John Fry.
Birth: 1840, Bourbon County, Kentucky.
Death: Oct. 6, 1863, Baxter Springs, Cherokee County, Kansas.
Burial: Baxter Springs Cemetery, Baxter Springs, Cherokee County, Kansas
Story & Photo provided by, John "J-Cat" Griffith.
Frontier Figure. In 1849, he moved to Missouri with his family and by age 16, he was well known as a skilled horseman. In early 1860, after Fry won a horse race near Rushville, Missouri, Alexander Major approached him about riding for his new founded Pony Express service. Thus on April 3, 1860, he became the first courier agent out of the St. Joseph Pony Express Station. Fry's division ran from St. Joseph to Seneca, Kansas, a distance of eighty miles, which he covered at an average speed of twelve and a half miles per hour, including all stops. A hard rider, he gained the reputation for never failing to deliver the mail and news flyers no matter what conditions prevailed be bandits, Indians or weather. He continued as a dispatcher until the telegraph line construction was completed ending the Pony Express service in October 1861. With the start of the Civil War, Fry was recruited by Union Army General James G. Blunt to serve as a messenger rider and scout, but his military career was cut short. On October 6, 1863, while on his way from Fort Gibson to Fort Scott with an important message, he was attacked by Confederate guerrillas. In a hand-to-hand fight with the Confederates, Fry killed five of his assailants before falling mortally wounded.
Authors note. The first westbound rider left St. Joseph, Missouri early in the evening of April 3, 1860, arriving in Marysville the next morning. Historians differ as to his identity, but local tradition says his name was Johnny Fry.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
The Battle Between Buffalo Hunters and Indians.
Authors note. I ran across this article will researching Kansas surnames, and found the story very interesting and full of Kansas surnames from the past. I felt it should have a place at my web site so others could enjoy the story as well.
This story happened in Sherman County Kansas but includes
members of the BROWN family who homesteaded near Kirwin
in Phillips County.
At this time, there are records of only two incidents in Sherman County history where Indians killed white men. The first incident was the deaths of Lt. Kidder and his command in July of 1867. The death of the three white buffalo hunters on April 15, 1875 is the second incident. Both of these incidents occurred in the same general area along the Beaver Creek in the northeast area of Sherman County. During the April 15, 1875 battle three white buffalo hunters were killed with at least three Indians shot, although some records indicate as many as five or six Indians were shot.
Research indicates that there were several camps of buffalo hunters located in the area in April 1875. On the upper Beaver was a well known water hole at the side of the often dry creek. A buffalo hunter, named Sol REESE was camped near the water hole with his partner, Dan DIMMIT.
Early that day, DIMMIT had gone alone to hunt buffalo, riding to the northwest. Later, to the north of the campsite, REESE witnessed a party of unidentified warriors that appeared to be ready to attack an unknown buffalo hunter. Shooting to warn the man, REESE came within rifle range before seeing the stranger fall. During the shooting, REESE had downed one Indian. Dan DIMMIT, warned by the shooting, crouched behind a low ridge and accounted for two more Indians being wounded or killed. Records indicate that the stranger probably shot several Indians before he was shot.
As the Indians left the area, RESSE and DIMMIT hurried to the fallen stranger. They discovered that he was dead and scalped. They took the body back to their camp near the water hole for burial. As was their custom, the Indians that had been shot were removed from the area by the remaining Indians so it is not known if they were wounded or killed. Nothing was left in the area to identify the tribe involved.
After burying the stranger, REESE and DIMMIT broke camp and traveled about five miles down the Beaver to an area known as Big Springs where they knew some of the other buffalo hunters were camped. There they found the corpses of Daniel BROWN and James LUCAS. REESE and DIMMIT buried LUCAS and BROWN near Big Springs. Before they finished with that task, Joe BROWN, who was a brother to Daniel, returned from taking a wagon load of buffalo hides to Fort Wallace. Joe BROWN was greatly upset over the death of his brother. He told REESE and DIMMIT that he had heard about other Indian attacks upon scattered buffalo hunter camps while at Fort Wallace and had tried to hurry back to warn his partners. It was decided to break camp and to head toward the settlements to the east.
Some of this information was gained from pages 85 through 87 of the book, Sutton's Southwest Nebraska by E.S. Sutton, published in 1983 According to Sutton's book, the April 15, 1875 battle was one of a series of historical events, which happened on the High Plains between Indians and the white man. Sutton describes the progress of these events and the way that each event was related to one another.
The first event, which took place about September 12, 1874, involved members of the GERMAN family, who were traveling alone across Kansas in a covered wagon. The GERMAN family was breaking camp on the Smokey Hill River about 35 miles east of Fort Wallace when members of the Kicking Horse Band attacked them. This band of Cheyenne was composed of 17 warriors and two women, Machsi Warrior and Good Woman.
NEILL, John and Lydia GERMAN, their son Steven plus daughters Rebecca and Jo Anne were killed. Daughters Catherine (age 17), Sophia (age 12), Julia (age 7), and Adeline (age 5) were taken captive. The Cheyenne band, with the girls of the GERMAN family, traveled south. The Cheyenne lady, known as Good Woman, had accepted responsibility for the younger two girls. It soon became apparent that the younger girls could not continue to travel at the fast rate nececessary in order for the band of Cheyenne to stay ahead of the military pursuit. A few days later, the younger two girls were left on the prairies well south of the Arkansas River. Although the girls were left alone, Good Woman knew that they would be quickly found and taken care of by the Stone Calf band, which were camped in that area.
On November 8, 1874, Julia and Adeline were rescued by the military, the Kicking Horse band continued on south into the desolute Staked Plains of Texas. The military hoped that the severe winter storms and starvation would force the Indians to surrender and return the captive girls.
On January 15, 1875, a Comanche messenger informed the military that the Cheyenne would surrender on military terms. The Cheyenne, with some other Indians, were undertaking the 200 mile walk back north to the Canadian River. The large group of Indians arrived there on March 5, 1875. Immediately an ambulance took the two GERMAN girls to Fort Reno in Oklahoma Territory. All weapons of the Indians were destroyed by the military. Among the group of 120 men plus 119 women and children that surrendered, there were only two men and Good Woman of the Kicking Horse band present. No account has been found as to what happened to the missing members of the Kicking Horse band.
The next related event occurred when Col. Thomas NIELL, finding only the three members of the Kicking Horse band, arbitrarily arrested 36 warriors (2 Arapahoe and 34 innocent Cheyenne). When the military attempted to place leg irons on the warriors, the warriors fought back and escaped. Co. B, 5th US Cavalry opened fire on the defenseless Indians. The military reported that six warriors and one woman (Good Woman) were found dead after the shelling.
With the escaping Indians assisting any wounded Indians, they pushed north into northern Kansas along the Sappa Creek. Here they camped to rest and to allow the wounded to heal. The area was known as Sappa Hole (later as The Cheyenne Hole), which is on a bend of the creek below a bluff. This site is near Oberlin, Kansas.
There is some reason to believe that the group of warriors involved in the battle of Beaver Creek might have been some of the Indians who had escaped the military shelling but there is no proof to that fact. Regardless, the next historical event in the series would have been the 1875 Sherman County battle.
Research indicated that after REESE, DIMMIT, and Joe BROWN left their camps along Beaver Creek they traveled east until they joined three other buffalo hunters- Hank CAMPBELL, Charles SCHRODER, and Sam SARCH- at their camp on Prairie Dog Creek north of the present day town of Colby, Kansas. The two groups joined together on April 22, 1875. Upon hearing of the deaths of Daniel BROWN, LUCAS and the stranger, these buffalo hunters were ready to attack a group of Indians that they had recently seen. Cooler heads convinced them to travel as a group toward the settlements. Each day more buffalo hunters joined the group.
In the same general area, Lt. HENLEY was leading a command of 40 men to seek the Indians that had earlier escaped the military shelling. A civilian, Homer WHEELER, was scouting for Lt. HENLEY's troop. While scouting, WHEELER came across the group of buffalo hunters. WHEELER was informed by the buffalo hunters that some Indians had been seen traveling toward Sappa Creek, which was about 17 miles north. WHEELER realized that the anger of some of the hunters included all Indians, innocent or otherwise, so he decided to lead the buffalo hunters to join Lt. HENLEY's Command.
Lt. HENLEY had orders to determine the identity of the Indians camped on the Sappa Creek so the troopers along with the large group of buffalo hunters continued to travel in that direction. There was talk, led by Joe BROWN, that the Indians at Sappa Hole should be killed, even though there was nothing to indicate that the Indians that had been involved in the deaths of three buffalo hunters in Sherman County had anything to do with the Indians camped by the Sappa Creek. Several of the hunters did not want to join in attacking the Indians but joined with the military when promised that no women or children would be killed. Apparently, DIMMIT left before the attack as his name is never mentioned in the later military investigation, and it is known that one hunter did drop out preceding the attack.
There was a heavy fog when the military and the group of buffalo hunters arrived on top of the bluff overlooking the camped Indians. Testimony at the military investigation later recorded: " no shots were fired at first except by buffalo hunters, who were prepared with cocked rifles, and any excuse was good enough, as they were itching for trouble; whereas, the Indians had taken pains to conceal their weapons, and when the fight started so unexpectedly, they were caught unprepared".
Others testified at the investigation that Joe BROWN was concerned that the Indians would escape due to the military's decision to go in under a 'white flag'. The reason for a 'white flag' was in order to question the Indians about those responsible for the deaths of the three hunters in Sherman County. It was testified that Joe BROWN was so angry that he went over the ridge with revolvers blazing. The Indians returned fire with Joe BROWN immediately being killed. Joe's action's resulted in a gun battle. During the gun battle at Cheyenne Hole on the Sappa Creek, the military and the group of buffalo hunters killed more than 60 of the camped Indians, mostly women and children.
Afterwards Joe BROWN's body was taken to be buried on the BROWN family homestead near Kirwin, Phillips County, Kansas. Later the family of the BROWN brothers came to dig up the body of Daniel from his grave in Sherman County to rebury beside his brother Joe. The stranger was identified as a Mr. CANFIELD. CANFIELD's body was claimed by his widow and was buried at Oberlin, the first interment at the cemetery.
Research indicates that the body of James LUCAS remains buried in Sherman County. According to a map drawn in 1950 by Paul KUHRT, LUCAS is buried a few yards north of Big Springs along the bend of the Beaver Creek to the west of where today the bridge on the Bird City and Edson road crosses the creek. Joseph COLLIER was the first to settle that area in 1879 and his home was in the general area. During Mr. COLLIER's lifetime, he was known to have tended the gravesite of James LUCAS.
The site of the Big Springs and the Water Hole camps, the area of the April 15, 1875 battle and the grave of James LUCAS are on the present day FLANDERS Ranch, often called the KUHRT's Ranch, in northeast Sherman County. Also in the area was found a 44.75 Caliber Sharps rifle, which was believed to have belonged to James LUCAS.
Of historical interest is the fact that the last recorded attack of settlers in Kansas happened near Oberlin. A band of Cheyenne Indians attacked some outlying settlers with some deaths. Even though the attack was several years later, it may have been the last of the series of related events, which included the April 15, 1875 battle between buffalo hunters and Indians in Sherman County.
This article was written by Evelyn M. Ward and appeared in the Sherman County Historical Society Newsletter, Volume 26, Number 4 April 2002
This story happened in Sherman County Kansas but includes
members of the BROWN family who homesteaded near Kirwin
in Phillips County.
At this time, there are records of only two incidents in Sherman County history where Indians killed white men. The first incident was the deaths of Lt. Kidder and his command in July of 1867. The death of the three white buffalo hunters on April 15, 1875 is the second incident. Both of these incidents occurred in the same general area along the Beaver Creek in the northeast area of Sherman County. During the April 15, 1875 battle three white buffalo hunters were killed with at least three Indians shot, although some records indicate as many as five or six Indians were shot.
Research indicates that there were several camps of buffalo hunters located in the area in April 1875. On the upper Beaver was a well known water hole at the side of the often dry creek. A buffalo hunter, named Sol REESE was camped near the water hole with his partner, Dan DIMMIT.
Early that day, DIMMIT had gone alone to hunt buffalo, riding to the northwest. Later, to the north of the campsite, REESE witnessed a party of unidentified warriors that appeared to be ready to attack an unknown buffalo hunter. Shooting to warn the man, REESE came within rifle range before seeing the stranger fall. During the shooting, REESE had downed one Indian. Dan DIMMIT, warned by the shooting, crouched behind a low ridge and accounted for two more Indians being wounded or killed. Records indicate that the stranger probably shot several Indians before he was shot.
As the Indians left the area, RESSE and DIMMIT hurried to the fallen stranger. They discovered that he was dead and scalped. They took the body back to their camp near the water hole for burial. As was their custom, the Indians that had been shot were removed from the area by the remaining Indians so it is not known if they were wounded or killed. Nothing was left in the area to identify the tribe involved.
After burying the stranger, REESE and DIMMIT broke camp and traveled about five miles down the Beaver to an area known as Big Springs where they knew some of the other buffalo hunters were camped. There they found the corpses of Daniel BROWN and James LUCAS. REESE and DIMMIT buried LUCAS and BROWN near Big Springs. Before they finished with that task, Joe BROWN, who was a brother to Daniel, returned from taking a wagon load of buffalo hides to Fort Wallace. Joe BROWN was greatly upset over the death of his brother. He told REESE and DIMMIT that he had heard about other Indian attacks upon scattered buffalo hunter camps while at Fort Wallace and had tried to hurry back to warn his partners. It was decided to break camp and to head toward the settlements to the east.
Some of this information was gained from pages 85 through 87 of the book, Sutton's Southwest Nebraska by E.S. Sutton, published in 1983 According to Sutton's book, the April 15, 1875 battle was one of a series of historical events, which happened on the High Plains between Indians and the white man. Sutton describes the progress of these events and the way that each event was related to one another.
The first event, which took place about September 12, 1874, involved members of the GERMAN family, who were traveling alone across Kansas in a covered wagon. The GERMAN family was breaking camp on the Smokey Hill River about 35 miles east of Fort Wallace when members of the Kicking Horse Band attacked them. This band of Cheyenne was composed of 17 warriors and two women, Machsi Warrior and Good Woman.
NEILL, John and Lydia GERMAN, their son Steven plus daughters Rebecca and Jo Anne were killed. Daughters Catherine (age 17), Sophia (age 12), Julia (age 7), and Adeline (age 5) were taken captive. The Cheyenne band, with the girls of the GERMAN family, traveled south. The Cheyenne lady, known as Good Woman, had accepted responsibility for the younger two girls. It soon became apparent that the younger girls could not continue to travel at the fast rate nececessary in order for the band of Cheyenne to stay ahead of the military pursuit. A few days later, the younger two girls were left on the prairies well south of the Arkansas River. Although the girls were left alone, Good Woman knew that they would be quickly found and taken care of by the Stone Calf band, which were camped in that area.
On November 8, 1874, Julia and Adeline were rescued by the military, the Kicking Horse band continued on south into the desolute Staked Plains of Texas. The military hoped that the severe winter storms and starvation would force the Indians to surrender and return the captive girls.
On January 15, 1875, a Comanche messenger informed the military that the Cheyenne would surrender on military terms. The Cheyenne, with some other Indians, were undertaking the 200 mile walk back north to the Canadian River. The large group of Indians arrived there on March 5, 1875. Immediately an ambulance took the two GERMAN girls to Fort Reno in Oklahoma Territory. All weapons of the Indians were destroyed by the military. Among the group of 120 men plus 119 women and children that surrendered, there were only two men and Good Woman of the Kicking Horse band present. No account has been found as to what happened to the missing members of the Kicking Horse band.
The next related event occurred when Col. Thomas NIELL, finding only the three members of the Kicking Horse band, arbitrarily arrested 36 warriors (2 Arapahoe and 34 innocent Cheyenne). When the military attempted to place leg irons on the warriors, the warriors fought back and escaped. Co. B, 5th US Cavalry opened fire on the defenseless Indians. The military reported that six warriors and one woman (Good Woman) were found dead after the shelling.
With the escaping Indians assisting any wounded Indians, they pushed north into northern Kansas along the Sappa Creek. Here they camped to rest and to allow the wounded to heal. The area was known as Sappa Hole (later as The Cheyenne Hole), which is on a bend of the creek below a bluff. This site is near Oberlin, Kansas.
There is some reason to believe that the group of warriors involved in the battle of Beaver Creek might have been some of the Indians who had escaped the military shelling but there is no proof to that fact. Regardless, the next historical event in the series would have been the 1875 Sherman County battle.
Research indicated that after REESE, DIMMIT, and Joe BROWN left their camps along Beaver Creek they traveled east until they joined three other buffalo hunters- Hank CAMPBELL, Charles SCHRODER, and Sam SARCH- at their camp on Prairie Dog Creek north of the present day town of Colby, Kansas. The two groups joined together on April 22, 1875. Upon hearing of the deaths of Daniel BROWN, LUCAS and the stranger, these buffalo hunters were ready to attack a group of Indians that they had recently seen. Cooler heads convinced them to travel as a group toward the settlements. Each day more buffalo hunters joined the group.
In the same general area, Lt. HENLEY was leading a command of 40 men to seek the Indians that had earlier escaped the military shelling. A civilian, Homer WHEELER, was scouting for Lt. HENLEY's troop. While scouting, WHEELER came across the group of buffalo hunters. WHEELER was informed by the buffalo hunters that some Indians had been seen traveling toward Sappa Creek, which was about 17 miles north. WHEELER realized that the anger of some of the hunters included all Indians, innocent or otherwise, so he decided to lead the buffalo hunters to join Lt. HENLEY's Command.
Lt. HENLEY had orders to determine the identity of the Indians camped on the Sappa Creek so the troopers along with the large group of buffalo hunters continued to travel in that direction. There was talk, led by Joe BROWN, that the Indians at Sappa Hole should be killed, even though there was nothing to indicate that the Indians that had been involved in the deaths of three buffalo hunters in Sherman County had anything to do with the Indians camped by the Sappa Creek. Several of the hunters did not want to join in attacking the Indians but joined with the military when promised that no women or children would be killed. Apparently, DIMMIT left before the attack as his name is never mentioned in the later military investigation, and it is known that one hunter did drop out preceding the attack.
There was a heavy fog when the military and the group of buffalo hunters arrived on top of the bluff overlooking the camped Indians. Testimony at the military investigation later recorded: " no shots were fired at first except by buffalo hunters, who were prepared with cocked rifles, and any excuse was good enough, as they were itching for trouble; whereas, the Indians had taken pains to conceal their weapons, and when the fight started so unexpectedly, they were caught unprepared".
Others testified at the investigation that Joe BROWN was concerned that the Indians would escape due to the military's decision to go in under a 'white flag'. The reason for a 'white flag' was in order to question the Indians about those responsible for the deaths of the three hunters in Sherman County. It was testified that Joe BROWN was so angry that he went over the ridge with revolvers blazing. The Indians returned fire with Joe BROWN immediately being killed. Joe's action's resulted in a gun battle. During the gun battle at Cheyenne Hole on the Sappa Creek, the military and the group of buffalo hunters killed more than 60 of the camped Indians, mostly women and children.
Afterwards Joe BROWN's body was taken to be buried on the BROWN family homestead near Kirwin, Phillips County, Kansas. Later the family of the BROWN brothers came to dig up the body of Daniel from his grave in Sherman County to rebury beside his brother Joe. The stranger was identified as a Mr. CANFIELD. CANFIELD's body was claimed by his widow and was buried at Oberlin, the first interment at the cemetery.
Research indicates that the body of James LUCAS remains buried in Sherman County. According to a map drawn in 1950 by Paul KUHRT, LUCAS is buried a few yards north of Big Springs along the bend of the Beaver Creek to the west of where today the bridge on the Bird City and Edson road crosses the creek. Joseph COLLIER was the first to settle that area in 1879 and his home was in the general area. During Mr. COLLIER's lifetime, he was known to have tended the gravesite of James LUCAS.
The site of the Big Springs and the Water Hole camps, the area of the April 15, 1875 battle and the grave of James LUCAS are on the present day FLANDERS Ranch, often called the KUHRT's Ranch, in northeast Sherman County. Also in the area was found a 44.75 Caliber Sharps rifle, which was believed to have belonged to James LUCAS.
Of historical interest is the fact that the last recorded attack of settlers in Kansas happened near Oberlin. A band of Cheyenne Indians attacked some outlying settlers with some deaths. Even though the attack was several years later, it may have been the last of the series of related events, which included the April 15, 1875 battle between buffalo hunters and Indians in Sherman County.
This article was written by Evelyn M. Ward and appeared in the Sherman County Historical Society Newsletter, Volume 26, Number 4 April 2002
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Captain Marion N. Beeler.
Even though the two photo’s on this page are good and clear I have a problem with them. As you will note one photo is of a young Captain Beeler while the other is of a older Captain Beeler, both photo studio cards have the right information, but I feel one is in error I will leave it up to you readers to decided.
Note. The photo’s can be enlarged by pushing on them.
Marion N. Beeler.
Birth: Unknown.
Death: Unknown.
Burial: Fort Smith National Cemetery, Fort Smith, Sebastian County, Arkansas.
Was of the 13th., Kansas Volunteer Infantry Company B., his home was Troy Kansas and was mustered in on September 20, 1862, was a First Lieutenant then promoted to Captain on May 19, 1863. He died on August 13, 1864, at Van Buren, Ark., from wounds he received in a Skirmish on August 1, 1864.
On August 1, 1864, Captain Marion N. Beeler was in command of a scouting party, consisting of companies B. & F., Attacked a band of guerrillas in the night that had taken refuge in a log house, in which the captain received mortal wound and one enlisted man was wounded.
VAN BUREN, August 12, 1864.
General THAYER:

Our troops under Captain Beeler, of Thirteenth Kansas, attacked a party of bushwhackers last night twenty-five miles northeast of here, and a severe engagement ensued. Several of our men were wounded. Among the number Captain Beeler, mortally wounded in the abdomen. I have just sent an ambulance and escort out to the party to bring in the wounded. I do not know the loss of the enemy.
Colonel, Commanding Post.
Note. The photo’s can be enlarged by pushing on them.
Marion N. Beeler.
Birth: Unknown.
Death: Unknown.
Burial: Fort Smith National Cemetery, Fort Smith, Sebastian County, Arkansas.
Was of the 13th., Kansas Volunteer Infantry Company B., his home was Troy Kansas and was mustered in on September 20, 1862, was a First Lieutenant then promoted to Captain on May 19, 1863. He died on August 13, 1864, at Van Buren, Ark., from wounds he received in a Skirmish on August 1, 1864.
On August 1, 1864, Captain Marion N. Beeler was in command of a scouting party, consisting of companies B. & F., Attacked a band of guerrillas in the night that had taken refuge in a log house, in which the captain received mortal wound and one enlisted man was wounded.
VAN BUREN, August 12, 1864.
General THAYER:

Our troops under Captain Beeler, of Thirteenth Kansas, attacked a party of bushwhackers last night twenty-five miles northeast of here, and a severe engagement ensued. Several of our men were wounded. Among the number Captain Beeler, mortally wounded in the abdomen. I have just sent an ambulance and escort out to the party to bring in the wounded. I do not know the loss of the enemy.
Colonel, Commanding Post.
Friday, November 12, 2010
FRANK L. ABBEY, M. D., long a resident of Newton and formerly a druggist but for twenty years a successful physician, has during the greater part of his professional career been identified with the Axtell Hospital as a member of its staff of physicians.
Doctor Abbey was born at Kingsbury, Illinois, February 1, 1861. He is of English ancestry, his grandfather, Luke Abbey, having been born in Yorkshire, England, in 1787. When about twenty-four years of age he came to America with his second wife and two children, and settled first in New Jersey, then in Ohio and finally, as a pioneer farmer, at Kingsbury, Illinois, in 1837. He died there in 1869. He married for his third wife Miss Hannah Mills, who was a native of New Jersey and died at Kingsbury, Illinois. She was the grandmother of Doctor Abbey. Charles W. Abbey, father of Doctor Abbey, was born at Trenton, New Jersey, in 1830 and when seven years of age accompanied his parents to Kingsbury, Illinois. He grew up and married there and spent his active career as a farmer. In 1864 he enlisted in Company B of the One Hundred and Fortieth Illinois Infantry and was in active service until the close of the war. In 1871 he came to Kansas, locating on a farm near Abilene for nine years, and then for seventeen years farmed in Coffey County near Burlington. He finally retired and came to Newton, where he died in 1909. Charles W. Abbey was a strict republican in politics and a member of the Masonic fraternity. The maiden name of his wife was Emily C. King. She was born in 1837 at Petersburg, New York, and is now living, at the age of eighty, in Newton, Kansas. Doctor Abbey was the oldest of her three children. William S. became a railroad engineer and died in San Antonio, Texas. L. B. Abbey, the youngest, is now assistant superintendent of terminals for the Kansas City Southern Railway Company and lives at Port Arthur, Texas.
Service of Charles W. Abbey.
Rank Sergeant Company B Unit 140 ILL., U. S. Infantry, Residence NEWTON, WHITESIDE CO, ILL., Age 34, Height 6', Hair LIGHT, Eyes LIGHT, Complexion LIGHT, Marital Status MARRIED, Occupation FARMER, Nativity TRENTON, N. J., Joined When MAY 4, 1864, Joined Where MORRISON, ILL., Period 100 DAYS, Muster In JUN 18, 1864, Muster In Where CAMP BUTLER, ILL., Muster Out OCT 29, 1864, Muster Out Where CHICAGO, ILL.
Doctor Abbey was born at Kingsbury, Illinois, February 1, 1861. He is of English ancestry, his grandfather, Luke Abbey, having been born in Yorkshire, England, in 1787. When about twenty-four years of age he came to America with his second wife and two children, and settled first in New Jersey, then in Ohio and finally, as a pioneer farmer, at Kingsbury, Illinois, in 1837. He died there in 1869. He married for his third wife Miss Hannah Mills, who was a native of New Jersey and died at Kingsbury, Illinois. She was the grandmother of Doctor Abbey. Charles W. Abbey, father of Doctor Abbey, was born at Trenton, New Jersey, in 1830 and when seven years of age accompanied his parents to Kingsbury, Illinois. He grew up and married there and spent his active career as a farmer. In 1864 he enlisted in Company B of the One Hundred and Fortieth Illinois Infantry and was in active service until the close of the war. In 1871 he came to Kansas, locating on a farm near Abilene for nine years, and then for seventeen years farmed in Coffey County near Burlington. He finally retired and came to Newton, where he died in 1909. Charles W. Abbey was a strict republican in politics and a member of the Masonic fraternity. The maiden name of his wife was Emily C. King. She was born in 1837 at Petersburg, New York, and is now living, at the age of eighty, in Newton, Kansas. Doctor Abbey was the oldest of her three children. William S. became a railroad engineer and died in San Antonio, Texas. L. B. Abbey, the youngest, is now assistant superintendent of terminals for the Kansas City Southern Railway Company and lives at Port Arthur, Texas.
Service of Charles W. Abbey.
Rank Sergeant Company B Unit 140 ILL., U. S. Infantry, Residence NEWTON, WHITESIDE CO, ILL., Age 34, Height 6', Hair LIGHT, Eyes LIGHT, Complexion LIGHT, Marital Status MARRIED, Occupation FARMER, Nativity TRENTON, N. J., Joined When MAY 4, 1864, Joined Where MORRISON, ILL., Period 100 DAYS, Muster In JUN 18, 1864, Muster In Where CAMP BUTLER, ILL., Muster Out OCT 29, 1864, Muster Out Where CHICAGO, ILL.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Wakarusa War.
There well be two militia rosters one from Topeka and one from Tecumseh, these companies went to the defense of Lawrence.
During the summer and fall of 1855, excitement ran high in Kansas on account of the struggle between the free-state and pro-slavery parties. Several events occurred which made strife between men of opposing political interests more bitter. Charles W. Dow, a free-state man, was shot by Franklin N. Coleman, a pro-slavery leader of Hickory Point (q. v.) in a dispute over a claim. This occurred on Nov. 21, 1855, and was the beginning of a series of difficulties which led to the Wakarusa war. The culminating event was the rescue by free-state men of Jacob Branson, with whom Dow had lived, after his arrest by Samuel J. Jones, sheriff of Douglas county. Jones at once started for Franklin with his posse, and sent a dispatch to his father-in-law, Col. Boone, at Westport, Mo., asking for aid to recapture Branson. Word was also sent to Gov. Shannon at the Shawnee Mission, for 3,000 men to put down the rebellion at Lawrence. There are people who believe that the whole affair was planned as a trap to catch the free-state men and to serve as an excuse for the destruction of Lawrence.
Without ascertaining the actual condition of affairs, the governor issued a proclamation calling out the militia of Kansas—which really meant the ruffians of Missouri—to put down the rebellion at Lawrence. The people of Missouri were ready and were not long in responding to the call. Holloway, in his History of Kansas, says, "For two or three counties back from the western line of Missouri, troops were sent fully equipped and expecting to fight." In three days some 1,500 had rushed across the border and were confronting Lawrence. Said Gov. Shannon: "Missouri sent not only her young men, but her gray-haired citizens were there. The man of seventy winters stood shoulder to shoulder with the youth of sixteen. There were volunteers in that camp and with them were not only their sons, but their grandsons to join in the fray." The main camp of the besiegers was near Franklin, about 3 miles southeast of Lawrence, and the other wing was in position near Lecompton, under command of Strickler and Richardson.
In Lawrence preparations for defense were going on. As soon as it was learned that a force was gathering on the Wakarusa, all those concerned with the rescue of Branson were requested to leave Lawrence. This was done to show that the town had taken no part in the rescue. A committee of safety was appointed which organized the citizens into guards of 15 or 20 men in a squad, by enrolling them and taking their residence, so that they could be called out at any moment. In this way they were enabled to pursue their business and still be ready to take up arms at a signal. The news of the threatened invasion and the intention to destroy Lawrence spread rapidly through the territory, with the result that the free-state men rushed to the aid of the besieged, until there were probably 800 men armed and equipped for defense in the town. The committee of safety appointed Dr. Charles Robinson commander-in-chief of all the forces, with Col. J. H. Lane second in command. Lyman Allen commanded the Lawrence Stubbs; Samuel Walker, the company from Bloomington; Maj. Abbott, the Wakarusa company; a man named Shore, the Ottawa Creek company; McWheeney, the company from Palmyra; and the Pottawatomie company was under the command of John Brown, who arrived with his four sons, arms and ammunition just as the treaty of peace was about to be signed. Every house was filled with soldiers and the free-state hotel was used as a barracks. Five redoubts were built, which commanded every approach to the city. The largest was erected on Massachusetts street near the crossing of Pinckney. It was circular, made of hewn timber, against which an earth embankment was thrown up about 5 feet high and 4 feet wide at the top, while surrounding it was a deep intrenchment. It was designed as a retreat for the women and children in case of an attack. The second line of works was on Massachusetts street, consisting of three rude forts in a line across Vermont, Massachusetts and Rhode Island streets coinciding to that of Henry street. The third was a circular redoubt built on an elevation a little north of Henry street between Massachusetts and New Hampshire streets. The fourth was south of the fort on Henry street and was built to repulse an attack from Mount Oread, should one be made from that direction. The fifth was on Kentucky street, commanding an entrance from a ravine on the west. A cannon which had been sent to Kansas City was also smuggled into the besieged town.
The siege was really commenced on Saturday, Dec. 1, and lasted about a week. The forces on both sides were prepared for war. The defenders spent much time in drilling and strengthening their position, while the invaders waited the command of Sheriff Jones to move upon Lawrence. The Sharp's rifles that had been shipped to Lawrence from New England became of immense value at this time, as the fear of them kept the enemy from a sudden attack. Blackmar, in his Life of Charles Robinson, says: "It was a strange spectacle, almost a comedy had it not been so near a tragedy, and in any case was certainly a travesty on free government, for the United States Senator Atchison to be commanding this singular horde, while Gov. Shannon was hurrying other commands to the scene of war. There was no excuse for it all. The rescuers of Branson had left the town, and there was not a day in which Jones might not go through Lawrence unmolested in doing his duty. He actually did go to the town and return without being disturbed. Gov. Shannon became alarmed first for the safety of the attacking Missourians, and second for the safety of Lawrence. He sent to Col. Sumner, at Leavenworth, for United States troops, but Sumner would not come without orders from "Washington."
From the surrounding towns Lawrence continued to receive reinforcements, who were usually surprised to find that the inhabitants were strictly on the defensive instead of the aggressive as reported by the pro-slavery men. Finally the citizens sent a delegation to the governor to acquaint him with the true situation. Being incredulous, he was persuaded to go to Lawrence to see for himself, and upon his arrival was amazed at the situation. The besiegers and besieged were brought into conference by him. The governor, Col. Boone, of Westport, Mo., Col. Kearney, of Independence. Mo., and Gen. Strickler, of Kansas, were duly conducted to Lawrence and to the rooms of the committee of safety in the Free-State hotel. Dr. Robinson and Col. Lane conducted the negotiations on the part of the free-state men, as members of the committee of safety, and after both sides of the question had been discussed, the governor suggested that a treaty be drawn up and signed by the leaders, which was done. Blackmar, in his Life of Charles Robinson, says "it was an excellent way out of a dilemma, but here was another scene in the drama of spectacular government; the town of Lawrence in rebellion, treating with the Kansas militia, the latter commanded by officers living in Missouri."
The good will of the people of Lawrence and their genuine desire to settle the war was shown by the treaty. After it was signed Robinson and Lane accompanied the governor to the camp of the militia, where Gov. Shannon persuaded them to accept the treaty and withdraw. This was not easily accomplished, but the Missourians finally started for home.
November 21, 1855, The Tecumseh militia in the Wakarusa War, organized Company H., 4th., Regiment, composed of the following:
Wentworth, Luther H., Captain.
Moffat, Charles, W., First Lieutenant.
Antrem, Caleb, Second Lieutenant.
Brewer, E., Second Lieutenant.
Saler, Bennet R., Third Lieutenant.
Bartelson, Joseph K., Second Sergeant.
Ramsey, George S., Third Sergeant.
Lawrence, Charles, G., Fourth Sergeant.
Robinson, Moses M., Quarter-Master.
Wentworth, Hiram H., First Corporal.
Updegraff, Edward, Second Corporal.
Dawson, James M., Third Corporal.
Fogle, Barnet, Fourth Corporal.
Bainter, Ephraim
Bower, John R.
Dawson Benjamin F
Delup, Anderson
Duck, William..
Dunn, Steph. H.
Elliott, T., H.
Freeland, John.
Frost, William R.
Grassmuck, Lewis.
Griffith, Nathin.
Hicks, A.
Hillyer, George S.
Hook, William.
Hooval, Henry.
Huffer, H. F.
Jordan, A. M.
Jordan, Rev. Charles..
Mitchell M. J.
Moffet, E. R..
Moffet, O.
Moore, Benjamin.
Niccum, Jerry.
Riley, William.
Roberts, J. M.
Rush, T. V.
Scandlon, Sydney.
Scott, Chalmy.
Tylor, Jehial.
Threlkild, M.
Updegraff, D.
Updegraff, Samuel.
Wells, Alex.
Wentworth, Nathan.
November 27, 1855, Topeka organized one of the companies which went to Lawrence for the defense of that city in the Wakarusa War. The roster of the Topeka company included the following:
Horne, Daniel H., Captain.
Allen, Asaph, First Lieutenant.
Farnsworth, Loring, Second Lieutenant.
Ritchie, John, Third Lieutenant.
Non-Commissioned Officers.
Horne, Leonard W.
Bunker, James G.
Cowles, Henry B.
Creitz, William F.
Waters Andrews S.
Henderson, W. W.
Hubbard, Moses.
Barnard, Augustus H.
Boyd, George F.
Briggs, Philip.
Brown, Leroy L.
Coburn, Humphrey.
Crane, Franklin L.
Damm, Henry.
Davis, George.
O’Connor Peter.
Crane, Jesse H.
Cummings, J. F.
Davis, Francis.
Doane, Abner.
Dudley, Moses.
Dudley, Guilford.
Disney, James.
Emerson, Joseph W.
Farnsworth Charles.
Gray, Charles N.
Gustin, Richard.
Gatchel, Benjamin F.
Hartwell, George F.
Hartwell, Abel F.
Hubbard, Paul K.
Hill, George.
Howard, Cyrus F.
Hathaway, George W.
Luce, Robert M.
Leonard, Christopher C.
King, George L.
Moore, David H.
Martin, McClure C.
Miles, W. G. R.
Miller, Joseph G.
Mitchell, Robert L.
Moore Alonzo W.
Judd, Ozias.
Long, John.
Parsons, John W.
Pierce, James.
Ross, W. W.
Redpath, James.
Sexton, Charles A.
Smith, David.
Tyrrell, Charles L.
Tucker, Theron.
Thompson, William P.
Thompson, Charles H.
Taggart, James.
Wendell, Peter J.
Thornton, Thomas G.
Wirt, John A.
Weymouth, William H.
Young, Nelson.
Young, Harvey P.
Waters, Henry P.
Warren, George F.
Wilber Charles L.
Woods, George H.
During the summer and fall of 1855, excitement ran high in Kansas on account of the struggle between the free-state and pro-slavery parties. Several events occurred which made strife between men of opposing political interests more bitter. Charles W. Dow, a free-state man, was shot by Franklin N. Coleman, a pro-slavery leader of Hickory Point (q. v.) in a dispute over a claim. This occurred on Nov. 21, 1855, and was the beginning of a series of difficulties which led to the Wakarusa war. The culminating event was the rescue by free-state men of Jacob Branson, with whom Dow had lived, after his arrest by Samuel J. Jones, sheriff of Douglas county. Jones at once started for Franklin with his posse, and sent a dispatch to his father-in-law, Col. Boone, at Westport, Mo., asking for aid to recapture Branson. Word was also sent to Gov. Shannon at the Shawnee Mission, for 3,000 men to put down the rebellion at Lawrence. There are people who believe that the whole affair was planned as a trap to catch the free-state men and to serve as an excuse for the destruction of Lawrence.
Without ascertaining the actual condition of affairs, the governor issued a proclamation calling out the militia of Kansas—which really meant the ruffians of Missouri—to put down the rebellion at Lawrence. The people of Missouri were ready and were not long in responding to the call. Holloway, in his History of Kansas, says, "For two or three counties back from the western line of Missouri, troops were sent fully equipped and expecting to fight." In three days some 1,500 had rushed across the border and were confronting Lawrence. Said Gov. Shannon: "Missouri sent not only her young men, but her gray-haired citizens were there. The man of seventy winters stood shoulder to shoulder with the youth of sixteen. There were volunteers in that camp and with them were not only their sons, but their grandsons to join in the fray." The main camp of the besiegers was near Franklin, about 3 miles southeast of Lawrence, and the other wing was in position near Lecompton, under command of Strickler and Richardson.
In Lawrence preparations for defense were going on. As soon as it was learned that a force was gathering on the Wakarusa, all those concerned with the rescue of Branson were requested to leave Lawrence. This was done to show that the town had taken no part in the rescue. A committee of safety was appointed which organized the citizens into guards of 15 or 20 men in a squad, by enrolling them and taking their residence, so that they could be called out at any moment. In this way they were enabled to pursue their business and still be ready to take up arms at a signal. The news of the threatened invasion and the intention to destroy Lawrence spread rapidly through the territory, with the result that the free-state men rushed to the aid of the besieged, until there were probably 800 men armed and equipped for defense in the town. The committee of safety appointed Dr. Charles Robinson commander-in-chief of all the forces, with Col. J. H. Lane second in command. Lyman Allen commanded the Lawrence Stubbs; Samuel Walker, the company from Bloomington; Maj. Abbott, the Wakarusa company; a man named Shore, the Ottawa Creek company; McWheeney, the company from Palmyra; and the Pottawatomie company was under the command of John Brown, who arrived with his four sons, arms and ammunition just as the treaty of peace was about to be signed. Every house was filled with soldiers and the free-state hotel was used as a barracks. Five redoubts were built, which commanded every approach to the city. The largest was erected on Massachusetts street near the crossing of Pinckney. It was circular, made of hewn timber, against which an earth embankment was thrown up about 5 feet high and 4 feet wide at the top, while surrounding it was a deep intrenchment. It was designed as a retreat for the women and children in case of an attack. The second line of works was on Massachusetts street, consisting of three rude forts in a line across Vermont, Massachusetts and Rhode Island streets coinciding to that of Henry street. The third was a circular redoubt built on an elevation a little north of Henry street between Massachusetts and New Hampshire streets. The fourth was south of the fort on Henry street and was built to repulse an attack from Mount Oread, should one be made from that direction. The fifth was on Kentucky street, commanding an entrance from a ravine on the west. A cannon which had been sent to Kansas City was also smuggled into the besieged town.
The siege was really commenced on Saturday, Dec. 1, and lasted about a week. The forces on both sides were prepared for war. The defenders spent much time in drilling and strengthening their position, while the invaders waited the command of Sheriff Jones to move upon Lawrence. The Sharp's rifles that had been shipped to Lawrence from New England became of immense value at this time, as the fear of them kept the enemy from a sudden attack. Blackmar, in his Life of Charles Robinson, says: "It was a strange spectacle, almost a comedy had it not been so near a tragedy, and in any case was certainly a travesty on free government, for the United States Senator Atchison to be commanding this singular horde, while Gov. Shannon was hurrying other commands to the scene of war. There was no excuse for it all. The rescuers of Branson had left the town, and there was not a day in which Jones might not go through Lawrence unmolested in doing his duty. He actually did go to the town and return without being disturbed. Gov. Shannon became alarmed first for the safety of the attacking Missourians, and second for the safety of Lawrence. He sent to Col. Sumner, at Leavenworth, for United States troops, but Sumner would not come without orders from "Washington."
From the surrounding towns Lawrence continued to receive reinforcements, who were usually surprised to find that the inhabitants were strictly on the defensive instead of the aggressive as reported by the pro-slavery men. Finally the citizens sent a delegation to the governor to acquaint him with the true situation. Being incredulous, he was persuaded to go to Lawrence to see for himself, and upon his arrival was amazed at the situation. The besiegers and besieged were brought into conference by him. The governor, Col. Boone, of Westport, Mo., Col. Kearney, of Independence. Mo., and Gen. Strickler, of Kansas, were duly conducted to Lawrence and to the rooms of the committee of safety in the Free-State hotel. Dr. Robinson and Col. Lane conducted the negotiations on the part of the free-state men, as members of the committee of safety, and after both sides of the question had been discussed, the governor suggested that a treaty be drawn up and signed by the leaders, which was done. Blackmar, in his Life of Charles Robinson, says "it was an excellent way out of a dilemma, but here was another scene in the drama of spectacular government; the town of Lawrence in rebellion, treating with the Kansas militia, the latter commanded by officers living in Missouri."
The good will of the people of Lawrence and their genuine desire to settle the war was shown by the treaty. After it was signed Robinson and Lane accompanied the governor to the camp of the militia, where Gov. Shannon persuaded them to accept the treaty and withdraw. This was not easily accomplished, but the Missourians finally started for home.
November 21, 1855, The Tecumseh militia in the Wakarusa War, organized Company H., 4th., Regiment, composed of the following:
Wentworth, Luther H., Captain.
Moffat, Charles, W., First Lieutenant.
Antrem, Caleb, Second Lieutenant.
Brewer, E., Second Lieutenant.
Saler, Bennet R., Third Lieutenant.
Bartelson, Joseph K., Second Sergeant.
Ramsey, George S., Third Sergeant.
Lawrence, Charles, G., Fourth Sergeant.
Robinson, Moses M., Quarter-Master.
Wentworth, Hiram H., First Corporal.
Updegraff, Edward, Second Corporal.
Dawson, James M., Third Corporal.
Fogle, Barnet, Fourth Corporal.
Bainter, Ephraim
Bower, John R.
Dawson Benjamin F
Delup, Anderson
Duck, William..
Dunn, Steph. H.
Elliott, T., H.
Freeland, John.
Frost, William R.
Grassmuck, Lewis.
Griffith, Nathin.
Hicks, A.
Hillyer, George S.
Hook, William.
Hooval, Henry.
Huffer, H. F.
Jordan, A. M.
Jordan, Rev. Charles..
Mitchell M. J.
Moffet, E. R..
Moffet, O.
Moore, Benjamin.
Niccum, Jerry.
Riley, William.
Roberts, J. M.
Rush, T. V.
Scandlon, Sydney.
Scott, Chalmy.
Tylor, Jehial.
Threlkild, M.
Updegraff, D.
Updegraff, Samuel.
Wells, Alex.
Wentworth, Nathan.
November 27, 1855, Topeka organized one of the companies which went to Lawrence for the defense of that city in the Wakarusa War. The roster of the Topeka company included the following:
Horne, Daniel H., Captain.
Allen, Asaph, First Lieutenant.
Farnsworth, Loring, Second Lieutenant.
Ritchie, John, Third Lieutenant.
Non-Commissioned Officers.
Horne, Leonard W.
Bunker, James G.
Cowles, Henry B.
Creitz, William F.
Waters Andrews S.
Henderson, W. W.
Hubbard, Moses.
Barnard, Augustus H.
Boyd, George F.
Briggs, Philip.
Brown, Leroy L.
Coburn, Humphrey.
Crane, Franklin L.
Damm, Henry.
Davis, George.
O’Connor Peter.
Crane, Jesse H.
Cummings, J. F.
Davis, Francis.
Doane, Abner.
Dudley, Moses.
Dudley, Guilford.
Disney, James.
Emerson, Joseph W.
Farnsworth Charles.
Gray, Charles N.
Gustin, Richard.
Gatchel, Benjamin F.
Hartwell, George F.
Hartwell, Abel F.
Hubbard, Paul K.
Hill, George.
Howard, Cyrus F.
Hathaway, George W.
Luce, Robert M.
Leonard, Christopher C.
King, George L.
Moore, David H.
Martin, McClure C.
Miles, W. G. R.
Miller, Joseph G.
Mitchell, Robert L.
Moore Alonzo W.
Judd, Ozias.
Long, John.
Parsons, John W.
Pierce, James.
Ross, W. W.
Redpath, James.
Sexton, Charles A.
Smith, David.
Tyrrell, Charles L.
Tucker, Theron.
Thompson, William P.
Thompson, Charles H.
Taggart, James.
Wendell, Peter J.
Thornton, Thomas G.
Wirt, John A.
Weymouth, William H.
Young, Nelson.
Young, Harvey P.
Waters, Henry P.
Warren, George F.
Wilber Charles L.
Woods, George H.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Kansans In Battle.
Here is a small list of Kansans in battle, these names are put here in order to help those looking these men.
Eighth Regiment Kansas Volunteers - Infantry
Company E
In 1862, Charles Cooney, was severely wounded in the foot, will in a battle with Quantrill’s band near Aubrey between about 30 men.
Private, Cooney Charles, home Wilmington enlisted Sept. 13, '61, mustered in Sept. 16, '61, Disc. for dis. Dec. 3, 1862, Leavenworth, Kan.
Sixth Regiment Kansas Volunteers - Cavalry
Field & Staff.
Mortally wounded at the battle at Cane Hill Arkansas, 1862.
Lieutenant Colonel, Jewell Lewis R., home Fort Scott, mustered in July 27, '61, Died November 30, 1862, of wounds received in action November 28, 1862, Cane Hill, Ark.
Sixth Regiment Kansas Volunteers - Cavalry
Company A.
Wounded at the battle at or near Cane Hill Arkansas, 1862.
Lieutenant John A. Johnson, received a desperate would from a musket-ball, which passed entirely through his body; yet it is hoped he will recover.
First Lieutenant Johnson John A., home Wyandotte, mustered in Sept. 1, '62, Promoted Captain, December 1, 1862; wounded in left lung while charging enemy's battery at Cane Hill, Ark., November 28, 1862.
Second Regiment Kansas Volunteers - Infantry
Company B.
Captain McClure James R., home Junction City, mustered in June 20, '61, Must. out with regt. Oct. 31, '61; wounded in action September 4, 1861, at Shelbina, Mo.
On September 4, 1861, at Shelbina Missouri, Captain McClure, of the Second Kansas, lost his foot by a cannon ball.
Second Regiment Kansas Volunteers - Cavalry.
First Lieutenant Williams Clarence J., home Lawrence, mustered in Oct. 20, '63, Promoted 1st Lieut. and Regt'l Qr. Mr. Dec. 7, '64; was Wounded in left shoulder Dec. 20, '63, in Ark.
January 21, 1864, Captain E. A. Barker, with 100 men Second Kansas Cavalry and 40 men Sixth Kansas Cavalry, left Waldron, Ark.; marched toward Baker's Springs, Ark., where he surprised Captain Williamson's band of guerrillas, killing Williamson and 5 of his men, wounding 2, and taking 2 lieutenants and 25 men prisoners. On his return captured 1 lieutenant and 1 private. Distance traveled, 172 miles. Prisoners taken, 3 lieutenant and 26 men. Federal loss, 1 enlisted man killed and 1 wounded. Lieutenant C. J. Williams, Second Kansas Cavalry, also wounded.
Sixth Regiment Kansas Volunteers - Cavalry
Company C.
Second Lieutenant Phillips Richard L., home Fort Scott, mustered in March 7, '62, Mustered out Dec. 1, 1864, Leavenworth, Kan.
Lieutenant Phillips had his horse killed under him by a round shot.
Eighth Regiment Kansas Volunteers - Infantry
Company E
In 1862, Charles Cooney, was severely wounded in the foot, will in a battle with Quantrill’s band near Aubrey between about 30 men.
Private, Cooney Charles, home Wilmington enlisted Sept. 13, '61, mustered in Sept. 16, '61, Disc. for dis. Dec. 3, 1862, Leavenworth, Kan.
Sixth Regiment Kansas Volunteers - Cavalry
Field & Staff.
Mortally wounded at the battle at Cane Hill Arkansas, 1862.
Lieutenant Colonel, Jewell Lewis R., home Fort Scott, mustered in July 27, '61, Died November 30, 1862, of wounds received in action November 28, 1862, Cane Hill, Ark.
Sixth Regiment Kansas Volunteers - Cavalry
Company A.
Wounded at the battle at or near Cane Hill Arkansas, 1862.
Lieutenant John A. Johnson, received a desperate would from a musket-ball, which passed entirely through his body; yet it is hoped he will recover.
First Lieutenant Johnson John A., home Wyandotte, mustered in Sept. 1, '62, Promoted Captain, December 1, 1862; wounded in left lung while charging enemy's battery at Cane Hill, Ark., November 28, 1862.
Second Regiment Kansas Volunteers - Infantry
Company B.
Captain McClure James R., home Junction City, mustered in June 20, '61, Must. out with regt. Oct. 31, '61; wounded in action September 4, 1861, at Shelbina, Mo.
On September 4, 1861, at Shelbina Missouri, Captain McClure, of the Second Kansas, lost his foot by a cannon ball.
Second Regiment Kansas Volunteers - Cavalry.
First Lieutenant Williams Clarence J., home Lawrence, mustered in Oct. 20, '63, Promoted 1st Lieut. and Regt'l Qr. Mr. Dec. 7, '64; was Wounded in left shoulder Dec. 20, '63, in Ark.
January 21, 1864, Captain E. A. Barker, with 100 men Second Kansas Cavalry and 40 men Sixth Kansas Cavalry, left Waldron, Ark.; marched toward Baker's Springs, Ark., where he surprised Captain Williamson's band of guerrillas, killing Williamson and 5 of his men, wounding 2, and taking 2 lieutenants and 25 men prisoners. On his return captured 1 lieutenant and 1 private. Distance traveled, 172 miles. Prisoners taken, 3 lieutenant and 26 men. Federal loss, 1 enlisted man killed and 1 wounded. Lieutenant C. J. Williams, Second Kansas Cavalry, also wounded.
Sixth Regiment Kansas Volunteers - Cavalry
Company C.
Second Lieutenant Phillips Richard L., home Fort Scott, mustered in March 7, '62, Mustered out Dec. 1, 1864, Leavenworth, Kan.
Lieutenant Phillips had his horse killed under him by a round shot.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Kansans Murded In The Army.
The men on the list I’m most interested in if any one has any information on these events or has any information on these men I would like to hear about it.
Kansas 1st., Infantry, Company G.
Private, Cole Joseph W., Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Shot for murder of Michael Stein, July 14, 1861, by order of Gen. Lyon
Cross referenced to the Union Casualty List.
Cross referenced to the Springfield Hospital List.
COLE, Joseph W. - Company G, Private, Enlisted 5/29/61, Age 21, Born in PA, Residence: Leavenworth, KS, Shot 7/14/61 for the murder of Michael Stein by order of General Nathaniel Lyon.
Kansas 1st., infantry, Company G.
Private, Stein Michael, home Leavenworth, enlisted June 13, '61, mustered same day June 13, '61, Killed July 8, 1861; murdered by Joseph W. Cole.
Kansas 1st., infantry.
Company K - Re-Enlisted Veterans.
Bowyer Felix J., Home Atchison, Enlisted Feb. 29, '64, Mustered in same day Feb. 29, '64, Murdered in camp March 22, 1864 Bovina, Miss., before transfer
Second Regiment Kansas Volunteers - Cavalry
Company F.
Private, Selig Henry W., Home Lawrence, Enlisted Nov. 5, '61, Mustered in same day Nov. 6, '61, Killed May, 1864, en route for Fort Tyler, Tex.; murdered by captors for being unable to march on account of wounds received in battle.
Second Regiment Kansas Colored Volunteers - Infantry
Company H.
Private, Jackson Andrew, home Olathe, enlisted Aug. 3, '63, mustered in Oct. 17, '63, Wounded in action Apr. 30, '64, Jenkins' Ferry, Ark.; murdered by the enemy.
Private, Warren Albert, home Wyandotte, enlisted July 13, '63, mustered in Oct. 17, '63, Wounded in action Apr. 30, '64, Jenkins' Ferry, Ark.; murdered by enemy in field hospita.
Second Kansas Battery - Light Artillery
Numbers 2. Report of Lieutenant Edward A. Smith, Second Kansas Battery, of skirmish near Sherwood, an affair (June 8) near Fort Scott.
FORT SCOTT, KANS., June 30, 1863.
SIR: In accordance with Paragraph I, General Orders, Numbers 169, of 1862, Adjutant-General's Office, I have the honor to report as follows: On the 18th day of May, 1863, a foraging party from the camp of Colonel [James M.] Williams, First Colored Volunteers, Baxter Springs, Kans., consisting in part of men belonging to my battery, was attacked in the vicinity of Sherwood, Mo., by a party of rebel guerrillas, and Corps. Van Rensler Hancock, Private Joseph Endecott, and Private Cameron Garrett were killed. On the 8th day of June, 1863, the same rebel guerrillas attacked the herd grazing, and Private Arthur W. Gaines was killed, and Corps. Thomas Larkin, and Private James Martin were taken prisoners.
Very respectfully, &c., E. A. SMITH, First Lieutenant, Commanding Second Kansas Battery.
Corporal, Larkin Thomas, home Barnesville, enlisted Aug. 19, '62, mustered in Sep. 10, '62, Murdered by guerrillas July 1, '63, Baxter Springs, C. N.
Kansas 1st., Infantry, Company G.
Private, Cole Joseph W., Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Shot for murder of Michael Stein, July 14, 1861, by order of Gen. Lyon
Cross referenced to the Union Casualty List.
Cross referenced to the Springfield Hospital List.
COLE, Joseph W. - Company G, Private, Enlisted 5/29/61, Age 21, Born in PA, Residence: Leavenworth, KS, Shot 7/14/61 for the murder of Michael Stein by order of General Nathaniel Lyon.
Kansas 1st., infantry, Company G.
Private, Stein Michael, home Leavenworth, enlisted June 13, '61, mustered same day June 13, '61, Killed July 8, 1861; murdered by Joseph W. Cole.
Kansas 1st., infantry.
Company K - Re-Enlisted Veterans.
Bowyer Felix J., Home Atchison, Enlisted Feb. 29, '64, Mustered in same day Feb. 29, '64, Murdered in camp March 22, 1864 Bovina, Miss., before transfer
Second Regiment Kansas Volunteers - Cavalry
Company F.
Private, Selig Henry W., Home Lawrence, Enlisted Nov. 5, '61, Mustered in same day Nov. 6, '61, Killed May, 1864, en route for Fort Tyler, Tex.; murdered by captors for being unable to march on account of wounds received in battle.
Second Regiment Kansas Colored Volunteers - Infantry
Company H.
Private, Jackson Andrew, home Olathe, enlisted Aug. 3, '63, mustered in Oct. 17, '63, Wounded in action Apr. 30, '64, Jenkins' Ferry, Ark.; murdered by the enemy.
Private, Warren Albert, home Wyandotte, enlisted July 13, '63, mustered in Oct. 17, '63, Wounded in action Apr. 30, '64, Jenkins' Ferry, Ark.; murdered by enemy in field hospita.
Second Kansas Battery - Light Artillery
Numbers 2. Report of Lieutenant Edward A. Smith, Second Kansas Battery, of skirmish near Sherwood, an affair (June 8) near Fort Scott.
FORT SCOTT, KANS., June 30, 1863.
SIR: In accordance with Paragraph I, General Orders, Numbers 169, of 1862, Adjutant-General's Office, I have the honor to report as follows: On the 18th day of May, 1863, a foraging party from the camp of Colonel [James M.] Williams, First Colored Volunteers, Baxter Springs, Kans., consisting in part of men belonging to my battery, was attacked in the vicinity of Sherwood, Mo., by a party of rebel guerrillas, and Corps. Van Rensler Hancock, Private Joseph Endecott, and Private Cameron Garrett were killed. On the 8th day of June, 1863, the same rebel guerrillas attacked the herd grazing, and Private Arthur W. Gaines was killed, and Corps. Thomas Larkin, and Private James Martin were taken prisoners.
Very respectfully, &c., E. A. SMITH, First Lieutenant, Commanding Second Kansas Battery.
Corporal, Larkin Thomas, home Barnesville, enlisted Aug. 19, '62, mustered in Sep. 10, '62, Murdered by guerrillas July 1, '63, Baxter Springs, C. N.
Report of Lieutenant Edward A. Smith, Second Kansas Battery.
Will researching other Kansans I ran across this information I know some of you will be interested in.
Numbers 2. Report of Lieutenant Edward A. Smith, Second Kansas Battery, of skirmish near Sherwood, an affair (June 8) near Fort Scott.
FORT SCOTT, KANS., June 30, 1863.
SIR: In accordance with Paragraph I, General Orders, Numbers 169, of 1862, Adjutant-General's Office, I have the honor to report as follows: On the 18th day of May, 1863, a foraging party from the camp of Colonel [James M.] Williams, First Colored Volunteers, Baxter Springs, Kans., consisting in part of men belonging to my battery, was attacked in the vicinity of Sherwood, Mo., by a party of rebel guerrillas, and Corps. Van Rensler Hancock, Private Joseph Endecott, and Private Cameron Garrett were killed. On the 8th day of June, 1863, the same rebel guerrillas attacked the herd grazing, and Private Arthur W. Gaines was killed, and Corps. Thomas Larkin, and Private James Martin were taken prisoners.
Very respectfully, E. A. SMITH, First Lieutenant, Commanding Second Kansas Battery.
Second Kansas Battery - Light Artillery.
1. Colonel Williams James M. Mustered in May 2, '63, Pro. Brev. Brig. Gen Feb.13,'65.
Mustered out Pine Bluff, Ark. Oct.1, '65.
2. Private Hancock Van Reuseler, home Fort Scott, enlisted Aug. 20, '62, mustered in Sep. 10, '62, Pro. Corp. Killed in action with guerrillas May 18, '63, Sherwood, Mo.
3. Private Endecott Joseph, home Fort Scott, enlisted Aug. 18, '62, mustered in Sep. 10, '62, Killed in action May 19, '63, Baxter Srpings, C. N.
4, Private Garrett Cameron, home Mount Gilead, enlisted Aug. 19, '62, mustered in Sep. 10, '62, Killed in action May 18, '63, Sherwood, Mo.
5. Private Gaines Arthur W., enlisted Apr. 17, '62, mustered in Sep. 10, '62, Killed in action June 8, '63, Baxter Springs, C. N.
6. Private Larkin Thomas, home Barnesville, enlisted Aug. 19, 6'2, mustered in Sep. 10, '62, Pro. Corp. Murdered by guerrillas July 1, '63, Baxter Springs, C. N.
7. Private Martin James, enlisted Jan. 20, '64, Des. Mar. 8, '64.
8. First Lieut. Smith Edward A., home Fort Scott, mustered in Aug. 25, '62, Pro. Captain July 4, '63. Captain mustered in July 4, '63 Mustered out Aug. 11, '65.
Numbers 2. Report of Lieutenant Edward A. Smith, Second Kansas Battery, of skirmish near Sherwood, an affair (June 8) near Fort Scott.
FORT SCOTT, KANS., June 30, 1863.
SIR: In accordance with Paragraph I, General Orders, Numbers 169, of 1862, Adjutant-General's Office, I have the honor to report as follows: On the 18th day of May, 1863, a foraging party from the camp of Colonel [James M.] Williams, First Colored Volunteers, Baxter Springs, Kans., consisting in part of men belonging to my battery, was attacked in the vicinity of Sherwood, Mo., by a party of rebel guerrillas, and Corps. Van Rensler Hancock, Private Joseph Endecott, and Private Cameron Garrett were killed. On the 8th day of June, 1863, the same rebel guerrillas attacked the herd grazing, and Private Arthur W. Gaines was killed, and Corps. Thomas Larkin, and Private James Martin were taken prisoners.
Very respectfully, E. A. SMITH, First Lieutenant, Commanding Second Kansas Battery.
Second Kansas Battery - Light Artillery.
1. Colonel Williams James M. Mustered in May 2, '63, Pro. Brev. Brig. Gen Feb.13,'65.
Mustered out Pine Bluff, Ark. Oct.1, '65.
2. Private Hancock Van Reuseler, home Fort Scott, enlisted Aug. 20, '62, mustered in Sep. 10, '62, Pro. Corp. Killed in action with guerrillas May 18, '63, Sherwood, Mo.
3. Private Endecott Joseph, home Fort Scott, enlisted Aug. 18, '62, mustered in Sep. 10, '62, Killed in action May 19, '63, Baxter Srpings, C. N.
4, Private Garrett Cameron, home Mount Gilead, enlisted Aug. 19, '62, mustered in Sep. 10, '62, Killed in action May 18, '63, Sherwood, Mo.
5. Private Gaines Arthur W., enlisted Apr. 17, '62, mustered in Sep. 10, '62, Killed in action June 8, '63, Baxter Springs, C. N.
6. Private Larkin Thomas, home Barnesville, enlisted Aug. 19, 6'2, mustered in Sep. 10, '62, Pro. Corp. Murdered by guerrillas July 1, '63, Baxter Springs, C. N.
7. Private Martin James, enlisted Jan. 20, '64, Des. Mar. 8, '64.
8. First Lieut. Smith Edward A., home Fort Scott, mustered in Aug. 25, '62, Pro. Captain July 4, '63. Captain mustered in July 4, '63 Mustered out Aug. 11, '65.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
First Regiment Kansas Volunteers Infantry-Deserters.
All these men were of the Kansas First, infantry, and all were deserters. There were many reasons to desert, many would call them cowards, but there is a fine line between being a coward and a hero. There are many reasons to desert family, crops and fear itself. For you who find a ancestor here should not be ashamed, for you have no idea what he was thinking nor what was going on in his family life, just take note that he was in the army and trying to do his country honor.
First Regiment Kansas Volunteers - Infantry.
Company A.
1. Private, Foster William, home Elwood , enlisted May 30, '61, muster same day May 30, '61, Deserted, Kansas City, Mo., June 17, 1861.
2. Private, Hartgrove Charles G., home Elwood, enlisted May 30, '61, mustered in same day May 30, '61, Deserted, Manhattan, Kan., May 20, 1862.
3. Private, Jail William, home Elwood, enlisted May 30, '61, mustered in same day May 30, '61, Deserted, Tipton, Mo., September 10, 1861.
4. Private, Moosman Valentine, home Elwood, enlisted May 30, '61, mustered in same day May 30, '61, Deserted, Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 20, 1863.
5. Private, McDonald John, home Elwood, enlisted May 30, '61, mustered in same day May 30, '61, Deserted, St. Louis, Mo., May 30, 1862.
6. Private, Oliver William K. ,home Marysvilee, enlisted May 30, '61, mustered in same day, May 30, '61 Deserted, Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 20, 1863.
7. Private, Pait Edward G., home Elwood, enlisted May 30, '61, mustered in same day May 30, '61, Deserted, Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 20, 1863.
8. Private, Thompson Philip, home Atchison, enlisted May 30, '61, mustered in same day May 30, '61, Deserted, Abbeville, Miss., December 6, 1862
Company B.
1. Private, Emmons David, home Quindaro, enlisted May 28, '61, mustered in June 3, '61, Deserted at St. Louis, Mo. October 26, 1861.
2. Private, Elliott Joseph, home Kansas City Mo, enlisted June 6, '61, mustered in same day, June 6, '61, Deserted at Kansas City, Mo., June 18, 1861.
3. Private, Flemming David, home Wyandotte, enlisted May 28, '61, mustered in, June 3, '61, Deserted at Chillicothe, Mo., August 14, 1862.
4. Private, Fricker Charles, home, Westport, Mo., enlisted May 28, '61, mustered in June 3, '61, Deserted at Springfield, Mo., August 16, 1861.
5. Private, Fricker Frederick, home Westport, Mo., enlisted May 28, '61, mustered in June 3, '61, Deserted at Springfield, Mo., August 16, 1861
6. Private, Garrett Griffin, enlisted Kansas City Mo., enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in June 6, '61, Deserted April 26, 1862.
7. Private, Good Robert, home Wyandotte, enlisted May 28, '61, mustered in June 3, '61, Deserted October 16, 1861.
8. Private, Kreiger August, home Wyandotte, enlisted May 28, '61, mustered in June 3, '61, Deserted at Fort Riley, Ks. August 14, 1862.
9. Private, Sullivan James, Kansas City Mo., enlisted May 28, '61, mustered in June 3, '61, Deserted at Memphis, Tenn. January 19, 1863.
10. Private, Saunders Isaac, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 28, '61, mustered in June 3, '61, Deserted at Pond Springs, Mo., July 18, 1861.
11. Private, Whitte Charles, home Kansas City Mo., enlisted May 28, '61, mustered in June 3, '61, Deserted, Rolla, Mo. August 17, 1861.
12. Private, Zane Ely I., home Wyandotte, enlisted May 28, '61, mustered in June 3, '61, Deserted, Wyandotte, Kansas, March 16, 1862.
13. Private, McEnliff Florence, home Kansas City Mo., enlist June 6, '61, mustered in same day June 6, '61, Deserted, Austin, Mo., July 2, 1861
14. Private, McGowan Peter, home Kansas City Mo., enlisted June 6, '61, mustered in same day June 6, '61, Deserted, Rolla, Mo., August 17, 1861
15. Private, Riley John, home Kansas City Mo., enlisted June 6, '61, mustered in same day June 6, '61, Deserted, Austin, Mo., July 21, 1861
Company C.
1. Sergeant, Conlon James, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Rolla, Mo., August 22, 1861
2. Sergeant, Stouffer Charles, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Feb. 26, 1862
3. Corporal, Smith Andrew, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted Leavenworth, Kan., June 12, 1862
4. Corporal, Malone Hugh, home Leavenworth, enlisted June 13, '61, mustered in same day June 13, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kan, June 12, 1862
5. Musician, Gitterie Nicholas, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kansas, June 12, 1862
6. Private, Bowles William, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kansas, July 13, 1861
7. Private, Daily Peter, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted from hosp. at Leavenworth, Feb 1, 1863
8. Private, Dougherty Nicholas, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day, May 29, '61 Deserted at Leavenworth June 21, 1861
9. Private, Friedburg Morris, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted Leavenworth, Aug. 1, 1861
10. Private, Gitterie John, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, June 12, 1862
11. Private, Goff Michael P., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted Chilicothe, Mo., October 16, 1861
12. Private, Grant Alexander, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, at Rolla, Mo., Aug. 22, 1861
13. Private Killilea Michael, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, June 21, 1861
14. Private, Lamb Edward, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 10, 1861
15. Private ,Merrill Francis T., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, at Lawrence, Kan. April 18, 1862
16. Private, McSpirit Francis, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, St. Louis, Mo., June 13, 1862
17. Private, McCullough Edward, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Kansas City, Mo., June 20, 1861
18. Private, O'Conner Charles, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same dat May 29, '61, Deserted, Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 20, 1863
19. Private, Ryan Michael, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kan., June 1, 1861
20. Private, Ryan Martin, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Camp Sigel, Mo., July 23, 1861
21. Private, Scott Bartholomew, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 20, 1863.
22. Private, Wells William, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Rolla, Mo., August 22, 1861.
23. Private, Halpin Michael, home Leavenworth, enlisted Nov. 26, '61, mustered in same day Nov. 26, '61, Deserted at Lake Providence, La., March 30, '63
24. Private, McCormick Joseph, home Leavenworth enlisted Oct. 28, '61, mustered in same day Oct. 28, '61, Deserted, Lawrence, Kan., April 4, 1862.
25. Private Munroe John, home Leavenworth, enlisted Nov. 15, '61, mustered in same day Nov. 15, '61, Deserted, St. Louis, Mo., June 14, 1862
26. Private, O'Brien John F., home Kansas City, Mo., enlisted June 26, '61, mustered in same day June 26, '61, Deserted at Rolla, Mo., August 22, 1861
27. Private, O'Connor Edward, home Trenton, Ten., enlisted July 1, '62, mustered in same day July 1, '62, Deserted, Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 20, 1863.
28. Private, Shehan Daniel, home St. Louis, Mo, enlisted Oct. 1, '61, mustered in same day Oct. 1, '61, Deserted at Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 20, 1863
29. Private, Whitman Peter, home Tipton, Mo., enlisted Nov. 9, '61, mustered in same day Nov. 9, '61, Deserted, Memphis, Tenn., Jan 19, 1863
Company D.
1. Private, Cooper Dick, home Kansas City, Mo., enlisted June 3, '61, mustered in same day June 3, '61, Deserted at Leavenworth, Kan., June 11, 1861.
2. Private, Dolan Peter, home Lawrence, enlisted June 3, '61, mustered in same day June 3, '61, Deserted, Lawrence, Ks., Apr. 11, 1862; wounded in action Aug. 10, 1861, Wilson's Creek, Mo.
3. Private, Dalles John, enlisted June 3, '61, mustered in same day June 3, '61, Deserted Leavenworth, Ks., June 11, 1861.
4. Private, Foltz Asa, enlisted June 3, '61, mustered in same day June 3, '61, Deserted at Leavenworth, Kansas, June 11, '61.
5. Private, Graves Jesse, enlisted June 3, '61, mastered in same day June 3, '61, Des. Leavenworth, Kan., June 11, 1861.
6. Private, Jones Richard F., home Lawrence, enlisted June 3, '61, mustered in same day June 3, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kan. June 11, 1861.
7. Private, Morrison Frank, home Leavenworth, enlisted June 3, '61, mustered in same day June 3, '61, Deserted Rolla, Mo., Aug. 18, 1861.
8. Private, Owens James, home Leavenworth enlisted June 3, '61, mustered in same day June 3, '61, Wounded in action, Aug. 10, 1861, Wilson's Creek, Mo.; deserted Springfield, Mo., May 1, 1862.
9. Private, Pratt Leonard, home Lawrence, enlisted June 3, '61, mustered in same day June 3, '61, Deserted May 17, 1862.
10. Private, Stone Daniel, enlisted June 3, '61, mustered in same day June 3, '61, Deserted at Leavenworth, Kan. June 11, 1861.
11. Private, Scott James, enlisted June 3, '61 June, mustered in same day 3, '61, Deserted at Lawrence, Kan., June 11, 1861.
12. Private, Stubbs Jesse, enlisted June 3, '61, mustered in same day June 3, '61, Deserted Leavenworth, Kansas, June 11, 1861.
13. Private, Smith George, home Leavenworth, enlisted June 3, '61, mustered June 3, '61, Deserted Tipton, Mo., Oct. 24, 1861.
14. Private, Vaughn Nathaniel C., home Lawrence, enlisted June 3, '61, mustered in same day June 3, '61, Deserted Hannibal, Mo., April 28, 1862.
15. Private, White William, home Lawrence, enlisted June 3, '61, mustered in same day June 3, '61, Deserted Ft. Riley, Kan., May 17, 1862.
16. Private, Wilson John T.,enlisted June 3, '61, musted in same day June 3, '61, Deserted Leavenworth, Kan., June 11, 1861.
17. Private, Wicks Leonard D., enlisted June 3, '61, mustered in same day June 3, '61, Deserted Leavenworth, Kan., June 11, 1861.
18. Private, Ford George W., home Leavenworth, enlisted June 8, '61, mustered in same day June 8, '61, Deserted Aug. 18, 1861, Rolla, Mo.
19. Private, Gray Joseph, home Leavenworth, enlisted June 8, '61, mustered in same day June 8, '61, Deserted Aug 8, 1861, Dug Springs, Mo.
20. Private, Martin Thomas W., home Leavenworth, enlisted June 14, '61, mustered in same day June 14, '61, Deserted Aug. 18, 1861, Rolla, Mo.
21. Private, Miller Peter, Leavenworth, enlisted June 14, '61, mustered in same day June 14, '61 Deserted Sept. 28, 1861, Hannibal, Mo.
22. Private, Pratt Leonard, home Lawrence, enlisted June 14, '61, mustered in same day June 14, '61, Deserted May 17, 1862, Ft. Riley, Kan.
23. Private, Regan William, home Leavenworth, enlisted June 14, '61, mustered in sam day June 14, '61, Deserted Oct. 24, 1861, St. Louis, Mo.
24. Private, Ritchie John, home Chicago, Ill, enlisted Aug. 31, '61, Deserted Sep. 28, 1861, Hannibal, Mo.
25. Private, Sayer William, home Lexington, Mo., enlisted Jan. 11, '62, mustered Jan. 11, '62, Deserted Apr. 11, 1862, Lawrence, Kan.
Company E.
1. Corporal, Fitzmaurice Morris, home Kansas City, Mo., enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted Columbus, Ky. June 13, 1862.
2. Corporal, Gardner Edward, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted Columbus, Ky. June 13, 1862.
3. Corporal, Campbell Robert, home Leavenworth , enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 24, 1863.
4. Private, Cormonious William, home Leavenworth , enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61 Deserted Mar. 11, '62, at Leavenworth Kan.
5. Private, Damerest James H., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, June 15, 1861.
6. Private, Davison George, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted Lawrence, Kan., Feb. 16, 1862.
7. Private, Erwin Alphonso T., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 28, '61, mustered in May 29, '61, Promoted Corporal May 29, 1861; deserted Springfield, Mo., July 25, 1861.
8. Private, Gruber Samuel M., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 28, '61, mustered in May 29, '61, Deserted, Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 24, 1863.
9. Private Janes Winfield S., home Grasshopper F., enlisted May 28, '61, mustered in same day May 28, '61, Deserted, Springfield, Mo., July 23, '61,
10. Private, McKay John, home Leavenworth , enlisted May 28, '61, mustered in same day May 28, '61, Deserted, Springfield, Mo. July 25, 1861.
11. Private, Mason William, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 28, '61, mustered in same day May 28, '61, Deserted July 25, '61, near Springfield, Mo.
12. Private, Nutler Charles T., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 28, '61, mustered in same day May 28, '61, Deserted Columbus, Ky. June 13, 1862.
13. Private, Posey Pleasant, home Leavenworth, enlisyed May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kan. May 12, 1864.
14. Private, Riley James, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted Tipton, Mo., Oct 31, 1861.
15. Private, Sullivan James V., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Memphis, Jan. 20, 1863.
16. Private, Story Robert, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted Chillicothe, Mo. Aug. 31, 1862.
17. Private, Brown Daniel H., home St. Louis, enlisted Nov. 27, '61, mustered in same day Nov. 27, '61, Deserted Lawrence, Kan. Apr. 18, 1862.
18. Private, Johnson James, home St. Louis, Mo., enlisted Nov. 25, '62, mustered in same day Nov. 25, '62, Deserted, Memphis, Tenn, Jan. 24, 1863.
19. Private , Kett Jeremiah, home St. Louis, Mo., enlisted Dec. 6, '62, mustered in sane day Dec. 6, '62 ,Deserted, Memphis, Tenn, Jan. 24, 1863.
20. Private, McCallum William, home Nov. 27, '61, enlisted Nov. 27, '61 , Deserted, Trenton, Tenn, Nov. 1, 1862.
21. Private Ortago Lucas, home Leavenworth, enlisted June 9, '61, musteredd in same day June 9, '61 Deserted June 22, 1861.
22. Private Rearden James, home St. Louis, Mo , mustered in same day Nov. 15, '61 ,Nov. 15, '61 Deserted at Columbus, Ky, June 13, 1862.
23. Private, Williams Holaway St. Louis, Mo., enlisted Nov. 6, '61, mustered in same day mustered in same day, Nov. 6, '61 .
Company F.
1. Sergeant, Stone William H., Home Topeka, enlisted May 25, '61, mustered in June 1, '61, Deserted Memphis, Tenn. Feb. 17, 1863.
2. Corporal, Ananny Patrick H., home Lawrence, enlisted May 25, '61, mustered in June 1, '61, Deserted Springfield, Mo. Aug. 10, 1861.
3. Corporal, Koehler Louis, home Westport, Mo., enlisted May 25, '61, mustered June 1, '61, Deserted Leavenworth, Kan. Feb, 20, 1862.
4. Private, Cooper Henry, home Wyandotte, enlisted May 25, '61, mustered in June 1, '61, Deserted Little York, Mo, July 27, 1861.
5. Private, Casey Joy, home Wyandotte, enlisted May 25, '61, mustered in June 1, '61, Deserted Little York, Mo, July 27, 1861.
6. Private, Casey Hugh, home Wyandotte, enlisted May 25, '61, mustered June 1, '61, Deserted Little York, Mo, July 27, 1861.
7. Private, Colory John, home Lawrence, enlisted May 25, '61, mustered in June 1, '61, Deserted at Memphis, Tenn. Feb. 17, 1863.
8. Private, Delph John S., home Lawrence, enlisted May 25, '61, mustered in June 1, '61, Deserted Memphis, Tenn., Mar 2, 1863.
9. Private, Light John, home Lawrence, enlisted May 25, '61, mustered in June 1, '61, Deserted July 27, 1861.
10. Private, Merwin Henry D., home Lawrence, enlisted May 25, '61, mustered June 1, '61, Prom. Corporal, June 1, 1861; deserted Memphis, Tenn., Jan 18, 1863.
11. Private, Pearson Richard M., enlisted May 25, '61, mustered in June 1, '61, Prom. Corp'l, June 1, '61; deserted Mar. 22, '63.
12. Private, Pierce John, home Lawrence, enlisted May 25, '61, mustered in June 1, '61, Deserted Little York, Mo., July 29, 1861.
13. Private, Ridler William, home Wyandotte, enlisted May 25, '61, mustered in June 1, '61, Deserted, St. Louis, Mo. Sept. 16, 1862 .
14. Private, Vivianna Francis, home Lawrence, enlisted May 25, '61, mustered in June 1, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kan. May 27, 1862.
15. Private, Wicker Frank, home Lawrence, enlisted May 25, '61, mustered in June 1, '61, Deserted Springfield, Mo. Aug. 10, 1861.
16. Private, Callahan James, Jr., home Lawrence, enlisted Nov. 14, '61, mustered in Nov. 14, '61, Deserted, Memphis, Tenn, Jan. 18, 1863.
17. Private, Lieard James G., home Lawrence, enlisted Nov. 27, '61, mustered in same day Nov. 27, '61, Deserted Memphis, Tenn. Jan 18, 1863.
18. Private, Vaughn Robert E., home Lawrence, enlisted Nov. 18, '61, mustered in same day Nov. 18, '61, Deserted Memphis, Tenn, Jan. 18, 1863.
19. Private, Wright Richard, home Lawrence, enlisted Nov. 11, '61, Deserted Leavenworth, Kan., May 27, 1862.
20. Private, Willstoff Charles, home Westport, Mo., enlisted June 3, '61, Deserted Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 16, 1863.
Company G.
1. Sergeant, Heudelong John, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted March 1, 1862.
2. Sergeant, Banker William, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted Chillicothe, Mo., Oct. 6, 1862.
3. Corporal, Baker Daniel B., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted Ft. Riley, Ks., May 14, 1862.
4. Private, Andre William, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Prom. Corp'l May 29, '61; deserted Fort Riley, Kan., April 29, 1862.
5. Private, Butler William H., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Chillicothe, Mo., Oct. 6, 1861.
6. Private, Butler John, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Pond Springs, Mo., Aug 2, 1861.
7. Private, Blake James E., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Springfield, Mo., Aug. 11, 1861.
8. Private, Friend Asa, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Springfield, Mo, Aug 2, 1862.
9. Private, Fisher Charles M., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '6, mustered in same day1 May 29, '61, Transferred to Company H, Oct. 1, 1861; deserted from that company, Oct. 29, 1961.
10. Private, Green George B., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Promoted Sergeant May 29, '61;deserted Trenton, Tenn., Aug 1, 1862.
11. Private, Hart Henry P, home. Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Rolla, Mo., Aug. 23, 1861.
12. Private, Holbush William S., home Leavenworth enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Rolla, Mo, Aug. 19, 1861.
13. Private, Lareaux Henry, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kan., May 30, 1861.
14. Private, Lowry James M., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Memphis, Tenn., June 20, 1863, wounded in action.
15. Private, Miller Jacob, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Grand River, Mo., July 12, 1861.
16. Private ,Neddo Joseph, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted. Lawrence, Kan. Apr. 1, 1862.
17. Private, Williams Frank, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Grand River, Mo. July 12, 1861.
18. Private, Young Lawson J., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Lawrence, Kan., Apr. 9, 1862; wounded in action, Aug. 10, 1861, Wilson's Creek, Mo.
19. Private, Adalgo Francisco, home St. Louis, Mo., enlisted Nov. 15, '61, mustered in same day Nov. 15, '61, Deserted, Trenton, Tenn. Sept. 14, 1862.
20. Private, Fisher John, home St. Louis, Mo., enlisted Nov. 11, '61, mustered in same Nov. 11, '61 Deserted St. Louis, Mo., May 30, 1862.
21. Private, Jackson Thomas H., home Leavenworth, enlisted June 13, '61, mustered in same day June 13, '61, Deserted, Kansas City, Mo., June 23, 1861.
22. Private, Johnson Richard R., home Kansas City, Mo., enlisted June 21, '61, mustered in same day June 21, '61, Deserted, Otterville, Mo. July 28, 1861.
23. Private, Kelly Patrick, home Leavenworth, enlisted Dec. 1, '61 Dec., mustered in same day 1, '61, Deserted, St. Louis, Mo, Aug. 30, 1862.
24. Private, Mullen John, home St. Louis, Mo., enlisted Oct. 24, '61, mustered in same day Oct. 24, '61, Deserted Columbus, Ky. June 17, 1862.
Company H.
1. Sergeant, Hazelwood Walter, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted, Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 20, 1863.
2. Corporal, Mahoney Jeremiah, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kan., June 9, 1861.
3. Corporal, Sweeny Jeremiah A., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted, March 10, 1862.
4. Corporal, Brown Allen, home St. Louis, Mo., enlisted Nov. 11, '61, mustered in same day Nov. 11, '61, Deserted, Memphis, Tenn. Jan. 25, 1863.
5. Corpora, Colton Robert M., home St. Louis, Mo., enlisted Nov. 11, '61, mustered in same day Nov. 11, '61, Deserted, Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 25, 1863.
6. Corporal, Florence William, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted, Memphis, Tenn. Jan. 8, 1863.
7. Private, Ardiff Mark, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted, March 19, 1862.
8. Private, Barrett James, home St. Louis, Mo., enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kas., Mar. 1, 1862; wounded in action Aug. 10, 1861, Wilson's Cr., Mo.
9. Private, Buckendorf Peter, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kan., June 10, 1861.
10. Private, Bart Frederick, home St. Louis, Mo., enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kan. June 3, 1861.
11. Private, Casey William, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted, Wyandotte, Kan., June 24, 1861.
12. Private, Corcoran John, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kan. June 7, 1861.
13. Private, Donovan Michael, home Leavenworth enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted, Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 25, 1863.
14. Private, Donahoe James, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kan., June 10, 1862.
15. Private, Davis Robert, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted at Rolla, Mo., Aug. 31, 1861.
16. Private, Gorman Martin, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 25, '63.
17. Private, Hammond Thos. R., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted Rolla, Mo., Aug. 20, 1861.
18. Private, Lonergon John, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 25, 1863.
19. Private, Lindsay Charles H, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Transf. to Co. E. June 1, 1861, order Col. Deitzler; deserted from that Co. July 25, 1861.
20. Private, Lennox Henry, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Des. Camp Lincoln, Kan., June 3, 1861.
21. Private, Rice Van Buren, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted. Leavenworth, Kan., June 2, 1861.
22. Private ,Rankin Charles H., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted Camp Lincoln, Kan., June 5, 1861.
23. Private, Smith Charles, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 25, 1863.
24. Private, Stewart Thomas C., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, 61,, mustered in same day May 31, '61 ,Deserted Camp Lincoln, Kan., June 17, 1861.
25. Private, Self Elias C., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, 61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted on the march July 15, 1864.
26. Private, Thomas George, home Leavenworth enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted Leavenworth, Kan. June 3, 1861.
27. Private, Wells Ezra,, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted Leavenworth, Kan., June 3, 1861.
28. Private, Ellis Henry, home St. Louis, Mo., enlisted Dec. 21, '61, mustered in same day Dec. 21, '61, Deserted Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 25, 1863.
29. Private, Gass Benjamin, home St. Louis, Mo., enlisted Dec. 14, '61, mustered in same day Dec. 14, '61, Deserted St. Louis, Mo. May 10, 1862.
30. Private, Henderson , home. Louis, Mo., enlisted Oct. 24, '61, mustered in same day Oct. 24, '61, Deserted Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 25, 1863.
31. Private, Maben Andrew J., home Georgetown, Mo, enlisted. Jan. 5, '62 , mustered in same day Jan. 5, '62, Deserted Leavenworth, Kan. Mar. 1, 1862..
32. Private, Riley Michael, home St. Louis, Mo., enlisted Nov. 27, '61, mustered in same day Nov. 27, '61, Deserted Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 25, 1863.
33. Private, Sweet John, home St. Louis, Mo., enlisted Dec. 21, '61, mustered in same day Dec. 21, '61, Deserted St. Louis, Mo., May 30, 1862.
34. Private, Tracy William H., home St. Louis, Mo, enlisted Nov.21,'61, mustered in same day Nov.21,'61, Deserted at Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 25, .
35. Private, Trugott William F., home St. Louis, Mo., enlisted Dec. 26, '61, mustered in same day Dec. 26, '61, Deserted Fort Riley, Kan., May 19, 1862.
36. Private, Vantrupe John, home Leavenworth, enlisted June 1, '61, mustered in same day June 1, '61, Deserted May 19, 1862, Fort Riley, Kan.
37. Private, Zimino Francis, home Fort Scott, enlisted March 19, '62, mustered in same day March 19, '62, Prom. Sergt. March 19, '62; deserted Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 25, 1863.
Company I.
1. First Sergeant, Voeth Theodore, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 27, '61, mustered in same day May 27, '61, Deserted Lecompton April 19, 1862.
2. Sergeant, Kasperski George, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 27, '61, mustered in same day May 27, '61, Deserted Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 29, 1863.
3. Corporal, Thomas August, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 27, '61, mustered in same day May 27, '61, Deserted Leavenworth, Kan., Dec. 21, 1861.
4. Corporal, Seifert Julius, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 27, '61, mustered in same day May 27, '61, Deserted, Nov. 12, 1862.
5. Private, Baechle Fritz , home Leavenworth, enlisted May 27, '61, mustered in same day May 27, '61, Deserted April 9, 1862.
6. Private, Behne William, home Leavenworth, enlisted April 26, '61, mustered in same day June 3, '61, Deserted April 9, 1862.
7. Private, Clements William, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 27, '61, mustered in same day May 27, '61, Deserted Millville, Mo., July 16, 1861.
8. Private, Custer John, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 27, '61, mustered in same day May 27, '61, Deserted Apr. 9, 1862.
9. Private, Eiser Gustavus, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 27, '61, mustered in same day May 27, '61, Deserted St. Louis, Mo. Dec. 15, 1862; Wounded in action Aug. 10, '61, Wilson's Creek, Mo.
10. Private, Hoffman Joseph, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 27, '61, mustered in June 10, '61, Deserted, Kansas City, Mo., June 26. 1861.
11.Private, Hartung Conrad, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 27, '61, mustered in same day May 27, '61, Deserted St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 31,1861, wounded in action Aug. 10, 1861, Wilson's Creek, Mo.
12. Private, Mayer John C., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 27, '61, mustered in same day May 27, '61, Deserted Lawrence, Kan. Apr. 9, 1862.
13. Private, Mueller Charles, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 27, '61, mustered in same day May 27, '61, Deserted Clinton, Mo., July 4, 1861.
14. Private, Schwarze Paul, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 27, '61, mustered in same day May 27, '61, Deserted at Lawrence, Kan., Feb. 28, 1862.
15. Private, Seibert Balthasas, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 27, '61, mustered in same day May 27, '61, Deserted Lecompton, Kan., May 28, 1862.
16. Private, Faugman John, home Lexington, Mo., enlisted Jan. 22, '62, mustered in same day Jan. 26, '62, Deserted Leavenworth, Kan., Feb. 26, 1862.
17. Private, Hosstetter George W., home Leavenworth, enlisted Dec. 20, '61, mustered in same day Dec. 20, '61, Deserted Fort Leavenworth, June 5, 1862.
18. Private, Schwarze Albert, home Leavenworth, enlisted June 3, '61, mustered in same day June 3, '61, Deserted Lawrence, Kan., Feb. 28, 1862.
19. Private, Schurr David, home Leavenworth, enlisted June 10, '61, mustered in same day June 10, '61, Deserted Leavenworth, Kan., May 28, 1862.
20. Private, Williams John , home St. Louis, Mo., enlisted Dec. 24, '61, mustered in same day Dec. 24, '61, Deserted April 12, 1862, date of assignment to Co. I.
Company K.
1. Corporal, Erwin James, home Atchison, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted April 2, 1862.
2. Private, Denton Isaac, home Atchison, enlisted May 31, '61 May, mustered in same day 31, '61, Deserted on battle field, Wilson’s Creek, Mo. Aug. 10, 1861.
3. Private, Gerrilsh Frank, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kan., June 1, 1861.
4. Private, Kronk Jacob N., home Atchison, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 20, 1863.
5. Private, Kaltz Michael, home Atchison, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted, Fort Riley, May 22, 1862.
6. Private, May Adam, home Atchison, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted Rolla, Mo. Aug. 21, 1861.
7. Private, Regan William, home Atchison, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted at Rolla, Mo., Aug. 21, 1863.
8. Private, Reed Oliver P., home Atchison, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted Grand River, Mo, July 10, 1861.
9. Private, Showalter Fran. M., home Atchison, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted Fort Riley, May 19, 1862.
10. Private, Tarr Thomas J. W., home Atchison, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kansas, June 1, 1861.
11. Private, Wilberger Philip, home Atchison, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 20, 1863.
12. Private, McClennon Luther, home Atchison, enlisted June 12, '61, mustered in same day June 12, '61, Deserted on the march, Aug. 17, 1861.
13. Private, McBride James, home Leavenworth, enlisted June 8, '61, mustered in same day June 8, '61 Deserted on the battlefield of Wilson's Creek, Mo., Aug. 10, 1861.
14. Private, Stewart William, home Leavenworth, enlisted June 8, '61, mustered in same day June 8, '61, Deserted, Rolla, Mo., Aug. 20, 1861.
15. Private, Stratton John, home Atchison, enlisted Oct. 5, '61, mustered in same day Oct. 5, '61, Deserted Memphis, Tenn., Feb. 1, 1863.
New Company B - Mounted Infantry.
1. Private, Kettlegereds Henry, home Elwood, enlisted Jan. 4, '64 Jan., mustered in same day 4, '64, Deserted June 2, '64.
2. Private, O'Hearn Patrick, home St. Louis, Mo., enlisted Jan. 5, '64, mustered in same day Jan. 5, '64, Deserted Morganza, La., Oct. 4, '64.
3. Private, McDonald Thomas, enlisted Aug. 10, '62, mustered in same day Aug. 10, '62, Deserted Vicksburg, Miss, June 2, '64.
4. Under Cook, Mills Isaac L, home Provid'nce La., enlisted Aug. 31, '63, mustered in same day Aug. 31, '63, Deserted Dec. 6, '64.
New Company D. Infantry.
1. Private, Farrell Edward , home Elwood, enlisted March 15, '64, mustered in March 29, '64, Deserted, Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. Aug. 15, 1864.
2. Private, Haradeon Andrew, home Leavenworth, enlisted Feb. 11, '64, mustered in same day Feb. 11, '64, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kansas, August 15, '64.
Recruits Assigned to New Company D., Infantry.
1. Private, McCarty Thomas, home St. Louis, Mo., enlisted Dec. 21, '61, mustered in same day Dec. 21, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kansas, Aug. 15, 1864.
First Regiment Kansas Volunteers - Infantry.
Company A.
1. Private, Foster William, home Elwood , enlisted May 30, '61, muster same day May 30, '61, Deserted, Kansas City, Mo., June 17, 1861.
2. Private, Hartgrove Charles G., home Elwood, enlisted May 30, '61, mustered in same day May 30, '61, Deserted, Manhattan, Kan., May 20, 1862.
3. Private, Jail William, home Elwood, enlisted May 30, '61, mustered in same day May 30, '61, Deserted, Tipton, Mo., September 10, 1861.
4. Private, Moosman Valentine, home Elwood, enlisted May 30, '61, mustered in same day May 30, '61, Deserted, Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 20, 1863.
5. Private, McDonald John, home Elwood, enlisted May 30, '61, mustered in same day May 30, '61, Deserted, St. Louis, Mo., May 30, 1862.
6. Private, Oliver William K. ,home Marysvilee, enlisted May 30, '61, mustered in same day, May 30, '61 Deserted, Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 20, 1863.
7. Private, Pait Edward G., home Elwood, enlisted May 30, '61, mustered in same day May 30, '61, Deserted, Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 20, 1863.
8. Private, Thompson Philip, home Atchison, enlisted May 30, '61, mustered in same day May 30, '61, Deserted, Abbeville, Miss., December 6, 1862
Company B.
1. Private, Emmons David, home Quindaro, enlisted May 28, '61, mustered in June 3, '61, Deserted at St. Louis, Mo. October 26, 1861.
2. Private, Elliott Joseph, home Kansas City Mo, enlisted June 6, '61, mustered in same day, June 6, '61, Deserted at Kansas City, Mo., June 18, 1861.
3. Private, Flemming David, home Wyandotte, enlisted May 28, '61, mustered in, June 3, '61, Deserted at Chillicothe, Mo., August 14, 1862.
4. Private, Fricker Charles, home, Westport, Mo., enlisted May 28, '61, mustered in June 3, '61, Deserted at Springfield, Mo., August 16, 1861.
5. Private, Fricker Frederick, home Westport, Mo., enlisted May 28, '61, mustered in June 3, '61, Deserted at Springfield, Mo., August 16, 1861
6. Private, Garrett Griffin, enlisted Kansas City Mo., enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in June 6, '61, Deserted April 26, 1862.
7. Private, Good Robert, home Wyandotte, enlisted May 28, '61, mustered in June 3, '61, Deserted October 16, 1861.
8. Private, Kreiger August, home Wyandotte, enlisted May 28, '61, mustered in June 3, '61, Deserted at Fort Riley, Ks. August 14, 1862.
9. Private, Sullivan James, Kansas City Mo., enlisted May 28, '61, mustered in June 3, '61, Deserted at Memphis, Tenn. January 19, 1863.
10. Private, Saunders Isaac, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 28, '61, mustered in June 3, '61, Deserted at Pond Springs, Mo., July 18, 1861.
11. Private, Whitte Charles, home Kansas City Mo., enlisted May 28, '61, mustered in June 3, '61, Deserted, Rolla, Mo. August 17, 1861.
12. Private, Zane Ely I., home Wyandotte, enlisted May 28, '61, mustered in June 3, '61, Deserted, Wyandotte, Kansas, March 16, 1862.
13. Private, McEnliff Florence, home Kansas City Mo., enlist June 6, '61, mustered in same day June 6, '61, Deserted, Austin, Mo., July 2, 1861
14. Private, McGowan Peter, home Kansas City Mo., enlisted June 6, '61, mustered in same day June 6, '61, Deserted, Rolla, Mo., August 17, 1861
15. Private, Riley John, home Kansas City Mo., enlisted June 6, '61, mustered in same day June 6, '61, Deserted, Austin, Mo., July 21, 1861
Company C.
1. Sergeant, Conlon James, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Rolla, Mo., August 22, 1861
2. Sergeant, Stouffer Charles, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Feb. 26, 1862
3. Corporal, Smith Andrew, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted Leavenworth, Kan., June 12, 1862
4. Corporal, Malone Hugh, home Leavenworth, enlisted June 13, '61, mustered in same day June 13, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kan, June 12, 1862
5. Musician, Gitterie Nicholas, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kansas, June 12, 1862
6. Private, Bowles William, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kansas, July 13, 1861
7. Private, Daily Peter, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted from hosp. at Leavenworth, Feb 1, 1863
8. Private, Dougherty Nicholas, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day, May 29, '61 Deserted at Leavenworth June 21, 1861
9. Private, Friedburg Morris, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted Leavenworth, Aug. 1, 1861
10. Private, Gitterie John, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, June 12, 1862
11. Private, Goff Michael P., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted Chilicothe, Mo., October 16, 1861
12. Private, Grant Alexander, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, at Rolla, Mo., Aug. 22, 1861
13. Private Killilea Michael, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, June 21, 1861
14. Private, Lamb Edward, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 10, 1861
15. Private ,Merrill Francis T., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, at Lawrence, Kan. April 18, 1862
16. Private, McSpirit Francis, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, St. Louis, Mo., June 13, 1862
17. Private, McCullough Edward, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Kansas City, Mo., June 20, 1861
18. Private, O'Conner Charles, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same dat May 29, '61, Deserted, Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 20, 1863
19. Private, Ryan Michael, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kan., June 1, 1861
20. Private, Ryan Martin, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Camp Sigel, Mo., July 23, 1861
21. Private, Scott Bartholomew, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 20, 1863.
22. Private, Wells William, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Rolla, Mo., August 22, 1861.
23. Private, Halpin Michael, home Leavenworth, enlisted Nov. 26, '61, mustered in same day Nov. 26, '61, Deserted at Lake Providence, La., March 30, '63
24. Private, McCormick Joseph, home Leavenworth enlisted Oct. 28, '61, mustered in same day Oct. 28, '61, Deserted, Lawrence, Kan., April 4, 1862.
25. Private Munroe John, home Leavenworth, enlisted Nov. 15, '61, mustered in same day Nov. 15, '61, Deserted, St. Louis, Mo., June 14, 1862
26. Private, O'Brien John F., home Kansas City, Mo., enlisted June 26, '61, mustered in same day June 26, '61, Deserted at Rolla, Mo., August 22, 1861
27. Private, O'Connor Edward, home Trenton, Ten., enlisted July 1, '62, mustered in same day July 1, '62, Deserted, Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 20, 1863.
28. Private, Shehan Daniel, home St. Louis, Mo, enlisted Oct. 1, '61, mustered in same day Oct. 1, '61, Deserted at Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 20, 1863
29. Private, Whitman Peter, home Tipton, Mo., enlisted Nov. 9, '61, mustered in same day Nov. 9, '61, Deserted, Memphis, Tenn., Jan 19, 1863
Company D.
1. Private, Cooper Dick, home Kansas City, Mo., enlisted June 3, '61, mustered in same day June 3, '61, Deserted at Leavenworth, Kan., June 11, 1861.
2. Private, Dolan Peter, home Lawrence, enlisted June 3, '61, mustered in same day June 3, '61, Deserted, Lawrence, Ks., Apr. 11, 1862; wounded in action Aug. 10, 1861, Wilson's Creek, Mo.
3. Private, Dalles John, enlisted June 3, '61, mustered in same day June 3, '61, Deserted Leavenworth, Ks., June 11, 1861.
4. Private, Foltz Asa, enlisted June 3, '61, mustered in same day June 3, '61, Deserted at Leavenworth, Kansas, June 11, '61.
5. Private, Graves Jesse, enlisted June 3, '61, mastered in same day June 3, '61, Des. Leavenworth, Kan., June 11, 1861.
6. Private, Jones Richard F., home Lawrence, enlisted June 3, '61, mustered in same day June 3, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kan. June 11, 1861.
7. Private, Morrison Frank, home Leavenworth, enlisted June 3, '61, mustered in same day June 3, '61, Deserted Rolla, Mo., Aug. 18, 1861.
8. Private, Owens James, home Leavenworth enlisted June 3, '61, mustered in same day June 3, '61, Wounded in action, Aug. 10, 1861, Wilson's Creek, Mo.; deserted Springfield, Mo., May 1, 1862.
9. Private, Pratt Leonard, home Lawrence, enlisted June 3, '61, mustered in same day June 3, '61, Deserted May 17, 1862.
10. Private, Stone Daniel, enlisted June 3, '61, mustered in same day June 3, '61, Deserted at Leavenworth, Kan. June 11, 1861.
11. Private, Scott James, enlisted June 3, '61 June, mustered in same day 3, '61, Deserted at Lawrence, Kan., June 11, 1861.
12. Private, Stubbs Jesse, enlisted June 3, '61, mustered in same day June 3, '61, Deserted Leavenworth, Kansas, June 11, 1861.
13. Private, Smith George, home Leavenworth, enlisted June 3, '61, mustered June 3, '61, Deserted Tipton, Mo., Oct. 24, 1861.
14. Private, Vaughn Nathaniel C., home Lawrence, enlisted June 3, '61, mustered in same day June 3, '61, Deserted Hannibal, Mo., April 28, 1862.
15. Private, White William, home Lawrence, enlisted June 3, '61, mustered in same day June 3, '61, Deserted Ft. Riley, Kan., May 17, 1862.
16. Private, Wilson John T.,enlisted June 3, '61, musted in same day June 3, '61, Deserted Leavenworth, Kan., June 11, 1861.
17. Private, Wicks Leonard D., enlisted June 3, '61, mustered in same day June 3, '61, Deserted Leavenworth, Kan., June 11, 1861.
18. Private, Ford George W., home Leavenworth, enlisted June 8, '61, mustered in same day June 8, '61, Deserted Aug. 18, 1861, Rolla, Mo.
19. Private, Gray Joseph, home Leavenworth, enlisted June 8, '61, mustered in same day June 8, '61, Deserted Aug 8, 1861, Dug Springs, Mo.
20. Private, Martin Thomas W., home Leavenworth, enlisted June 14, '61, mustered in same day June 14, '61, Deserted Aug. 18, 1861, Rolla, Mo.
21. Private, Miller Peter, Leavenworth, enlisted June 14, '61, mustered in same day June 14, '61 Deserted Sept. 28, 1861, Hannibal, Mo.
22. Private, Pratt Leonard, home Lawrence, enlisted June 14, '61, mustered in same day June 14, '61, Deserted May 17, 1862, Ft. Riley, Kan.
23. Private, Regan William, home Leavenworth, enlisted June 14, '61, mustered in sam day June 14, '61, Deserted Oct. 24, 1861, St. Louis, Mo.
24. Private, Ritchie John, home Chicago, Ill, enlisted Aug. 31, '61, Deserted Sep. 28, 1861, Hannibal, Mo.
25. Private, Sayer William, home Lexington, Mo., enlisted Jan. 11, '62, mustered Jan. 11, '62, Deserted Apr. 11, 1862, Lawrence, Kan.
Company E.
1. Corporal, Fitzmaurice Morris, home Kansas City, Mo., enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted Columbus, Ky. June 13, 1862.
2. Corporal, Gardner Edward, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted Columbus, Ky. June 13, 1862.
3. Corporal, Campbell Robert, home Leavenworth , enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 24, 1863.
4. Private, Cormonious William, home Leavenworth , enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61 Deserted Mar. 11, '62, at Leavenworth Kan.
5. Private, Damerest James H., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, June 15, 1861.
6. Private, Davison George, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted Lawrence, Kan., Feb. 16, 1862.
7. Private, Erwin Alphonso T., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 28, '61, mustered in May 29, '61, Promoted Corporal May 29, 1861; deserted Springfield, Mo., July 25, 1861.
8. Private, Gruber Samuel M., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 28, '61, mustered in May 29, '61, Deserted, Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 24, 1863.
9. Private Janes Winfield S., home Grasshopper F., enlisted May 28, '61, mustered in same day May 28, '61, Deserted, Springfield, Mo., July 23, '61,
10. Private, McKay John, home Leavenworth , enlisted May 28, '61, mustered in same day May 28, '61, Deserted, Springfield, Mo. July 25, 1861.
11. Private, Mason William, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 28, '61, mustered in same day May 28, '61, Deserted July 25, '61, near Springfield, Mo.
12. Private, Nutler Charles T., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 28, '61, mustered in same day May 28, '61, Deserted Columbus, Ky. June 13, 1862.
13. Private, Posey Pleasant, home Leavenworth, enlisyed May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kan. May 12, 1864.
14. Private, Riley James, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted Tipton, Mo., Oct 31, 1861.
15. Private, Sullivan James V., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Memphis, Jan. 20, 1863.
16. Private, Story Robert, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted Chillicothe, Mo. Aug. 31, 1862.
17. Private, Brown Daniel H., home St. Louis, enlisted Nov. 27, '61, mustered in same day Nov. 27, '61, Deserted Lawrence, Kan. Apr. 18, 1862.
18. Private, Johnson James, home St. Louis, Mo., enlisted Nov. 25, '62, mustered in same day Nov. 25, '62, Deserted, Memphis, Tenn, Jan. 24, 1863.
19. Private , Kett Jeremiah, home St. Louis, Mo., enlisted Dec. 6, '62, mustered in sane day Dec. 6, '62 ,Deserted, Memphis, Tenn, Jan. 24, 1863.
20. Private, McCallum William, home Nov. 27, '61, enlisted Nov. 27, '61 , Deserted, Trenton, Tenn, Nov. 1, 1862.
21. Private Ortago Lucas, home Leavenworth, enlisted June 9, '61, musteredd in same day June 9, '61 Deserted June 22, 1861.
22. Private Rearden James, home St. Louis, Mo , mustered in same day Nov. 15, '61 ,Nov. 15, '61 Deserted at Columbus, Ky, June 13, 1862.
23. Private, Williams Holaway St. Louis, Mo., enlisted Nov. 6, '61, mustered in same day mustered in same day, Nov. 6, '61 .
Company F.
1. Sergeant, Stone William H., Home Topeka, enlisted May 25, '61, mustered in June 1, '61, Deserted Memphis, Tenn. Feb. 17, 1863.
2. Corporal, Ananny Patrick H., home Lawrence, enlisted May 25, '61, mustered in June 1, '61, Deserted Springfield, Mo. Aug. 10, 1861.
3. Corporal, Koehler Louis, home Westport, Mo., enlisted May 25, '61, mustered June 1, '61, Deserted Leavenworth, Kan. Feb, 20, 1862.
4. Private, Cooper Henry, home Wyandotte, enlisted May 25, '61, mustered in June 1, '61, Deserted Little York, Mo, July 27, 1861.
5. Private, Casey Joy, home Wyandotte, enlisted May 25, '61, mustered in June 1, '61, Deserted Little York, Mo, July 27, 1861.
6. Private, Casey Hugh, home Wyandotte, enlisted May 25, '61, mustered June 1, '61, Deserted Little York, Mo, July 27, 1861.
7. Private, Colory John, home Lawrence, enlisted May 25, '61, mustered in June 1, '61, Deserted at Memphis, Tenn. Feb. 17, 1863.
8. Private, Delph John S., home Lawrence, enlisted May 25, '61, mustered in June 1, '61, Deserted Memphis, Tenn., Mar 2, 1863.
9. Private, Light John, home Lawrence, enlisted May 25, '61, mustered in June 1, '61, Deserted July 27, 1861.
10. Private, Merwin Henry D., home Lawrence, enlisted May 25, '61, mustered June 1, '61, Prom. Corporal, June 1, 1861; deserted Memphis, Tenn., Jan 18, 1863.
11. Private, Pearson Richard M., enlisted May 25, '61, mustered in June 1, '61, Prom. Corp'l, June 1, '61; deserted Mar. 22, '63.
12. Private, Pierce John, home Lawrence, enlisted May 25, '61, mustered in June 1, '61, Deserted Little York, Mo., July 29, 1861.
13. Private, Ridler William, home Wyandotte, enlisted May 25, '61, mustered in June 1, '61, Deserted, St. Louis, Mo. Sept. 16, 1862 .
14. Private, Vivianna Francis, home Lawrence, enlisted May 25, '61, mustered in June 1, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kan. May 27, 1862.
15. Private, Wicker Frank, home Lawrence, enlisted May 25, '61, mustered in June 1, '61, Deserted Springfield, Mo. Aug. 10, 1861.
16. Private, Callahan James, Jr., home Lawrence, enlisted Nov. 14, '61, mustered in Nov. 14, '61, Deserted, Memphis, Tenn, Jan. 18, 1863.
17. Private, Lieard James G., home Lawrence, enlisted Nov. 27, '61, mustered in same day Nov. 27, '61, Deserted Memphis, Tenn. Jan 18, 1863.
18. Private, Vaughn Robert E., home Lawrence, enlisted Nov. 18, '61, mustered in same day Nov. 18, '61, Deserted Memphis, Tenn, Jan. 18, 1863.
19. Private, Wright Richard, home Lawrence, enlisted Nov. 11, '61, Deserted Leavenworth, Kan., May 27, 1862.
20. Private, Willstoff Charles, home Westport, Mo., enlisted June 3, '61, Deserted Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 16, 1863.
Company G.
1. Sergeant, Heudelong John, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted March 1, 1862.
2. Sergeant, Banker William, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted Chillicothe, Mo., Oct. 6, 1862.
3. Corporal, Baker Daniel B., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted Ft. Riley, Ks., May 14, 1862.
4. Private, Andre William, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Prom. Corp'l May 29, '61; deserted Fort Riley, Kan., April 29, 1862.
5. Private, Butler William H., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Chillicothe, Mo., Oct. 6, 1861.
6. Private, Butler John, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Pond Springs, Mo., Aug 2, 1861.
7. Private, Blake James E., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Springfield, Mo., Aug. 11, 1861.
8. Private, Friend Asa, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Springfield, Mo, Aug 2, 1862.
9. Private, Fisher Charles M., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '6, mustered in same day1 May 29, '61, Transferred to Company H, Oct. 1, 1861; deserted from that company, Oct. 29, 1961.
10. Private, Green George B., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Promoted Sergeant May 29, '61;deserted Trenton, Tenn., Aug 1, 1862.
11. Private, Hart Henry P, home. Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Rolla, Mo., Aug. 23, 1861.
12. Private, Holbush William S., home Leavenworth enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Rolla, Mo, Aug. 19, 1861.
13. Private, Lareaux Henry, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kan., May 30, 1861.
14. Private, Lowry James M., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Memphis, Tenn., June 20, 1863, wounded in action.
15. Private, Miller Jacob, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Grand River, Mo., July 12, 1861.
16. Private ,Neddo Joseph, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted. Lawrence, Kan. Apr. 1, 1862.
17. Private, Williams Frank, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Grand River, Mo. July 12, 1861.
18. Private, Young Lawson J., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 29, '61, mustered in same day May 29, '61, Deserted, Lawrence, Kan., Apr. 9, 1862; wounded in action, Aug. 10, 1861, Wilson's Creek, Mo.
19. Private, Adalgo Francisco, home St. Louis, Mo., enlisted Nov. 15, '61, mustered in same day Nov. 15, '61, Deserted, Trenton, Tenn. Sept. 14, 1862.
20. Private, Fisher John, home St. Louis, Mo., enlisted Nov. 11, '61, mustered in same Nov. 11, '61 Deserted St. Louis, Mo., May 30, 1862.
21. Private, Jackson Thomas H., home Leavenworth, enlisted June 13, '61, mustered in same day June 13, '61, Deserted, Kansas City, Mo., June 23, 1861.
22. Private, Johnson Richard R., home Kansas City, Mo., enlisted June 21, '61, mustered in same day June 21, '61, Deserted, Otterville, Mo. July 28, 1861.
23. Private, Kelly Patrick, home Leavenworth, enlisted Dec. 1, '61 Dec., mustered in same day 1, '61, Deserted, St. Louis, Mo, Aug. 30, 1862.
24. Private, Mullen John, home St. Louis, Mo., enlisted Oct. 24, '61, mustered in same day Oct. 24, '61, Deserted Columbus, Ky. June 17, 1862.
Company H.
1. Sergeant, Hazelwood Walter, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted, Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 20, 1863.
2. Corporal, Mahoney Jeremiah, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kan., June 9, 1861.
3. Corporal, Sweeny Jeremiah A., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted, March 10, 1862.
4. Corporal, Brown Allen, home St. Louis, Mo., enlisted Nov. 11, '61, mustered in same day Nov. 11, '61, Deserted, Memphis, Tenn. Jan. 25, 1863.
5. Corpora, Colton Robert M., home St. Louis, Mo., enlisted Nov. 11, '61, mustered in same day Nov. 11, '61, Deserted, Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 25, 1863.
6. Corporal, Florence William, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted, Memphis, Tenn. Jan. 8, 1863.
7. Private, Ardiff Mark, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted, March 19, 1862.
8. Private, Barrett James, home St. Louis, Mo., enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kas., Mar. 1, 1862; wounded in action Aug. 10, 1861, Wilson's Cr., Mo.
9. Private, Buckendorf Peter, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kan., June 10, 1861.
10. Private, Bart Frederick, home St. Louis, Mo., enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kan. June 3, 1861.
11. Private, Casey William, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted, Wyandotte, Kan., June 24, 1861.
12. Private, Corcoran John, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kan. June 7, 1861.
13. Private, Donovan Michael, home Leavenworth enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted, Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 25, 1863.
14. Private, Donahoe James, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kan., June 10, 1862.
15. Private, Davis Robert, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted at Rolla, Mo., Aug. 31, 1861.
16. Private, Gorman Martin, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 25, '63.
17. Private, Hammond Thos. R., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted Rolla, Mo., Aug. 20, 1861.
18. Private, Lonergon John, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 25, 1863.
19. Private, Lindsay Charles H, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Transf. to Co. E. June 1, 1861, order Col. Deitzler; deserted from that Co. July 25, 1861.
20. Private, Lennox Henry, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Des. Camp Lincoln, Kan., June 3, 1861.
21. Private, Rice Van Buren, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted. Leavenworth, Kan., June 2, 1861.
22. Private ,Rankin Charles H., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted Camp Lincoln, Kan., June 5, 1861.
23. Private, Smith Charles, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 25, 1863.
24. Private, Stewart Thomas C., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, 61,, mustered in same day May 31, '61 ,Deserted Camp Lincoln, Kan., June 17, 1861.
25. Private, Self Elias C., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, 61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted on the march July 15, 1864.
26. Private, Thomas George, home Leavenworth enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted Leavenworth, Kan. June 3, 1861.
27. Private, Wells Ezra,, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted Leavenworth, Kan., June 3, 1861.
28. Private, Ellis Henry, home St. Louis, Mo., enlisted Dec. 21, '61, mustered in same day Dec. 21, '61, Deserted Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 25, 1863.
29. Private, Gass Benjamin, home St. Louis, Mo., enlisted Dec. 14, '61, mustered in same day Dec. 14, '61, Deserted St. Louis, Mo. May 10, 1862.
30. Private, Henderson , home. Louis, Mo., enlisted Oct. 24, '61, mustered in same day Oct. 24, '61, Deserted Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 25, 1863.
31. Private, Maben Andrew J., home Georgetown, Mo, enlisted. Jan. 5, '62 , mustered in same day Jan. 5, '62, Deserted Leavenworth, Kan. Mar. 1, 1862..
32. Private, Riley Michael, home St. Louis, Mo., enlisted Nov. 27, '61, mustered in same day Nov. 27, '61, Deserted Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 25, 1863.
33. Private, Sweet John, home St. Louis, Mo., enlisted Dec. 21, '61, mustered in same day Dec. 21, '61, Deserted St. Louis, Mo., May 30, 1862.
34. Private, Tracy William H., home St. Louis, Mo, enlisted Nov.21,'61, mustered in same day Nov.21,'61, Deserted at Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 25, .
35. Private, Trugott William F., home St. Louis, Mo., enlisted Dec. 26, '61, mustered in same day Dec. 26, '61, Deserted Fort Riley, Kan., May 19, 1862.
36. Private, Vantrupe John, home Leavenworth, enlisted June 1, '61, mustered in same day June 1, '61, Deserted May 19, 1862, Fort Riley, Kan.
37. Private, Zimino Francis, home Fort Scott, enlisted March 19, '62, mustered in same day March 19, '62, Prom. Sergt. March 19, '62; deserted Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 25, 1863.
Company I.
1. First Sergeant, Voeth Theodore, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 27, '61, mustered in same day May 27, '61, Deserted Lecompton April 19, 1862.
2. Sergeant, Kasperski George, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 27, '61, mustered in same day May 27, '61, Deserted Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 29, 1863.
3. Corporal, Thomas August, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 27, '61, mustered in same day May 27, '61, Deserted Leavenworth, Kan., Dec. 21, 1861.
4. Corporal, Seifert Julius, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 27, '61, mustered in same day May 27, '61, Deserted, Nov. 12, 1862.
5. Private, Baechle Fritz , home Leavenworth, enlisted May 27, '61, mustered in same day May 27, '61, Deserted April 9, 1862.
6. Private, Behne William, home Leavenworth, enlisted April 26, '61, mustered in same day June 3, '61, Deserted April 9, 1862.
7. Private, Clements William, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 27, '61, mustered in same day May 27, '61, Deserted Millville, Mo., July 16, 1861.
8. Private, Custer John, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 27, '61, mustered in same day May 27, '61, Deserted Apr. 9, 1862.
9. Private, Eiser Gustavus, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 27, '61, mustered in same day May 27, '61, Deserted St. Louis, Mo. Dec. 15, 1862; Wounded in action Aug. 10, '61, Wilson's Creek, Mo.
10. Private, Hoffman Joseph, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 27, '61, mustered in June 10, '61, Deserted, Kansas City, Mo., June 26. 1861.
11.Private, Hartung Conrad, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 27, '61, mustered in same day May 27, '61, Deserted St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 31,1861, wounded in action Aug. 10, 1861, Wilson's Creek, Mo.
12. Private, Mayer John C., home Leavenworth, enlisted May 27, '61, mustered in same day May 27, '61, Deserted Lawrence, Kan. Apr. 9, 1862.
13. Private, Mueller Charles, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 27, '61, mustered in same day May 27, '61, Deserted Clinton, Mo., July 4, 1861.
14. Private, Schwarze Paul, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 27, '61, mustered in same day May 27, '61, Deserted at Lawrence, Kan., Feb. 28, 1862.
15. Private, Seibert Balthasas, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 27, '61, mustered in same day May 27, '61, Deserted Lecompton, Kan., May 28, 1862.
16. Private, Faugman John, home Lexington, Mo., enlisted Jan. 22, '62, mustered in same day Jan. 26, '62, Deserted Leavenworth, Kan., Feb. 26, 1862.
17. Private, Hosstetter George W., home Leavenworth, enlisted Dec. 20, '61, mustered in same day Dec. 20, '61, Deserted Fort Leavenworth, June 5, 1862.
18. Private, Schwarze Albert, home Leavenworth, enlisted June 3, '61, mustered in same day June 3, '61, Deserted Lawrence, Kan., Feb. 28, 1862.
19. Private, Schurr David, home Leavenworth, enlisted June 10, '61, mustered in same day June 10, '61, Deserted Leavenworth, Kan., May 28, 1862.
20. Private, Williams John , home St. Louis, Mo., enlisted Dec. 24, '61, mustered in same day Dec. 24, '61, Deserted April 12, 1862, date of assignment to Co. I.
Company K.
1. Corporal, Erwin James, home Atchison, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted April 2, 1862.
2. Private, Denton Isaac, home Atchison, enlisted May 31, '61 May, mustered in same day 31, '61, Deserted on battle field, Wilson’s Creek, Mo. Aug. 10, 1861.
3. Private, Gerrilsh Frank, home Leavenworth, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kan., June 1, 1861.
4. Private, Kronk Jacob N., home Atchison, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 20, 1863.
5. Private, Kaltz Michael, home Atchison, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted, Fort Riley, May 22, 1862.
6. Private, May Adam, home Atchison, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted Rolla, Mo. Aug. 21, 1861.
7. Private, Regan William, home Atchison, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted at Rolla, Mo., Aug. 21, 1863.
8. Private, Reed Oliver P., home Atchison, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted Grand River, Mo, July 10, 1861.
9. Private, Showalter Fran. M., home Atchison, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted Fort Riley, May 19, 1862.
10. Private, Tarr Thomas J. W., home Atchison, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kansas, June 1, 1861.
11. Private, Wilberger Philip, home Atchison, enlisted May 31, '61, mustered in same day May 31, '61, Deserted Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 20, 1863.
12. Private, McClennon Luther, home Atchison, enlisted June 12, '61, mustered in same day June 12, '61, Deserted on the march, Aug. 17, 1861.
13. Private, McBride James, home Leavenworth, enlisted June 8, '61, mustered in same day June 8, '61 Deserted on the battlefield of Wilson's Creek, Mo., Aug. 10, 1861.
14. Private, Stewart William, home Leavenworth, enlisted June 8, '61, mustered in same day June 8, '61, Deserted, Rolla, Mo., Aug. 20, 1861.
15. Private, Stratton John, home Atchison, enlisted Oct. 5, '61, mustered in same day Oct. 5, '61, Deserted Memphis, Tenn., Feb. 1, 1863.
New Company B - Mounted Infantry.
1. Private, Kettlegereds Henry, home Elwood, enlisted Jan. 4, '64 Jan., mustered in same day 4, '64, Deserted June 2, '64.
2. Private, O'Hearn Patrick, home St. Louis, Mo., enlisted Jan. 5, '64, mustered in same day Jan. 5, '64, Deserted Morganza, La., Oct. 4, '64.
3. Private, McDonald Thomas, enlisted Aug. 10, '62, mustered in same day Aug. 10, '62, Deserted Vicksburg, Miss, June 2, '64.
4. Under Cook, Mills Isaac L, home Provid'nce La., enlisted Aug. 31, '63, mustered in same day Aug. 31, '63, Deserted Dec. 6, '64.
New Company D. Infantry.
1. Private, Farrell Edward , home Elwood, enlisted March 15, '64, mustered in March 29, '64, Deserted, Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. Aug. 15, 1864.
2. Private, Haradeon Andrew, home Leavenworth, enlisted Feb. 11, '64, mustered in same day Feb. 11, '64, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kansas, August 15, '64.
Recruits Assigned to New Company D., Infantry.
1. Private, McCarty Thomas, home St. Louis, Mo., enlisted Dec. 21, '61, mustered in same day Dec. 21, '61, Deserted, Leavenworth, Kansas, Aug. 15, 1864.
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