AMOS MILNER, farmer, Section 22, P. O. Madison, is a native of Hancock County, Ind., and a thorough practical farmer. In 1862, he enlisted in Company B, Ninety-ninth Indiana Volunteer Infantry; was present at and participated in the hot work at Nashville, Vicksburg, etc., and was mustered out at Indianapolis in June, 1865. Mr. Milner came to Kansas in 1868 and located upon a farm of 200 acres, part of which is situated in Lyon County; his residence, a very handsome one, facing the county road, but located upon the Greenwood County side, where he has eighty acres under cultivation, averaging -- oats, 40 to 50; wheat, 20, and corn, 45 bushels per acre. His orchard contains about 100 trees. He has 75 to 100 head of cattle, 40 hogs, and several horses. Mr. M. has been twice married and has two children. He has never taken any office since his location in Kansas, but has his entire attention to his agricultural and stock interests.
Civil War.
Enlisted as a Corporal, August 13, 1862, at Greenfield, Indiana, age 26, regimenr 99th., infantry, company B., discharged June 5, 1865, at Willow Branch, Remarks; Reduced to ranks, October 31, 1862, ( Private. )
Birth: Sep. 9, 1834.
Death: Feb. 13, 1917.
Spouse: Phebe A. Milner (1846 - 1926.)
Burial:, Blakely Cemetery, Madison, Greenwood County, Kansas.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Clifton M. Wood.
Clifton M. Wood, stock dealer, was born in Morrow County, Ohio, in 1837; son of Reuben and Anna Wood. He was raised in Ohio. In 1862, he enlisted in Company C, Ninety-sixth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Soon after enlisting, he was prostrated with typhoid fever. He was in the hospital at Covington, Ky., for three months. On his recovery, he was appointed Executive Steward of the Eruptive and Clay General Hospitals, and also of the Officers' General Hospital at Louisville, Ky. This position he held until the close of the war, when he returned to Ohio.
In 1866, he came to Kansas, located at Cottonwood Falls, where he remained about three years. In April, 1869, he settled where Winfield now is, and built a house, which he intended for a store. It was the first building built in Winfield, and he was the first settler. After completing his house, he returned to Cottonwood Falls for the purpose of getting goods, but soon after his departure the Indians burned his house, which proved a severe loss to him, as he had expended $500 of his scanty means to build it. On his return to Cottonwood Falls, Mr. Wood was married, June 26, to Miss Malinda Jones, who was at that time engaged in teaching school near that place.
Mr. Wood, on hearing of the misfortune that had overtaken him in the loss of his house, was nothing daunted, but changed his purpose about taking his goods, but with his wife and household effects returned, reaching Winfield on the 14th of August, 1869, Mrs. Wood thus being the first white woman and bride of Winfield. In the fall of that year, two or three families settled here, and in the following winter and spring the number was quite largely increased, and the foundation of the beautiful and prosperous city of Winfield was laid. On returning to Winfield, Mr. Wood immediately commenced the building of another house, which was the second one built at this place.
From that time he has been a resident of this place, and has been active and liberal in striving to advance the interests of his adopted city. He is now engaged in the stock business. He has been a member of the City Council for two years.
Mrs. Wood is a native of Ohio, a daughter of James and Maria Jones. She has borne her husband two children - Blanche and Guy C.
Civil War Note.
Clifton M. Wood, 96th, Ohio, infantry, Company C., 8th, Corporal; Tranferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, for disability, April 8, 1864.
Clifton M. Wood.
Brith: Unknown
Death: Unknown.
Burial: Union Cemetery, Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas.
In 1866, he came to Kansas, located at Cottonwood Falls, where he remained about three years. In April, 1869, he settled where Winfield now is, and built a house, which he intended for a store. It was the first building built in Winfield, and he was the first settler. After completing his house, he returned to Cottonwood Falls for the purpose of getting goods, but soon after his departure the Indians burned his house, which proved a severe loss to him, as he had expended $500 of his scanty means to build it. On his return to Cottonwood Falls, Mr. Wood was married, June 26, to Miss Malinda Jones, who was at that time engaged in teaching school near that place.
Mr. Wood, on hearing of the misfortune that had overtaken him in the loss of his house, was nothing daunted, but changed his purpose about taking his goods, but with his wife and household effects returned, reaching Winfield on the 14th of August, 1869, Mrs. Wood thus being the first white woman and bride of Winfield. In the fall of that year, two or three families settled here, and in the following winter and spring the number was quite largely increased, and the foundation of the beautiful and prosperous city of Winfield was laid. On returning to Winfield, Mr. Wood immediately commenced the building of another house, which was the second one built at this place.
From that time he has been a resident of this place, and has been active and liberal in striving to advance the interests of his adopted city. He is now engaged in the stock business. He has been a member of the City Council for two years.
Mrs. Wood is a native of Ohio, a daughter of James and Maria Jones. She has borne her husband two children - Blanche and Guy C.
Civil War Note.
Clifton M. Wood, 96th, Ohio, infantry, Company C., 8th, Corporal; Tranferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, for disability, April 8, 1864.
Clifton M. Wood.
Brith: Unknown
Death: Unknown.
Burial: Union Cemetery, Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Alexander M. York.
A. M. York came to Kansas in 1870, and located at Independence, where he was engaged in the practice of law until 1875. In 1872 he was elected a member of the State Senate. In 1875, he went to Shreveport, La., and remained there two years, engaged in mail contracts in that State and Texas. He then came to Fort Scott and became interested in the York nursery with his father and brother. He is a native of Byron, Ogle Co., Ill.; born July 7, 1838. That was his home until September, 1862, when he enlisted in Company I, Ninety-second Illinois Volunteer Infantry. He was commissioned Second Lieutenant, and in 1863 was promoted to First Lieutenant. In 1864, he was again promoted Captain of Company G, Fifteenth Colored Infantry, and was the same year raised to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel of the Fifteenth Colored Infantry. He was finally mustered out of service in April, 1866, and went to Shelbina, Mo., where he was engaged in practice until he removed to Independence.
He was married at Polo, Ogle Co., Ill., March 4, 1861, to Juliett Preston, a native of Oneida Co., N. Y. They had three children--Winnefred J., Ernest Preston and Frederick A. Mrs. York died April 9, 1875, and he was married to his present wife, Candace Tracey, a native of Payson, Ill., at Independence, Kan., March 26, 1877. They have one child--Roscoe Tracey. Col. York is a member of the A., F. & A. M.
Civil War Enlistment.
Alexander M. York.
Rank: 1st,Lieutenant.
Company: I.
Unit: 92nd, Illinois U. S. Infantry.
Age: 24.
Height: 5' 8 1/2.
Hair: BROWN.
Eyes: BLUE.
Complexion: LIGHT.
Marital Status: MARRIED.
Occupation: LAWYER.
Nativity: BYRON, OGLE CO, IL.
Joined When: APR 23, 1863.
Joined Where: FRANKLIN, TN.
Period: 3, years.
Muster In: APR 23, 1863.
Muster In Where: FRANKLIN, TN.
Alexander M. York, Ordered to Kill Captain.
The following was taken from the History of the Ninety-Second Infantry.
Lieutenant Alexander M. York, of the nintey-second, heard the Captain of the steamer Tempest, in conversation with one of the pilots, perdicting a disaster at the bridge; and the Lieutenant believed that it was the intention of the captain and pilot, who were Reble sympataizers, deliberately to wreck the steamer Tempest, and the steamer Arizonia lashed to its side, on which ninety-second was being transported. He was therefore directed by the Brigade Commander, to take a fiel of soldiers, let them load their guns, place the same piolt at the wheel and the captain by the pilot-house, and inform them, that if any accident happened at the Clarksville Bridge, he was directed to shoot them both. Lieutenant York did as he was commanded, and there was no accident.
Alexander M. York.
Birth: 1838.
Death: 1928.
Burial: Fairmount Cemetery, Denver, Denver County, Colorado.
New, June 16, 2012.
The following came from the History of Montgomery County.
By L. Wallace Duncan, Publ. 1903.
COL. ALEXANDER M. YORK was at one time a leading member of the bar of Montgomery county, to which he was admitted in August, 1871.
He was born at Byron. Illinois, July 7, 1838, and admitted to practice iu Carroll county, in that State, on December 31. 1861, and at once entered the practice at Lanark, Illinois. On September 4, 1863, he enlisted in the Ninety-second Illinois Volunteers and remained in the army till the close of the war, and was mustered out of the service in April, 1866. He entered the army as a private soldier and was then commissioned as second lieutenant of Company "I" of his regiment and, in 1863, promoted to the First Lieutenancy of the same company. In 1864 he was commissioned as Captain of Company "G." Fifteenth Colored Infantry, and afterward, in the same year, raised to the rank of colonel of that regiment.
After leaving the army Col. York began the practice of his profession at Shelbina. Missouri, in partnership with Col. J. W. Shaur, and afterward, in March. 1871, located at Independence, Kansas, where he, in company with Governor L. U. Humphrey and W. T. Yoe, established and conductrd the South Kansas Tribune. A little more than a year later the Colonel and the Governor. haviug sold their interests in the newspaper, fromed a paitnership to practice law, under the firm name of York & Humphrey. This firm at once established a profitable practice which it firmly held and increased for about five years, wlien tlie Governor began his political career in which he became distinguished, and the Colonel went to Louisiana and remained there two years, where he was interested in mail contracts in that State and in Texas. He then went to Fort Scott. Kansas, and became interested in the "York Nursery." in which business he continued five or six years. Since then he has been engaged in the real estate business at xarious places and is now located at Denver, Colorado, in that pursuit.
While Colonel York was a nam of fine native ability, and possessed a well trained mind, and was learned in the law, he lacked some of the necessary attributes to a successful life in the most learned of all professions. He could never have been the plodding. methodical and tireless student, that closely analyzes and rises to eminence in the law. He was too active, zealous and enthusiastic for that; he could not "sit down and contentedly wait for anything. He was a remarkably fluent and forceful public speaker. either at the bar or on the rostrum. Indeed on one occasion his oratory was superb and the student of Kansas history will, long after he is dead, read with pleasure and astonishment, his extraordinary ex tempore speech made in 1873 to the joint convention of the two Houses of the Kansas Legislature, in exposing the attempted bribery by U. S. Senator Pomeroy, of members of the Kansas Legislature. Col. York was then rei)resenting Montgomery county in the State Senate and closed his wonderful effort in these words: "I stand in the presence of this august and honorable body of representatives of the sovereign people; and before the Almighty Ruler of the I'niverse, I solemnly declare and affirm that every word T have si)oken is God's truth and nothing but the truth."
He was married at Polo, Ogle Co., Ill., March 4, 1861, to Juliett Preston, a native of Oneida Co., N. Y. They had three children--Winnefred J., Ernest Preston and Frederick A. Mrs. York died April 9, 1875, and he was married to his present wife, Candace Tracey, a native of Payson, Ill., at Independence, Kan., March 26, 1877. They have one child--Roscoe Tracey. Col. York is a member of the A., F. & A. M.
Civil War Enlistment.
Alexander M. York.
Rank: 1st,Lieutenant.
Company: I.
Unit: 92nd, Illinois U. S. Infantry.
Age: 24.
Height: 5' 8 1/2.
Hair: BROWN.
Eyes: BLUE.
Complexion: LIGHT.
Marital Status: MARRIED.
Occupation: LAWYER.
Nativity: BYRON, OGLE CO, IL.
Joined When: APR 23, 1863.
Joined Where: FRANKLIN, TN.
Period: 3, years.
Muster In: APR 23, 1863.
Muster In Where: FRANKLIN, TN.
Alexander M. York, Ordered to Kill Captain.
The following was taken from the History of the Ninety-Second Infantry.
Lieutenant Alexander M. York, of the nintey-second, heard the Captain of the steamer Tempest, in conversation with one of the pilots, perdicting a disaster at the bridge; and the Lieutenant believed that it was the intention of the captain and pilot, who were Reble sympataizers, deliberately to wreck the steamer Tempest, and the steamer Arizonia lashed to its side, on which ninety-second was being transported. He was therefore directed by the Brigade Commander, to take a fiel of soldiers, let them load their guns, place the same piolt at the wheel and the captain by the pilot-house, and inform them, that if any accident happened at the Clarksville Bridge, he was directed to shoot them both. Lieutenant York did as he was commanded, and there was no accident.
Alexander M. York.
Birth: 1838.
Death: 1928.
Burial: Fairmount Cemetery, Denver, Denver County, Colorado.
New, June 16, 2012.
The following came from the History of Montgomery County.
By L. Wallace Duncan, Publ. 1903.
COL. ALEXANDER M. YORK was at one time a leading member of the bar of Montgomery county, to which he was admitted in August, 1871.
He was born at Byron. Illinois, July 7, 1838, and admitted to practice iu Carroll county, in that State, on December 31. 1861, and at once entered the practice at Lanark, Illinois. On September 4, 1863, he enlisted in the Ninety-second Illinois Volunteers and remained in the army till the close of the war, and was mustered out of the service in April, 1866. He entered the army as a private soldier and was then commissioned as second lieutenant of Company "I" of his regiment and, in 1863, promoted to the First Lieutenancy of the same company. In 1864 he was commissioned as Captain of Company "G." Fifteenth Colored Infantry, and afterward, in the same year, raised to the rank of colonel of that regiment.
After leaving the army Col. York began the practice of his profession at Shelbina. Missouri, in partnership with Col. J. W. Shaur, and afterward, in March. 1871, located at Independence, Kansas, where he, in company with Governor L. U. Humphrey and W. T. Yoe, established and conductrd the South Kansas Tribune. A little more than a year later the Colonel and the Governor. haviug sold their interests in the newspaper, fromed a paitnership to practice law, under the firm name of York & Humphrey. This firm at once established a profitable practice which it firmly held and increased for about five years, wlien tlie Governor began his political career in which he became distinguished, and the Colonel went to Louisiana and remained there two years, where he was interested in mail contracts in that State and in Texas. He then went to Fort Scott. Kansas, and became interested in the "York Nursery." in which business he continued five or six years. Since then he has been engaged in the real estate business at xarious places and is now located at Denver, Colorado, in that pursuit.
While Colonel York was a nam of fine native ability, and possessed a well trained mind, and was learned in the law, he lacked some of the necessary attributes to a successful life in the most learned of all professions. He could never have been the plodding. methodical and tireless student, that closely analyzes and rises to eminence in the law. He was too active, zealous and enthusiastic for that; he could not "sit down and contentedly wait for anything. He was a remarkably fluent and forceful public speaker. either at the bar or on the rostrum. Indeed on one occasion his oratory was superb and the student of Kansas history will, long after he is dead, read with pleasure and astonishment, his extraordinary ex tempore speech made in 1873 to the joint convention of the two Houses of the Kansas Legislature, in exposing the attempted bribery by U. S. Senator Pomeroy, of members of the Kansas Legislature. Col. York was then rei)resenting Montgomery county in the State Senate and closed his wonderful effort in these words: "I stand in the presence of this august and honorable body of representatives of the sovereign people; and before the Almighty Ruler of the I'niverse, I solemnly declare and affirm that every word T have si)oken is God's truth and nothing but the truth."
Thursday, January 26, 2012
MYRON GILLMORE, Sheriff, came to Kansas in 1874, locating on a farm near Ellinwood, Barton County; he engaged in agricultural pursuits until 1880, when he moved to Great Bend. He has 800 acres of fine land, 500 of which is cultivated. In 1882 he raised 7,354 bushels of wheat, an average of twenty-eight bushels per acre. Corn was a poor crop in his vicinity. He has recently engaged quite largely in stock raising. Was elected Sheriff of Barton County in the fall of 18769, re-elected in the fall of 1881. Was born in Erie County, Pa., September 27, 1841, and raised in Avon Township, Lake Co., Ill. Enlisted in August, 1862, in Company B., Ninety-sixth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, participating in all battles of his command until at Atlanta, GA., where he was severely wounded and discharged in January, 1865, from Marine Hospital, Chicago, Ill. He soon afterward went to Livingston County, Ill, and followed farming until he came to Kansas. Was married in the summer of 1867, to Miss Flora E. Abner, of Hainesville, Lake Co., Ill. They have one daughter, Florence M. Gillmore. He is a member of the first two branches of Masonic order and Legion of Honor.
Civil War.
Myron Gillmore, Enlisted in August, of 1862, at the age of 22, Height 5 feet 10 and a half, Hair Light, Eyes Gray, Complexion Fair, Occupatio Farmer.
Battle of Atlanta.
Wednesday, August 3, 1865.
The skimishers of the regiment made a vigorous demonstration against the rebel lines. In which Myron Gillmore, of company B, was severely wounded in the left leg. He had but recently returned to the regiment after a trip to his home in Lake County, where he had accompanied the remains of his brother E. J. Gillmore, who had died from his wounds he received at Kenesaw Mountain. Myron was disabled for farther service, and was discharged the following January.
Civil War.
Myron Gillmore, Enlisted in August, of 1862, at the age of 22, Height 5 feet 10 and a half, Hair Light, Eyes Gray, Complexion Fair, Occupatio Farmer.
Battle of Atlanta.
Wednesday, August 3, 1865.
The skimishers of the regiment made a vigorous demonstration against the rebel lines. In which Myron Gillmore, of company B, was severely wounded in the left leg. He had but recently returned to the regiment after a trip to his home in Lake County, where he had accompanied the remains of his brother E. J. Gillmore, who had died from his wounds he received at Kenesaw Mountain. Myron was disabled for farther service, and was discharged the following January.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Simon G. GARY
Simon G. GARY, Sheriff of Cowley County, Kan., was born in Lewisburg, Champaign County, Ohio, February 5, 1837; is the son of Joseph F. and Martha Gary. His father died on the 18th day of August, 1850. Five years later, his mother, with her family of four children, moved to Mabaska, Iowa, where the subject of this sketch commenced work at the trade he had previously acquired, that of carpenter, which he followed until the commencement of the war, when he enlisted in Company H, Third Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry. He took part in the engagements of Blue Mills, Mo., September 17, 1861, of Pittsburg Landing April 6 and 7, 1862, siege of Corinth and Vicksburg, battles of Hatchie and Jackson, and the many other engagements of his command.
He was wounded at Pittsburg Landing in the left shin; at the Hatchie in the left shoulder; on board the steamer Crescent City near Greenville, Miss., in the ankle; at Jackson, Miss., July 12, l863, in left thigh. He enlisted in the army as a private. Five months later, was promoted to First Sergeant; in February, 1862, to Second Lieutenant; in October, 1862, to First Lieutenant, and in March, 1863, to Captain of his company, which commission he held until the close of his term of service. Was mustered out on the 18th day of July, 1864, and returned to Iowa, where he engaged in farming for ten years. In 1877, he came to Kansas, and located at Winfield, where he engaged in the manufacture of furniture. In February, 1883, he was appointed Sheriff of Cowley County to fill a vacancy caused by the death of Sheriff A. T. Shinnamin.
Mr. G. was married January 1, 1865, to Miss Mary E. Hunt, daughter of Abraham and Mahala Hunt. They have four children - John W. (who died February 25, 1871, was born April 29, 1868). There are living Leota (born February 6, 1866), George Gordon (born January 14, 1872), Mabel Grace (born August 19, 1875). Mr. G. is a member of the A. O. U. W. Lodge, No. 18. While residing in Iowa, he held the office of Justice of the Peace. Was twice Assessor of his township. Was Postmaster, and was County Supervisor two terms. Was Deputy United States Marshal for the purpose of taking United States census for six townships of Mahaska County, Iowa, in 1870. He was a member of the Eleventh General Assembly in 1865 and 1866. Has been a member of the City Council of the city of Winfield, Kan., for two years.
He was wounded at Pittsburg Landing in the left shin; at the Hatchie in the left shoulder; on board the steamer Crescent City near Greenville, Miss., in the ankle; at Jackson, Miss., July 12, l863, in left thigh. He enlisted in the army as a private. Five months later, was promoted to First Sergeant; in February, 1862, to Second Lieutenant; in October, 1862, to First Lieutenant, and in March, 1863, to Captain of his company, which commission he held until the close of his term of service. Was mustered out on the 18th day of July, 1864, and returned to Iowa, where he engaged in farming for ten years. In 1877, he came to Kansas, and located at Winfield, where he engaged in the manufacture of furniture. In February, 1883, he was appointed Sheriff of Cowley County to fill a vacancy caused by the death of Sheriff A. T. Shinnamin.
Mr. G. was married January 1, 1865, to Miss Mary E. Hunt, daughter of Abraham and Mahala Hunt. They have four children - John W. (who died February 25, 1871, was born April 29, 1868). There are living Leota (born February 6, 1866), George Gordon (born January 14, 1872), Mabel Grace (born August 19, 1875). Mr. G. is a member of the A. O. U. W. Lodge, No. 18. While residing in Iowa, he held the office of Justice of the Peace. Was twice Assessor of his township. Was Postmaster, and was County Supervisor two terms. Was Deputy United States Marshal for the purpose of taking United States census for six townships of Mahaska County, Iowa, in 1870. He was a member of the Eleventh General Assembly in 1865 and 1866. Has been a member of the City Council of the city of Winfield, Kan., for two years.
ABRAHAM SMITH, Woodson Co., Kan.
ABRAHAM SMITH, farmer, Sections 5, 8 and 9, P. O. Yates Center, came to Kansas in July, 1860. He located in Allen County on a farm, where he remained until 1870, when he came to his present location. He has served with credit for himself and with entire satisfaction to the people as Sheriff of Woodson County two successive terms. He enlisted in Company G, Ninth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, in September, 1861, and was mustered in January, 1862. Served three years and four months, and was principally engaged in escorting trains, hunting guerrillas, fighting bushwhackers, scouting, skirmishing, and doing border service generally. He was mustered out in January, 1865. He had numerous hairbreadth escapes while in the army and while Sheriff. The first time Humboldt was sacked by the rebels he was taken prisoner and held for two days, but escaped by strategy. The second time he was captured he escaped while under fire of six guns, being chased over two miles and having thirty shots fired at him. While on advance guard in the Army in Arkansas in 1864, he and two others were fired at from the brush at close range, while crossing a creek bridge, there being about 200 shots fired without effect.
While Sheriff, he was in two shooting affairs, but has never yet been touched by a ball. He was born in Morgan County, Ohio, July 7, 1819, son of Joseph and Hannah Smith. He lived in his native county ten years, McLean County, Ill., three years, Putnam County one year, Kendall County about seventeen years, and Bureau County ten years, and then came to Kansas in 1860.
He was married in Kendall County, Ill., July 10, 1841, to Angeline Ackley, who is a native of Ohio, and daughter of Ezra and Elsie Ackley.
They have nine children living--Ellen F., Phoebe Ann, Laura A. H., Francis M., Mary H., Elizabeth, Chester, Ada E. and Charles A. While a boy, George L. was killed while in the line of duty during the war of the rebellion. His oldest boy, Joseph Ezra, died when about six years old. Mr. Smith is one of the most extensive farmers in Woodson County, having a farm of 600 acres near Yates Center. He is one of our enterprising and most reliable business men, and in the discharge of his duties while Sheriff he knew no fear, and was a terror to evil-doers, making one of the most efficient officers of the law ever intrusted with that position in the county.
While Sheriff, he was in two shooting affairs, but has never yet been touched by a ball. He was born in Morgan County, Ohio, July 7, 1819, son of Joseph and Hannah Smith. He lived in his native county ten years, McLean County, Ill., three years, Putnam County one year, Kendall County about seventeen years, and Bureau County ten years, and then came to Kansas in 1860.
He was married in Kendall County, Ill., July 10, 1841, to Angeline Ackley, who is a native of Ohio, and daughter of Ezra and Elsie Ackley.
They have nine children living--Ellen F., Phoebe Ann, Laura A. H., Francis M., Mary H., Elizabeth, Chester, Ada E. and Charles A. While a boy, George L. was killed while in the line of duty during the war of the rebellion. His oldest boy, Joseph Ezra, died when about six years old. Mr. Smith is one of the most extensive farmers in Woodson County, having a farm of 600 acres near Yates Center. He is one of our enterprising and most reliable business men, and in the discharge of his duties while Sheriff he knew no fear, and was a terror to evil-doers, making one of the most efficient officers of the law ever intrusted with that position in the county.
Monday, January 23, 2012
The Death Of John H. Strange & Arthur Schmutz.
The following short came from a book written by Christian Bernhardt ( 1910 ), called: Indian Raids in Lincolon County, Kansas, 1864 and 1869.
This is a very interesting book, it tells all about the Indian raids and Indian battles that took place in Lincolon county Kansas.
Note. This is not written word for word from the book I changed the wording to make it read better.
It was May 30, 1869, and John H. Strange was at his fathers house ( John S. Strange ), with a friend Arthur Schmutz, both were in about in their fourteen year. On this day two or three indians rode up and found the boys alone, saying they came in friendship, but the boys did not take it that way. One indian rode toward John H. Strange, and raising to his full height and give Strange a terrial blow to the head with a club, young Strange died without a stroggle. Seeing what happened to his friend Schmutz started to run, but was shot with a arrow, which the shaff was extracted all except part of the aarrow head.Schmutz was taken to Fort Harker and placed in the hospital, were he suffered for ten weeks before drying, he was buried at Fort Harker.
This is a very interesting book, it tells all about the Indian raids and Indian battles that took place in Lincolon county Kansas.
Note. This is not written word for word from the book I changed the wording to make it read better.
It was May 30, 1869, and John H. Strange was at his fathers house ( John S. Strange ), with a friend Arthur Schmutz, both were in about in their fourteen year. On this day two or three indians rode up and found the boys alone, saying they came in friendship, but the boys did not take it that way. One indian rode toward John H. Strange, and raising to his full height and give Strange a terrial blow to the head with a club, young Strange died without a stroggle. Seeing what happened to his friend Schmutz started to run, but was shot with a arrow, which the shaff was extracted all except part of the aarrow head.Schmutz was taken to Fort Harker and placed in the hospital, were he suffered for ten weeks before drying, he was buried at Fort Harker.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Edward White & William B. Trembley
Birth: Apr. 21, 1877
Death: unknown
Philippine Insurrection Congressional Medal of honor Recipient. He served in the United States Army during the Insurrection in the Philipine Islands as a Private in Company B, 20th Kansas Volunteer Infantry. He was awarded the CMOH for his bravery at Calumpit, Luzon, Philippine Islands on April 27, 1899. His citation reads "Swam the Rio Grande de Pampanga in face of the enemy's fire and fastened a rope to the occupied trenches, thereby enabling the crossing of the river and the driving of the enemy from his fortified position." His Medal was awarded to him on March 11, 1902. Burial: Monticello United Methodist Church Union Cemetery, Shawnee, Johnson County,, Kansas.
Private Edward White. Company B. |
Edward White.
Birth: Jan. 15, 1877, Seneca, Nemaha County, Kansas.
Death: Dec. 3, 1908, Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas.
Spanish-American War Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient. He served as a Private in Company B, 20th Kansas Volunteer Infantry US Army in the Philippine Campaign of the Spanish-American War. At Calumpit, Luzon, Philippine Islands, April 27, 1899, Private White swam the river in enemy fire, fastened a rope to occupied trenches enabling his company to cross the river and drive the enemy from a fortified position. For gallantry in the face of the enemy, he was awarded the Medal of Honor on March 11, 1902. After the war he worked as a Kansas City firefighter and died of tuberculosis at age 31.
Burial: Mount Calvary Cemetery, Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas.
Corporal William B. Trembley. Company B. |
William B. Trembley.
Birth: Apr. 21, 1877
Death: unknown
Philippine Insurrection Congressional Medal of honor Recipient. He served in the United States Army during the Insurrection in the Philipine Islands as a Private in Company B, 20th Kansas Volunteer Infantry. He was awarded the CMOH for his bravery at Calumpit, Luzon, Philippine Islands on April 27, 1899. His citation reads "Swam the Rio Grande de Pampanga in face of the enemy's fire and fastened a rope to the occupied trenches, thereby enabling the crossing of the river and the driving of the enemy from his fortified position." His Medal was awarded to him on March 11, 1902. Burial: Monticello United Methodist Church Union Cemetery, Shawnee, Johnson County,, Kansas.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Kansas Men of the 13th., Kansas Infantry.
Here is a list of kansas men of the 13th. Ofcouse I couldn't list them all, I pick those that were a interest to me. If you don't see your name of interest drop me a line and I will see what I can do for you.
Company A.
Ozem B. Gardner, Chaplain, Mustered in September 1, 1861. Killed in action November 25, 1864, at Timber Hill, C. N.
James Bender, Sergeant, Residence Troy, Enlisted August 22, 1862, Mustered in Septemper 20, 1862. Died of fever in Doniphan Co. Kan., September 30, 1862.
Joseph H. Burd, Private, Palermo, Enlisted August 25, 1862, Mustered in September 20, 1862. Died of Jaundice,Cane Hill,Ark. December 25, 1862.
Uriah Spearman, Private, Residence Troy, Enlisted August 25, 1862, Mustered in SEptember 20, 1862. Died of brain fever, Cane Hill, Ark., December 4, 1862.
James Evans, Private, Residence Fayetteville, Enlisted Novembeer 20, 1863, Mustered in November 16, 1863. Killid in a skirmish with a rebel scout, March 22, 1863, near Fayetteville.
Albert Rowles, Private, Residence Doniphan, Enlisted June 25, 1853, Mustered in August 16, 1863. Prisoner of warExchanged May 27, 1865.
Company B.
William Cowger, Musician, Residence Troy, Enlisted August 17, 1862, Mustered in September 20, 1862. Died of Congestion of the brain. Burial: Fayetteville National Cemetery, Fayetteville, Washington County Arkansas.
Ozem B. Gardner, Chaplain, Mustered in September 1, 1861. Killed in action November 25, 1864, at Timber Hill, C. N.
Henry B. Luce, Com. Sergeant, Residence Troy, Mustered in September3, 1863, Mustered out as a paroled prisoner of war May 22, 5, St. Louis Mo.
James Bender, Sergeant, Residence Troy, Enlisted August 22, 1862, Mustered in Septemper 20, 1862. Died of fever in Doniphan Co. Kan., September 30, 1862.
George G. Alexander, Private, Residence Troy, Enlisted August 22, 1862, Mustered in September 20, 1862. Died of Asthma, Springfield Mo. February 13, 1863. Burial: Springfield National Cemetery, Springfield, Greene County, Missouri.
Joseph H. Burd, Private, Palermo, Enlisted August 25, 1862, Mustered in September 20, 1862. Died of Jaundice,Cane Hill,Ark. December 25, 1862.
James Evans, Private, Residence Fayetteville, Enlisted Novembeer 20, 1863, Mustered in November 16, 1863. Killid in a skirmish with a rebel scout, March 22, 1863, near Fayetteville.
Company B.
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Captain Marion N. Beeler. |
Marion N. Beeler, Captain, Residence Troy, Mustered in May 19, 1863. Died August 13, 1864, VanBuren, Ark., from wounda received in a skirmish August 1, 1864. Burial: Fort Smith National Cemetery, Fort Smith, Sebastian County, Arkansas.
William Cowger, Musician, Residence Troy, Enlisted August 17, 1862, Mustered in September 20, 1862. Died of Congestion of the brain. Burial: Fayetteville National Cemetery, Fayetteville, Washington County Arkansas.
Thomas Archer, Private, Residence Troy, Enlisted August 9, 1862, Mustered in September 20, 1862. Dird of Chronie dtarrhon, Fayetteville, Ark., January 9, 1863.
Company C.
Samuel S. Hartwell, Corproal, Residence Doniphan Co. Kan., Enlisted September 2, 1862, Mustered in September 20, 1862. Died of Cumption, Fayetteville Ark.
Vine E. Edgington, Private, Residence Doniphan Co. Kan., Enlisted August 28, 1862, Mustered in September 20, 1862. Died ofTyphoid fever, Springfield Mo., March 11, 1863.
Company D.
Scott Noel, Sergeant, Residence Atchison, Enlisted August 19, 1862, Mustered in September. Killed bu accidental discharge of musket at Camp Brown Ark., November 7, 1862.
John P. Mosley. Sergeant, Residence Atchison, Enlisted August 21, 1862, Mustered in September 19, 1862. Died May 9, 1864, from wounds received in action at Jenkins Ferry, Ark., April 30, 1864.
William H. Brock, Private, Residence Atgkison, Enlisted September1, 1862, Mustered September 19, 1862. Killed in a skirmsh at Webberis Falls C. A., October 12, 1863.
Henry Fowles, Private, Residence Atchison, Enlisted September 4, 1862, Mustered in September 19, 1862. Died June 22, 1865, Little Rock, from wounds received while attempting to escap from the guard-house. Burial: Little Rock National Cemetery, Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas.
Henderson N. Riley, Privare, Residence Atchison, Enlisted September 1862, Mustered in September 19, 1862. Died of Bilion Typhoid fever, Fort Smith, Ark., July 16, 1863.
Birth: Feb. 1, 1829, Boone County, Missouri.
Death: Jul. 16, 1864.
Married Margaret Jane Morris. He was the son of Isaac Berry Riley b. 24 June 1800 Surry, North Carolina d. 31 Oct 1852 DeKalb Co MO who married 27 Nov 1823 in Fayette KY Mary Hill. Henderson Riley was the grandson of John Wright Riley born 1778 and Sarah Elsberry b. 1780.
Spouse: Margaret Jane Morris Riley (1830 - 1889.)
Children: James Hill Riley (1849 - 1909.)
Burial: Brush Creek Cemetery, Kennekuk, Atchison County, Kansas.
Company E.
Cornelius B. Hornbeck, Sergeant, Residence Marysville, Enlisted August 28, 18, 1862, Mustered in September 20, 1862. Killed in action December 7, 1862, Praire Grove Ark.
Martin L. Hill, Private, Residence Leavenworth, Enlisted March 14, 1864., Mustered in same. Died of disease in hospital Fort Leavenworth, May 7, 1864.
Company F.
James L. Parnell, Wagoner, Residence Mt. Pleasant, Enlisted September 1, 1862, Mustered in September 20, 1862. Killed in action August 4, 1864, Horre Head Ark.
William M. Elliott, Private, Residence Pardee, Enlisted August 22, 1862, Mustered in September 20, 1862. Died of Chronic Diarrhen, Cane Hill, Ark., December 27, 1862.
Company G.
John H. Clapp, Private, Residence Vermillion, Enlisted September 1, 1862, Mustered in September 20, 1862. Killed in action, December 7, 1862, Prairie Grove Ark. Burial: Fayetteville National Cemetery,
Fayetteville, Washington County, Arkansas.
Hugh A. Kirkpatrick, Private, Residence America, Enlisted September 1, 1862, Mustered in September 20, 1862. Died of diphtheria, Springfield Mo., February 11, 1863.
John W. Oliver, Private, Residence, Blue Rapids, Enlisted August 28, 1862, Mustered in September 20, 1862. Died of measles, Fayettville, Ark., January 27, 1863.
Company H.
John Neal, Sergeant, Residence Troy, Enlisted September 6, 1862, Mustered in September 20, 1862. Killed in action December 7, 1862, Prairie Grove, Ark. Burial: Fayetteville National Cemetery,
Fayetteville, Washington County, Arkansas.
Alfred J. Wilson, Private, Residence Robins, Enlisted September 8, 1862, Mustered in September 20, 1862. Died of Congestive chill, Camp Babeock, Ark., November 11, 1862.
Company I.
Langden M. Risley, Second Lieutenant, Residence Hiawatha, Mustered in September September 20, 1862. Died January 22, 1863, Fayetteville Ark., from wounds received in action December 7, 1862,Prairie Grove, Ark.
Abraham Exline, Private, Residence Hiawatha, Enlisted August 19, 1862, Mustered in September 20, 1862. Discharged for disability March 25, 1863, Springfield Mo.
William H. Richardson, Private, Residence Elwood, Enlisted September 21, 1862, Mustered in September 20, 1862. Mustered out with regiment, June 26, 1863. Promoted Corproal, September 20, 1862.
Company K.
John Collins, Private, Residence Atchison, Enlisted August 22, 1862, Mustered in September 20, 1862. Killied in action December 7, 1862, Paririe Grove Ark.
Lorenzo Richardson, Private, Residence Atchison, Enlisted August 22, 1862, Mustered in September 20, 1862. Killied in action December 7, 1862, Paririe Grove Ark.
Scott Noel, Sergeant, Residence Atchison, Enlisted August 19, 1862, Mustered in September. Killed bu accidental discharge of musket at Camp Brown Ark., November 7, 1862.
John P. Mosley. Sergeant, Residence Atchison, Enlisted August 21, 1862, Mustered in September 19, 1862. Died May 9, 1864, from wounds received in action at Jenkins Ferry, Ark., April 30, 1864.
William H. Brock, Private, Residence Atgkison, Enlisted September1, 1862, Mustered September 19, 1862. Killed in a skirmsh at Webberis Falls C. A., October 12, 1863.
Henry Fowles, Private, Residence Atchison, Enlisted September 4, 1862, Mustered in September 19, 1862. Died June 22, 1865, Little Rock, from wounds received while attempting to escap from the guard-house. Burial: Little Rock National Cemetery, Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas.
Henderson N. Riley, Privare, Residence Atchison, Enlisted September 1862, Mustered in September 19, 1862. Died of Bilion Typhoid fever, Fort Smith, Ark., July 16, 1863.
Birth: Feb. 1, 1829, Boone County, Missouri.
Death: Jul. 16, 1864.
Married Margaret Jane Morris. He was the son of Isaac Berry Riley b. 24 June 1800 Surry, North Carolina d. 31 Oct 1852 DeKalb Co MO who married 27 Nov 1823 in Fayette KY Mary Hill. Henderson Riley was the grandson of John Wright Riley born 1778 and Sarah Elsberry b. 1780.
Spouse: Margaret Jane Morris Riley (1830 - 1889.)
Children: James Hill Riley (1849 - 1909.)
Burial: Brush Creek Cemetery, Kennekuk, Atchison County, Kansas.
Company E.
Cornelius B. Hornbeck, Sergeant, Residence Marysville, Enlisted August 28, 18, 1862, Mustered in September 20, 1862. Killed in action December 7, 1862, Praire Grove Ark.
Martin L. Hill, Private, Residence Leavenworth, Enlisted March 14, 1864., Mustered in same. Died of disease in hospital Fort Leavenworth, May 7, 1864.
Company F.
James L. Parnell, Wagoner, Residence Mt. Pleasant, Enlisted September 1, 1862, Mustered in September 20, 1862. Killed in action August 4, 1864, Horre Head Ark.
William M. Elliott, Private, Residence Pardee, Enlisted August 22, 1862, Mustered in September 20, 1862. Died of Chronic Diarrhen, Cane Hill, Ark., December 27, 1862.
Company G.
John H. Clapp, Private, Residence Vermillion, Enlisted September 1, 1862, Mustered in September 20, 1862. Killed in action, December 7, 1862, Prairie Grove Ark. Burial: Fayetteville National Cemetery,
Fayetteville, Washington County, Arkansas.
Hugh A. Kirkpatrick, Private, Residence America, Enlisted September 1, 1862, Mustered in September 20, 1862. Died of diphtheria, Springfield Mo., February 11, 1863.
John W. Oliver, Private, Residence, Blue Rapids, Enlisted August 28, 1862, Mustered in September 20, 1862. Died of measles, Fayettville, Ark., January 27, 1863.
Company H.
John Neal, Sergeant, Residence Troy, Enlisted September 6, 1862, Mustered in September 20, 1862. Killed in action December 7, 1862, Prairie Grove, Ark. Burial: Fayetteville National Cemetery,
Fayetteville, Washington County, Arkansas.
Alfred J. Wilson, Private, Residence Robins, Enlisted September 8, 1862, Mustered in September 20, 1862. Died of Congestive chill, Camp Babeock, Ark., November 11, 1862.
Company I.
Langden M. Risley, Second Lieutenant, Residence Hiawatha, Mustered in September September 20, 1862. Died January 22, 1863, Fayetteville Ark., from wounds received in action December 7, 1862,Prairie Grove, Ark.
Abraham Exline, Private, Residence Hiawatha, Enlisted August 19, 1862, Mustered in September 20, 1862. Discharged for disability March 25, 1863, Springfield Mo.
William H. Richardson, Private, Residence Elwood, Enlisted September 21, 1862, Mustered in September 20, 1862. Mustered out with regiment, June 26, 1863. Promoted Corproal, September 20, 1862.
Company K.
John Collins, Private, Residence Atchison, Enlisted August 22, 1862, Mustered in September 20, 1862. Killied in action December 7, 1862, Paririe Grove Ark.
Lorenzo Richardson, Private, Residence Atchison, Enlisted August 22, 1862, Mustered in September 20, 1862. Killied in action December 7, 1862, Paririe Grove Ark.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
William Margrave Bourbon County Kan.
Information from Cutler's History of the State of Kansas.
William Margrave, Justice of the Peace, came to Kansas, and located at Fort Scott, November 7, 1854, engaging in the grocery trade the following spring, and continuing in the business for six years. He was appointed Justice of the Peace December 5, 1854, receiving his commission from Gov. Andrew H. Reeder, it being believed the first commission of that nature issued in the Territory. He has retained his office of Justice of the Peace since that date, and was also Clerk of the District Court, Probate Judge for seven years, and Police Judge for five years, holding all four of these offices together some of the time. He was born in Gasconade, now Osage County, Mo., February 17, 1818, and saw the first steamboat that ever went up the Missouri River. He lived in his native county until fifteen years of age, then in Jasper County, near Carthage, Mo., until he came to Kansas. He was married, in Osage County, in 1840, to Mahala Baker, a native of McMinn County, Tenn. They have two children--Jennie and Eva W. Mr. Margrave is a member of the A., F. & A. M.
The following informtion came from the History of Bourbon County.
William Margrave, was born in Missouri, February 17, 1818. He came to Bourbon in the fall of 1854, and was appointed one of the first Justices of the peace in the Territory, and the very first one appointed in this district. His commission bears the date of December 5, 1854. He has continuously ever since that time, and he is Justice of the peace still. The Judge, in his quiet way, always stood in the highest estmation in this community. Margrave Street in Fort Scott was named after him.
Authors note. All the records say he married Mahala Caroline Baker, March 27, 1840. Howerver after some research I found his head stone has his wife as Sarah M. (?), born Februray 11, 1822 and died on January 24, 1879, was Mahala Caroline Baker his second wife?
William Margrave, Justice of the Peace, came to Kansas, and located at Fort Scott, November 7, 1854, engaging in the grocery trade the following spring, and continuing in the business for six years. He was appointed Justice of the Peace December 5, 1854, receiving his commission from Gov. Andrew H. Reeder, it being believed the first commission of that nature issued in the Territory. He has retained his office of Justice of the Peace since that date, and was also Clerk of the District Court, Probate Judge for seven years, and Police Judge for five years, holding all four of these offices together some of the time. He was born in Gasconade, now Osage County, Mo., February 17, 1818, and saw the first steamboat that ever went up the Missouri River. He lived in his native county until fifteen years of age, then in Jasper County, near Carthage, Mo., until he came to Kansas. He was married, in Osage County, in 1840, to Mahala Baker, a native of McMinn County, Tenn. They have two children--Jennie and Eva W. Mr. Margrave is a member of the A., F. & A. M.
The following informtion came from the History of Bourbon County.
William Margrave, was born in Missouri, February 17, 1818. He came to Bourbon in the fall of 1854, and was appointed one of the first Justices of the peace in the Territory, and the very first one appointed in this district. His commission bears the date of December 5, 1854. He has continuously ever since that time, and he is Justice of the peace still. The Judge, in his quiet way, always stood in the highest estmation in this community. Margrave Street in Fort Scott was named after him.
Authors note. All the records say he married Mahala Caroline Baker, March 27, 1840. Howerver after some research I found his head stone has his wife as Sarah M. (?), born Februray 11, 1822 and died on January 24, 1879, was Mahala Caroline Baker his second wife?
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Judge Louis Carpenter, Lawrence Massacre.
The following Information was taken from a book called:
Quantrill and the border wars.
By William Elsey Connelly, 1909.
Louis Carpenter.
Birth: Dec. 14, 1829.
Death: Aug. 21, 1863.
Burial: Oak Hill Cemetery, Lawrence, Douglas County, Kansas.
Quantrill and the border wars.
By William Elsey Connelly, 1909.
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Judge Louis Carpenter |
Judge Louis Carpenter lived on the Northwest conner of Berkeley and New Hampshire streets. Several squads of guerrillas visted his house, but he met them so frankly and received them in such genial maner that they did nothing but rob him and plunder his house. Near the time of their leaving a gang rode up quite under the influence of liquor. They came to murder. They desired to know where Carpenter came from to Kansas, and he told them he came from New York, one of them said, "It's you New York fellers that's doing all the mischief.", as he drew his revoluer.
Carpenter ran into the house, and up there the stairs, then down again, the ruffians after him, firing all the time. He finally got to the cellar badly wounded. There he was soon discovered and driving out to the yard where he fell mortally wounded. His wife and her sister threw themselves on him to shield him from the brutal guerrilla. But he was not to be thwarted in his purpose. He pulled the women aside, thrust his pistol a gainst the judge's head where his wife must see, and fired the fatal shot. They fired the house, the marks of which are plainly to be seen today. Mrs Carpenter sister put out the fire.
Birth: Dec. 14, 1829.
Death: Aug. 21, 1863.
Burial: Oak Hill Cemetery, Lawrence, Douglas County, Kansas.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Unknown Kansas Soldiers, Wilson Co.
Here are some unknown soldiers from Wilson & Allen county Kansas. Some fought from Kansas will others fought for other States but all lived in Kansas. I call them the unknown as there is very little information on them. If you know any one of these names and would like to add to their information, then drop me a line and I will be glad to add it.
Milton O. Phebus.
Birth: Dec. 19, 1843, Fountain County, Indiana.
Death: Sep. 24, 1911.
Son of Samuel & Prisilla Phebus.
Husband to Eliza Phebus (1839 - 1898).
Burial: Neodesha Cemetery, Neodesha, Wilson County, Kansas.
Private, Second Indiana, Caavalry, Company M. A.
Date Enrolled: 1864/02/29.
Where Enrolled: Kendallville, Indiana.
Age: 20.
Regiment 41.
Company M.
Cavalry/ Battery Unit: 2nd Cavalry.
Notes: Transferred to Co. A. Reorg.
Date Enrolled: 1864/02/21.
Where Enrolled: Kendallville, Indiana.
Age: 20.
Regiment: 41.
Company: A.
Discharge Date: 1865/07/22.
Notes: Cavalry/ Battery Unit, 2nd Cavalry.
John Wesley Vanderhoff.
Birth: Jul. 9, 1847, Passaic County, New Jersey.
Death: Dec. 6, 1900, Neodesha, Wilson County, Kansas.
Burial: Neodesha Cemetery, Neodesha, Wilson County, Kansas.
It was stated that he was in the New York 7th. Cavalry, Co. C., he wasn't found on any rosters of the 7th.
Lemuel H. Wix.
Birth: Aug. 26, 1842.
Death: Dec. 28, 1875.
Burial: Varner Cemetery, Neodesha, Wilson County, Kansas.
Private, Kansas Fifth Cavalry, Enlisted August 4, 1861, Mustered in same day, Mustered out September 8, 1864, Leavenworth Kansas.
George W. Zike.
Birth: Jan. 7, 1850, Illinois.
Death: Oct. 16, 1904, Kansas.
Wife of Mary E. Swap (1857- ).
Burial: Iola Cemetery, Iola, Allen County, Kansas.
Dealer in general groceries, was born in Morgan County, Ill., January 7, 1850. In December, 1859, his parents came to Kansas, locating in Elm Creek Township, Allen County, where the subject of this sketch assisted them on the farm. In the spring of 1864 he enlisted in Company I, Sixteenth Kansas Cavalry, and served nineteen months. Returning home he took up a homestead adjoining his parents' farm, and followed agricultural pursuits till the spring of 1880, when he sold his farm and moved to the city of Iola. In January, 1881, he engaged in grocery business. He carries a stock of about $1,000 and has quite a nice trade. Mr. Zike was married in Allen County, Kas., July 18, 1875, to Mary E. Swap. They has one son, Luther William.
Noah Freed.
Birth: Sep. 29, 1823.
Death: Dec. 3, 1893.
Burial: Varner Cemetery , Neodesha, Wilson County, Kansas.
Indiana 89th., Infantry, Company D., Private, Mustered August 28, 1862, Discharged January 27, 1863.
John W. Lawrence.
Birth: Unknown.
Desth: Unknow.
Burial: Varner Cemetery, Neodesha, Wilson County, Kansas.
Indiana 10th., Infantry, Company I., Private, Enlisted April 20, 1861, at Lebanon, Indiana, Age 25, Discharge August 6, 1861. Was 3 months service.
Milton O. Phebus.
Birth: Dec. 19, 1843, Fountain County, Indiana.
Death: Sep. 24, 1911.
Son of Samuel & Prisilla Phebus.
Husband to Eliza Phebus (1839 - 1898).
Burial: Neodesha Cemetery, Neodesha, Wilson County, Kansas.
Private, Second Indiana, Caavalry, Company M. A.
Date Enrolled: 1864/02/29.
Where Enrolled: Kendallville, Indiana.
Age: 20.
Regiment 41.
Company M.
Cavalry/ Battery Unit: 2nd Cavalry.
Notes: Transferred to Co. A. Reorg.
Date Enrolled: 1864/02/21.
Where Enrolled: Kendallville, Indiana.
Age: 20.
Regiment: 41.
Company: A.
Discharge Date: 1865/07/22.
Notes: Cavalry/ Battery Unit, 2nd Cavalry.
John Wesley Vanderhoff.
Birth: Jul. 9, 1847, Passaic County, New Jersey.
Death: Dec. 6, 1900, Neodesha, Wilson County, Kansas.
Burial: Neodesha Cemetery, Neodesha, Wilson County, Kansas.
It was stated that he was in the New York 7th. Cavalry, Co. C., he wasn't found on any rosters of the 7th.
Lemuel H. Wix.
Birth: Aug. 26, 1842.
Death: Dec. 28, 1875.
Burial: Varner Cemetery, Neodesha, Wilson County, Kansas.
Private, Kansas Fifth Cavalry, Enlisted August 4, 1861, Mustered in same day, Mustered out September 8, 1864, Leavenworth Kansas.
George W. Zike.
Birth: Jan. 7, 1850, Illinois.
Death: Oct. 16, 1904, Kansas.
Wife of Mary E. Swap (1857- ).
Burial: Iola Cemetery, Iola, Allen County, Kansas.
Dealer in general groceries, was born in Morgan County, Ill., January 7, 1850. In December, 1859, his parents came to Kansas, locating in Elm Creek Township, Allen County, where the subject of this sketch assisted them on the farm. In the spring of 1864 he enlisted in Company I, Sixteenth Kansas Cavalry, and served nineteen months. Returning home he took up a homestead adjoining his parents' farm, and followed agricultural pursuits till the spring of 1880, when he sold his farm and moved to the city of Iola. In January, 1881, he engaged in grocery business. He carries a stock of about $1,000 and has quite a nice trade. Mr. Zike was married in Allen County, Kas., July 18, 1875, to Mary E. Swap. They has one son, Luther William.
Noah Freed.
Birth: Sep. 29, 1823.
Death: Dec. 3, 1893.
Burial: Varner Cemetery , Neodesha, Wilson County, Kansas.
Indiana 89th., Infantry, Company D., Private, Mustered August 28, 1862, Discharged January 27, 1863.
John W. Lawrence.
Birth: Unknown.
Desth: Unknow.
Burial: Varner Cemetery, Neodesha, Wilson County, Kansas.
Indiana 10th., Infantry, Company I., Private, Enlisted April 20, 1861, at Lebanon, Indiana, Age 25, Discharge August 6, 1861. Was 3 months service.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Edward Everett Hoskins
The Neodesha Register, Friday, August 18, 1899, Pg. 3
Volume XXII, Number 32
Edmond Everett Hoskins was born in Russellburg, Pa., September 14, 1845; died in Neodesha, Kansas, August 9, 1899, aged 53 years, 10 months and 25 days. Into the life lived by this good citizen between the dates mentioned, were crowded many stirring events, and many hardships, but also much happiness and pleasure. He was a very special man, brave and generous, hopeful and energetic. His parents died while he was still young and early in life he was forced to care for himself. In 1863, when only 17 years of age, he enlisted in the union army being a member of Co. B, Seventy-second New York Infantry, and he served faithfully and well for two years and four months. At the close of the war he was mustered out with his regiment and immediately entered the railway service, an occupation he followed the remainder of his life. He served his apprenticeship on the New York Central. After that he went west to Illinois and for a number of years he worked in the state on the Chicago & Alton. In 1869, he came to Kansas and entered the service of the Frisco, then being constructed through this part of Kansas, and has stayed with the company ever since—twenty years. Shortly after beginning work on this road he met Miss Mary Beecher and becoming enamored of her, secured her consent and they were married in Greenwood county in 1884. They took up their residence in Neodesha and have lived here since with the exception of a few years spent in Anthony. They have had five children to bless their wedded life. Two died in early childhood; there are left to comfort and sustain the heartbroken mother in her sudden bereavement, Perela, aged 17, Charles aged 14 and Gladness, 7.
Ed Hoskins, as he was generally known, was very popular with his fellow employees and associates. Frank and impulsive, his was always ready to aid or commend a friend; enemies he had none. He was a very earnest friend to his class of laboring men and a consistent member of the Order of Railway Conductors. He also belonged to Harmony Lodge No. 94, A. F. & A. M. to Harper Chapter No. 61 R. A. M and Anthony Commandery No. 37 K. T., also to Neodesha Chapter No. 29, Order of Eastern Star and to the Knights and Ladies of Security.
His funeral was conducted under the auspices of the A. F. & A. M., and of the O. E. S. Rev. J. A. Smith, a fellow Mason, and pastor of the Christian church with which Mr. Hoskins’ family is affiliated, preached the funeral sermon at the Christian church at 9 a.m., Saturday, August 122. At the close of the sermon members of the Eastern Star observed their beautiful ritualistic ceremony around the bier, He was then carried to his last resting place, followed by his fellow Masons. Six Knights Jos. Scudder, E. D. Davis, A. C. Sperry, J. L. Moorhead, J. W. Bogue and R. M. Jones being the pall bearers, E. D. Davis, Emmuinen Commander of the Knights Templars at Anthony was present as the representative of the fraternity. At the grave the Masonic brethren performed their solemn and impressive service, and thus were the mortal remains of kindly, genial Ed. Hoskins, an amiable citizen, a true patriot, a loving husband and father laid to rest.
Service record.
Note. I checked all the records and they have his name spelled wrong.
HOSKINS, EVERETT C—Private, Co. B, Seventy-second Infantry;transferred to Co. H, this regiment, June 23, 1861; to Oo. H, Seventy-third Infantry, June 1, 1865.
HOSK1NS, EVERETT C—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Ellington, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B,December 22, 1863; transferred to Co. H , One Hundred and Twentieth Infantry, June 23, 1864.
HOSKINS, EVERETT C—Private, One Hundred and Twentieth Infantry; Transferred to Co. H, this regiment, June 2,1865; mustered out with company, June 29, 1865, near Washington,D. C.
Volume XXII, Number 32
Edmond Everett Hoskins was born in Russellburg, Pa., September 14, 1845; died in Neodesha, Kansas, August 9, 1899, aged 53 years, 10 months and 25 days. Into the life lived by this good citizen between the dates mentioned, were crowded many stirring events, and many hardships, but also much happiness and pleasure. He was a very special man, brave and generous, hopeful and energetic. His parents died while he was still young and early in life he was forced to care for himself. In 1863, when only 17 years of age, he enlisted in the union army being a member of Co. B, Seventy-second New York Infantry, and he served faithfully and well for two years and four months. At the close of the war he was mustered out with his regiment and immediately entered the railway service, an occupation he followed the remainder of his life. He served his apprenticeship on the New York Central. After that he went west to Illinois and for a number of years he worked in the state on the Chicago & Alton. In 1869, he came to Kansas and entered the service of the Frisco, then being constructed through this part of Kansas, and has stayed with the company ever since—twenty years. Shortly after beginning work on this road he met Miss Mary Beecher and becoming enamored of her, secured her consent and they were married in Greenwood county in 1884. They took up their residence in Neodesha and have lived here since with the exception of a few years spent in Anthony. They have had five children to bless their wedded life. Two died in early childhood; there are left to comfort and sustain the heartbroken mother in her sudden bereavement, Perela, aged 17, Charles aged 14 and Gladness, 7.
Ed Hoskins, as he was generally known, was very popular with his fellow employees and associates. Frank and impulsive, his was always ready to aid or commend a friend; enemies he had none. He was a very earnest friend to his class of laboring men and a consistent member of the Order of Railway Conductors. He also belonged to Harmony Lodge No. 94, A. F. & A. M. to Harper Chapter No. 61 R. A. M and Anthony Commandery No. 37 K. T., also to Neodesha Chapter No. 29, Order of Eastern Star and to the Knights and Ladies of Security.
His funeral was conducted under the auspices of the A. F. & A. M., and of the O. E. S. Rev. J. A. Smith, a fellow Mason, and pastor of the Christian church with which Mr. Hoskins’ family is affiliated, preached the funeral sermon at the Christian church at 9 a.m., Saturday, August 122. At the close of the sermon members of the Eastern Star observed their beautiful ritualistic ceremony around the bier, He was then carried to his last resting place, followed by his fellow Masons. Six Knights Jos. Scudder, E. D. Davis, A. C. Sperry, J. L. Moorhead, J. W. Bogue and R. M. Jones being the pall bearers, E. D. Davis, Emmuinen Commander of the Knights Templars at Anthony was present as the representative of the fraternity. At the grave the Masonic brethren performed their solemn and impressive service, and thus were the mortal remains of kindly, genial Ed. Hoskins, an amiable citizen, a true patriot, a loving husband and father laid to rest.
Service record.
Note. I checked all the records and they have his name spelled wrong.
HOSKINS, EVERETT C—Private, Co. B, Seventy-second Infantry;transferred to Co. H, this regiment, June 23, 1861; to Oo. H, Seventy-third Infantry, June 1, 1865.
HOSK1NS, EVERETT C—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Ellington, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B,December 22, 1863; transferred to Co. H , One Hundred and Twentieth Infantry, June 23, 1864.
HOSKINS, EVERETT C—Private, One Hundred and Twentieth Infantry; Transferred to Co. H, this regiment, June 2,1865; mustered out with company, June 29, 1865, near Washington,D. C.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Faces of Osage County 1879.
Here are the faces of Osage County, these men saw to it that the county ran smoothly. There will be two pictures to see a larger picture take the links provided. Photo 1.
Photo 2.
N. Frankhouser was Sheriff of Osage County in 1879, he was from Seneca County Ohio, came to Osage county in 1869. This author was unable to find any more information on him.
Authors note. When I first started this page I thought it would be easy to find information on these man. But I was wrong, you would think that being in public office and in the public eye that there would be some kind of information on them but this is not the case. I will post what information I have and the pictures are interesting and some one may need what information I have.
W. H. Morgan, Pub. of the ( Osage City Free Press ), he was from Cuyahoga County Ohio, came to Osage county in 1871.
Photo 2.

Thomas Donnell was Clerk of the District Court in 1879, he was from Allegheny County Pennsylvania, came to Osage county in 1870. Once again this author was un able to find any more information on him.
S. D. Wright was County Attorney in 1879, he was from Van Buren County Iowa, came to Osage County in 1872. Here again this author was unable to find any more information on him.
H. A. Billings, Probate Judge of Osage County.
HENRY A. BILLINGS, lumber dealer, of the firm of H. A. Billings & Co., also Vice-President of the Burlingame Savings Bank, carries a stock of lumber valued at $6,000; came to Kansas in March, 1865. For a few years followed farming near the town, and for seven years was Probate Judge of the county and during that time was a member of the firm of Billings, Marshall & Sheldon, real estate dealers. In 1879-80 was in the lumber business with W. Y. Drew, and afterward in the mercantile business with Mr. Drew, continuing until June, 1882. He was one of the stockholders of the new opera house, but sold his interest. He was born in Monroe County, N. Y., July 24, 1828. When nine years of age, moved with his parents to Williams County, Ohio; resided there eight years, and removed to La Grange County, Ind., and engaged in farming until coming to Kansas. He was married in the summer of 1849, at La Grange, Ind., to Miss Sarah E. Smart, a native of Newbold, near Hull, England. They have two children living - Seymour L. and Orely C.; have lost two children - one infant daughter and Frank, a young man who died in November, 1875, of malarial fever. Mr. Billings was Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners from June, 1870, until January, 1872. He is a stockholder of the Burlingame Union Agricultural Society. Was Appraiser of Real Estate one term in Indiana, and Justice of the Peace one term. Was prominent member of the Union League and an active Union man and Republican. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
S. B. Enderton was Register of Deeds, he was from Median County Ohio, came to Osage County in 1868. This author was unable to find any information on him.
J.S. Edie was Counth Treasurer, he was from York County Pennsylvania, came to Osage County in 1870. This author was unable to find any information on him.
E. Spaulding was County Clerk in 1879, he was from Bradford County Pennsylvania, came to Osage County in 1869. This author was unable to find any information on him.
E. Spaulding was County Clerk in 1879, he was from Bradford County Pennsylvania, came to Osage County in 1869. This author was unable to find any information on him.

The Osage City Free Press was established in August, 1871, by W. H. Morgan and A. B. Cooper. It was then called the Osage City Shaft, but in March, 1875, John P. Campbell purchased it and changed the name to the Free Press. After publishing the paper about a year he sold it to W. H. Morgan, who continued it until March 1, 1881, when it was purchased by the present editor and proprietor, J. V. Admire. This paper is an eight-column folio, and Republican in politics. It is printed on a Campbell steam-powered press. Under its present editorial management it is considered one of the leading newspapers in the State.
William Thompson, was a Attorney at Law, he was from Scotland, came to Osage County in 1870.
WILLIAM THOMSON, attorney-at-law and notary public, office in bank building, Burlingame, came to this State in the month of April, 1870. He was appointed to fill the vacancy in the office of Probate Judge by Gov. Harvey during the same year. In 1872 he was elected by a large majority county Attorney, and served in that capacity for two years, laid the foundation, by his vigorous prosecutions, for his after acquired large and successful legal practice. Mr. Thomson is of Scottish origin, having been born in historic Linlithgow, Scotland, February 24, 1845. When five years of age his parents moved to Chicago, Ill., where his father, Thomas Thomson, soon bought out the oldest established cracker factory in that city, and controlled it until his death on February 22, 1863. Mr. Thomson graduated from the Chicago University in the class of 1867, receiving at that time his degree of Bachelor of Arts, and in the fall of that year became the Principal of the schools at Toulon, the county-seat of Stark County, Ill., where he continued for one year. The next year he taught at Astoria, in Fulton County, Ill. During this time he was also privately engaged in legal studies, and in the summer of 1869 entered the office of Moore & Caulfield, distinguished lawyers of Chicago, and also attended the law school there, and was admitted to the bar of Illinois in October of that year. He was married March 26, 1874, near Burlington, in Coffey County, Kansas, to Miss Sarah E. Hudwall, of Astoria, Fulton County, Ill., and has one daughter, Maud Somerville. He enlisted in May, 1864, in Company D, One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Illinois Infantry. The operations of the command to which he belonged were directed against Price in Kentucky and Missouri. He was mustered out in November, 1864. Mr. Thomson, besides being successful as a lawyer, has attained prominence in State politics, having been Secretary of the Republican-State Central Committee in 1879 and 1880; Chairman of Third Congressional District Convention in 1878, and as a candidate for Attorney General before the Republican State Convention in 1880, received a highly complimentary vote. He was a delegate to the National Republican Convention of 1880, voting therein for the nomination of the lamented Gen. Garfield. He is a member of Corinthian Lodge No. 79, A., F. & A. M., and Burlingame Lodge, No. 14, I. O. O. F.
H. D. Shepard, was a Merchant, was from Middlesex County Ct. came to Osage County in 1868.
HON. H. D. SHEPARD, merchant. Also deals in agricultural implements, grain and hay, and is also interested in mining. Does the largest business of any dealer in the county. In the Burlingame store carries a stock of $20,000, and the sales will reach the enormous sum of $150,000. Also has a store in Eskridge, which carries a stock of $10,000. The hay trade will average $50,000 annually, and in 1881 shipped 495 cars of bailed hay from Burlingame and vicinity. Mr. Shepard is also interested in grain and cattle to some extent. He came to Kansas in 1858 and located at Wilmington. Continued in business there in a limited way until 1868, when he came to Burlingame. Was born in Middlesex County, Conn. May 1, 1838. Was married in 1865, at Burlingame, to Miss Daphne S. Dutton, a native of Vermont, and daughter of Father Dutton, a pioneer of Osage County, and has three children - Nellie, Alice and Emma. In 1865 Mr. Shepard was elected to a seat in the popular branch of the Legislature from Wabaunsee County, and re-elected the following year. Was a member of the Board of County Commissioners and Chairman a portion of the time. Was elected Mayor of Burlingame three terms. Served in the Osage County battalion during the threatened Price invasion of the State. Mr. Shepard is a man of enterprise and means, and has not only built up a large and growing business, but has displayed as much public spirit, and contributed as much toward the building up of his adopted city and county, as any man within its borders. His residence is one of the finest in the county. Is a member of A., F. & A. M. Order, and has stock in the Burlingame Union Agricultural Society.
James Rogers, Attorney & Counsellor at Law, came from Grafton County N. H., came to Osage County in 1856.
On February 1, 1858, the Burlingame Town Company was incorporated by an act of the Legislature. The Company was composed of Philip C. Schuyler, Samuel R. Caniff, George Bratton, John Drew, N. P. B. Schuyler, and James Rogers.
Corinthian Lodge, No. 79, A., F. & A. M., was instituted under dispensation, February 17, 1868. A charter was granted the next October. Of the first officers Max Buck was W. M.; and James Rogers, Secretary. The other charter members were C. M. Smith, O. H. Sheldon, R. H. Baird, John Wilbur, C. C. Crumb, and A. P Rambo. The Masonic Hall was built in 1870, at a cost of $2,000. The lodge now has about fifty members and is in a very prosperous condition.
The Burlingame Union Agricultural Society succeeded the old Osage County Agricultural and Horticultural Society, and has a paid up capital stock of $3,000. It was incorporated in 1877, with James Rogers, President; Max Buek, Secretary; and J. H. Burk, Treasurer. The first fair was held that year, and since, one has been held annually. The society is in a flourishing condition. H. Ward is now President; H. Dubois, Secretary, and H. C. Finch, Treasurer. The society owns ground containing thirty-three acres, and valued at $1,200. These grounds are enclosed by a board fence, and are planted to trees. Two wells have been dug, besides which a creek flows across the grounds.
S. B. Bradford, was a Attorney & Counsellor at Law, was from Vinton County Ohio, came to Osage county in 1871.
In the fall of 1870, bonds were voted to the Lawrence & Carbondale Railroad. Dr. C. C. Moore was the first president of the road, and was instrumental in securing bonds from the county, and from Ridgeway Township. The road was completed and put in operation in 1872. For about three years it did a good business, but the coal business decreasing, the road was abandoned, and preparations made to tear up the track. This was prevented by the citizens, who, under the lead of S. B. Bradford, secured an injunction. Some time afterward the road was again put in operation, and regular trains have since been run, though the line of road is hardly long enough to furnish a paying business.
The Carbondale Bank was incorporated in May, 1881, with an authorized capital of $50,000, and the following officers: J. S. Danford, President; O. C. Smith, Cashier; J. S. Danford, S. B. Bradford, F. O'Donnell, S. Minchel, A. M. Sutherland, James Dickinshuts, James W. E______ (sic), J. Y. Urie and R. B. Mckee (sic), Directors. In November, 1881, James Dickinshuts succeeded J. S. Danford as President, J. D. Salmons having assumed charge of the bank in June, 1881, and being its acting President until it was re-organized. He is now Cashier, and also a Stockholder and Director.
Col. Hayes Post, No. 94, G. A. R., was organized August, 1882, with S. B. Bradford as Post Commander, and J. G. Ellis, Adjutant. The membership has been increased from twenty-nine to sixty.
Friendship Lodge, No. 2,340, K. of H., was instituted November 27, 1880, by T. B. Kingsley, Dep. G. D., of the State. The organization numbered thirty-five members. The first officers were: S. B. Bradford, P. D.; R. J. Coane, D.; J. W. Edgar, V. D.; J. A. Robinson, A. D.; Alonzo Stone, Y.; F. M. McClure, Rep.; F. D. Stevens, F. Rep.; S. J. Irvin, G.; E. M. Campbell, S. The lodge now numbers thirty-one members, and is in a prosperous condition.
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