a mile to the present townsite of Simpson. In 1882, after Alfred Simpson deeded a portion of land upon which the town was built to the city, the name was changed to Simpson, in his honor. The land on which the city was situated was first owned by T. E. Thackery, who on December 29, 1875, registered a receivers receipt for the property. Tom Shanks and Simpson started the first store in the new locality: and the first house belonged to George Leinen, Sr.
Here are some of the names of Simpson Kansas.
J. J. BRITT, attorney, P. O. Simpsonville, was born in Maryland, May 22, 1838. Removed to Indiana in 1857, thence to Minnesota, thence to Northern Missouri, thence to Montana Territory, and to Mitchell County, Kan., in 1868. Attended law school at Chicago, Ill., and graduated in 1871. Laid out the town of Britain in Mitchell County. Was elected Probate Judge in Mitchell County in 1873, and held the office for two years. Married at Asherville, Mitchell County, Kan., on the 22d day of January, 1872, to Miss Isadora Rice, and has three children - Julia, Hulas and Alta.
ISAAC N. DALRYMPLE, farmer, P. O. Dalrymple, was born in Clark County, Ohio, March 22, 1836. Removed to Indiana in 1842. Enlisted in the United States army, August 12, 1862, in Company B, One Hundred and Twelfth Volunteer Infantry. Was taken prisoner September 18, 1863. Was held as prisoner in Belle Island, Libby, Andersonville and Milan. Exchanged November 21, 1864; discharged May 31, 1865. Returned to Stark County, Ill., where he remained teaching until June, 1866, when he came to Cloud County, Kan., and settled in the southwest corner in Solomon Township. Afterwards moved into Logan Township, Mitchell County, and is the owner of 600 acres of land. Was elected to the State Legislature in the fall of 1868. Was Captain in the Second Battalion of the Kansas Volunteer Militia in the spring of 1869, and served five months and twenty days. He was married September 13, 1870, in Dickenson(sic) County, Kan., to Miss A. Kilgore, and is the father of six children - Walter, May, Burton, Wood, Arthur and Lucy. Mr. Dalrymple states that on the 13th and 14th days of August, 1867, the Indians murdered twenty-one settlers, and on October 13, 1868, killed nine more, and in 1869, killed seven, all in the Solomon Valley.
W. G. FRIDAY, druggist, P. O. Simpsonville, was born in Illinois, August 8, 1860. Removed to Butler County, Neb., in 1870. Came to Mitchell County, Kan., in December, 1880. In 1881, he settled in the young town of Simpson, where he engaged in the drug business and was appointed Postmaster in April, 1881.
ENOS HALBERT, P. O. Coursen's Grove, was born September 19, 1824, in Orange County, Ind. He followed farming until 1874. Moved to Mitchell County, Kan., farming to date. Particular attention being paid to thorough-bred horses. He had 170 acres of broom-corn this year; yield, one ton to five acres. Married, January 15, 1848, to Miss Susan Shirely. They have six children - Mary, Harriet, Emma, Maggie, Seth and Lucy A. He enlisted in the United States service, August 1, 1861, as private in Company I, Thirty-third Indiana. Promoted to Second Lieutenant, 1864; to Captain, 1864. Discharged August 1, 1865, at the close of the war. He is a member of I. O. O. F. and Masonic fraternity.
A. N. NOELL, station agent, P. O. Simpsonville, was born in Virginia May 18, 1846. Removed to Caldwell County, Mo., in 1855. Enlisted in the United States army, June 1, 1864, in Company D, Seventh Kansas Cavalry, Discharged September 20, 1865. Returned to Leavenworth, Kan., where he was discharged; then went to Caldwell County, Mo. Went to Keokuk, Iowa, and attended commercial college and learned telegraphing. Came to Mitchell County, Kan., in 1875, and was appointed ticket agent and telegraph operator at Simpson, and the station of Brittsville, on the Union Pacific Railroad, June, 1881. Is a married man and the father of one child - James K., born November 10, 1870.
ALFRED SIMPSON, grain dealer, Simpsonville, was born in South Carolina, July 26, 1833. Removed to Tennessee in 1838, thence to Missouri in 1858. Again moved, this time to Doniphan County, Kan., in 1870; came to within one mile of the present town of Simpson, and erected a mill 28x36 feet, two and a half stories high. In the spring of 1881, Mr. Simpson caused the town of Simpson to be laid out, and the citizens have since named the town after its founder. The population of the town is about 100. The subject of our sketch has done much toward the upbuilding of the place, as he now owns a grain-house, dry goods store and hardware. Other business interests are there also, as the town is supplied with another general stock of goods, drug store, harness shop, etc. He was married in Jackson County, Mo., on October 22, 1865, to Miss Rebecca L. Rhoads, and has six children - Josephine, Thomas J., Margaret E., Benjamin, Mabel A. and Catherine.
O. D. THOMPSON, merchant, Simpsonville, was born in Wisconsin, March 1, 1854. Removed to Idaho territory in 1874, thence back to Wisconsin in 1879. Attended the Whitewater Normal School in Wisconsin; also attended the commercial school in Denver, Col. Came to Mitchell County, Kan., in the fall of 1879, and in 1881 engaged in business in the town of Simpson, under the firm name of Foot & Thompson. The firm handle a general stock. He was married November 28, 1878, at Spring Prairie, Wis., to Miss Carrie Funk, and has two children - Kate, born December 4, 1879; David, born October 17, 1881.
New February 9, 2012.
by Eileen Wilson.
Sylvester McKee was my husband's great-grandfather. Seth McKee was a brother to Sylvester. While Seth stayed in Simpson and died there on the farm leaving many descendants in the area, Sylvester left Kansas and moved to Alberta where his wife, Lucy, passed away before moving on to California where he died in 1928.
1880, Census of Logan Township, Mitchell County.
I will only list the head of the family and his wife or what ever the case may be.
1. Enos Halbert, Susan.
2. Sylvester McKee, Lucy N.
3. Henry Stackhouse, Mary.
4. William Childs.
5. William Critchfield, Margaret.
6. William H. McKim, Malinda.
7. Jno. Dimahowski, Esther.
8. George Stackhouse, Ida A.
9. Charles M. Grecian, Sophia.
10. Timothy Babcock, Cathrine.
11. Elza Louthan.
12. Nathan Critchfield, Myranda.
13. James Murrhy, Bridget.
14. James Rhodes, Holda J.
15. John A. Person, Elcy A.
16. Isaac M. Park, Catharine.
17. Andrew Pearson, Carrie.
18. George Bogen, Christine.
19. Ethilbert Knapp, Marilla
20. Jered S. Lyon, Armina.
21. Alvin Critchfield.
22. Reuben Enzor, Mary.
23. Thomas L. Bennett, Ann M.
24. George W. Littlejohn, Marie.
25. Elwood Thackary, Mary.
26. Albert Edwards, Charlotte.
27. Jesse Elliott, Malinda A.
28. Alfred Noel, Mary A.
29. George Freemyers, Lydia.
30. Joseph Castlin, Ruth F.
31. James Reeves, Harriet F.
32. Grafton C. Couch.
33. Willis H. Ivers, Ella E.
34. Frank P. Hawkins, Mary E.
35. Elliot M. Hawkins, Mary.
36. Henry W. Drolte, Sarah.
37. Samuel Conkin, Cathrine.
38. James Ruinn, Mary.
39. Anthony W. Martin, Christa Ann.
40. James Olivet.
41. Moor McConaghy, Nancy.
42. Nelson Witherel, Juliaett E.
43. Charles H. Whitherel, Ida Adella.
44. William Hedden.
45. Freeman J. Starkey, Lydia.
46. Henry Jones, Melissa C.
47. Dozies Morgan, Sarah D.
48. George Slack, Hattie.
49. John Patten, Sarah.
50. Hercules Jones, Eilzabeth.
51. Benjamin F. Williams, Mildred J.
52. Thomas W. Wroe, Elizabeth.
53. Emory D. McKeeby, Emily.
54. Joseph Wigfield, Leonora.
55. William F. Lockard, Elizabeth.
56. John Conklin, Emeline A.
57. Marten Smith, E. Alice.
58. Nard Maulding, Mary C.
59. Franklin Hall, Josina.
60. William H. McCane, Adline.
61. Thomas Basham, Rachel L.
62. William P. Thompson.
63. Jefferson McBride, Ann M.
64. Jacob Heck, Mary A.
65. Edward Tanner, Cordelia.
66. Jeremiah McDonald, Betty J.
67. Zachary Huffman, Rebecca J.
68. James W. Huffman, Cynthiana.
69. Martin B. Plymire, Mary M.
70. Charles Whitmore, Mary E.
71. John Wallace, Jane.
72. Preston Scott, Margaret.
73. James S. Speakman, Flora J.
74. Thomas H. Lockwood, Mary J.
75. Mimiller S. Speakman, Mary J.
76. George McBride, Lillian.
77. Warren G. Kerns, Sarah.
78. Peter Johnson.
79. Nelse P. Nelson, Matelda.
80. William Abling, Sophony.
81. William Chambers, Martha E.
82. Samuel Pearson , Emma.
82. John Johnson, Christina.
83. Jacob Funk, Lottie.
84. Alfred W. Rogers, Lida.
85. William Lawrence, Martha E.
86. William W. Layton, Mary I.
87. John Gill, Ann E.
88. John Overman.
89. Elias Engliss, Anne C.
90. Felix E. Jones, Margaret.
91. Henry Gentry, Clarissa J.
92. Samuel Engle.
93. Joshua Engle, Sarah.
94. George M. Giles, Emma.
95. David Edmund, Sarah A.
96. Josiah Watson.
97. George R. Rhodes, Melissa E.
98. Thomas J. Rhodes, Matilda.
99. Henderson Garner, Emma E.
100. Dezter Conklin, Maria.
101. Francis Reece, Sophrona.
102. Samuel Sprague, Elizabeth.
103. Merrit C. Bassford, Emma Retta.
104. Mahlon White, Nancy A.
105. Benjamin H. Billings, Eliza W.
106. Hugh Stackhouse, Sarah L.
107. Robert O. Martin, Maria.
108. Silas W. Fisher, Hattie.
109. Isaac Dalrymple, Adalaide K.
110. John Atkinson, Isabelle.
111. Jasper A. Dailey, Maria L.
112. Caleb A. Duvall, Nellie.
113. Joseph R. McBride, Ruth A.
114. Stephen McKinney, Mary E.
115. Frederick W. Doewer, Lee Ann.
116. Moses Ag. Rhodes, Mary S.
117. SAmuel Shire, Jane.
118. Sarah Selah.
119. Madison H. Dooly, Ella.
120. Eli Dovall, Ruth.
121. Oliver Starkey, Nancy E.
122. George Dawes, Jennie.
123. Charles Peterson, Charlotte.
124. Francis I. White, Elizabeth.
125. Burdette Stevens, Lean E.
126. William D. Raines, Lucinda A.