I was a member of the Twenty-first Illinois volunteers, and at the battle of Chickamauga, in company with about one-third of my regiment, fell into the hands of the rebels. After the battle we were packed in cars like cattle and taken to Atlanta, where we were confined in the stockade and stripped of everything that we had except our shirts, pants and shoes. From Atlanta we were taken to Richmond and thrust into Castle Thunder, where we were again searched for any loose change that we might have about us. Some of the boys managed to keep their money by secreting it in the hem of their pants. After we had been in Castle Thunder for a few weeks, we were removed to a large tobacco factory called the Royster House. This house had three floors, and 500 prisoners were confined on each floor. Our rations consisted of a small piece of light bread and a piece of what we called “mule” bread, issued at 9 o’clock every morning.
One of my mess sold his watch, worth $10, to the guard for some bread – 15 loaves – and every member of our mess agreed to pay a certain amount to him for their share if he should live to get back to God’s country. After the war I married and moved out here to Kansas to make a home for myself, and I had not been here long before I came across the comrade who sold his watch, and my wife raised and sold enough chickens to pay off the debt which I owed him. We were almost starved in this prison, and I was so much reduced that I could barely walk, but one of the rebel sergeants had me sent to the hospital, and I was lucky enough to be one of some 250 ex-prisoners who were exchanged from this hospital.
On our way down the James River that night several of the boys died on the boat. Just as it began to get light we saw the old flag – the stars and stripes – floating from the boat that was waiting for us, and oh! how the boys did cheer! When we had been transferred to the exchange steamer we found a hearty meal waiting for us, and doubtless we would have killed ourselves eating, if we had been allowed to eat as much as we pleased. We were landed at Camp Parole, Annapolis, and after I had been there about a week or so and was able to move around, I got on the scales and found I weighed 125 pounds. My weight when captured was 195 pounds. So you see I lost seventy pounds, although I was only three months a prisoner.
I should like to hear from some of the comrades of my old regiment.
Co. B, 21st Ill. V. I.
Service record: Thomas P. Sayre, Rank prive Company B Unit 21st, Illinois U. S. infantry, Residence MATTOON, COLES CO, Ill., Age 24, Height 6', Hair BLACK, Eyes GRAY, Complexion DARK, Marital Status SINGLE, Occupation FARMER, Nativity EDGAR CO, Ill., Joined When JUN 15, 1861, Joined Where MATTOON, Ill., Period 3 Years, Muster In JUN 28, 1861, Muster In Where SPRINGFIELD, Ill., Muster Out JUN 30, 1864, Muster Out Where SPRINGFIELD, Ill.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Newspapers Stories From Kansas Pasted
Here are some news items taken from Kansas past, some of the newspapers stories are funny while others are sad and others are just down right interesting. But no matter the story they say a lot on what they were thinking and what was the social standings were at that time.
When Hearts Were Trumps.
From the Topeka Daily Commonwealth, March 8, 1873.
A worthy couple in this city who have pulled together in the matrimonial yoke for some years, were living their courtship over again a few days ago, and got out their marriage certificate to look at. They probably examined the document with more then usal care, for they discovered for the first time that the stamp affixed to that important instrument was a stamp manufactured exclusively for playing cards. Probably the minister thought that kind of a stamp ought to be used when hearts were trumps.
Attempt At Kidnapping In Lawrence.
From The Kansas News Emporia, November 13, 1858.
Lawrence has been thrown into considerable excitement recently by attempts being made to abduct and carry away two colored men, residents of that city. The scheme, however failed in both instances. Their object, as the evidence clearly shows, was to take them into Missouri and sell them. The first case occurred on Thursday evening, the 24th, the victim being seized, while returning home from the west of the city, by three armed men, bound and conveyed as far as Franklin, where the prisoner got loose in the night and came back. Subsequent examination have identified the house and name of it’s owner at Franklin where the man was confined.
The second attempt was made the Friday afternoon following, on the person of Chas. Foster, a colored barber of Lawrence, when returning on the south road, just outside of the city limits----was overtaken by a hack containing three or four persons, ( doubtless the same who committed the assault upon the former, ) who alighted and pursued Forster, firing several shorts, and were also joined in the race by the hack; but the “fugitive” was too fleet for them, and succeeded in reaching the house of Rev. Mr. Reynolds, when his pursuers give up the chase. The driver, whose name is Samuel Fry, was afterwards arrested in Lawrence, when the hack belonged, examined, and bound over; also a Mr. Goss, supposed to have been one of the party in the hack. The others have not yet been found.
Foster, it is said, has his free papers, the other, we believe, also says he is :free;” at any rate he has been a resident of Lawrence for some time. The matter will be fully investigated, and if possible, all who were concerned in this infamous affair will receive the punishment they deserve.
From The Daily Commonwealth, Topeka, March 21, 1874.
From the Hiawatha Dispatch.
On last Thursday two or three wagons loaded with women, children, old bedsteads and others worthless property passed through town from the south-ward. WE interviewed the outfit with the following results;
“Where are you going?”
“Gwine to Buchanan county Missouri.”
“Where are you from?”
“Why, from Lincoln county, Kansas; and there is nothing down there but buffalo grass and office seekers.”
“Whence did you come from?”
“From Davis county, Missouri.”
“Had you not better stop here, where life, prosperity, &c., abounds; plenty.
“Well stranger I tell you Brown county is the only decent spot I’ve seen since I’ve left Missouri, but I must go back. Thar’s no paw-paws, fish or misquetors here, and we’re used to sich like you see. Drive on Tom. Say where will a fellow get some lasses and corn meal?”
“Right over there, sir, at Nr. Butt’s store.”
“Wall take care of yourself.”
“Thank you; good day, sir.”
“Yas its right good day for travlin.” Say, children, get out and walk, and let those dogs ride now and take sricks and beat those critters alone.”
This Was Dodge City, When Young and Innocent.
From the Leavenworth Daily Commercial, April 19, 1875.
Dodge City.-- The site is most magnificent for a large town; on the very banks of the Arkansas, and is surrounded by the finest land on the continent. Back of the town is a fine rolling prairie and west and south of it is splendid bottom land. The population of Dodge City is about 400. They have a good hotel, two stories high and well kept; the rooms are clean and well ventilated. In addition to the hotel the town can boast of a capital restaurant kept by Messrs. Kelly & Beatly [ Beatly & Kelly ], where everything can be had, from a venison stack to a roast of buffalo. They have the tenderest beef at Dodge I ever tasted on the frontier.
The town also have a tannery here, where buffalo hides are tanned in regular Indian style. Charley Rath & Co., built the tannery llast year, and have now over 2,000buffalo hides ready for tanning. The firm deals extensively in hides and employs a large number oh hands. We examined some of the hides already finished, and they look to be of very superior quality. Mr. Rath has also an extensive outfitting store at this place, and does an immense business. The store is located on the corner of the street leading to the pile bridge spanning the Arkansas, and is crowded from daylight till dark with customers. The firm carries a large stock of goods; in fact, as large as any firm between Leavenworth and Dodge.
A. B. Webster is located here, and has a dry goods and clothing store, and seems to be doing an excellent business. He purchased a large building a few doors from his present location, a few days ago, the prerant building being altogether too small for his stock and trade.
R. M. Evans is also here engaged in the grocery and produce business. Dick is doing a big business and is considered among the prosperous men of the place.
A. J. Peacock has also settled down here and is doing a rattling business. He is chairman of the board of County Commissioners and wears his honors gracefully.
John Bitters of our city has also opened an establishment at this place, almost directly opposite the depot, and expects to make it pay. The location is good and John knows his business.
Mr. George M. Hoover has also an extensive liquor establishment here for a frontier town, and seems to be doing well.
Col. Isaac Young, who is will known to every Leavenworthian at this place, he looks as hale and hearty as ever and weighs almost as heavy as “fatty Brown.” He has a splendid tract of land adjoining the city, besides several houses and town lots. He has been recently in Colorado where he invested largely in silver mines which promises to yield largely. The Colonel attends strictly to his business.
H. P. Niess, formerly of your city has a splendid farm adjacent to the city, a large portion of which is under cultivation. The cucumbers, beets, melons, and vegetables are of the finest and largest size, while his corn is not excelled in the county. He has also a boot and shoe store in the city.
Dr. T. L. McCarty, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, is also located here and has a very good practice. The doctor is a very accomplished gentleman and is considered an excellent physician.
Mr. Herman J. Fringer, the postmaster, has a neat drug store here and is doing well. He is one of the most accommodating gentlemen we have met with during our sojourn in the city.
Mr. H. L. Settle [ Siter ], an extensive stock raiser of this place arrived here from the East a few days ago with a handsome and accomplished “new” wife. As soon as the :boys” got to hear of it they were in extaciees [ sic ] over the prospects of a grand charivari. About 9 at night almost every man in the town was out and marched down the principal street to the hotel, where Mr. Settle and his wife were stopping and such a grand discord we never heard or listened to as greeted our ears.
Tin pans, broken-down bugles, dilapidated tin kettles, cracked bass drums, ricketty trombones, rusty cymbals, buffalo and Texas steers horns, and innumerable other outlandish, discordant instruments, were used for at lest half an hour in front of the hotel, to the great astonishment of the guests, who were taken utterly by surprise, not known what it all meant.
Pandemonium, in full blast, could not create more confusion or discord than did those Dodge City serenaders. They kept the thing going on until Mr. Settle had to come down stairs and match up the street in front of the band, the fashion or custom being on such occasions a grand treat at every saloon in the city. The cost of the serenade amounted to exactly $90. After the last saloon was visited the party countermarched back to the hotel and give the happy pair three cheers and a tiger.
Hon. R. W. [ M. ] Wright, or as he is more familiarly styled “Bob,” was busy with his hay contract while I was in Dodge, and consequently I did not see him but seldom. I visited his establishment at Fort Dodge, about five miles east of the city, and there net Joe Mason an old Hays City friend, up to his eyes in business. Mr. Wright has a fine assortment of goods and is doing a big business at the Fort.
Pat Ryan, an Irishman has one of the richest and finest claims in Ford county, and is extensively engaged in stock raising. His place is about sixteen miles east of the city, and whenever he visirs Dodge “the boys” try ro get up a sell on him. He visited the place during my sray there, and was trying his utmost to induce Mr. Kelley to take a claim adjoining his. Mr. Kelly, was not showing any disposition to do so, was thus addressed by Ryan: “You see now, Jim, you are a young man yet, bur you’ll get old one of these days, and what in the divil will become of ye? You’ll spend all yer money, and you’ll have nothing in yer old days to fall back on, and I think the best thing ye can do is to take rhar claim. You know if we have a dry season that you can easily varigate yer farum from the tribulations of the Mulberry.” It is needless to say that Pat’s speech caused a general roar. Instead of his saying irrigate, he said varigate, and he next substituted tribulations for tributaries. After the laugh was all over, he left in disgust, not realizing where the laugh came in.
Church Giving Made Painless.
From the Clearwater Leader, May 7, 1886.
Down at Conway they have introduced hugging societies to swell the church treasury, with the following scale of prices: Girls under 16, 15 cents for a hug of two minutes, or ten cents for a short squeeze; from 16 to 2o, 50 cents; from 20 to 25, 75 cents; school marms 40 cents; another man’s wife, $1; widows, according to looks, from 10 cents to $3; old maids, 3 cents apiece or two for a nickel and not any limit of time. Preachers are not charged. Editors pay in advertisements, but are not allowed to Participate until every body else is through and even then they are not allowed to squeeze any thing but old maids.
What Kansans Were Reading The Day Lincoln Died.
From the Junction City Union, April 15, 1865.
A Fight and a Foot Race.--The denizens on seventh street, in the neighborhood of the crib of Matt. Beckers, were much amused one day last week by a rencounter between Matt. And his better half. It appears that Matt. Was engaged in a game at cards with a soldier. Who attempted to cheat, ( most likely it was vice versa ), and Matt. sought his revolver by which to obtain redress. The better-half kept the shooting iron from him, which excited his filial affection, and he turned upon the sharer of his joy and sorrows. Knowing as she did, that he would strike, she started across lots, her valiant lord pursuing, with hatchet in hand. He threw the hatchet at her, but an intervening fence saved her the blow. By-standers assert that the manner in which the splinters flew demonstrated felonious intentions. This, being a domestic affair, may be beyond our province, but it occurred on the commons, before the sharp eye of our reporter.
The Perils Of Pioneer Pedagogy.
From the Caldwell Journal November 15, 1883.
Last Tuesday a party of cowboys working on some of the range south-west, while on their way from Caldwell to camp, took occasion to indulge in more of the same kind of ruffians of which the people along the road have had to complain during the past summer.
Stopping at the Mayhew schoolhouse they forced the teacher, young Mr. Beals, to drink whisky out of a bottle the had. Arriving opposite the next school house, they fired several shots at it. On the side of Bluff creek, a few miles of Donaldson’s ford, is the school house of District No. 144. Here they amused themselves by shooting the lock off the door, filling the door full of bullet holes and shooting the light out of several windows. They fired several shots into the next school house west, doing but little damage. At the school in Dist. 72, they give the teacher, John Lowey, about the same treatment they did Nr. Beals, compelling him to drink their villainous whisky.
It is about time measures should be taken to put an effectual stop to proceedings of the above kind, and we know no other way than for the people living along the route on which the ruffians do their devilment, to ascertain the names of the parties, and have them arrested and punished. While the rascals are in town our marshal and his assistant can make them behave; but between rown and camp it devolves upon those living along the line to see that they are forced, in one way or other, to conduct themselves properly.
From The Newton Kansan, October 29, 1874.
Immense herds of buffalo are now coming into the Arkansas valley along the line of the A. T. & S. F. Road; they are moving north along the line of the railroad from Kinsly to some miles west of Dodge City. This will prove of immense benefit to the settlers along the line as it will give them profitable employment as well as furnish them with excellent meat at a cheap rate. This will also afford another opportunity for amateur sportsmen to have an exciting hunt. The trains on the Santa Fe Road were stopped four times in one day to let the buffalo pass. One passenger shot three from a car window.
When Hearts Were Trumps.
From the Topeka Daily Commonwealth, March 8, 1873.
A worthy couple in this city who have pulled together in the matrimonial yoke for some years, were living their courtship over again a few days ago, and got out their marriage certificate to look at. They probably examined the document with more then usal care, for they discovered for the first time that the stamp affixed to that important instrument was a stamp manufactured exclusively for playing cards. Probably the minister thought that kind of a stamp ought to be used when hearts were trumps.
Attempt At Kidnapping In Lawrence.
From The Kansas News Emporia, November 13, 1858.
Lawrence has been thrown into considerable excitement recently by attempts being made to abduct and carry away two colored men, residents of that city. The scheme, however failed in both instances. Their object, as the evidence clearly shows, was to take them into Missouri and sell them. The first case occurred on Thursday evening, the 24th, the victim being seized, while returning home from the west of the city, by three armed men, bound and conveyed as far as Franklin, where the prisoner got loose in the night and came back. Subsequent examination have identified the house and name of it’s owner at Franklin where the man was confined.
The second attempt was made the Friday afternoon following, on the person of Chas. Foster, a colored barber of Lawrence, when returning on the south road, just outside of the city limits----was overtaken by a hack containing three or four persons, ( doubtless the same who committed the assault upon the former, ) who alighted and pursued Forster, firing several shorts, and were also joined in the race by the hack; but the “fugitive” was too fleet for them, and succeeded in reaching the house of Rev. Mr. Reynolds, when his pursuers give up the chase. The driver, whose name is Samuel Fry, was afterwards arrested in Lawrence, when the hack belonged, examined, and bound over; also a Mr. Goss, supposed to have been one of the party in the hack. The others have not yet been found.
Foster, it is said, has his free papers, the other, we believe, also says he is :free;” at any rate he has been a resident of Lawrence for some time. The matter will be fully investigated, and if possible, all who were concerned in this infamous affair will receive the punishment they deserve.
From The Daily Commonwealth, Topeka, March 21, 1874.
From the Hiawatha Dispatch.
On last Thursday two or three wagons loaded with women, children, old bedsteads and others worthless property passed through town from the south-ward. WE interviewed the outfit with the following results;
“Where are you going?”
“Gwine to Buchanan county Missouri.”
“Where are you from?”
“Why, from Lincoln county, Kansas; and there is nothing down there but buffalo grass and office seekers.”
“Whence did you come from?”
“From Davis county, Missouri.”
“Had you not better stop here, where life, prosperity, &c., abounds; plenty.
“Well stranger I tell you Brown county is the only decent spot I’ve seen since I’ve left Missouri, but I must go back. Thar’s no paw-paws, fish or misquetors here, and we’re used to sich like you see. Drive on Tom. Say where will a fellow get some lasses and corn meal?”
“Right over there, sir, at Nr. Butt’s store.”
“Wall take care of yourself.”
“Thank you; good day, sir.”
“Yas its right good day for travlin.” Say, children, get out and walk, and let those dogs ride now and take sricks and beat those critters alone.”
This Was Dodge City, When Young and Innocent.
From the Leavenworth Daily Commercial, April 19, 1875.
Dodge City.-- The site is most magnificent for a large town; on the very banks of the Arkansas, and is surrounded by the finest land on the continent. Back of the town is a fine rolling prairie and west and south of it is splendid bottom land. The population of Dodge City is about 400. They have a good hotel, two stories high and well kept; the rooms are clean and well ventilated. In addition to the hotel the town can boast of a capital restaurant kept by Messrs. Kelly & Beatly [ Beatly & Kelly ], where everything can be had, from a venison stack to a roast of buffalo. They have the tenderest beef at Dodge I ever tasted on the frontier.
The town also have a tannery here, where buffalo hides are tanned in regular Indian style. Charley Rath & Co., built the tannery llast year, and have now over 2,000buffalo hides ready for tanning. The firm deals extensively in hides and employs a large number oh hands. We examined some of the hides already finished, and they look to be of very superior quality. Mr. Rath has also an extensive outfitting store at this place, and does an immense business. The store is located on the corner of the street leading to the pile bridge spanning the Arkansas, and is crowded from daylight till dark with customers. The firm carries a large stock of goods; in fact, as large as any firm between Leavenworth and Dodge.
A. B. Webster is located here, and has a dry goods and clothing store, and seems to be doing an excellent business. He purchased a large building a few doors from his present location, a few days ago, the prerant building being altogether too small for his stock and trade.
R. M. Evans is also here engaged in the grocery and produce business. Dick is doing a big business and is considered among the prosperous men of the place.
A. J. Peacock has also settled down here and is doing a rattling business. He is chairman of the board of County Commissioners and wears his honors gracefully.
John Bitters of our city has also opened an establishment at this place, almost directly opposite the depot, and expects to make it pay. The location is good and John knows his business.
Mr. George M. Hoover has also an extensive liquor establishment here for a frontier town, and seems to be doing well.
Col. Isaac Young, who is will known to every Leavenworthian at this place, he looks as hale and hearty as ever and weighs almost as heavy as “fatty Brown.” He has a splendid tract of land adjoining the city, besides several houses and town lots. He has been recently in Colorado where he invested largely in silver mines which promises to yield largely. The Colonel attends strictly to his business.
H. P. Niess, formerly of your city has a splendid farm adjacent to the city, a large portion of which is under cultivation. The cucumbers, beets, melons, and vegetables are of the finest and largest size, while his corn is not excelled in the county. He has also a boot and shoe store in the city.
Dr. T. L. McCarty, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, is also located here and has a very good practice. The doctor is a very accomplished gentleman and is considered an excellent physician.
Mr. Herman J. Fringer, the postmaster, has a neat drug store here and is doing well. He is one of the most accommodating gentlemen we have met with during our sojourn in the city.
Mr. H. L. Settle [ Siter ], an extensive stock raiser of this place arrived here from the East a few days ago with a handsome and accomplished “new” wife. As soon as the :boys” got to hear of it they were in extaciees [ sic ] over the prospects of a grand charivari. About 9 at night almost every man in the town was out and marched down the principal street to the hotel, where Mr. Settle and his wife were stopping and such a grand discord we never heard or listened to as greeted our ears.
Tin pans, broken-down bugles, dilapidated tin kettles, cracked bass drums, ricketty trombones, rusty cymbals, buffalo and Texas steers horns, and innumerable other outlandish, discordant instruments, were used for at lest half an hour in front of the hotel, to the great astonishment of the guests, who were taken utterly by surprise, not known what it all meant.
Pandemonium, in full blast, could not create more confusion or discord than did those Dodge City serenaders. They kept the thing going on until Mr. Settle had to come down stairs and match up the street in front of the band, the fashion or custom being on such occasions a grand treat at every saloon in the city. The cost of the serenade amounted to exactly $90. After the last saloon was visited the party countermarched back to the hotel and give the happy pair three cheers and a tiger.
Hon. R. W. [ M. ] Wright, or as he is more familiarly styled “Bob,” was busy with his hay contract while I was in Dodge, and consequently I did not see him but seldom. I visited his establishment at Fort Dodge, about five miles east of the city, and there net Joe Mason an old Hays City friend, up to his eyes in business. Mr. Wright has a fine assortment of goods and is doing a big business at the Fort.
Pat Ryan, an Irishman has one of the richest and finest claims in Ford county, and is extensively engaged in stock raising. His place is about sixteen miles east of the city, and whenever he visirs Dodge “the boys” try ro get up a sell on him. He visited the place during my sray there, and was trying his utmost to induce Mr. Kelley to take a claim adjoining his. Mr. Kelly, was not showing any disposition to do so, was thus addressed by Ryan: “You see now, Jim, you are a young man yet, bur you’ll get old one of these days, and what in the divil will become of ye? You’ll spend all yer money, and you’ll have nothing in yer old days to fall back on, and I think the best thing ye can do is to take rhar claim. You know if we have a dry season that you can easily varigate yer farum from the tribulations of the Mulberry.” It is needless to say that Pat’s speech caused a general roar. Instead of his saying irrigate, he said varigate, and he next substituted tribulations for tributaries. After the laugh was all over, he left in disgust, not realizing where the laugh came in.
Church Giving Made Painless.
From the Clearwater Leader, May 7, 1886.
Down at Conway they have introduced hugging societies to swell the church treasury, with the following scale of prices: Girls under 16, 15 cents for a hug of two minutes, or ten cents for a short squeeze; from 16 to 2o, 50 cents; from 20 to 25, 75 cents; school marms 40 cents; another man’s wife, $1; widows, according to looks, from 10 cents to $3; old maids, 3 cents apiece or two for a nickel and not any limit of time. Preachers are not charged. Editors pay in advertisements, but are not allowed to Participate until every body else is through and even then they are not allowed to squeeze any thing but old maids.
What Kansans Were Reading The Day Lincoln Died.
From the Junction City Union, April 15, 1865.
A Fight and a Foot Race.--The denizens on seventh street, in the neighborhood of the crib of Matt. Beckers, were much amused one day last week by a rencounter between Matt. And his better half. It appears that Matt. Was engaged in a game at cards with a soldier. Who attempted to cheat, ( most likely it was vice versa ), and Matt. sought his revolver by which to obtain redress. The better-half kept the shooting iron from him, which excited his filial affection, and he turned upon the sharer of his joy and sorrows. Knowing as she did, that he would strike, she started across lots, her valiant lord pursuing, with hatchet in hand. He threw the hatchet at her, but an intervening fence saved her the blow. By-standers assert that the manner in which the splinters flew demonstrated felonious intentions. This, being a domestic affair, may be beyond our province, but it occurred on the commons, before the sharp eye of our reporter.
The Perils Of Pioneer Pedagogy.
From the Caldwell Journal November 15, 1883.
Last Tuesday a party of cowboys working on some of the range south-west, while on their way from Caldwell to camp, took occasion to indulge in more of the same kind of ruffians of which the people along the road have had to complain during the past summer.
Stopping at the Mayhew schoolhouse they forced the teacher, young Mr. Beals, to drink whisky out of a bottle the had. Arriving opposite the next school house, they fired several shots at it. On the side of Bluff creek, a few miles of Donaldson’s ford, is the school house of District No. 144. Here they amused themselves by shooting the lock off the door, filling the door full of bullet holes and shooting the light out of several windows. They fired several shots into the next school house west, doing but little damage. At the school in Dist. 72, they give the teacher, John Lowey, about the same treatment they did Nr. Beals, compelling him to drink their villainous whisky.
It is about time measures should be taken to put an effectual stop to proceedings of the above kind, and we know no other way than for the people living along the route on which the ruffians do their devilment, to ascertain the names of the parties, and have them arrested and punished. While the rascals are in town our marshal and his assistant can make them behave; but between rown and camp it devolves upon those living along the line to see that they are forced, in one way or other, to conduct themselves properly.
From The Newton Kansan, October 29, 1874.
Immense herds of buffalo are now coming into the Arkansas valley along the line of the A. T. & S. F. Road; they are moving north along the line of the railroad from Kinsly to some miles west of Dodge City. This will prove of immense benefit to the settlers along the line as it will give them profitable employment as well as furnish them with excellent meat at a cheap rate. This will also afford another opportunity for amateur sportsmen to have an exciting hunt. The trains on the Santa Fe Road were stopped four times in one day to let the buffalo pass. One passenger shot three from a car window.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Civil War Veterans Of Burlingame Kansas
Here are just a few Civil War Veterans at rest at Burlingame cemetery.
Henry C. Scott.
Co. A, 23rd N. Y. Infantry
The Burlingame Enterprise, Thursday, Nov. 26, 1908, Pg 1
Vol. XIV, No. 6.
H. C. Scott, who for almost two decades has been a citizen of Burlingame and a prominent factor in the later history of the town, died at his home a mile north of town on Wednesday, November 18. Mr. Scott has been in failing health for the past two years, but was able to be about until very recently and withal his demise occurred almost without warning.
Henry Clay Scott was born April 17, 1831, in East Smithfield, Pennsylvania, aged at his death 77 years, 7 months and 1 day. He was married in Smithfield, November 11, 1863, to Olive A. Niles. Mr. Scott served for two years in the Union army in Co. A, of the Twenty-third New York Volunteer Infantry. In his early life he learned the carpenter’s trade. At the close of the war he and his family moved from Pennsylvania to Turner Junction, Ill. Here he engaged in farming till 1870, when they moved to Burlingame, Kansas. Three children were born to them, Clinton Sherman, Ernest Farwell and Willard Wood. Only a few month after coming to Burlingame and on July 28, 1870, Mrs. Scott died, and in July 1871 the son, Willard, passed away.
On September 11, 1882, Mr. Scott was united in marriage to Nellie S. Russell, in Ontario, New York, who had formerly been engaged in teaching school in Burlingame. Mrs. Scott and the two sons, Clinton, of Phoenix, Arizona, and Ernest of Burlingame, remain to the immediate family to mourn the loss of the husband and father. Mr. Scott was a man whom it was good to know. His general bearing was that of kindly interest in the affairs of others, of good will for all, of activity, enterprise and unbounded faith in the interests of his own home and business. His was not a nature for moroseness, nor did adversity or trouble affect his genial character. He was an Odd Fellow of more than thirty years standing and to him fraternity meant much. The lodge of I. O. O. F., No. 14, together with E. P. Sheldon Post No. 35, G. A. R. attended the funeral which was held at the farm home, Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock, Rev. C. E. Flanagin, officiating.
James Haller.
Surgeon of 38th OH. Volunteer Infantry
William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas
DR. JAMES HALLER, physician and surgeon, came to Kansas and located in Burlingame in the spring of 1868. He was born in Franklin, Warren Co., Ohio, March 4, 1824. Commenced reading medicine with his father Dr. John S. Haller, in 1846. Attended Medical College at Cleveland, Ohio, in 1849-50 and 1851, graduating in the latter year. Went to California in 1852, and practiced his profession there two years, returned home and went to Philadelphia, where he attended the course of lectures for the winter term of 1854-55 at Jefferson Medical College, during which time he was a private pupil of that eminent physician, Dr. J. M. Dacosta, now Professor of Theory and Practice in the afore named college. He was married September 2, 1856, at Middletown, Ohio, to Annie B. Schenck. They have six children - Ada, a teacher in Burlingame public schools; Mary, married to H. G. Bonham, and living in Emporia; Irving in the mercantile business in Burlingame; Jane, attending State Normal School at Emporia; James, and George attending public schools in Burlingame.
He was commissioned Assistant Surgeon of the Thirty-eighth Regiment Ohio Volunteers, June 10, 1861, and served as such until July 13, 1863, when he was commissioned Surgeon of the same regiment. After the battle of Chickamanga he was transferred to the Hospital of the Third Division of the Fourteenth Army Corps. Where he remained until mustered out at Savannah, Ga., January 9, 1865. He is now serving his second term as Mayor of the City of Burlingame. He is also serving, by appointment of Governor Glick, as one of the Regents of the State Normal School at Emporia.
Daniel R. Kilbourne.
Co. I, 14th ILL. Cavalry
William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas
DANIEL R. KILBOURNE, farmer, Section 23, P. O. Burlingame, was born in Canada, November, 1837; son of Benjamin Kilbourne and Sophia Corley. He was educated at Stanstrad Academy and the University of Vermont. Came to the United States in 1856, settled in Illinois, and in 1871 came to the State and settled in Dragoon Township. Owns 440 acres improved, good buildings, fine orchard, etc. Mr. Kilbourne is one of the most enterprising farmers in his immediate neighborhood.
He is public spirited, and always ready to lend his voice and influence in favor of every worthy enterprise. He enlisted in 1862 in Company I, Fourteenth Regiment Illinois Cavalry. His regiment followed the guerrilla Morgan, and were in the battle of Knoxville, Tenn., and with Gen. Sherman in his march to the sea. He was promoted from Second Lieutenant to Captain by brevet, and was honorably discharged October, 1865. He was nnited (sic) in marriage January 1, 1868, in Rockford, Ill., to Miss Alice E., daughter of Jerome B. Brewer. They have three children - Gertrude V., Charles II and Floyd A. Mr. Kilbourne is a Master Mason and a member of E. P. Sheldon Post, No. 79, G. A. R. He has served several terms as a Justice of the Peace.
George W. Doty.
Co. H, 4th N. Y. Heavy Artillery
William Cutler wrote the following about this gentleman:
GEORGE W. DOTY, postmaster, was born October 27, 1843, in the town of South Bristol, Ontario Co., N. Y. When about ten years old he removed to Niagara County, N. Y., where he resided three years, and returned to Ontario County. At the age of fifteen he attended Chamberlain's University, Randolph, Cattarangus Co., N. Y. After leaving this school he was employed as clerk in a grocery store in Canandaigua, N. Y., and September 10, 1862, when eighteen years of age he enlisted in Company H, Fourth New York Heavy Artillery, which was assigned to duty in the defense of Washington, and in the spring of 1864 was transferred to infantry, and joined the army of the Potomac, Fourth Brigade, Second Army Corps.
The command participated in all of the engagements of Grant's campaign with the Potomac Army until Lee's surrender. He was wounded at the engagement in front of Petersburgh on the 18th of June, 1864, and was sent back to Carver Hospital, Washington, D. C., and when convalescent was transferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps, and assigned to duty in charge of a division at the hospital. He was discharged July 15, 1865, and returned to Ontario County, remained there a short time and then moved to Calhoun County, Mich. Here he learned the stonemasons' and plasterers' trade. In the winter of 1868 he returned to New York and spent the winter, came to Kansas in April, 1869, and engaged in work at his trade.
He was employed the following year in the land office of his uncle, Hon. O. H. Sheldon. He was married in the fall of 1871, at Burlingame, to Miss Ella C. Beverly, of Lake County, Ill., and they have three children - Lloyd E., Preston B. and Ogilvie H. In 1873 he commenced work in the postoffice, and 1877 was appointed postmaster, and has since held that position. In 1878, in connection with William Thomson, Esq., bought out the land and insurance agency of Billings, Marshall & Sheldon, subsequently buying Mr. Thomson out. He remained in that business until 1881, when he sold it to C. M. Sheldon, and bought an interest in the Osage County Chronicle, of which paper he had editorial charge for some time, retiring in November, 1882. He has been a member of the City Council two terms; the last term, was elected President of the Council. He joined the Methodist Church in 1870, and is a member of the I. O. O. F. and Encampment, and G. A. R. Mr. Doty has been an active worker in politics in all elections, from local to national. He usually exercises much influence in shaping the course and policy of the Republican party in his county and section.
William P. Deming.
Co. I, 11th KS. Cavalry
William Cutler wrote the following about this gentleman:
WILLIAM P. DEMING, farmer, Section 11, P. O. Burlingame, was born in Vermont, May 10, 1832, and is the son of David E. Deming and Eclecta L. Eldridge. When he was a child his father moved to Kalamazoo County, Mich., where he grew to manhood. He came to this State in 1860 and settled in Burlingame. He owns a farm adjoining the city containing 160 acres, with good improvements and a coal shaft.
Mr. Deming is one of the prosperous farmers in Osage County. When the war raged fiercely he offered his services to the Government. He enlisted in September, 1862, in Company I, Eleventh Regiment Kansas Volunteers and was transferred in 1863 to Sixty-fifth Regiment United States Colored Troops and appointed Captain. He was mustered out of the service in 1867. He was united in marriage in Burlingame, Kan., June 10, 1868, to Mrs. Elizabeth M. Densmore, daughter of John Drew, Esq. Mr. Deming was educated in Kalamazoo Academy and Commercial College, in Chicago, Ill.
Charles P. Drew.
Co. I, 11th KS. Cavalry
William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas
CHARLES P. DREW, salesman and bookkeeper for Finch, Lord, & Nelson came to Kansas in November, 1855, with his parents. He was born in Kingston, Canada, and when an infant, his parents moved to New York city, where he remained until coming to Kansas. He engaged in farming until September, 1862, when he enlisted in Company I, Eleventh Kansas. Was in all the engagements of his command, spending the last year of his service in Indian warfare. He was promoted to Corporal in February, 1864, and mustered out September 15, 1865, at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas; returned to Burlingame and attended school for a year and then went into the mercantile business as a clerk.
In 1870, he engaged in business at Osage City, and remained about eighteen months, when he returned to Burlingame and clerked for Levi Empie about a year; he then went to Dodge City, and run a store for Charles Roth & Co., for about a year and returned home and clerked for J. P. Williams about four years; then clerked for his brother a year and bought him out and formed a co-partnership with H. A. Billings, which continued until May, 30, 1882, (sic) when they sold to Finch, Lord & Nelson. He has been a member of the city council two terms. In June, 1882, he was elected Captain of the Burlingame Guards, having been First Lieutenant since May 22, 1880. He was married, September 18, 1868, at Burlingame, to Miss Lucy A. Cable, of Harrisburg, Pa., and has three children - Nelly F., Charles E., and Lizzie K. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., and Encampment, and G. A. R. Post.
Lewellyn O. Snoddy.
Co. H, 11th KS. Cavalry and Co. I, 18th U. S. C. Infantry
Cager Pugh.
Co. D, 68th U. S. C. Infantry.
Charles H. Taylor.
Co. F, 15th CT. Infantry
Calvin P. Morgan.
Co. A, 9th OH. Cavalry
Peter M. Carnine.
Co. H, 9th KS. Cavalry
The Emporia Gazette, Friday, Dec. 6, 1918
Died: Dec. 5, 1918
Peter M. Carnine Dead.
Peter Marion Carnine died at his home, 1102 Congress Street, yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock, of hardening of the arteries. Mr. Carnine had been in failing health for a year or more, and for the past few months his condition was critical. He was conscious until yesterday morning, and death came while he was asleep. Mr. Carnine was born in Johnson County, Indiana, March 4, 1835. He came to Kansas in 1857 and took a claim six miles north of Iola. He enlisted for service in the Civil War, in Company H, 9th Cavalry, in the fall of 1862, he was married to Miss Mary Susan Luyster, and in 1890 the Carnines moved to Emporia. Mr. Carnine was a charter member of the oldest Presbyterian Church in Southeastern Kansas, of Carlyle, and was an elder of that church until they left Carlyle.
Mr. Carnine united with the church when a young man, and lived every day the faith he professed. No man was more faithful to his church than he, no man more loyal to his friends, and his eight sons and daughters, fine, true men and women, attest to his devotion to his family, and to the fulfillment of his family, and to the fulfillment of his every obligation to them. The Carnine golden wedding celebration in 1912, was one of much joy and satisfaction to Mr. and Mrs. Carnine, when their children and grandchildren, their old friends and neighbors, came to rejoice with them. Mr. and Mrs. Carnine retained in their old age a remarkable degree of health and attended regularly to their duties in their home and in the community. For a year or more Mr. Carnine had been kept at home by failing health, and Mrs. Carnine was his constant companion.
Mr. Carnine is survived by Mrs. Carnine and their eight children, Mrs. E. W. Beeson, of Emporia; William Carnine, pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Vermillion; Mrs. Hattie Gordon, Ordway, Colo.; John Carnine, in Y. M. C. A. work at Fort Lawton, Seattle, Wash.; Mrs. Dell Buckingham, Yuba City, Calif.; Harry Carnine, of Burlingame; Charles Carnine, of Emporia; George E. Carnine, of Arco, Iowa; three sisters, Mrs. Joseph Handley, Mrs. Sarah Bergen and Mrs. Rachel Heln, all of Frankland, Ind., and one brother, John Carnine of Seattle, and seventeen grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 3 o’clock at the Carnine home, 1102 Congress Street. Dr. R. B. A. McBride, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, of which Mr. Carnine, was a member, assisted by Dr. W. C. Templeton, of Winfield, will conduct the services, and interment will be made in Maplewood Cemetery, N. B. Haynes, S. Altman and L. P. Munson, of the eldership of the First Presbyterian Church, and J. H. Ray, Charles Harris and J. R. B. Edwards, of the Grand Army, will be the pall-bearers. Mrs. J. M. Parrington, Mrs. John Hoffer, E. N. Evans and E. E. Anderson will have charge of the music.
William Vanderlip.
Co. C, 2nd KS. Cavalry
William Cutler wrote the following about this gentleman:
WILLIAM VANDERLIP, farmer, P. O. Carbondale, Section 10, born in Chemung County, N. Y., October 13, 1825; son of Stephen Vanderlip and Nancy Delano, where he lived until 1860, when he came to the State and settled in Shawnee County, and a year after purchased a farm in Burlingame, containing 160 acres, which he has improved and now has under the plow.
He enlisted, September 1, 1862, in Company I, Second Regiment, Kansas Cavalry, and served until the close of the war, participating in all the engagements in which the regiment was called. Discharged, November 15, 1865. He was married in Bradford County, Pa., December 1, 1854, to Miss Mary J., daughter of Samuel Thomas, Esq. They have seven children - John P., Charles, William, Edward, Martha, Lizzie and Josephine.
Alexander G. Seaman.
Kansas State Militia
Portrait and Biological Record of Southeastern Kansas, Containing Biographical Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens of the Counties, Together with Biographies and Portraits of all the Presidents of the United States and The Governors of the State of Kansas. Chicago, Biographical Publishing Co. 1894.
Hon. Alexander G. Seaman resides on the west half of section 26, township 19, range 22, and is one of the well known farmers of Liberty Township, Linn County. His residence in this county dates from 1860, although he resided in Kansas for two years previous to his advent in Linn County. During the period of more thirty years that he made his home here, he has, while materially promoting his own interests and gaining a competency, also advanced the welfare of his community. At the time of coming to Kansas he had only $4 in cash and was in debt to the amount of $15 but through untiring perseverance and good management he has been greatly prospered.
Born in Chemung County, N. Y., January 2, 1835, our subject is the son of Chauncey and Margaret (Glenn) Seaman, both natives of the Empire State. The Seaman family is of English extraction, but has been represented in the United States for several generations. The grandfather of our subject, Andrew Seaman, was a native of New York, where he followed the trade of tailor, and also engaged in farming. During the War of the Revolution he was a soldier in the defense of the Colonies, and drew a pension from the Government for his services. His home was for many years in Schenectady County, N. Y., where he died at the age of ninety-six.
One of a family of twelve children, Chauncey Seaman was born in October, 1807. He was reared as a farmer, and for a time engaged in teaching school. After his marriage he resided for a few years in Chemung County. His wife died a few years after their union, leaving two children: Andrew, a resident of Whiteside County, Ill., and Alexander G., of this sketch. He married a second time, and of that union one child was born, Stephen, a resident of LaCygne, Kan. In 1850 Chauncey Seaman emigrated to Illinois and resided in Whiteside County until 1863, meanwhile clearing some land and improving a farm. Coming to Kansas in 1863, he purchased a half-section of land near Parker, and here he remained until his death, which occurred in 1867.
In his political belief, Chauncey Seaman was in early life a Free-Soil Democrat, and in 1860 supported Stephen Douglas, but he subsequently acted with the Republican party. At the time of his death he was filling the position of Justice of the Peace, which was the only office he ever held. However, he was always active in the support of his party’s principles, and gave his influence in behalf of its candidates. He was a man of firm convictions upon all subjects of importance, and through his upright life and conscientious dealings with all, he gained the esteem of his large circle of associates. Orphaned in infancy by the death of his mother, our subject was taken into the home of his grand-parents and by them tenderly cared for until his father’s second marriage. He was reared on al farm, and in addition to becoming familiar with agriculture in its various departments, he also learned the trade of a carpenter and joiner.
In 1850 he emigrated to Illinois, and resided in Whiteside County until he came to Kansas in 1858, making the journey to this state with an ox-team, and spending two months en route. He stopped first at Burlingame, Osage County, where he pursued his trade. In 1860 he came to Linn County, and resided on the land owned by his father until 1864. He then purchased one hundred and sixty acres of unimproved land, to which he has since added until he is now the owner of three hundred and twenty valuable acres. Here he engages in general farming and stock-raising, and buys and sells stock extensively. His farm is embellished with all the attributes of a first-class estate, and the residence is one of the most attractive in the township.
In 1858 occurred the marriage of Mr. Seaman to Miss Elizabeth Klingaman, and four children have been born of the union: Margaret, wife of R. W. Nungesser; Chauncey, who resides in Sedgwick City, Kan.; Amelia, Mrs. William Hockenberry, who lives with her parents; and Emma, wife of Henry Adams, of Pueblo, Colo. Formerly a member of the state militia, Mr. Seaman was caller out into active service several times during the Civil War, and took part in the battle of Westport. In politics he is a Republican. In 1874 he was elected Treasurer of Linn County and held the office for the term of two years. He has been Trustee of his township several terms, and in 1869 represented his district in the State Legislature. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, being a Knight Templar, and is also identified with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
Before the village of Parker was founded Mr. Seaman conducted a general store for three years, and also had a post office here. When the railroad passed through Parker he sold his business to the first merchant in the town. For about ten years he conducted a nursery business on his farm, and for five years, he was connected with a nursery at LaCygne. His nursery was the first in this part of the county and was started by Mr. Bishop during the Civil War.
John Rambo.
Co. L, 15th KS. Cavalry
William Cutler wrote the following about this gentleman:
JOHN RAMBO, farmer, P. O. Howard, was born in Mercer County, Penn., 1832, living there and in Erie Counties, where he took a course at the Waterford Academy. In 1856, migrated to Kansas, and stopped at Lawrence until the city was sacked, then went to Osage County, and bought a farm and engaged in farming. Soon after he settled here, was appointed County Clerk, and held the office two terms by appointment, and was elected for the third term but did not finish, and the war broke out and he enlisted early in 1861, and resigned the office. After serving three months in Company I, Second Kansas, the only mustered company in the regiment, it was re-organized as a cavalry, and he served on the plains scouting until the summer of 1863; then served in the Fifteenth Kansas Infantry until the fall of 1865; was mustered as Orderly Sergeant.
After coming out of the army, was clerking in Leavenworth; then, in company with another party, started a store at Williams' Mill, on the Missouri River, furnishing supplies for the railroad, which was being built. Then, in 1867, was employed in Williams' Mill as book-keeper, and at the end of one year bought the mill. After running the mill there two years, moved it to Howard, locating on the Elk River, where he ran it for a number of years. Also took a claim on Section 1, Township 30, Range 1, joining the town site of Howard, and laid out a few acres in town lots. Also bought a farm in Greenwood County, with forty acres of timber, and well watered, and is engaged in stock-raising. Was married in 1876, in Greenwood County, Kan., to Miss Jennie Kenedy. Is a member of E. M. Stanton Post, No. 23, G. A. R., and of Burlingame Lodge.
Elk County Citizen, Thursday, May 10, 1900
Died: May 7, 1900
John Rambo, an old settler and an old soldier, died at his home in Howard, Kansas, May 7th 1900, in the sixty-eighth year of his age. He was born in Mercer county Pennsylvania September 17, 1832. He came to Kansas in the spring of 1856 and settled near Burlington. He was enlisted in 2nd Regiment, Kansas Volunteers, June 20, 1861, and discharged Oct. 31, 1861. On the 3rd of Sept. 1863, he was enrolled in Co. L 15th Kansas Cavalry and mustered into the U. S. service Oct. 16, 1863. He was mustered out as first sergeant Oct. 15, 1865.
He was married to Miss Jennie Kennedy, of Quincy, Greenwood county. She died in less than a year afterward leaving an infant son who also died in a few days. Mr. Rambo was a member of the Congregational church. His last sickness was protracted and painful. He leaves three brothers and four sisters. Rev. Mackenzie conducted funeral services at the home at 10 o’clock, Wednesday morning. He was buried in Grace Lawn cemetery by the Grand Army of the Republic, of which he was a member. J. W. M.
William E. Richey.
Co. A, 15th OH. Infantry
Medal of Honor Recipient.
William Cutler wrote the following about this gentleman:
WM. E. RICHEY, farmer, P. O. Wilmington, was born in Lee Township, Athens Co., Ohio, June 1, 1841. Educated at Muskingum College at New Concord, Ohio; enlisted as a private in August, 1861, in Company A, Fifteenth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, served until December 27, 1865, when he was mustered out as second sergeant of his company. While in the army he was correspondent of several newspapers. He participated in all the engagements of his command, over 100 in number, and never was wounded. In June, 1868, he located at Manhattan, Kan.
In August of the same year, he removed to a farm which he purchased in Osage County, located four miles north of Burlingame; resided there until 1872, then located on his present farm on the northeast quarter of Section 8, Township 15, Range 13. In 1875, he was elected superintendent of the public schools of Wabaunsee County, and was re-elected in 1876, both times receiving the entire support of both political parties. Mr. Richie was married at Norwich, Muskingum Co., Ohio, May 8, 1868, to Margaret J. Miller, a native of that place. They have two children - Mary and Annie. Mr. Richey is a member of the A. F. & A. M., and Presbyterian Church; his wife is also a member of the same religious society. He takes an active interest in everything pertaining to the welfare of his county and his State.
Lorenzo H. Higgins.
Co. C, 11th ILL. Infantry
The Burlingame Enterprise, Thursday, Oct. 11, 1917, Pg. 1
Vol. XXIII, No. 1
The passing of a well known citizen is recorded in the death of L. H. Higgins, which occurred at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Mary White, about eight o’clock Tuesday morning. Mr. Higgins had been noticeably failing in health since his return from the national G. A. R. encampment at Boston in August. Cancer of the liver caused his death. Lorenzo H. Higgins was born July 19, 1838, at Chesterfield, Hampshire Co., Massachusetts.
With his oldest brother he came to Illinois, June 18, 1855, locating in Knox county, living part of the time at Oneida, and part of the time at Galesburg, until April 1859, when he went to Hoyleton, Washington county, Illinois, where on Sept. 4, 1861 he was united in marriage with Miss Susan Carter. Twelve children were born to this union, seven boys and five girls. Five of the children died in infancy, four boys and three girls growing to manhood and womanhood. Mrs. Higgins died Feb. 15, 1905, followed in about three months by her eldest son, Roy Higgins. The following named children are still alive to wit: Mrs. Celia Beckes, Wasco, Calif.; Frank S. Higgins, Spokane, Wash.; Capt. E. C. Higgins, Chicago, Ill.; Mrs. J. E. Castle, Topeka, Kansas; Mrs. Bert White, Burlingame, Kansas; Manley C. Higgins, Abbyville, Kansas.
On Sept. 4, 1861 he enlisted in Company C, 11th Illinois Infantry, re-enlisted March 31, 1864, and was transferred to the 67th U. S. Colored Infantry as Hospital Stewart, by order of the Secretary of War, and was finally discharged at Morganzia, Louisiana, Sept. 23, 1864, on account of disability, having served three years and twenty days. He was a prisoner of war eight months and two days, having been wounded and captured at Fort Donnelson, Tenn., Feb. 15, 1862, and was paroled from Libby Prison at Richmond, Virginia, on October 17, 1862.
He served three years as Township Clerk of Burlingame township and six years as City Clerk of the City of Burlingame. He united with the M. E. church at Galesburg, Ill., in March 1858, and was a member of the First Presbyterian church at Burlingame, Kansas at the time of his death, Oct. 9, 1917, having reached the age of seventy-nine years, two months and twenty days.
Funeral services will be held at 3:30 tomorrow (Friday) afternoon from the Presbyterian church and will be conducted by Rev. Davis.
Thomas Benton Murdock.
Co. B, 9th KS. Cavalry
El Dorado Republican, Monday, Nov. 8, 1909, Pg. 2
Vol. XVII, No. 111
In 1841 Thomas Benton Murdock was born in the mountains of Virginia. He was one of five children, who lived to maturity, of Thomas Murdock and Katherine Pierrepont. From the mother’s side came the pride of the Pierreponts; from the father’s the insurgent instincts of the Irish Murdocks who left Ireland after the Irish rebellion failed in 1798. So, even though reared in the mountains among most simple people and most primitive surroundings, the Murdocks who have dominated Kansas for half a century have been proud soldiers of the militant democracy. They have been fighters who led naturally, by instinct and training but never fighters for the old order. They always were pioneers, always moving out into new territory of thought and action, looking forward. Thomas and Katherine Murdock could not endure the iniquity of slavery so in 1849 they freed their slaves and left the slave country for Ohio.
They settled near Ironton but lost everything they had in the panic of 1855, and loaded their household goods on a boat, went down the Ohio to the Mississippi and journeyed as far west as Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. There the family spent the winter and the father went to Kansas and found a location. He brought his family to Topeka in the winter of ’56-’57. They rented a little hotel and kept tavern, among others having for guests, Jim Lane and A. D. Stevens, famous as a border fighter under Montgomery and afterwards killed at Harper’s Ferry under old John Brown. Going and coming in the little Kansas tavern of the Virginia abolitionist were the men who made Kansas free and famous in the great conflict that began at Lawrence and ended at Appomattox.
In this atmosphere of strife and patriotism young Benton Murdock, a youth in his late teens, grew up. In 1860 the family homesteaded at Forrest Hill, near Emporia, and the father and mother lived in Emporia the remainder of their lives; the father died in 1896 and the mother in 1887. When the civil war broke out Thomas Benton Murdock enlisted with his father and brother, Roland, in the Ninth Kansas Cavalry and served until the end of the war. He served in the Rocky Mountains in ’63 and there met J. H. Betts, now of El Dorado. When they met seven or eight years later in El Dorado John Betts kept eying Murdock and finally said: “Say, aren’t you the chap that relieved me of that army overcoat out west?” Murdock’s company was confiscating government property where ever he found it. Murdock looked at Betts and replied: “Well I guess I am. But I’m here to start a newspaper. What’s the chance?”
“Bully,” returned Mr. Betts, willing to let bygones be bygones, and they have remained friends for forty years.
Returning from the army where he had gone snow blind on the plains—a calamity that hung over him of his later days—young Murdock who had been a hod carrier and general work man as a youth around Topeka, learned the printing trade. He worked in the office of Emporia News then owned by P. B. Plumb and Jacob Stotler who had married Leverah Murdock during the war. His brother Marshall who had worked at the printers trade during the war was running the Burlingame Chronicle at the end of war. Young Benton went back to Ironton, Ohio, married the sweetheart of his boyhood, Francis Crawford, and came to El Dorado, March 4, 1870, and founded the Walnut Valley Times with J. S. Danford. His wife lived only a few years leaving at her death their daughter Mary Alice.
From the first Mr. Murdock became a leader in politics in Kansas. He stood for the Walnut Valley and the Kingdom of Butler. In 1876 he was elected a member of the state senate. He served with such men as E. N. Morrill, Charles Robinson, J. M. Hadley, father of the present governor of Missouri, Benjamin F. Simpson, J. R. Hallowell, D. W. Finney, W. A. Johnston, new chief justice of Kansas, all members of the senate, while in the house were Lyman U. Humphrey, John Gilmore, A. W. Smith, L. B. Kellogg, P. P. Elder. His political career was fostered and guided by Mrs. Antoinette Culbreth-Murdock who for a generation has been wife, friend, comrade, guide and inspiration, who bore him five children of whom Ellina Culbreth only now is living. Mrs. Murdock survives him with his two children. In 1880 he ran for senate again but was unfairly defeated he thought.
He sold the Times and moved to Topeka and became connected with the Topeka Daily Commonwealth, then controlled by the Baker family. But El Dorado held his heart and he returned in 1883 and founded the El Dorado Weekly Republican. The Daily followed the Weekly in 1884 and the paper at once took a prominent place in the affairs of Kansas.
Mr. Murdock was, during the late senator’s life time, a friend and ally of P. B. Plumb. He and Plumb were young men together in Emporia, thought alike and had much in common in training and in aspirations. And so after Plumb died the courage and independence and progressive Kansas spirit that made Plumb an insurgent who voted against the adoption of the McKinley bill, lived on Kansas through Mr. Murdock. He was politically always with the scouts, with the pioneers, ever with the skirmish line. It was the spirit of ’60 in his soul the rebellion of the ancestral Murdocks in his blood.
In 1888 he was again elected to the state senate. He served until 1892 and was on the committee that tried Theodosius Botkin and went over the old county seat troubles of western Kansas. He was defeated for re-election by the Populist wave, and until appointed fish and game warden by Governor Stubbs never held public office of any kind again. But he was a public man all the time. His influence on the state has been more rather than less because of the fact that he was not in office. In every Republican state convention for forty years Mr. Murdock has been a power of the first class. Yet he sacrificed that power and worked for the primaries which put convention politicians out of power. He was never selfish, never little, never mean and so it happened that he was large enough to retain his influence in the state and multiply it through the primary.
Gradually he has grown in strength with the people of Kansas, and since 1902—his last alignment with the old political machine—he has been easily the leader of the forward movement in Kansas Republicanism. Others have had the honor; but he has made them. He has expressed as no other man has been able to express it, the sentiment of popular protest against the wrongs of government by ring rule. He has been the voice of the people—an indignant people clamoring for a larger part in their state government.
He fought with arms for freedom in his youth; he offered his body then; he gave his life to freedom in this latest struggle, and fought with his spirit—a brave, successful fight.
As an editor he was equipped as few men are equipped—with an individual style. He expressed something more than an idea. He reflected an idea plus a strong, unique personality. He therefore in a way dramatized whatever he wrote—made it the spoken word of a combatant in the conflict, the defiance of a partisan in the contest. So thousands of people knew him as a voice, who did not know him as a man as we of his home have known him for forty years.
Here was his real life, his real friends, his real success. For before he was a Kansan he was a Butler county man, an El Dorado man. He always stood by the home folks. Of course he took part in local matters, and having taken part had to take sides. He was never neutral in any important contest here at home. But he always fought in the open, and he always fought fair. He never abused a man. He attacked causes, movements, orders, administrations, organizations and principles of his opponents—but the personal character of the men he opposed—there was the limit. He never returned abuse for abuse. He had no newspaper fights.
He never made his personal enemies objects of newspaper ridicule. He had no office black list. Every man or woman in Butler county received exactly the same treatment from the Republican under Mr. Murdock that every other man or woman received, no matter whether he or she was friend or enemy. He strove always to be fair. Many is the politician in this county in the old days who has fought Mr. Murdock knowing he could always depend on Mr. Murdock to be fair, to keep to the issue, to be silent on old scores, to leave personal matters out of the question. Men have risen to power in this community opposing Mr. Murdock who have capitalized his innate decency, and have risen more by reason of his charity and humanity than by their own ability. He was a gentleman of the old school, was Thomas Benton Murdock, and that fact has given more power to those who opposed him often than their own worth should have given to them.
As his best qualities grew intenser, as people grew nearer to him, as they who knew him best here in his home community thought more of him than those who knew him in the state, so even better than they knew and loved him in the town, did they him in his home. Mr. Murdock was a home man clear to the core. Some men are least known at home. He was best known there, and best beloved. For there he showed always his best side. He kept the finest part of his heart and mind and soul for those who met him in his home. There he was in his kindest, his gentlest, his most human aspect. Home was his heaven. There he brought all his joy. There he left the world behind. When blindness threatened him, as it did for a quarter of a century off and on, it was in his home that he found his only solace. When enemies pursued him, when cares overcame him, when troubles compassed him about, he turned always up the hill—always homeward. There he drank the elixir of life, and returned full armed, anew and strong to the contest.
When his soul went out into the Greater soul that gave it, how lovingly he must have followed the last ride of his shattered clay tenement as it journeyed through the Kansas that he loved, down the West Branch into the Walnut Valley that loved him, up the hill through the gloaming into the home that was his first heaven. For it was a journey with a climax in love. And when those whom he knew best and loved best gathered about his wasted body of death, his soul triumphant in the new life must have felt glowing even through the dark veil the warmth of an affection too deep for words and tears.
So his last wish was granted. And after “taps” had sounded we left all that was mortal, only a withered husk of the exalted and risen soul of Thomas Benton Murdock under the prairie grass out in the sunshine. Sunshine and prairie grass—and the end.
T. B. Murdock in writing of the death of his brother, Marsh, January 3, 1908, said:
“There is no death. There are no dead. No waiting for the resurrection, in that it releases the spirit from the body. If there was a Christ, and there was, and if he said something while on earth, and he did, he said it to Martha at the grave of Lazarus: ‘Whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.’ The immortal spirit of husband and father has passed through the shadow of the borderland of the shoreless river, ‘and his voice is drowned in the rushing tide.’
“He has Crost the Bar. His dying eyes had read a mystic meaning which only the rapt and passing soul may know. Let us believe that in the silence of the receding world he heard the great waves breaking on a farther shore, and felt already upon his wasted brow the breath of the eternal morning.”
Funeral Service
Funeral services over the late T. B. Murdock were held from the family home on Walnut Hill, Sunday afternoon, November 7, 1909. Reverend Dean Kay of Trinity Episcopal church, Topeka, conducted the service and very beautifully expressed, sincere and true were his thoughts on immortal life, his tribute on the personality of Mr. Murdock. He was assisted by Reverend I. Newton Roberts of the El Dorado Trinity Episcopal church. The rooms were banked with exquisite flowers, tributes from friends in this city and from over the entire state. The house and lawns were filled with people.
Brief interment were held in the west cemetery and “in the shadow of the evening,” were closed with “the soul stirring simple sound—the trumpeting of “taps.”
The relatives of the family who were here to attend the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eaton, Victoria Eaton, Mrs. R. P. Murdock, Marcellus Murdock, E. T. Allen, Victor Murdock, of Wichita; Mrs. Jacob Stotler,; Miss Leverah Stotler, Mr. and Mrs. A. Pemberton, Irene Pemberton, Murdock Pemberton, Emporia, Mrs. Emma Brady, Chicago.
Those from out of town attending were:
George Plumb, J. S. Watson, P. B. McCabe, W. Thornton and J. S. Gibson of Emporia, comrades of Mr. Murdock in the Ninth Kansas Cavalry. J. S. Watson was Mr. Murdock’s “bunkie.”
Other distinguished attendants: Governor W. R. Stubbs, Senator J. L. Bristow of Salina; Frank MacLenan, editor of Topeka State Journal; John Dawson, attorney for State Board of Railroad Commissioners; Henry Allen, editor of the Wichita Beacon; Mayor Davison, Postmaster W. C. Edwards, Tom Biodget, editor Kansas Magazine, E. B. Jewett, J. R. Meade, Lock Davidson and John McGinis, of Wichita; William Allen White and wife of Emporia; J. W. Moore of Marion; Victor Hodgin, superintendent of the fish hatchery at Pratt; Dan McGowan, of Emporia; E. C. Newby of the Cottonwood Falls Leader, his wife and daughter, Pauline El Dorado; W. W. Bugbee, of New York and Augusta Kuster of Los Angeles, California.
William Anthony.
Co. A, 63rd ILL. Infantry
A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans, written and compiled by William E. Connelley, Secretary of the Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka. Chicago: Lewis Publishing Company, copyright 1918.
WILLIAM ANTHONY was long known as a dry goods merchant in Burlingame, Kansas. When he died there he left his widow and four young children. Mrs. Anthony, who now lives at Topeka, gave a splendid exposition of resourcefulness in a critical time. After the death of her husband she took the active management of the dry goods store, and though little acquainted with mercantile methods, she managed the enterprise so successfully that she gave her children the advantages they required at home and in school, and a few years ago sold the business, and moved to Topeka.
Born at Marysville in Union County, Ohio, the late William Anthony had the qualities of patriotism and enterprise highly developed. When a mere boy he ran away from home and enlisted in the Union army in Company A of the Sixty-third Illinois Volunteer Infantry. He saw three years of regular service and then re-enlisted and veteranized at Huntsville, Alabama. He was finally mustered out of the service of the United States Government at Louisville, Kentucky, on July 13, 1865, as a corporal. He participated in all the campaigns, battles and marches of his command, and made a splendid record as a soldier. After leaving the army he went to Harrison County Missouri, and spent about three years teaching school.
As a boy he had little opportunity to gain an education, and it was by much hard study in private and by the exercise of a great deal of enterprise that he secured his first certificate to teach. He quickly proved his ability in that field as in practically every other undertaking of his life. From school teaching he entered the dry goods business, and in 1885 moved to Burlingame in Osage County, Kansas. There he continued merchandising, and earned and gained the respect of all who knew him. His death occurred March 29, 1892.
In October, 1868, Mr. Anthony married Miss Delana Ainslie of Worth County, Missouri. Mrs. Anthony was born in Geauga County, Ohio, a daughter of Joseph Ainslie, a native of the same county. The Ainslie family were of English antecedents and were pioneers in Ohio. Joseph Ainslie married Hannah Turner, and their three children were Delana, Irvin A. and Jeannette. Irvin is now living in Oklahoma City, being a commercial traveler for a shoe house. Jeannette married Henry Peek of Los Angeles, California.
To the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony were born five children, three daughters and two sons: Irwin, Ella, Alta, Edwin and Nell A. Irwin and Edwin are now dead. Ella is the wife of William M. Bowen of San Diego, California. Alta married A. E. Lake, a successful attorney of Chicago, Illinois. Nell A. is private secretary to a distinguished Chicago woman. When their father died these children were young people and it was Mrs. Anthony's self sacrifice and careful administration of the store and the estate which enabled them to gain a training fitting them for lives of usefulness and purpose. Mrs. Anthony carried on the dry goods business successfully for over fifteen years. In 1912, having sold the store, she removed to Topeka and now lives in comfort at her home at 1127 Polk Street.
Henry Howell.
Probably Co. C, 14th W. VA. Infantry
Burlingame Enterprise, Thursday, June 16, 1904, Pg. 4
Vol. IX, No. 36
Another Good Man Gone
Henry Howell was born in Monongalia county, West Virginia, December 22, 1843, and died at his home in Burlingame June 9, 1904, at the age of sixty-nine years, five months and seventeen days. He was married to Ellen Courtney December 25, 1865. To whom were born nine children, six of whom with the devoted wife, still survives. They are Mell, of near Admire; Mrs. James King, of near Lyndon; Mrs. Nettie Herbold, of Shawnee, Oklahoma; Mrs. Newkirk Ullery, William and Miss Lida.
In his young manhood Mr. Howell became an earnest Christian. He was converted, baptized and united with the Baptist church in 1860. In 1865 he moved with his family to Delaware county, Indiana. There he united with the Baptist church and was a faithful and efficient member of the church at Granville. Here Mr. Howell served as Sunday School superintendent and here he was also elected deacon in the church.
In 1868 Mr. Howell moved with his family to Kansas, settling in Franklin county. From that place he moved to near Lyndon, in which vicinity he resided till last spring when he came to Burlingame. Mr. Howell was a member and a deacon in the Lyndon Baptist church, but immediately upon his coming to Burlingame, he united with the church here. Indeed one of the reasons for his moving to town was that he might be near the church he loved. But God had better things in store for him, and called him to worship at the Great White Throne, where distance never bars and where pain never hinders devotion.
Mr. Howell’s last days and hours were such as to inspire courage and faith to all who saw him. Those who went to see him to cheer him were themselves cheered and encouraged.
As a neighbor and citizen Mr. Howell will be greatly missed in this community. He was a man of sterling integrity, honest and genuine in every phase of his character. He was widely known all over the county and the funeral services, held at the Baptist church Saturday afternoon at two o’clock, were largely attended by friends from far and near. The church had been lovingly decorated with flowers and evergreen, and the platform and casket were almost covered with blossoms and wreaths. Mr. Howell was a veteran of the civil war and was a member of Canby Post, G. A. R. of Osage City.
A number of the Post at Osage City attended the funeral and there was also a large attendance of the local G. A. R. The services at the church was in charge of the pastor, Rev. C. E. Flanagin, who spoke of Mr. Howell’s life as a Christian. Rev. Gill of the Methodist church, who assisted in the service, spoke of Mr. Howell as a citizen and a soldier. Concluding the service, Mrs. Eunice Schell rendered that beautiful and touching solo, “Bury me with my Grand Army badge upon my breast,” while the color bearers held the drooping folds of “Old Glory” at the head of the casket.
The burial service at the grave was in charge of the G. A. R., and this man who had “fought a good fight” was buried, as was his meet, with all the honors, of a victorious soldier. The entire community join in expressing sympathy for the bereaved family.
Henry C. Scott.
Co. A, 23rd N. Y. Infantry
The Burlingame Enterprise, Thursday, Nov. 26, 1908, Pg 1
Vol. XIV, No. 6.
H. C. Scott, who for almost two decades has been a citizen of Burlingame and a prominent factor in the later history of the town, died at his home a mile north of town on Wednesday, November 18. Mr. Scott has been in failing health for the past two years, but was able to be about until very recently and withal his demise occurred almost without warning.
Henry Clay Scott was born April 17, 1831, in East Smithfield, Pennsylvania, aged at his death 77 years, 7 months and 1 day. He was married in Smithfield, November 11, 1863, to Olive A. Niles. Mr. Scott served for two years in the Union army in Co. A, of the Twenty-third New York Volunteer Infantry. In his early life he learned the carpenter’s trade. At the close of the war he and his family moved from Pennsylvania to Turner Junction, Ill. Here he engaged in farming till 1870, when they moved to Burlingame, Kansas. Three children were born to them, Clinton Sherman, Ernest Farwell and Willard Wood. Only a few month after coming to Burlingame and on July 28, 1870, Mrs. Scott died, and in July 1871 the son, Willard, passed away.
On September 11, 1882, Mr. Scott was united in marriage to Nellie S. Russell, in Ontario, New York, who had formerly been engaged in teaching school in Burlingame. Mrs. Scott and the two sons, Clinton, of Phoenix, Arizona, and Ernest of Burlingame, remain to the immediate family to mourn the loss of the husband and father. Mr. Scott was a man whom it was good to know. His general bearing was that of kindly interest in the affairs of others, of good will for all, of activity, enterprise and unbounded faith in the interests of his own home and business. His was not a nature for moroseness, nor did adversity or trouble affect his genial character. He was an Odd Fellow of more than thirty years standing and to him fraternity meant much. The lodge of I. O. O. F., No. 14, together with E. P. Sheldon Post No. 35, G. A. R. attended the funeral which was held at the farm home, Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock, Rev. C. E. Flanagin, officiating.
James Haller.
Surgeon of 38th OH. Volunteer Infantry
William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas
DR. JAMES HALLER, physician and surgeon, came to Kansas and located in Burlingame in the spring of 1868. He was born in Franklin, Warren Co., Ohio, March 4, 1824. Commenced reading medicine with his father Dr. John S. Haller, in 1846. Attended Medical College at Cleveland, Ohio, in 1849-50 and 1851, graduating in the latter year. Went to California in 1852, and practiced his profession there two years, returned home and went to Philadelphia, where he attended the course of lectures for the winter term of 1854-55 at Jefferson Medical College, during which time he was a private pupil of that eminent physician, Dr. J. M. Dacosta, now Professor of Theory and Practice in the afore named college. He was married September 2, 1856, at Middletown, Ohio, to Annie B. Schenck. They have six children - Ada, a teacher in Burlingame public schools; Mary, married to H. G. Bonham, and living in Emporia; Irving in the mercantile business in Burlingame; Jane, attending State Normal School at Emporia; James, and George attending public schools in Burlingame.
He was commissioned Assistant Surgeon of the Thirty-eighth Regiment Ohio Volunteers, June 10, 1861, and served as such until July 13, 1863, when he was commissioned Surgeon of the same regiment. After the battle of Chickamanga he was transferred to the Hospital of the Third Division of the Fourteenth Army Corps. Where he remained until mustered out at Savannah, Ga., January 9, 1865. He is now serving his second term as Mayor of the City of Burlingame. He is also serving, by appointment of Governor Glick, as one of the Regents of the State Normal School at Emporia.
Daniel R. Kilbourne.
Co. I, 14th ILL. Cavalry
William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas
DANIEL R. KILBOURNE, farmer, Section 23, P. O. Burlingame, was born in Canada, November, 1837; son of Benjamin Kilbourne and Sophia Corley. He was educated at Stanstrad Academy and the University of Vermont. Came to the United States in 1856, settled in Illinois, and in 1871 came to the State and settled in Dragoon Township. Owns 440 acres improved, good buildings, fine orchard, etc. Mr. Kilbourne is one of the most enterprising farmers in his immediate neighborhood.
He is public spirited, and always ready to lend his voice and influence in favor of every worthy enterprise. He enlisted in 1862 in Company I, Fourteenth Regiment Illinois Cavalry. His regiment followed the guerrilla Morgan, and were in the battle of Knoxville, Tenn., and with Gen. Sherman in his march to the sea. He was promoted from Second Lieutenant to Captain by brevet, and was honorably discharged October, 1865. He was nnited (sic) in marriage January 1, 1868, in Rockford, Ill., to Miss Alice E., daughter of Jerome B. Brewer. They have three children - Gertrude V., Charles II and Floyd A. Mr. Kilbourne is a Master Mason and a member of E. P. Sheldon Post, No. 79, G. A. R. He has served several terms as a Justice of the Peace.
George W. Doty.
Co. H, 4th N. Y. Heavy Artillery
William Cutler wrote the following about this gentleman:
GEORGE W. DOTY, postmaster, was born October 27, 1843, in the town of South Bristol, Ontario Co., N. Y. When about ten years old he removed to Niagara County, N. Y., where he resided three years, and returned to Ontario County. At the age of fifteen he attended Chamberlain's University, Randolph, Cattarangus Co., N. Y. After leaving this school he was employed as clerk in a grocery store in Canandaigua, N. Y., and September 10, 1862, when eighteen years of age he enlisted in Company H, Fourth New York Heavy Artillery, which was assigned to duty in the defense of Washington, and in the spring of 1864 was transferred to infantry, and joined the army of the Potomac, Fourth Brigade, Second Army Corps.
The command participated in all of the engagements of Grant's campaign with the Potomac Army until Lee's surrender. He was wounded at the engagement in front of Petersburgh on the 18th of June, 1864, and was sent back to Carver Hospital, Washington, D. C., and when convalescent was transferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps, and assigned to duty in charge of a division at the hospital. He was discharged July 15, 1865, and returned to Ontario County, remained there a short time and then moved to Calhoun County, Mich. Here he learned the stonemasons' and plasterers' trade. In the winter of 1868 he returned to New York and spent the winter, came to Kansas in April, 1869, and engaged in work at his trade.
He was employed the following year in the land office of his uncle, Hon. O. H. Sheldon. He was married in the fall of 1871, at Burlingame, to Miss Ella C. Beverly, of Lake County, Ill., and they have three children - Lloyd E., Preston B. and Ogilvie H. In 1873 he commenced work in the postoffice, and 1877 was appointed postmaster, and has since held that position. In 1878, in connection with William Thomson, Esq., bought out the land and insurance agency of Billings, Marshall & Sheldon, subsequently buying Mr. Thomson out. He remained in that business until 1881, when he sold it to C. M. Sheldon, and bought an interest in the Osage County Chronicle, of which paper he had editorial charge for some time, retiring in November, 1882. He has been a member of the City Council two terms; the last term, was elected President of the Council. He joined the Methodist Church in 1870, and is a member of the I. O. O. F. and Encampment, and G. A. R. Mr. Doty has been an active worker in politics in all elections, from local to national. He usually exercises much influence in shaping the course and policy of the Republican party in his county and section.
William P. Deming.
Co. I, 11th KS. Cavalry
William Cutler wrote the following about this gentleman:
WILLIAM P. DEMING, farmer, Section 11, P. O. Burlingame, was born in Vermont, May 10, 1832, and is the son of David E. Deming and Eclecta L. Eldridge. When he was a child his father moved to Kalamazoo County, Mich., where he grew to manhood. He came to this State in 1860 and settled in Burlingame. He owns a farm adjoining the city containing 160 acres, with good improvements and a coal shaft.
Mr. Deming is one of the prosperous farmers in Osage County. When the war raged fiercely he offered his services to the Government. He enlisted in September, 1862, in Company I, Eleventh Regiment Kansas Volunteers and was transferred in 1863 to Sixty-fifth Regiment United States Colored Troops and appointed Captain. He was mustered out of the service in 1867. He was united in marriage in Burlingame, Kan., June 10, 1868, to Mrs. Elizabeth M. Densmore, daughter of John Drew, Esq. Mr. Deming was educated in Kalamazoo Academy and Commercial College, in Chicago, Ill.
Charles P. Drew.
Co. I, 11th KS. Cavalry
William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas
CHARLES P. DREW, salesman and bookkeeper for Finch, Lord, & Nelson came to Kansas in November, 1855, with his parents. He was born in Kingston, Canada, and when an infant, his parents moved to New York city, where he remained until coming to Kansas. He engaged in farming until September, 1862, when he enlisted in Company I, Eleventh Kansas. Was in all the engagements of his command, spending the last year of his service in Indian warfare. He was promoted to Corporal in February, 1864, and mustered out September 15, 1865, at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas; returned to Burlingame and attended school for a year and then went into the mercantile business as a clerk.
In 1870, he engaged in business at Osage City, and remained about eighteen months, when he returned to Burlingame and clerked for Levi Empie about a year; he then went to Dodge City, and run a store for Charles Roth & Co., for about a year and returned home and clerked for J. P. Williams about four years; then clerked for his brother a year and bought him out and formed a co-partnership with H. A. Billings, which continued until May, 30, 1882, (sic) when they sold to Finch, Lord & Nelson. He has been a member of the city council two terms. In June, 1882, he was elected Captain of the Burlingame Guards, having been First Lieutenant since May 22, 1880. He was married, September 18, 1868, at Burlingame, to Miss Lucy A. Cable, of Harrisburg, Pa., and has three children - Nelly F., Charles E., and Lizzie K. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., and Encampment, and G. A. R. Post.
Lewellyn O. Snoddy.
Co. H, 11th KS. Cavalry and Co. I, 18th U. S. C. Infantry
Cager Pugh.
Co. D, 68th U. S. C. Infantry.
Charles H. Taylor.
Co. F, 15th CT. Infantry
Calvin P. Morgan.
Co. A, 9th OH. Cavalry
Peter M. Carnine.
Co. H, 9th KS. Cavalry
The Emporia Gazette, Friday, Dec. 6, 1918
Died: Dec. 5, 1918
Peter M. Carnine Dead.
Peter Marion Carnine died at his home, 1102 Congress Street, yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock, of hardening of the arteries. Mr. Carnine had been in failing health for a year or more, and for the past few months his condition was critical. He was conscious until yesterday morning, and death came while he was asleep. Mr. Carnine was born in Johnson County, Indiana, March 4, 1835. He came to Kansas in 1857 and took a claim six miles north of Iola. He enlisted for service in the Civil War, in Company H, 9th Cavalry, in the fall of 1862, he was married to Miss Mary Susan Luyster, and in 1890 the Carnines moved to Emporia. Mr. Carnine was a charter member of the oldest Presbyterian Church in Southeastern Kansas, of Carlyle, and was an elder of that church until they left Carlyle.
Mr. Carnine united with the church when a young man, and lived every day the faith he professed. No man was more faithful to his church than he, no man more loyal to his friends, and his eight sons and daughters, fine, true men and women, attest to his devotion to his family, and to the fulfillment of his family, and to the fulfillment of his every obligation to them. The Carnine golden wedding celebration in 1912, was one of much joy and satisfaction to Mr. and Mrs. Carnine, when their children and grandchildren, their old friends and neighbors, came to rejoice with them. Mr. and Mrs. Carnine retained in their old age a remarkable degree of health and attended regularly to their duties in their home and in the community. For a year or more Mr. Carnine had been kept at home by failing health, and Mrs. Carnine was his constant companion.
Mr. Carnine is survived by Mrs. Carnine and their eight children, Mrs. E. W. Beeson, of Emporia; William Carnine, pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Vermillion; Mrs. Hattie Gordon, Ordway, Colo.; John Carnine, in Y. M. C. A. work at Fort Lawton, Seattle, Wash.; Mrs. Dell Buckingham, Yuba City, Calif.; Harry Carnine, of Burlingame; Charles Carnine, of Emporia; George E. Carnine, of Arco, Iowa; three sisters, Mrs. Joseph Handley, Mrs. Sarah Bergen and Mrs. Rachel Heln, all of Frankland, Ind., and one brother, John Carnine of Seattle, and seventeen grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 3 o’clock at the Carnine home, 1102 Congress Street. Dr. R. B. A. McBride, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, of which Mr. Carnine, was a member, assisted by Dr. W. C. Templeton, of Winfield, will conduct the services, and interment will be made in Maplewood Cemetery, N. B. Haynes, S. Altman and L. P. Munson, of the eldership of the First Presbyterian Church, and J. H. Ray, Charles Harris and J. R. B. Edwards, of the Grand Army, will be the pall-bearers. Mrs. J. M. Parrington, Mrs. John Hoffer, E. N. Evans and E. E. Anderson will have charge of the music.
William Vanderlip.
Co. C, 2nd KS. Cavalry
William Cutler wrote the following about this gentleman:
WILLIAM VANDERLIP, farmer, P. O. Carbondale, Section 10, born in Chemung County, N. Y., October 13, 1825; son of Stephen Vanderlip and Nancy Delano, where he lived until 1860, when he came to the State and settled in Shawnee County, and a year after purchased a farm in Burlingame, containing 160 acres, which he has improved and now has under the plow.
He enlisted, September 1, 1862, in Company I, Second Regiment, Kansas Cavalry, and served until the close of the war, participating in all the engagements in which the regiment was called. Discharged, November 15, 1865. He was married in Bradford County, Pa., December 1, 1854, to Miss Mary J., daughter of Samuel Thomas, Esq. They have seven children - John P., Charles, William, Edward, Martha, Lizzie and Josephine.
Alexander G. Seaman.
Kansas State Militia
Portrait and Biological Record of Southeastern Kansas, Containing Biographical Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens of the Counties, Together with Biographies and Portraits of all the Presidents of the United States and The Governors of the State of Kansas. Chicago, Biographical Publishing Co. 1894.
Hon. Alexander G. Seaman resides on the west half of section 26, township 19, range 22, and is one of the well known farmers of Liberty Township, Linn County. His residence in this county dates from 1860, although he resided in Kansas for two years previous to his advent in Linn County. During the period of more thirty years that he made his home here, he has, while materially promoting his own interests and gaining a competency, also advanced the welfare of his community. At the time of coming to Kansas he had only $4 in cash and was in debt to the amount of $15 but through untiring perseverance and good management he has been greatly prospered.
Born in Chemung County, N. Y., January 2, 1835, our subject is the son of Chauncey and Margaret (Glenn) Seaman, both natives of the Empire State. The Seaman family is of English extraction, but has been represented in the United States for several generations. The grandfather of our subject, Andrew Seaman, was a native of New York, where he followed the trade of tailor, and also engaged in farming. During the War of the Revolution he was a soldier in the defense of the Colonies, and drew a pension from the Government for his services. His home was for many years in Schenectady County, N. Y., where he died at the age of ninety-six.
One of a family of twelve children, Chauncey Seaman was born in October, 1807. He was reared as a farmer, and for a time engaged in teaching school. After his marriage he resided for a few years in Chemung County. His wife died a few years after their union, leaving two children: Andrew, a resident of Whiteside County, Ill., and Alexander G., of this sketch. He married a second time, and of that union one child was born, Stephen, a resident of LaCygne, Kan. In 1850 Chauncey Seaman emigrated to Illinois and resided in Whiteside County until 1863, meanwhile clearing some land and improving a farm. Coming to Kansas in 1863, he purchased a half-section of land near Parker, and here he remained until his death, which occurred in 1867.
In his political belief, Chauncey Seaman was in early life a Free-Soil Democrat, and in 1860 supported Stephen Douglas, but he subsequently acted with the Republican party. At the time of his death he was filling the position of Justice of the Peace, which was the only office he ever held. However, he was always active in the support of his party’s principles, and gave his influence in behalf of its candidates. He was a man of firm convictions upon all subjects of importance, and through his upright life and conscientious dealings with all, he gained the esteem of his large circle of associates. Orphaned in infancy by the death of his mother, our subject was taken into the home of his grand-parents and by them tenderly cared for until his father’s second marriage. He was reared on al farm, and in addition to becoming familiar with agriculture in its various departments, he also learned the trade of a carpenter and joiner.
In 1850 he emigrated to Illinois, and resided in Whiteside County until he came to Kansas in 1858, making the journey to this state with an ox-team, and spending two months en route. He stopped first at Burlingame, Osage County, where he pursued his trade. In 1860 he came to Linn County, and resided on the land owned by his father until 1864. He then purchased one hundred and sixty acres of unimproved land, to which he has since added until he is now the owner of three hundred and twenty valuable acres. Here he engages in general farming and stock-raising, and buys and sells stock extensively. His farm is embellished with all the attributes of a first-class estate, and the residence is one of the most attractive in the township.
In 1858 occurred the marriage of Mr. Seaman to Miss Elizabeth Klingaman, and four children have been born of the union: Margaret, wife of R. W. Nungesser; Chauncey, who resides in Sedgwick City, Kan.; Amelia, Mrs. William Hockenberry, who lives with her parents; and Emma, wife of Henry Adams, of Pueblo, Colo. Formerly a member of the state militia, Mr. Seaman was caller out into active service several times during the Civil War, and took part in the battle of Westport. In politics he is a Republican. In 1874 he was elected Treasurer of Linn County and held the office for the term of two years. He has been Trustee of his township several terms, and in 1869 represented his district in the State Legislature. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, being a Knight Templar, and is also identified with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
Before the village of Parker was founded Mr. Seaman conducted a general store for three years, and also had a post office here. When the railroad passed through Parker he sold his business to the first merchant in the town. For about ten years he conducted a nursery business on his farm, and for five years, he was connected with a nursery at LaCygne. His nursery was the first in this part of the county and was started by Mr. Bishop during the Civil War.
John Rambo.
Co. L, 15th KS. Cavalry
William Cutler wrote the following about this gentleman:
JOHN RAMBO, farmer, P. O. Howard, was born in Mercer County, Penn., 1832, living there and in Erie Counties, where he took a course at the Waterford Academy. In 1856, migrated to Kansas, and stopped at Lawrence until the city was sacked, then went to Osage County, and bought a farm and engaged in farming. Soon after he settled here, was appointed County Clerk, and held the office two terms by appointment, and was elected for the third term but did not finish, and the war broke out and he enlisted early in 1861, and resigned the office. After serving three months in Company I, Second Kansas, the only mustered company in the regiment, it was re-organized as a cavalry, and he served on the plains scouting until the summer of 1863; then served in the Fifteenth Kansas Infantry until the fall of 1865; was mustered as Orderly Sergeant.
After coming out of the army, was clerking in Leavenworth; then, in company with another party, started a store at Williams' Mill, on the Missouri River, furnishing supplies for the railroad, which was being built. Then, in 1867, was employed in Williams' Mill as book-keeper, and at the end of one year bought the mill. After running the mill there two years, moved it to Howard, locating on the Elk River, where he ran it for a number of years. Also took a claim on Section 1, Township 30, Range 1, joining the town site of Howard, and laid out a few acres in town lots. Also bought a farm in Greenwood County, with forty acres of timber, and well watered, and is engaged in stock-raising. Was married in 1876, in Greenwood County, Kan., to Miss Jennie Kenedy. Is a member of E. M. Stanton Post, No. 23, G. A. R., and of Burlingame Lodge.
Elk County Citizen, Thursday, May 10, 1900
Died: May 7, 1900
John Rambo, an old settler and an old soldier, died at his home in Howard, Kansas, May 7th 1900, in the sixty-eighth year of his age. He was born in Mercer county Pennsylvania September 17, 1832. He came to Kansas in the spring of 1856 and settled near Burlington. He was enlisted in 2nd Regiment, Kansas Volunteers, June 20, 1861, and discharged Oct. 31, 1861. On the 3rd of Sept. 1863, he was enrolled in Co. L 15th Kansas Cavalry and mustered into the U. S. service Oct. 16, 1863. He was mustered out as first sergeant Oct. 15, 1865.
He was married to Miss Jennie Kennedy, of Quincy, Greenwood county. She died in less than a year afterward leaving an infant son who also died in a few days. Mr. Rambo was a member of the Congregational church. His last sickness was protracted and painful. He leaves three brothers and four sisters. Rev. Mackenzie conducted funeral services at the home at 10 o’clock, Wednesday morning. He was buried in Grace Lawn cemetery by the Grand Army of the Republic, of which he was a member. J. W. M.
William E. Richey.
Co. A, 15th OH. Infantry
Medal of Honor Recipient.
William Cutler wrote the following about this gentleman:
WM. E. RICHEY, farmer, P. O. Wilmington, was born in Lee Township, Athens Co., Ohio, June 1, 1841. Educated at Muskingum College at New Concord, Ohio; enlisted as a private in August, 1861, in Company A, Fifteenth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, served until December 27, 1865, when he was mustered out as second sergeant of his company. While in the army he was correspondent of several newspapers. He participated in all the engagements of his command, over 100 in number, and never was wounded. In June, 1868, he located at Manhattan, Kan.
In August of the same year, he removed to a farm which he purchased in Osage County, located four miles north of Burlingame; resided there until 1872, then located on his present farm on the northeast quarter of Section 8, Township 15, Range 13. In 1875, he was elected superintendent of the public schools of Wabaunsee County, and was re-elected in 1876, both times receiving the entire support of both political parties. Mr. Richie was married at Norwich, Muskingum Co., Ohio, May 8, 1868, to Margaret J. Miller, a native of that place. They have two children - Mary and Annie. Mr. Richey is a member of the A. F. & A. M., and Presbyterian Church; his wife is also a member of the same religious society. He takes an active interest in everything pertaining to the welfare of his county and his State.
Lorenzo H. Higgins.
Co. C, 11th ILL. Infantry
The Burlingame Enterprise, Thursday, Oct. 11, 1917, Pg. 1
Vol. XXIII, No. 1
The passing of a well known citizen is recorded in the death of L. H. Higgins, which occurred at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Mary White, about eight o’clock Tuesday morning. Mr. Higgins had been noticeably failing in health since his return from the national G. A. R. encampment at Boston in August. Cancer of the liver caused his death. Lorenzo H. Higgins was born July 19, 1838, at Chesterfield, Hampshire Co., Massachusetts.
With his oldest brother he came to Illinois, June 18, 1855, locating in Knox county, living part of the time at Oneida, and part of the time at Galesburg, until April 1859, when he went to Hoyleton, Washington county, Illinois, where on Sept. 4, 1861 he was united in marriage with Miss Susan Carter. Twelve children were born to this union, seven boys and five girls. Five of the children died in infancy, four boys and three girls growing to manhood and womanhood. Mrs. Higgins died Feb. 15, 1905, followed in about three months by her eldest son, Roy Higgins. The following named children are still alive to wit: Mrs. Celia Beckes, Wasco, Calif.; Frank S. Higgins, Spokane, Wash.; Capt. E. C. Higgins, Chicago, Ill.; Mrs. J. E. Castle, Topeka, Kansas; Mrs. Bert White, Burlingame, Kansas; Manley C. Higgins, Abbyville, Kansas.
On Sept. 4, 1861 he enlisted in Company C, 11th Illinois Infantry, re-enlisted March 31, 1864, and was transferred to the 67th U. S. Colored Infantry as Hospital Stewart, by order of the Secretary of War, and was finally discharged at Morganzia, Louisiana, Sept. 23, 1864, on account of disability, having served three years and twenty days. He was a prisoner of war eight months and two days, having been wounded and captured at Fort Donnelson, Tenn., Feb. 15, 1862, and was paroled from Libby Prison at Richmond, Virginia, on October 17, 1862.
He served three years as Township Clerk of Burlingame township and six years as City Clerk of the City of Burlingame. He united with the M. E. church at Galesburg, Ill., in March 1858, and was a member of the First Presbyterian church at Burlingame, Kansas at the time of his death, Oct. 9, 1917, having reached the age of seventy-nine years, two months and twenty days.
Funeral services will be held at 3:30 tomorrow (Friday) afternoon from the Presbyterian church and will be conducted by Rev. Davis.
Thomas Benton Murdock.
Co. B, 9th KS. Cavalry
El Dorado Republican, Monday, Nov. 8, 1909, Pg. 2
Vol. XVII, No. 111
In 1841 Thomas Benton Murdock was born in the mountains of Virginia. He was one of five children, who lived to maturity, of Thomas Murdock and Katherine Pierrepont. From the mother’s side came the pride of the Pierreponts; from the father’s the insurgent instincts of the Irish Murdocks who left Ireland after the Irish rebellion failed in 1798. So, even though reared in the mountains among most simple people and most primitive surroundings, the Murdocks who have dominated Kansas for half a century have been proud soldiers of the militant democracy. They have been fighters who led naturally, by instinct and training but never fighters for the old order. They always were pioneers, always moving out into new territory of thought and action, looking forward. Thomas and Katherine Murdock could not endure the iniquity of slavery so in 1849 they freed their slaves and left the slave country for Ohio.
They settled near Ironton but lost everything they had in the panic of 1855, and loaded their household goods on a boat, went down the Ohio to the Mississippi and journeyed as far west as Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. There the family spent the winter and the father went to Kansas and found a location. He brought his family to Topeka in the winter of ’56-’57. They rented a little hotel and kept tavern, among others having for guests, Jim Lane and A. D. Stevens, famous as a border fighter under Montgomery and afterwards killed at Harper’s Ferry under old John Brown. Going and coming in the little Kansas tavern of the Virginia abolitionist were the men who made Kansas free and famous in the great conflict that began at Lawrence and ended at Appomattox.
In this atmosphere of strife and patriotism young Benton Murdock, a youth in his late teens, grew up. In 1860 the family homesteaded at Forrest Hill, near Emporia, and the father and mother lived in Emporia the remainder of their lives; the father died in 1896 and the mother in 1887. When the civil war broke out Thomas Benton Murdock enlisted with his father and brother, Roland, in the Ninth Kansas Cavalry and served until the end of the war. He served in the Rocky Mountains in ’63 and there met J. H. Betts, now of El Dorado. When they met seven or eight years later in El Dorado John Betts kept eying Murdock and finally said: “Say, aren’t you the chap that relieved me of that army overcoat out west?” Murdock’s company was confiscating government property where ever he found it. Murdock looked at Betts and replied: “Well I guess I am. But I’m here to start a newspaper. What’s the chance?”
“Bully,” returned Mr. Betts, willing to let bygones be bygones, and they have remained friends for forty years.
Returning from the army where he had gone snow blind on the plains—a calamity that hung over him of his later days—young Murdock who had been a hod carrier and general work man as a youth around Topeka, learned the printing trade. He worked in the office of Emporia News then owned by P. B. Plumb and Jacob Stotler who had married Leverah Murdock during the war. His brother Marshall who had worked at the printers trade during the war was running the Burlingame Chronicle at the end of war. Young Benton went back to Ironton, Ohio, married the sweetheart of his boyhood, Francis Crawford, and came to El Dorado, March 4, 1870, and founded the Walnut Valley Times with J. S. Danford. His wife lived only a few years leaving at her death their daughter Mary Alice.
From the first Mr. Murdock became a leader in politics in Kansas. He stood for the Walnut Valley and the Kingdom of Butler. In 1876 he was elected a member of the state senate. He served with such men as E. N. Morrill, Charles Robinson, J. M. Hadley, father of the present governor of Missouri, Benjamin F. Simpson, J. R. Hallowell, D. W. Finney, W. A. Johnston, new chief justice of Kansas, all members of the senate, while in the house were Lyman U. Humphrey, John Gilmore, A. W. Smith, L. B. Kellogg, P. P. Elder. His political career was fostered and guided by Mrs. Antoinette Culbreth-Murdock who for a generation has been wife, friend, comrade, guide and inspiration, who bore him five children of whom Ellina Culbreth only now is living. Mrs. Murdock survives him with his two children. In 1880 he ran for senate again but was unfairly defeated he thought.
He sold the Times and moved to Topeka and became connected with the Topeka Daily Commonwealth, then controlled by the Baker family. But El Dorado held his heart and he returned in 1883 and founded the El Dorado Weekly Republican. The Daily followed the Weekly in 1884 and the paper at once took a prominent place in the affairs of Kansas.
Mr. Murdock was, during the late senator’s life time, a friend and ally of P. B. Plumb. He and Plumb were young men together in Emporia, thought alike and had much in common in training and in aspirations. And so after Plumb died the courage and independence and progressive Kansas spirit that made Plumb an insurgent who voted against the adoption of the McKinley bill, lived on Kansas through Mr. Murdock. He was politically always with the scouts, with the pioneers, ever with the skirmish line. It was the spirit of ’60 in his soul the rebellion of the ancestral Murdocks in his blood.
In 1888 he was again elected to the state senate. He served until 1892 and was on the committee that tried Theodosius Botkin and went over the old county seat troubles of western Kansas. He was defeated for re-election by the Populist wave, and until appointed fish and game warden by Governor Stubbs never held public office of any kind again. But he was a public man all the time. His influence on the state has been more rather than less because of the fact that he was not in office. In every Republican state convention for forty years Mr. Murdock has been a power of the first class. Yet he sacrificed that power and worked for the primaries which put convention politicians out of power. He was never selfish, never little, never mean and so it happened that he was large enough to retain his influence in the state and multiply it through the primary.
Gradually he has grown in strength with the people of Kansas, and since 1902—his last alignment with the old political machine—he has been easily the leader of the forward movement in Kansas Republicanism. Others have had the honor; but he has made them. He has expressed as no other man has been able to express it, the sentiment of popular protest against the wrongs of government by ring rule. He has been the voice of the people—an indignant people clamoring for a larger part in their state government.
He fought with arms for freedom in his youth; he offered his body then; he gave his life to freedom in this latest struggle, and fought with his spirit—a brave, successful fight.
As an editor he was equipped as few men are equipped—with an individual style. He expressed something more than an idea. He reflected an idea plus a strong, unique personality. He therefore in a way dramatized whatever he wrote—made it the spoken word of a combatant in the conflict, the defiance of a partisan in the contest. So thousands of people knew him as a voice, who did not know him as a man as we of his home have known him for forty years.
Here was his real life, his real friends, his real success. For before he was a Kansan he was a Butler county man, an El Dorado man. He always stood by the home folks. Of course he took part in local matters, and having taken part had to take sides. He was never neutral in any important contest here at home. But he always fought in the open, and he always fought fair. He never abused a man. He attacked causes, movements, orders, administrations, organizations and principles of his opponents—but the personal character of the men he opposed—there was the limit. He never returned abuse for abuse. He had no newspaper fights.
He never made his personal enemies objects of newspaper ridicule. He had no office black list. Every man or woman in Butler county received exactly the same treatment from the Republican under Mr. Murdock that every other man or woman received, no matter whether he or she was friend or enemy. He strove always to be fair. Many is the politician in this county in the old days who has fought Mr. Murdock knowing he could always depend on Mr. Murdock to be fair, to keep to the issue, to be silent on old scores, to leave personal matters out of the question. Men have risen to power in this community opposing Mr. Murdock who have capitalized his innate decency, and have risen more by reason of his charity and humanity than by their own ability. He was a gentleman of the old school, was Thomas Benton Murdock, and that fact has given more power to those who opposed him often than their own worth should have given to them.
As his best qualities grew intenser, as people grew nearer to him, as they who knew him best here in his home community thought more of him than those who knew him in the state, so even better than they knew and loved him in the town, did they him in his home. Mr. Murdock was a home man clear to the core. Some men are least known at home. He was best known there, and best beloved. For there he showed always his best side. He kept the finest part of his heart and mind and soul for those who met him in his home. There he was in his kindest, his gentlest, his most human aspect. Home was his heaven. There he brought all his joy. There he left the world behind. When blindness threatened him, as it did for a quarter of a century off and on, it was in his home that he found his only solace. When enemies pursued him, when cares overcame him, when troubles compassed him about, he turned always up the hill—always homeward. There he drank the elixir of life, and returned full armed, anew and strong to the contest.
When his soul went out into the Greater soul that gave it, how lovingly he must have followed the last ride of his shattered clay tenement as it journeyed through the Kansas that he loved, down the West Branch into the Walnut Valley that loved him, up the hill through the gloaming into the home that was his first heaven. For it was a journey with a climax in love. And when those whom he knew best and loved best gathered about his wasted body of death, his soul triumphant in the new life must have felt glowing even through the dark veil the warmth of an affection too deep for words and tears.
So his last wish was granted. And after “taps” had sounded we left all that was mortal, only a withered husk of the exalted and risen soul of Thomas Benton Murdock under the prairie grass out in the sunshine. Sunshine and prairie grass—and the end.
T. B. Murdock in writing of the death of his brother, Marsh, January 3, 1908, said:
“There is no death. There are no dead. No waiting for the resurrection, in that it releases the spirit from the body. If there was a Christ, and there was, and if he said something while on earth, and he did, he said it to Martha at the grave of Lazarus: ‘Whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.’ The immortal spirit of husband and father has passed through the shadow of the borderland of the shoreless river, ‘and his voice is drowned in the rushing tide.’
“He has Crost the Bar. His dying eyes had read a mystic meaning which only the rapt and passing soul may know. Let us believe that in the silence of the receding world he heard the great waves breaking on a farther shore, and felt already upon his wasted brow the breath of the eternal morning.”
Funeral Service
Funeral services over the late T. B. Murdock were held from the family home on Walnut Hill, Sunday afternoon, November 7, 1909. Reverend Dean Kay of Trinity Episcopal church, Topeka, conducted the service and very beautifully expressed, sincere and true were his thoughts on immortal life, his tribute on the personality of Mr. Murdock. He was assisted by Reverend I. Newton Roberts of the El Dorado Trinity Episcopal church. The rooms were banked with exquisite flowers, tributes from friends in this city and from over the entire state. The house and lawns were filled with people.
Brief interment were held in the west cemetery and “in the shadow of the evening,” were closed with “the soul stirring simple sound—the trumpeting of “taps.”
The relatives of the family who were here to attend the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eaton, Victoria Eaton, Mrs. R. P. Murdock, Marcellus Murdock, E. T. Allen, Victor Murdock, of Wichita; Mrs. Jacob Stotler,; Miss Leverah Stotler, Mr. and Mrs. A. Pemberton, Irene Pemberton, Murdock Pemberton, Emporia, Mrs. Emma Brady, Chicago.
Those from out of town attending were:
George Plumb, J. S. Watson, P. B. McCabe, W. Thornton and J. S. Gibson of Emporia, comrades of Mr. Murdock in the Ninth Kansas Cavalry. J. S. Watson was Mr. Murdock’s “bunkie.”
Other distinguished attendants: Governor W. R. Stubbs, Senator J. L. Bristow of Salina; Frank MacLenan, editor of Topeka State Journal; John Dawson, attorney for State Board of Railroad Commissioners; Henry Allen, editor of the Wichita Beacon; Mayor Davison, Postmaster W. C. Edwards, Tom Biodget, editor Kansas Magazine, E. B. Jewett, J. R. Meade, Lock Davidson and John McGinis, of Wichita; William Allen White and wife of Emporia; J. W. Moore of Marion; Victor Hodgin, superintendent of the fish hatchery at Pratt; Dan McGowan, of Emporia; E. C. Newby of the Cottonwood Falls Leader, his wife and daughter, Pauline El Dorado; W. W. Bugbee, of New York and Augusta Kuster of Los Angeles, California.
William Anthony.
Co. A, 63rd ILL. Infantry
A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans, written and compiled by William E. Connelley, Secretary of the Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka. Chicago: Lewis Publishing Company, copyright 1918.
WILLIAM ANTHONY was long known as a dry goods merchant in Burlingame, Kansas. When he died there he left his widow and four young children. Mrs. Anthony, who now lives at Topeka, gave a splendid exposition of resourcefulness in a critical time. After the death of her husband she took the active management of the dry goods store, and though little acquainted with mercantile methods, she managed the enterprise so successfully that she gave her children the advantages they required at home and in school, and a few years ago sold the business, and moved to Topeka.
Born at Marysville in Union County, Ohio, the late William Anthony had the qualities of patriotism and enterprise highly developed. When a mere boy he ran away from home and enlisted in the Union army in Company A of the Sixty-third Illinois Volunteer Infantry. He saw three years of regular service and then re-enlisted and veteranized at Huntsville, Alabama. He was finally mustered out of the service of the United States Government at Louisville, Kentucky, on July 13, 1865, as a corporal. He participated in all the campaigns, battles and marches of his command, and made a splendid record as a soldier. After leaving the army he went to Harrison County Missouri, and spent about three years teaching school.
As a boy he had little opportunity to gain an education, and it was by much hard study in private and by the exercise of a great deal of enterprise that he secured his first certificate to teach. He quickly proved his ability in that field as in practically every other undertaking of his life. From school teaching he entered the dry goods business, and in 1885 moved to Burlingame in Osage County, Kansas. There he continued merchandising, and earned and gained the respect of all who knew him. His death occurred March 29, 1892.
In October, 1868, Mr. Anthony married Miss Delana Ainslie of Worth County, Missouri. Mrs. Anthony was born in Geauga County, Ohio, a daughter of Joseph Ainslie, a native of the same county. The Ainslie family were of English antecedents and were pioneers in Ohio. Joseph Ainslie married Hannah Turner, and their three children were Delana, Irvin A. and Jeannette. Irvin is now living in Oklahoma City, being a commercial traveler for a shoe house. Jeannette married Henry Peek of Los Angeles, California.
To the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony were born five children, three daughters and two sons: Irwin, Ella, Alta, Edwin and Nell A. Irwin and Edwin are now dead. Ella is the wife of William M. Bowen of San Diego, California. Alta married A. E. Lake, a successful attorney of Chicago, Illinois. Nell A. is private secretary to a distinguished Chicago woman. When their father died these children were young people and it was Mrs. Anthony's self sacrifice and careful administration of the store and the estate which enabled them to gain a training fitting them for lives of usefulness and purpose. Mrs. Anthony carried on the dry goods business successfully for over fifteen years. In 1912, having sold the store, she removed to Topeka and now lives in comfort at her home at 1127 Polk Street.
Henry Howell.
Probably Co. C, 14th W. VA. Infantry
Burlingame Enterprise, Thursday, June 16, 1904, Pg. 4
Vol. IX, No. 36
Another Good Man Gone
Henry Howell was born in Monongalia county, West Virginia, December 22, 1843, and died at his home in Burlingame June 9, 1904, at the age of sixty-nine years, five months and seventeen days. He was married to Ellen Courtney December 25, 1865. To whom were born nine children, six of whom with the devoted wife, still survives. They are Mell, of near Admire; Mrs. James King, of near Lyndon; Mrs. Nettie Herbold, of Shawnee, Oklahoma; Mrs. Newkirk Ullery, William and Miss Lida.
In his young manhood Mr. Howell became an earnest Christian. He was converted, baptized and united with the Baptist church in 1860. In 1865 he moved with his family to Delaware county, Indiana. There he united with the Baptist church and was a faithful and efficient member of the church at Granville. Here Mr. Howell served as Sunday School superintendent and here he was also elected deacon in the church.
In 1868 Mr. Howell moved with his family to Kansas, settling in Franklin county. From that place he moved to near Lyndon, in which vicinity he resided till last spring when he came to Burlingame. Mr. Howell was a member and a deacon in the Lyndon Baptist church, but immediately upon his coming to Burlingame, he united with the church here. Indeed one of the reasons for his moving to town was that he might be near the church he loved. But God had better things in store for him, and called him to worship at the Great White Throne, where distance never bars and where pain never hinders devotion.
Mr. Howell’s last days and hours were such as to inspire courage and faith to all who saw him. Those who went to see him to cheer him were themselves cheered and encouraged.
As a neighbor and citizen Mr. Howell will be greatly missed in this community. He was a man of sterling integrity, honest and genuine in every phase of his character. He was widely known all over the county and the funeral services, held at the Baptist church Saturday afternoon at two o’clock, were largely attended by friends from far and near. The church had been lovingly decorated with flowers and evergreen, and the platform and casket were almost covered with blossoms and wreaths. Mr. Howell was a veteran of the civil war and was a member of Canby Post, G. A. R. of Osage City.
A number of the Post at Osage City attended the funeral and there was also a large attendance of the local G. A. R. The services at the church was in charge of the pastor, Rev. C. E. Flanagin, who spoke of Mr. Howell’s life as a Christian. Rev. Gill of the Methodist church, who assisted in the service, spoke of Mr. Howell as a citizen and a soldier. Concluding the service, Mrs. Eunice Schell rendered that beautiful and touching solo, “Bury me with my Grand Army badge upon my breast,” while the color bearers held the drooping folds of “Old Glory” at the head of the casket.
The burial service at the grave was in charge of the G. A. R., and this man who had “fought a good fight” was buried, as was his meet, with all the honors, of a victorious soldier. The entire community join in expressing sympathy for the bereaved family.
Friday, December 11, 2009
William Clarke Quantrill Bones in Kansas?

William Clarke Quantrill (July 31, 1837 – June 6, 1865), was a Confederate guerrilla leader during the American Civil War. After leading a Confederate bushwhacker unit along the Missouri-Kansas border in the early 1860s, which included the infamous raid and sacking of Lawrence, Kansas in 1863, Quantrill eventually ended up in Kentucky where he was killed in a Union ambush in 1865, aged 27.
Some people call this man a butcher and some heralded him as a partisan. Regardless the story after his death is as interesting as what happened before his death. He was buried in Kentucky after his death. His mother lived in Dover, Ohio. Twenty years after his death, she, accompanied by a boyhood friend of William, went to bring his body to be re-intered in the family plot in Dover. The cemetery in Kentucky refused their request. The priest did however let her view her son's remains. She identified him by a chipped tooth on his skull. In the dark of night sometime later he was dug up and his remains were stolen.
His skull ended up at the Dover Museum which had it buried in the family plot. His other remaining bones made their way somehow to the Kansas Historical Society as the story goes. The bones were acquired later by the Missouri Sons of Confederate Veterans and intered with his former fellow comrades at the Confederate Home of Missouri at Higginsville. The caretaker f the Chapel and cemetery stated that only a few of his bones survived and are buried there. His skull of course is in the family plot in Dover, Ohio and since he was intered without embalming and in a simple wooden coffin initially some of his bones turned to dust. So in the end William C. Quantrill is buried in three different states.
Some people call this man a butcher and some heralded him as a partisan. Regardless the story after his death is as interesting as what happened before his death. He was buried in Kentucky after his death. His mother lived in Dover, Ohio. Twenty years after his death, she, accompanied by a boyhood friend of William, went to bring his body to be re-intered in the family plot in Dover. The cemetery in Kentucky refused their request. The priest did however let her view her son's remains. She identified him by a chipped tooth on his skull. In the dark of night sometime later he was dug up and his remains were stolen.
His skull ended up at the Dover Museum which had it buried in the family plot. His other remaining bones made their way somehow to the Kansas Historical Society as the story goes. The bones were acquired later by the Missouri Sons of Confederate Veterans and intered with his former fellow comrades at the Confederate Home of Missouri at Higginsville. The caretaker f the Chapel and cemetery stated that only a few of his bones survived and are buried there. His skull of course is in the family plot in Dover, Ohio and since he was intered without embalming and in a simple wooden coffin initially some of his bones turned to dust. So in the end William C. Quantrill is buried in three different states.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Kansas--Nominated For?
These men were nominated for many jobs, the information is only a line or two and doesn’t sound like much but in fact it is, although this information is short you well learn three things you may not have known about you ancestor before. You well learn where he was, what one of his jobs were and were it was. This information will give you a starting point to look for information on your ancestor.
Nominated for:
1. P. B. Maxon, of Kansas, to be register of the land office at Humboldt, Kans., vice Nathaniel S. Goss, resigned.
2. George W. Martin, of Kansas, to be register of the land office at Junction City, Kans., vice James R. McClure, removed.
3. Watson Stewart, of Kansas, to be register of the land office at Humboldt, Kans., vice Nathaniel S. Gross, resigned.
Nominated for:
1. John H. Smith, to be deputy postmaster at Paola, Kans.
2. James R. Brown, to be deputy postmaster at Olathe, Kans.
3. James W. Rice, to be deputy postmaster at Garnett, Kans.
4. Ogilvie H. Sheldon, to be postmaster at Burlingame, Kans.
5. Archibald M. Campbell, to be postmaster at Saline, Kans.
6. Josiah H. Pillsbury, to be postmaster at Manhattan, Kans.
7. Samuel D. Houston, of Kansas, whose term of office has expired, to be receiver of public moneys of the district of lands subject of sale at Junction City, Kans.
8. Peter L. Earnest, to be deputy postmaster at Ottawa, Kans.
9. Elisabeth Trask to be postmaster at Emporia, Kans.
Nominated for:
1. Thomas L. Bond, of Kansas, to be register of the land office at Salina, Kans., to take effect May 1, 1871.
2. Daniel R. Wagstaff, of Kansas, to be receiver of public moneys for the district of lands subject to sale at Salina, Kans., to take effect May 1, 1871.
3. Charles B. Lines, of Kansas, to be pension agent at Topeka, Kans., to take effect February 5, 1871, when his present term of office will expire.
4. David B. Emmert, of Kansas, whose term of office has expired, to be receiver of public moneys for the district of lands subject to sale at Humboldt, Kans.
5. R. J. Monroe, to be receiver of the public moneys for the district of Topeka, Kans.
6. George Merrill, of Kansas, to be receiver of public moneys for the district of lands subject to sale at Topeka, Kans., vice Joel Huntoon, whose term of office has expired.
7. P. B. Maxson, of Kansas, to be register of the land office at Humboldt, Kans., Vice Watson Stewart, who was suspended during the recess of the Senate.
8. Milton W. Reynolds, of Kansas, to be receiver of public moneys for the district of lands subject to sale at Humboldt, Kans., vice David B. Emmert, to be removed.
Nominated for:
1. William S. Jenkins, of Kansas, who was commissioned during the recess of the Senate, to be register of the land office at Wichita, Kans.
Nominated for:
1. W. W. Martin, of Kansas, to be register of the land office at Independence, Kans., vice P. B. Maxon, to be removed.
2. George W. Burchard, of Kansas, to be receiver of public moneys for the district of lands subject to sale at Independence, Kans., vice Milton W. Reynolds, to be removed.
3. E. S. Nicholls, of Kansas, to be receiver of public moneys for the district of lands subject to sale at Independence, Kans., vice Milton W. Reynolds, to be removed.
4. William H. Fitzpatrick, of Kansas, to be register of the land office at Topeka, Kans., vice Ira H. Smith, whose term of office has expired.
5. Henry M. Waters, of Kansas, to be receiver of public moneys for the district of lands subject to sale at Independence, Kans., to take effect December 1, 1873, vice E. S. Nicholls, who has resigned.
Nominated for:
1. Calvin Reasoner, of Kansas, to be receiver of public moneys for the district of lands subject to sale at Cawker City, Kans., vice Thomas Plowman, who has resigned.
U. S. Grant.
2. C. C. Vance, of Kansas, to be receiver of public moneys for the district of lands subject to sale at Cawker City, Kans., vice Thomas Plowman, who has resigned.
3. The Secretary be directed to furnish Messrs. Green and Foster, of Leavenworth, Kans., a certified copy of the confirmation of Cassius G. Foster to be district judge of the United States for the district of Kansas, in place of Mark Delaha, resigned.
4. P. Hodgson to be deputy postmaster at Ellsworth, Kans.
5. J. M. Hodge, of Kansas, to be receiver of public moneys for the district of lands subject to sale at Cawker City, Kans., vice Thomas Plowman, resigned.
6. John M. Allen, of Kansas, to be pension agent at Topeka, Kans., vice Charles B. Lines, to be removed.
Nominated for:
1. Charles B. Lines, of Kansas, to be receiver of public moneys for the district of lands subject to sale at Topeka, Kans., to take effect March 20, 1875, when the term of office of George Merrill, the present incumbent, will expire.
Nominated for:
1. P. B. Maxon, of Kansas, to be register of the land office at Humboldt, Kans., vice Nathaniel S. Goss, resigned.
2. George W. Martin, of Kansas, to be register of the land office at Junction City, Kans., vice James R. McClure, removed.
3. Watson Stewart, of Kansas, to be register of the land office at Humboldt, Kans., vice Nathaniel S. Gross, resigned.
Nominated for:
1. John H. Smith, to be deputy postmaster at Paola, Kans.
2. James R. Brown, to be deputy postmaster at Olathe, Kans.
3. James W. Rice, to be deputy postmaster at Garnett, Kans.
4. Ogilvie H. Sheldon, to be postmaster at Burlingame, Kans.
5. Archibald M. Campbell, to be postmaster at Saline, Kans.
6. Josiah H. Pillsbury, to be postmaster at Manhattan, Kans.
7. Samuel D. Houston, of Kansas, whose term of office has expired, to be receiver of public moneys of the district of lands subject of sale at Junction City, Kans.
8. Peter L. Earnest, to be deputy postmaster at Ottawa, Kans.
9. Elisabeth Trask to be postmaster at Emporia, Kans.
Nominated for:
1. Thomas L. Bond, of Kansas, to be register of the land office at Salina, Kans., to take effect May 1, 1871.
2. Daniel R. Wagstaff, of Kansas, to be receiver of public moneys for the district of lands subject to sale at Salina, Kans., to take effect May 1, 1871.
3. Charles B. Lines, of Kansas, to be pension agent at Topeka, Kans., to take effect February 5, 1871, when his present term of office will expire.
4. David B. Emmert, of Kansas, whose term of office has expired, to be receiver of public moneys for the district of lands subject to sale at Humboldt, Kans.
5. R. J. Monroe, to be receiver of the public moneys for the district of Topeka, Kans.
6. George Merrill, of Kansas, to be receiver of public moneys for the district of lands subject to sale at Topeka, Kans., vice Joel Huntoon, whose term of office has expired.
7. P. B. Maxson, of Kansas, to be register of the land office at Humboldt, Kans., Vice Watson Stewart, who was suspended during the recess of the Senate.
8. Milton W. Reynolds, of Kansas, to be receiver of public moneys for the district of lands subject to sale at Humboldt, Kans., vice David B. Emmert, to be removed.
Nominated for:
1. William S. Jenkins, of Kansas, who was commissioned during the recess of the Senate, to be register of the land office at Wichita, Kans.
Nominated for:
1. W. W. Martin, of Kansas, to be register of the land office at Independence, Kans., vice P. B. Maxon, to be removed.
2. George W. Burchard, of Kansas, to be receiver of public moneys for the district of lands subject to sale at Independence, Kans., vice Milton W. Reynolds, to be removed.
3. E. S. Nicholls, of Kansas, to be receiver of public moneys for the district of lands subject to sale at Independence, Kans., vice Milton W. Reynolds, to be removed.
4. William H. Fitzpatrick, of Kansas, to be register of the land office at Topeka, Kans., vice Ira H. Smith, whose term of office has expired.
5. Henry M. Waters, of Kansas, to be receiver of public moneys for the district of lands subject to sale at Independence, Kans., to take effect December 1, 1873, vice E. S. Nicholls, who has resigned.
Nominated for:
1. Calvin Reasoner, of Kansas, to be receiver of public moneys for the district of lands subject to sale at Cawker City, Kans., vice Thomas Plowman, who has resigned.
U. S. Grant.
2. C. C. Vance, of Kansas, to be receiver of public moneys for the district of lands subject to sale at Cawker City, Kans., vice Thomas Plowman, who has resigned.
3. The Secretary be directed to furnish Messrs. Green and Foster, of Leavenworth, Kans., a certified copy of the confirmation of Cassius G. Foster to be district judge of the United States for the district of Kansas, in place of Mark Delaha, resigned.
4. P. Hodgson to be deputy postmaster at Ellsworth, Kans.
5. J. M. Hodge, of Kansas, to be receiver of public moneys for the district of lands subject to sale at Cawker City, Kans., vice Thomas Plowman, resigned.
6. John M. Allen, of Kansas, to be pension agent at Topeka, Kans., vice Charles B. Lines, to be removed.
Nominated for:
1. Charles B. Lines, of Kansas, to be receiver of public moneys for the district of lands subject to sale at Topeka, Kans., to take effect March 20, 1875, when the term of office of George Merrill, the present incumbent, will expire.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Soldiers Of Kansas.
Many Kansas men fought in many wars, some men came from other state and joined a Kansas regiment, and when his service was over they made Kansas their home, and there were Kansas men that went to orher States to join. I have listed many men here who joined Kansas regiments, and a few Kansas men that joined other state regiments. This list is to help you find out something you may not have know about your ancestor, and for those out of the State of Kansas may find a ancestor that fought in a Kansas regiment and never know he had been in Kansas.
Some of these men will have some additional information on them, if you find a ancestor or a name of interest and would like to know if there is more, you can write to me and I will be glad to look.
Army abbreviations.
As these records will have a lot of abbreviations, and may not be all that understandable I have provide you with a link to one of my pages with all the abbreviations, to help make them more readable. http://kansasoakland.blogspot.com/2009/12/list-of-all-army-abbreviations.html
Important note. I have thousands of names at this site, when asking about a name from this page or any other pages at this site, please give the ( Title of the page ), for without it I may not be able to help you. My address can be found in my profile.
1. Abernathy, William Martin. Kans.Mo. Maj 5 Mo vols 4 May 1898; maj, chief c s vols 19 May 1898; hon dischd 20 Sept, 1898.
2. Adams, Daniel Marsh. N H. Kans. Addl paymr vols 19 Feb 1863 to 20 Mar 1867; raaj paymr U S A 17 Jan 1867; bvt It col vols 7 June 1866 for fai ser in the pay dept; resd 1 May 1867; [died 13 June 1879]
3. Adams, Emory Sherwood. Kans. Army. Priv and corpl M 20 Kans inf 16 June 1898 to 28 Oct 1899; pvt corpl and sergt G 2 inf 27 Jan 1900 to 26 Oct 1902; 2 It 14 inf 17 Oct 1902.
4. Adams, Henry J. NY. Kans. Addl paymr vols 5 Sept 1861; dismd 22 Aug 1864; [died 2 June 1870.]
5. Adams, Moses S. NH. Kans. Capt c s vols 5 Sept 1862; resd 10 Jan 1865; [died 25 Dec 1900.]
6. Admire, Eli Lewis. Kans. Okla. Pvt C 1 111 inf 18 June to 12 Nov 1898; 2 It 22 inf 1 July 1899; 1 It 30 inf 2 Feb 1901; tr to 22 inf 16 Oct 1901; resd 18 Sept 1902.
7. Agnew, Ernest H. 111. Kans. 2 It 20 Kans inf 2 May 1898; 1 It23 July 1898; capt 11 vol cavil Aug 1899; hon must out 13 Mar 1901; 2 It 26 inf 2 Feb 1901; 1 It 6 inf 28 Feb 1901.
8. Alden, John P. Mass. Kans. Pvt 1 and B 1 Kans inf 3 June 1861; 1 It 3 June 1861; capt 12 May 1862; capt cs vols 2 July 1863; hon dischd 20 Mar 1865.
9. Alexander, Demas M. I11. Kans. 2 It 12 Kans inf 30 Sept 1862; capt c s vols 30 July 1863; bvt ma] vols 4 Aug 1866 for fai ser in the sub dept; hon must out 21 Aug 1866.
10. Allen, Gilbert M. Kans. Army. Pvt and corpl B 6 inf 29 Aug 1898 to 2 Sept 1900; 2 It 19 inf 29 Aug 1900.
11. Anderson, Thomas Jefferson. Ohio. , Kans. Capt a a g vols 27 Feb 1863; maj j a a g vols 25 May 1863; bvt It col and col vols 13 Mar 1865 for fai and mer ser; resd 28 Mar 1865.
12. Baird, George Hathaway. Kans. I11. Cadet M A 15 June 1896 (64) ; 2 It 11 cav 2 Feb 1901.
13. Baldridge, Benjamin Logan. Ohio. Kans. Post chap 8 June 1876; retd 9 Feb 1885.
14. Ball, Collin Hankins. Kans. Kans. 1 sergt K 20 Kans inf 3 May 1898; 2 It 4 Sept 1898; hon must out 28 Oct 1899; 2 It 23 inf 2 Feb 1901.
15. Barber, Oliver. Pa. Kans. Capt cs vols 11 June 1862; resd 11 Aug 1864; [died 24 Oct 1895].
16. Barry, Thomas William. Canada. Kans. Post chap 3 Aug 1882; assd to art corps 25 Feb 1901.
17. Barth, Charles Henry. Iowa. Kans. Cadet MA. 1 Sept 1877 (32); 2 It 12 inf 11 June 1881; 1 It 23 Apr 1890; capt 26 Apr 1898.
18. Bassett, Bradford S. Pa. Kans. Corpl D 1 I11 cav 15 July 1861 to 5 Apr 1862; 2 It 2 Kans batty 15 May 1862; 1 It 26 Jan 1864; hon must out 19 Jan 1865 capt 16 Kans cav 17 May 1865; hon must out 6 Dec 1865; 2 It 7 cav 18 June 1867; 1 It 31 July 1868; died 11 Mar 1869.
19. Bell, Henry Arnett. Kans. Army. Cadet M A 19 June 1897 to 25 Jan 1898; pvt sergt and 1 sergt M 20 inf 7 June 1898 to 7 Aug 1900; 2 It 22 inf 25 July 1900.
20. Berry, Alga Prestina. Kans. Kans. Cadet M A 15 June 1892 (18) ; 2 It 10 inf 12 June 1896; 1 It 1 Jan 1899; capt 22 Apr 1901.
21. Biart, Victor. Belgium. Kans. Asst surg 6 June 1878; retd 21 Oct 1891.
22. Blair, Charles White. Ohio. Kans. Capt 2 Kans inf 14 May 1861 ; It col 22 May 1861; resd 9 Oct 1861; maj 2 Kans cav 28 Feb 1862; It col 26 Sept 1863; col 20 Nov 1863; bvt brig gen vols 13 Feb 1865; hon must out 11 Aug 1865; [died 21 Aug 1899.]
23. Blunt, James G. Me. Kans. Brig gen vols 8 Apr 1862; maj gen vols 29 Nov 1862; hon must out 29 July 1865; [died 25 July 1881.]
24. Botkin, Theodosius. Ohio. Kans. Pvt F 44 Ohio vols 22 Sept 1861 to 30 July 1865; capt a a g vols 28 May 1898; hon dischd 31 Dec 1898.
25. Bowen, Thomas Meed. Iowa. Kans. Capt 1 Nebr cav 11 June 1861; resd 5 Feb 1862; 1 It 9 Kans cav 11 July 1862; capt 30 July 1862; col 13 Kans inf 20 Sept 1862; bvt brig gen vols 13 Feb 1865; hon dischd 28 June 1865.
26. Brewer, Isaac Williams. Kans. N Y. Pvt and corpl sig corps 4 Nov 1885 to 17 June 1890; 1 It asst surg 36 U. S V inf 5 July 1899; capt asst surg same regt 12 Oct 1900; capt asst surg vols 12 Feb 1901; maj surg vols 7 May 1901; hon
dischd 7 Nov 1902.
27. Brewer, Madison Mills. Kans. D C. Pvt sig corps 22 Sept 1882 to 24 Oct 1887; asst surg 5 May 1892; died 4 Oct 1898.
28. Briand, Christian. Denmark. Kans. Pvt corpl sergt and 1 sergt A and q m sergt 2 cav 26 Nov 1884 to 31 May 1898; 1 It 5 U S V inf 31 May 1898; hon must out 31 May 1899; 1 It Porto Rico regt 26 June 1899; capt 1 Mar 1900; hon must out 30 June 1901 ; capt Porto Rico Provl regt 1 July 1901 to 14 Feb 1902; 2 It 1 cav 2 Feb 1901; 1 It 15 cav 28 Feb 1901.
29. Bridgman, Samuel Newton. I11. Kans. Capt c s vols 21 July 1898; hon dischd 12 May 1899.
30. Bryant, Montgomery. Kans. Mo. 2 It 6 inf 21 Feb 1857; 1 It 3 May 1861; capt 10 June 1861; maj 14 inf 7 Oct 1874; It col 8 inf 22 June 1882; col 13 inf 16 Dec 1888; bvt maj 13 Dec 1862 for gal and mer ser in the battle of Fredericksburg Va; retd 1 Mar 1894; died 17 June 1901.
31. Bu.ch.an, Fred Erskine. Kans. Kans. Capt 20 Kans inf 9 May 1898; hon dischd 30 July 1899; 2 It 6 cav 1 June 1899; 1 It 3 cav 2 Feb 1901.
32. Buckmaster, Henry. Pa. Kans. Surg vols 28 June 1862; resd 1 Feb 1865; [died 26 June 1875.]
33. Bugbee, Fred William. Cal. Kans. Pvt A 1 U S vol cav 2 May to 5 Oct 1898; 2 It 40 vol inf 17 Aug 1899; hon must out 24 June 1901; 2 It 1 inf 2 Feb 1901; 1 It 25 inf 22 Jan 1903.
34. Burt, Franklin Thomas. Kans. Army. Pvt corpl and sergt G 1st art and 1 1 8 co coast art 18 May 1899 to 26 Oct 1902 ; 2 It 24 inf 17 Oct 1902.
35. Butler, Lawrence Parker. Kans. Kans. Pvt and sergt I 4 Mo inf 24 May to 15 July 1898; 1 It 3 vol engs 7 July 1898; hon must out 17 May 1S99; 2 It 41 U S Y inf 17 Aug 1899; 1 It 1 Sept 1899; hon must out 30 June 1901; 1 It 2 inf 2 Feb 1901.
36. Cameron, Hugh. N Y. Kans. .1 sergt F 2 Kans cav July 1861; 1 It 7 Nov 1861; capt 27 Dec 1861; It col 2 Ark cav 20 Feb 1864; bvt col and brig gen vols 13 Mar 1865 for gal and mer ser dur the war; hon must out 20 Aug 1865.
37. Card, Benjamin Cozzens. R I. Kans. 1 It 12 inf 27 Sept 1 861 ; capt a q m 27 Sept 1861 ; col q m assd 2 Aug 1864 to 1 Jan 1867; maj q m 6 June 1872; It col d q m g 31 Aug 1883; retd 15 Feb 1889; bvt maj It col and col 13 Mar 1865 for fai and mer ser dur the war and brig gen 13 Mar 1 865 for fai and mer ser in the q m d dur the war.
38. Carney, Joseph Darwin. Pa. Kans. 1 It 17 inf 14 May 1861; capt 1 May 1863; bvt maj 13 Mar 1865 for gal and mer ser at the battle of Gettysburg Pa; died 8 Feb 1866.
39. Carpenter, George W. NY. Kans. 1 It r q m 15 Kans cav 1 Sept 1863; capt a q m vols 29 Sept 1864; dismd 12 May 1865.
40. Carroll, Edwin Earl. N Mex. Kans. 2 It 1 inf 5 Oct 1899; 1 It 11 July 1901; drowned 28 Jan 1903.
41. Casad, Adam Floy. Ind. Kans. CadetMA20 June 1898 (12); 2 It 11 cav 12 June 1902; tr to art corps 26 Sept 1902.
42. Case, Theodore Spencer. Ga. Kans. 2 It Van Horn's batln Mo cav 20 June 1861; hon must out 29 Oct 1861; capt a q m vols 9 June, 1862; resd 18 Mar 1865; col q m Mo State vols 9 Mar to 30 June 1865; [died 16 Feb 1900.]
43. Christian, James. Ireland. Kans. Capt c s vols 5 Sept 1862; hon must out 10 Aug 1864; [died 14 Apr 1895.]
44. Clark, Francis William. Kans. I11. Cadet M A 19 June 1897 (16); 2 It art corps 2 Feb 1901.
45. Clark, William B. N Y. Kans. Pvt E 2 Mass cav 7 Mar to 3 Sept 1863; 2 It 14 Kans cav 16 Sept 1863; hon must out 25 June 1865; 2 It 7 cav 18 June 1867; resd 1 May 1869.
46. Clarke, Adna Girard. Mo. Kans. Capt 20 Kans inf 29 Apr 1898; hon must out 28 Oct 1899; 1 It art corps 22 Aug 1901.
47. Clarke, Sidney. Mass. Kans. Capt a a g vols 9 Feb 1863; resd 20 Feb 1865.
48. Clayton, Powell. Pa. Kans. Capt 1 Kans inf 29 May 1861 ; It col 5 Kans cav 28 Dec 1861; col 7 Mar 1862; brig gen vols 1 Aug 1864; hon must out 24 Aug 1865.
49. Cloud, Marshall Morgan. Va. Kans. Asst surg 13 Nov 1896; retd with rank of 1 It 25 Mar 1902.
50. Cobb, Stephen Alonzo. Me. Kans. Capt c s vols 18 May 1864; bvt maj vols 16 Aug 1865 for eff and mer ser; hon must out 23 Sept 1865; [died Aug 1878.]
51. Coe, Frank Winston. Kans. Kans. Cadet M A 1 Sept 1888 (8); addl 2 It 1 art 11 June 1892; 2 It 13 July 1892; 1 It 2 Mar 1899; art corps 2 Feb 1901; capt 8 May 1901.
52. Coffin,OliverS. Ind, Kans. 1 lt rqm 1 Indian home guards 22 May 1862; capt a q in vols 24 Sept 1862; hon must out 11 Dec 1865.
53. Cowles, William Henry. Kans. N. C. Cadet M A 20 June 1898 (40) ; 2 It 4 cav 12 June 1902.
54. Craig, Daniel Frank. Iowa. Kans. 1 It 20 Kans inf 2 May 1898; hon must out 9 May 1899; capt 36 vol inf 5 July 1899; hon must out 16 Mar 1901; 2 It art corps 8 May 1901.
55. Craig, John Marcus. Iowa. Kans. Sergt E 20 Kans inf 2 May 1898 to 30 June 1899; pvt and sergt L and batln sergt maj 36 vol inf 1 July 1899 to 4 Mar 1900; 2 It 36 vol inf 12 Feb 1900; hon must out 16 Mar 1901; 2 It 12 inf 2 Feb 1901.
56. Cadet M A 14 June 1885 (41 ); 2 It 10 inf 12 June 1889; 1 It 21 inf 11 Nov 1896; capt 5 inf 8 Sept 1899; tr to 20 inf 17 Feb 1900.
57. Crawford, George Retilley. Ohio. Kans. 1 It 22 Kans inf 2 May 1898; hon must out 3 Nov 1898; 2 It 32 vol inf 5 July 1899; hon must out 8 May 1901; 2 It 11 inf 2 Feb 1901.
58. Crawford, Samuel Johnson. Ind. Kans. Capt 2 Kans cav 14 Mav 1861 ; col 83 U S c inf 1 Nov 1863; bvt brig gen vols 13 Mar 1865 for mer ser; resd 7 Nov 1864.
59. Crosby, Herbert Ball. Kans. 111. Cadet M A 15 June 1889 (27); 2 It 8 cav 12 June 1893; 1 It 2 Mar 1899; capt 14 cav 2 Feb 1901.
60. Crozier, William Ohio. Kans. Cadet MA 1 Sept 1872 (5); 2 It 4 art 15 June 1876; 1 It ord 11 July 1881; capt 15 June 1890; maj I G vols 17 May 1898; hon dischd from vols 30 Nov 1898; Drig gen chief of ord 22 Nov 1901.
Some of these men will have some additional information on them, if you find a ancestor or a name of interest and would like to know if there is more, you can write to me and I will be glad to look.
Army abbreviations.
As these records will have a lot of abbreviations, and may not be all that understandable I have provide you with a link to one of my pages with all the abbreviations, to help make them more readable. http://kansasoakland.blogspot.com/2009/12/list-of-all-army-abbreviations.html
Important note. I have thousands of names at this site, when asking about a name from this page or any other pages at this site, please give the ( Title of the page ), for without it I may not be able to help you. My address can be found in my profile.
1. Abernathy, William Martin. Kans.Mo. Maj 5 Mo vols 4 May 1898; maj, chief c s vols 19 May 1898; hon dischd 20 Sept, 1898.
2. Adams, Daniel Marsh. N H. Kans. Addl paymr vols 19 Feb 1863 to 20 Mar 1867; raaj paymr U S A 17 Jan 1867; bvt It col vols 7 June 1866 for fai ser in the pay dept; resd 1 May 1867; [died 13 June 1879]
3. Adams, Emory Sherwood. Kans. Army. Priv and corpl M 20 Kans inf 16 June 1898 to 28 Oct 1899; pvt corpl and sergt G 2 inf 27 Jan 1900 to 26 Oct 1902; 2 It 14 inf 17 Oct 1902.
4. Adams, Henry J. NY. Kans. Addl paymr vols 5 Sept 1861; dismd 22 Aug 1864; [died 2 June 1870.]
5. Adams, Moses S. NH. Kans. Capt c s vols 5 Sept 1862; resd 10 Jan 1865; [died 25 Dec 1900.]
6. Admire, Eli Lewis. Kans. Okla. Pvt C 1 111 inf 18 June to 12 Nov 1898; 2 It 22 inf 1 July 1899; 1 It 30 inf 2 Feb 1901; tr to 22 inf 16 Oct 1901; resd 18 Sept 1902.
7. Agnew, Ernest H. 111. Kans. 2 It 20 Kans inf 2 May 1898; 1 It23 July 1898; capt 11 vol cavil Aug 1899; hon must out 13 Mar 1901; 2 It 26 inf 2 Feb 1901; 1 It 6 inf 28 Feb 1901.
8. Alden, John P. Mass. Kans. Pvt 1 and B 1 Kans inf 3 June 1861; 1 It 3 June 1861; capt 12 May 1862; capt cs vols 2 July 1863; hon dischd 20 Mar 1865.
9. Alexander, Demas M. I11. Kans. 2 It 12 Kans inf 30 Sept 1862; capt c s vols 30 July 1863; bvt ma] vols 4 Aug 1866 for fai ser in the sub dept; hon must out 21 Aug 1866.
10. Allen, Gilbert M. Kans. Army. Pvt and corpl B 6 inf 29 Aug 1898 to 2 Sept 1900; 2 It 19 inf 29 Aug 1900.
11. Anderson, Thomas Jefferson. Ohio. , Kans. Capt a a g vols 27 Feb 1863; maj j a a g vols 25 May 1863; bvt It col and col vols 13 Mar 1865 for fai and mer ser; resd 28 Mar 1865.
12. Baird, George Hathaway. Kans. I11. Cadet M A 15 June 1896 (64) ; 2 It 11 cav 2 Feb 1901.
13. Baldridge, Benjamin Logan. Ohio. Kans. Post chap 8 June 1876; retd 9 Feb 1885.
14. Ball, Collin Hankins. Kans. Kans. 1 sergt K 20 Kans inf 3 May 1898; 2 It 4 Sept 1898; hon must out 28 Oct 1899; 2 It 23 inf 2 Feb 1901.
15. Barber, Oliver. Pa. Kans. Capt cs vols 11 June 1862; resd 11 Aug 1864; [died 24 Oct 1895].
16. Barry, Thomas William. Canada. Kans. Post chap 3 Aug 1882; assd to art corps 25 Feb 1901.
17. Barth, Charles Henry. Iowa. Kans. Cadet MA. 1 Sept 1877 (32); 2 It 12 inf 11 June 1881; 1 It 23 Apr 1890; capt 26 Apr 1898.
18. Bassett, Bradford S. Pa. Kans. Corpl D 1 I11 cav 15 July 1861 to 5 Apr 1862; 2 It 2 Kans batty 15 May 1862; 1 It 26 Jan 1864; hon must out 19 Jan 1865 capt 16 Kans cav 17 May 1865; hon must out 6 Dec 1865; 2 It 7 cav 18 June 1867; 1 It 31 July 1868; died 11 Mar 1869.
19. Bell, Henry Arnett. Kans. Army. Cadet M A 19 June 1897 to 25 Jan 1898; pvt sergt and 1 sergt M 20 inf 7 June 1898 to 7 Aug 1900; 2 It 22 inf 25 July 1900.
20. Berry, Alga Prestina. Kans. Kans. Cadet M A 15 June 1892 (18) ; 2 It 10 inf 12 June 1896; 1 It 1 Jan 1899; capt 22 Apr 1901.
21. Biart, Victor. Belgium. Kans. Asst surg 6 June 1878; retd 21 Oct 1891.
22. Blair, Charles White. Ohio. Kans. Capt 2 Kans inf 14 May 1861 ; It col 22 May 1861; resd 9 Oct 1861; maj 2 Kans cav 28 Feb 1862; It col 26 Sept 1863; col 20 Nov 1863; bvt brig gen vols 13 Feb 1865; hon must out 11 Aug 1865; [died 21 Aug 1899.]
23. Blunt, James G. Me. Kans. Brig gen vols 8 Apr 1862; maj gen vols 29 Nov 1862; hon must out 29 July 1865; [died 25 July 1881.]
24. Botkin, Theodosius. Ohio. Kans. Pvt F 44 Ohio vols 22 Sept 1861 to 30 July 1865; capt a a g vols 28 May 1898; hon dischd 31 Dec 1898.
25. Bowen, Thomas Meed. Iowa. Kans. Capt 1 Nebr cav 11 June 1861; resd 5 Feb 1862; 1 It 9 Kans cav 11 July 1862; capt 30 July 1862; col 13 Kans inf 20 Sept 1862; bvt brig gen vols 13 Feb 1865; hon dischd 28 June 1865.
26. Brewer, Isaac Williams. Kans. N Y. Pvt and corpl sig corps 4 Nov 1885 to 17 June 1890; 1 It asst surg 36 U. S V inf 5 July 1899; capt asst surg same regt 12 Oct 1900; capt asst surg vols 12 Feb 1901; maj surg vols 7 May 1901; hon
dischd 7 Nov 1902.
27. Brewer, Madison Mills. Kans. D C. Pvt sig corps 22 Sept 1882 to 24 Oct 1887; asst surg 5 May 1892; died 4 Oct 1898.
28. Briand, Christian. Denmark. Kans. Pvt corpl sergt and 1 sergt A and q m sergt 2 cav 26 Nov 1884 to 31 May 1898; 1 It 5 U S V inf 31 May 1898; hon must out 31 May 1899; 1 It Porto Rico regt 26 June 1899; capt 1 Mar 1900; hon must out 30 June 1901 ; capt Porto Rico Provl regt 1 July 1901 to 14 Feb 1902; 2 It 1 cav 2 Feb 1901; 1 It 15 cav 28 Feb 1901.
29. Bridgman, Samuel Newton. I11. Kans. Capt c s vols 21 July 1898; hon dischd 12 May 1899.
30. Bryant, Montgomery. Kans. Mo. 2 It 6 inf 21 Feb 1857; 1 It 3 May 1861; capt 10 June 1861; maj 14 inf 7 Oct 1874; It col 8 inf 22 June 1882; col 13 inf 16 Dec 1888; bvt maj 13 Dec 1862 for gal and mer ser in the battle of Fredericksburg Va; retd 1 Mar 1894; died 17 June 1901.
31. Bu.ch.an, Fred Erskine. Kans. Kans. Capt 20 Kans inf 9 May 1898; hon dischd 30 July 1899; 2 It 6 cav 1 June 1899; 1 It 3 cav 2 Feb 1901.
32. Buckmaster, Henry. Pa. Kans. Surg vols 28 June 1862; resd 1 Feb 1865; [died 26 June 1875.]
33. Bugbee, Fred William. Cal. Kans. Pvt A 1 U S vol cav 2 May to 5 Oct 1898; 2 It 40 vol inf 17 Aug 1899; hon must out 24 June 1901; 2 It 1 inf 2 Feb 1901; 1 It 25 inf 22 Jan 1903.
34. Burt, Franklin Thomas. Kans. Army. Pvt corpl and sergt G 1st art and 1 1 8 co coast art 18 May 1899 to 26 Oct 1902 ; 2 It 24 inf 17 Oct 1902.
35. Butler, Lawrence Parker. Kans. Kans. Pvt and sergt I 4 Mo inf 24 May to 15 July 1898; 1 It 3 vol engs 7 July 1898; hon must out 17 May 1S99; 2 It 41 U S Y inf 17 Aug 1899; 1 It 1 Sept 1899; hon must out 30 June 1901; 1 It 2 inf 2 Feb 1901.
36. Cameron, Hugh. N Y. Kans. .1 sergt F 2 Kans cav July 1861; 1 It 7 Nov 1861; capt 27 Dec 1861; It col 2 Ark cav 20 Feb 1864; bvt col and brig gen vols 13 Mar 1865 for gal and mer ser dur the war; hon must out 20 Aug 1865.
37. Card, Benjamin Cozzens. R I. Kans. 1 It 12 inf 27 Sept 1 861 ; capt a q m 27 Sept 1861 ; col q m assd 2 Aug 1864 to 1 Jan 1867; maj q m 6 June 1872; It col d q m g 31 Aug 1883; retd 15 Feb 1889; bvt maj It col and col 13 Mar 1865 for fai and mer ser dur the war and brig gen 13 Mar 1 865 for fai and mer ser in the q m d dur the war.
38. Carney, Joseph Darwin. Pa. Kans. 1 It 17 inf 14 May 1861; capt 1 May 1863; bvt maj 13 Mar 1865 for gal and mer ser at the battle of Gettysburg Pa; died 8 Feb 1866.
39. Carpenter, George W. NY. Kans. 1 It r q m 15 Kans cav 1 Sept 1863; capt a q m vols 29 Sept 1864; dismd 12 May 1865.
40. Carroll, Edwin Earl. N Mex. Kans. 2 It 1 inf 5 Oct 1899; 1 It 11 July 1901; drowned 28 Jan 1903.
41. Casad, Adam Floy. Ind. Kans. CadetMA20 June 1898 (12); 2 It 11 cav 12 June 1902; tr to art corps 26 Sept 1902.
42. Case, Theodore Spencer. Ga. Kans. 2 It Van Horn's batln Mo cav 20 June 1861; hon must out 29 Oct 1861; capt a q m vols 9 June, 1862; resd 18 Mar 1865; col q m Mo State vols 9 Mar to 30 June 1865; [died 16 Feb 1900.]
43. Christian, James. Ireland. Kans. Capt c s vols 5 Sept 1862; hon must out 10 Aug 1864; [died 14 Apr 1895.]
44. Clark, Francis William. Kans. I11. Cadet M A 19 June 1897 (16); 2 It art corps 2 Feb 1901.
45. Clark, William B. N Y. Kans. Pvt E 2 Mass cav 7 Mar to 3 Sept 1863; 2 It 14 Kans cav 16 Sept 1863; hon must out 25 June 1865; 2 It 7 cav 18 June 1867; resd 1 May 1869.
46. Clarke, Adna Girard. Mo. Kans. Capt 20 Kans inf 29 Apr 1898; hon must out 28 Oct 1899; 1 It art corps 22 Aug 1901.
47. Clarke, Sidney. Mass. Kans. Capt a a g vols 9 Feb 1863; resd 20 Feb 1865.
48. Clayton, Powell. Pa. Kans. Capt 1 Kans inf 29 May 1861 ; It col 5 Kans cav 28 Dec 1861; col 7 Mar 1862; brig gen vols 1 Aug 1864; hon must out 24 Aug 1865.
49. Cloud, Marshall Morgan. Va. Kans. Asst surg 13 Nov 1896; retd with rank of 1 It 25 Mar 1902.
50. Cobb, Stephen Alonzo. Me. Kans. Capt c s vols 18 May 1864; bvt maj vols 16 Aug 1865 for eff and mer ser; hon must out 23 Sept 1865; [died Aug 1878.]
51. Coe, Frank Winston. Kans. Kans. Cadet M A 1 Sept 1888 (8); addl 2 It 1 art 11 June 1892; 2 It 13 July 1892; 1 It 2 Mar 1899; art corps 2 Feb 1901; capt 8 May 1901.
52. Coffin,OliverS. Ind, Kans. 1 lt rqm 1 Indian home guards 22 May 1862; capt a q in vols 24 Sept 1862; hon must out 11 Dec 1865.
53. Cowles, William Henry. Kans. N. C. Cadet M A 20 June 1898 (40) ; 2 It 4 cav 12 June 1902.
54. Craig, Daniel Frank. Iowa. Kans. 1 It 20 Kans inf 2 May 1898; hon must out 9 May 1899; capt 36 vol inf 5 July 1899; hon must out 16 Mar 1901; 2 It art corps 8 May 1901.
55. Craig, John Marcus. Iowa. Kans. Sergt E 20 Kans inf 2 May 1898 to 30 June 1899; pvt and sergt L and batln sergt maj 36 vol inf 1 July 1899 to 4 Mar 1900; 2 It 36 vol inf 12 Feb 1900; hon must out 16 Mar 1901; 2 It 12 inf 2 Feb 1901.
56. Cadet M A 14 June 1885 (41 ); 2 It 10 inf 12 June 1889; 1 It 21 inf 11 Nov 1896; capt 5 inf 8 Sept 1899; tr to 20 inf 17 Feb 1900.
57. Crawford, George Retilley. Ohio. Kans. 1 It 22 Kans inf 2 May 1898; hon must out 3 Nov 1898; 2 It 32 vol inf 5 July 1899; hon must out 8 May 1901; 2 It 11 inf 2 Feb 1901.
58. Crawford, Samuel Johnson. Ind. Kans. Capt 2 Kans cav 14 Mav 1861 ; col 83 U S c inf 1 Nov 1863; bvt brig gen vols 13 Mar 1865 for mer ser; resd 7 Nov 1864.
59. Crosby, Herbert Ball. Kans. 111. Cadet M A 15 June 1889 (27); 2 It 8 cav 12 June 1893; 1 It 2 Mar 1899; capt 14 cav 2 Feb 1901.
60. Crozier, William Ohio. Kans. Cadet MA 1 Sept 1872 (5); 2 It 4 art 15 June 1876; 1 It ord 11 July 1881; capt 15 June 1890; maj I G vols 17 May 1898; hon dischd from vols 30 Nov 1898; Drig gen chief of ord 22 Nov 1901.
How many times have you been reading your ancestors service record or any service record and it was so full of abbreviations that it made it almost unreadable. Well with the help of this page now you can. The army used a lot of abbreviations to save time and paper space. Many of these reports were not meant to be read outside the military community, they sure didn’t have the historian in mind when they wrote them. But now you can, the following abbreviations are all the army used, with the help of these abbreviations you should be able to read and understand any service report.
a a d c….additional aide-de-camp.
a a g….assistant adjutant-general.
a c g s….assistant commissary-general
of subsistence.
a c s….assistant commissary of subsistence.
actg acting.
a d c….aide-de-camp.
a d p m g….assistant deputy paymaster general.
a d q m g….assistant deputy quartermaster general.
A G….Adjutant-General.
a i g….assistant inspector-general.
a j a g….assistant judge-advocate general.
a q m….assistant quartermaster.
a q m g….assistant quartermaster general.
art corps….artillery corps.
a p m g….assistant paymaster-general.
Asg….assistant surgeon-general.
at Ige….at large.
brig gen….brigadier-general.
C A….Chief of Artillery.
C E….Chief of Engineers.
Chap….chaplain. CO Chief of Ordnance.
c s….commissary of subsistence.
C S A….Confederate States Army.
d c g s….deputy commissary-general
of subsistence.
Dist….distinguished or district.
d j a g….deputy judge-advocate-general.
d p m g….deputy paymaster-general.
d q m g….deputy quartermaster-general.
Eff….efficient or efficiency.
I G….Inspector-General.
j a….judge-advocate.
MA….Military Academy
Maj…. major.
Mil….military or militia.
mil jus….military justice.
m s k….military storekeeper.
o s k….ordnance storekeeper.
q m….quartermaster.
Q M D….Quartermaster's Department.
r adjt….regimental adjutant.
Res….regimental commissary of
Res….reserve or reserves.
Rifle….riflemen or rifles.
r paymr….regimental paymaster.
r q m….regimental quartermaster.
r r….railroad.
sh sh….sharpshooters.
s k….storekeeper.
sur mate….surgeon's mate.
U C….Upper Canada.
US….United States.
USA….United States Army.
U S c art….United States colored artillery.
U S c cav….United States colored cavalry.
U S c inf….United States colored infantry.
USN….United States Navy.
U S V….United States volunteers.
V R C…. Veteran Reserve Corps.
a a d c….additional aide-de-camp.
a a g….assistant adjutant-general.
a c g s….assistant commissary-general
of subsistence.
a c s….assistant commissary of subsistence.
actg acting.
a d c….aide-de-camp.
a d p m g….assistant deputy paymaster general.
a d q m g….assistant deputy quartermaster general.
A G….Adjutant-General.
a i g….assistant inspector-general.
a j a g….assistant judge-advocate general.
a q m….assistant quartermaster.
a q m g….assistant quartermaster general.
art corps….artillery corps.
a p m g….assistant paymaster-general.
Asg….assistant surgeon-general.
at Ige….at large.
brig gen….brigadier-general.
C A….Chief of Artillery.
C E….Chief of Engineers.
Chap….chaplain. CO Chief of Ordnance.
c s….commissary of subsistence.
C S A….Confederate States Army.
d c g s….deputy commissary-general
of subsistence.
Dist….distinguished or district.
d j a g….deputy judge-advocate-general.
d p m g….deputy paymaster-general.
d q m g….deputy quartermaster-general.
Eff….efficient or efficiency.
I G….Inspector-General.
j a….judge-advocate.
MA….Military Academy
Maj…. major.
Mil….military or militia.
mil jus….military justice.
m s k….military storekeeper.
o s k….ordnance storekeeper.
q m….quartermaster.
Q M D….Quartermaster's Department.
r adjt….regimental adjutant.
Res….regimental commissary of
Res….reserve or reserves.
Rifle….riflemen or rifles.
r paymr….regimental paymaster.
r q m….regimental quartermaster.
r r….railroad.
sh sh….sharpshooters.
s k….storekeeper.
sur mate….surgeon's mate.
U C….Upper Canada.
US….United States.
USA….United States Army.
U S c art….United States colored artillery.
U S c cav….United States colored cavalry.
U S c inf….United States colored infantry.
USN….United States Navy.
U S V….United States volunteers.
V R C…. Veteran Reserve Corps.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
General Thomas Ewing, Jr.

Thomas Ewing, Jr.
Aug. 7, 1829-Jan. 21, 1896
Civil War Union Brigadier General, US Congressman. Born in Lancaster, Ohio, into Ohio's privileged Ewing family, his father was Thomas Ewing, who served as a United States Senator and Cabinet member of several presidential administrations. His brothers were future Union generals Hugh Boyle Ewing, and Charles Ewing, and his foster brother (and later brother-in-law) was William T. Sherman. He first distinguished himself in the national spotlight by serving as a private secretary to President Zachary Taylor in 1848, the year before his father, Thomas Sr., began serving as United States Secretary of the Interior in Taylor's cabinet. He soon entered Brown University, graduating in 1854, and studied law in Cincinnati, where he was admitted to the bar. He moved his practice to Leavenworth, Kansas, in 1857 and joined the firm of William T. Sherman and Daniel McCook.
He left the firm in 1861, when he became a member of the Kansas peace conference. He fought to stop the admission of Kansas to the Union as a slave state and until the war served as Kansas' first supreme court chief justice. He joined the army in 1862 as a Colonel in charge of recruiting for the 11th Kansas Volunteer Cavalry. After commanding the regiment at Battles of Cane Hill and Prairie Grove, he accepted a promotion to Brigadier General, US Volunteers on March 13, 1863, and command of the District of the Border. Here he became known for issuing General Order Number 11, dictating the evacuation of 4 Missouri counties thought to contain Southern sympathizers harboring Colonel William C. Quantrill's guerrillas.
In 15 days all inhabitants were to leave these counties. His command, backed by an order from President Abraham Lincoln was to execute all violators. He finished military service in February 1865 after notable performances against Major General Sterling Price during his 1864 Missouri Raid and at the Battle of Pilot Knob. After the war he practiced law in Washington D.C., for several years, turning down appointments of United States Attorney General and Secretary of War. He was then elected to represent Ohio in the United States House of Representatives, serving two terms from 1877 to 1881. He then practiced law in New York City from 1881 until his death.
Aug. 7, 1829-Jan. 21, 1896
Civil War Union Brigadier General, US Congressman. Born in Lancaster, Ohio, into Ohio's privileged Ewing family, his father was Thomas Ewing, who served as a United States Senator and Cabinet member of several presidential administrations. His brothers were future Union generals Hugh Boyle Ewing, and Charles Ewing, and his foster brother (and later brother-in-law) was William T. Sherman. He first distinguished himself in the national spotlight by serving as a private secretary to President Zachary Taylor in 1848, the year before his father, Thomas Sr., began serving as United States Secretary of the Interior in Taylor's cabinet. He soon entered Brown University, graduating in 1854, and studied law in Cincinnati, where he was admitted to the bar. He moved his practice to Leavenworth, Kansas, in 1857 and joined the firm of William T. Sherman and Daniel McCook.
He left the firm in 1861, when he became a member of the Kansas peace conference. He fought to stop the admission of Kansas to the Union as a slave state and until the war served as Kansas' first supreme court chief justice. He joined the army in 1862 as a Colonel in charge of recruiting for the 11th Kansas Volunteer Cavalry. After commanding the regiment at Battles of Cane Hill and Prairie Grove, he accepted a promotion to Brigadier General, US Volunteers on March 13, 1863, and command of the District of the Border. Here he became known for issuing General Order Number 11, dictating the evacuation of 4 Missouri counties thought to contain Southern sympathizers harboring Colonel William C. Quantrill's guerrillas.
In 15 days all inhabitants were to leave these counties. His command, backed by an order from President Abraham Lincoln was to execute all violators. He finished military service in February 1865 after notable performances against Major General Sterling Price during his 1864 Missouri Raid and at the Battle of Pilot Knob. After the war he practiced law in Washington D.C., for several years, turning down appointments of United States Attorney General and Secretary of War. He was then elected to represent Ohio in the United States House of Representatives, serving two terms from 1877 to 1881. He then practiced law in New York City from 1881 until his death.
Colonel Albert Lindley Lee.

Albert Lindley Lee (January 16, 1834 – December 13, 1907), was a lawyer, Kansas State Supreme Court Judge and Union general in the American Civil War.
When the Civil War began Lee was serving as a justice on the Kansas Supreme Court. Lee became a major in the 7th Kansas Cavalry in October 1861 at the outbreak of the Civil War. He was promoted to colonel of the regiment and took part in Henry W. Halleck's capture of Corinth, Mississippi. Shortly after the fall of that city, Lee commanded the 2nd Brigade in the Cavalry Division of the Army of the Mississippi and participated in the battle of Corinth.
On November 29, 1862 he received a promotion to brigadier general in the Volunteer Army. He continued leading cavalry brigades in the Army of the Tennessee before he was appointed Chief-of-Staff to the XIII Corps under Maj. Gen. John A. McClernand. Lee served as chief-of-staff through much of the Vicksburg campaign, serving at the battles of Port Gibson, Champion Hill and Big Black River. During the fighting at the Big Black River, Peter J. Osterhaus was wounded and Lee was chosen to take his place in command of the 9th Division, XIII Corps. Lee's first infantry command was short lived as Osterhaus was able to resume command the following day.
However, the commander of the 9th Division's 1st Brigade, Theophilus T. Garrard, went on sick leave the same day and Lee assumed command his brigade just in time to lead it into action at during the May 19 assault on Vicksburg. During the assault Lee was wounded in the head and turned over command of the brigade. He sat out the rest of the siege recovering from wounds until late in the summer when he returned to division command in the XIII Corps. In August 1864 he was placed in command of the Cavalry Division of the Department of the Gulf. He led the cavalry forces during Nathaniel P. Banks' Red River Campaign. He resigned from the army on May 4, 1865.
On November 29, 1862 he received a promotion to brigadier general in the Volunteer Army. He continued leading cavalry brigades in the Army of the Tennessee before he was appointed Chief-of-Staff to the XIII Corps under Maj. Gen. John A. McClernand. Lee served as chief-of-staff through much of the Vicksburg campaign, serving at the battles of Port Gibson, Champion Hill and Big Black River. During the fighting at the Big Black River, Peter J. Osterhaus was wounded and Lee was chosen to take his place in command of the 9th Division, XIII Corps. Lee's first infantry command was short lived as Osterhaus was able to resume command the following day.
However, the commander of the 9th Division's 1st Brigade, Theophilus T. Garrard, went on sick leave the same day and Lee assumed command his brigade just in time to lead it into action at during the May 19 assault on Vicksburg. During the assault Lee was wounded in the head and turned over command of the brigade. He sat out the rest of the siege recovering from wounds until late in the summer when he returned to division command in the XIII Corps. In August 1864 he was placed in command of the Cavalry Division of the Department of the Gulf. He led the cavalry forces during Nathaniel P. Banks' Red River Campaign. He resigned from the army on May 4, 1865.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Kansas Surveyors Massacred.
The following information was put together from a article written by Mrs. F. C. Montgomery, in titled: United States Surveyors Massacred, Published in the Kansas Historical Quarterly of May of 1932.
The completion of the task of surveying the public lands in Kansas was provided for by eight contractors, but two will only be stated here. These two men were Captain Oliver Francis Short and Captain Luther A. Thrasher. Their expedition was formed at Lawrence Kansas for the most part. On July 29, 1874, Captain Short being the ranking officer of the expedition headed for Wichita Kansas, where he bought oxen and equipment.
On August 4, 1874, he was joined at Dodge City by his sons Harry C. and Daniel Truman Short. Along with his sons were Captain Cutler, James Shaw and son J. Allen Shaw, and J. H. Keuchler, Fleming ( Clem ) Duncan, William and Richard Douglas, Frank Blacklidge and Harry C. Jones, who was the nephew of Captain Cutler. All were from Douglas county with the exception of the contractors and James Shaw, farmer, were young students of the Kansas University. They were later joined by Captain Thrasher of Iola Kansas, who was second in command, those who came with him were, S, W. Howe of Florence, Marion county Kansas, and a Mr. Woolens, There were others but are yet to be known.

The whole Meade county expedition had twenty-two men, eighteen for field work, and four for camp duties, including Prather a mulatto of Lawrence Kansas. The location of their main camp was on the northeast corner of section 4, township 33, range 28 west, just a short distance east of the old “Lone Tree”, which is a well known land mark on the east side of Crooked creek, which is about 60, miles west of Dodge City. Captain Short’s party was to survey the lines of township 33, and the party would be away from camp fro the entire week. The party of Captain Thrasher and Captain Cutler returned to camp each night after surveying the township into sections.
Between August 16, and the 22, Captain Short would write his wife and tell of finding water for the oxen and that a pump was driven at the camp which furnish cool water for the men, and there was plentiful stones for the cornerstone markers. It had been agreed on that if the Indians attacked, they would set fire to the grass as a signal to the other surveyors, but they had been forced to fight prairie fires to save their own oxen. On the last Sunday afternoon in camp, August23, Captain Short had read passages from his New Testament and joined in the singing of hymns. The morning had been spent washing clothes. His letters were sent to Dodge City, by hunters passing by camp on Monday morning of August 24, 1874.
On that fatal day Captain Short chose his party for a weeks survey. They were his son Daniel Truman Short, aged fourteen, James Shaw age fifty-one and his son, J. Allen Shaw age about eighteen, Harry C. Jones about twenty-two and John H. Keuchler who was between seventeen and eighteen years. Harry C. Short who had been chainman for his farher, was assigned to stay in camp that week to harmonize camp troubles. The other two parties took different directions to mark the virgin prairie into sections for future occupants.
About noon of Wednesday, August 26, Mr. Crist, of Thrasher’s party saw Captain Short’s wagon standing on the east side of Crooked creek about eight and a half miles south , and two and one-half miles from Meade. Captain Thrasher was notified and he reconnoitered with his force, including Mr. Woolens, S. W. Howe and Richard Douglas. They armed themselves, then unhitched their oxen from their cart and drove them ahead to the empty wagon. There they found the bodies of Captain Short and his five men lying on the ground in a row, as they had been left by the Indians.
The oxen were dead in their yokes, with the hind quarters cut off, and the camp dog lay dead beside it’s master. Captain Short, his son, and Harry Jones had been scalped and the others had their heads crushed. All the pocket’s of the men had been turned inside out. There were twenty-eight bullet holes in the wagon, and eight bullets were found in the water barrel. James Shaw was the last mam killed at this place, as shown by tracks made there by the iron on his boot heels. It was learned later that the Indians had carried off their wounded and dead. The bodies after a careful search, were put in Short’s wagon and drawn back to camp. They were buried near sundown, about 100 yards southeast of Lone Tree, and the same distance southwest of the camp. One lone grave three feet deep was made for all the victims, who were wrapped in tent cloth. Initials were carved on rough stones which were placed at the head of each body.
Next morning, Thursday, August 27, hunters passing by the camp reported they has seen a party of twenty-five Cheyennes about fifteen to twenty miles west of the camp. Waiting until the Indians passed well out of dight they examined the camp of the Indians. There they found Short’s compass, papers and chains; also Cheyenne arrowheads. It was learned later from Mochin a squaw of this party, and from the Indian agent that ir was the band of Chief Medicine Water. Truman Short’s horse was found in Medicine Waters camp about a hundred miles west of camp supply. Years later Chief Yellow Horse began to tell H. C. Perkins, of the auditor’s office in Topeka, about his prowess in the Short massacre, but then shut up lake a clam for fearing that Mr. Perkins might infrom the government about his deeds.
The completion of the task of surveying the public lands in Kansas was provided for by eight contractors, but two will only be stated here. These two men were Captain Oliver Francis Short and Captain Luther A. Thrasher. Their expedition was formed at Lawrence Kansas for the most part. On July 29, 1874, Captain Short being the ranking officer of the expedition headed for Wichita Kansas, where he bought oxen and equipment.
On August 4, 1874, he was joined at Dodge City by his sons Harry C. and Daniel Truman Short. Along with his sons were Captain Cutler, James Shaw and son J. Allen Shaw, and J. H. Keuchler, Fleming ( Clem ) Duncan, William and Richard Douglas, Frank Blacklidge and Harry C. Jones, who was the nephew of Captain Cutler. All were from Douglas county with the exception of the contractors and James Shaw, farmer, were young students of the Kansas University. They were later joined by Captain Thrasher of Iola Kansas, who was second in command, those who came with him were, S, W. Howe of Florence, Marion county Kansas, and a Mr. Woolens, There were others but are yet to be known.

The whole Meade county expedition had twenty-two men, eighteen for field work, and four for camp duties, including Prather a mulatto of Lawrence Kansas. The location of their main camp was on the northeast corner of section 4, township 33, range 28 west, just a short distance east of the old “Lone Tree”, which is a well known land mark on the east side of Crooked creek, which is about 60, miles west of Dodge City. Captain Short’s party was to survey the lines of township 33, and the party would be away from camp fro the entire week. The party of Captain Thrasher and Captain Cutler returned to camp each night after surveying the township into sections.
Between August 16, and the 22, Captain Short would write his wife and tell of finding water for the oxen and that a pump was driven at the camp which furnish cool water for the men, and there was plentiful stones for the cornerstone markers. It had been agreed on that if the Indians attacked, they would set fire to the grass as a signal to the other surveyors, but they had been forced to fight prairie fires to save their own oxen. On the last Sunday afternoon in camp, August23, Captain Short had read passages from his New Testament and joined in the singing of hymns. The morning had been spent washing clothes. His letters were sent to Dodge City, by hunters passing by camp on Monday morning of August 24, 1874.
On that fatal day Captain Short chose his party for a weeks survey. They were his son Daniel Truman Short, aged fourteen, James Shaw age fifty-one and his son, J. Allen Shaw age about eighteen, Harry C. Jones about twenty-two and John H. Keuchler who was between seventeen and eighteen years. Harry C. Short who had been chainman for his farher, was assigned to stay in camp that week to harmonize camp troubles. The other two parties took different directions to mark the virgin prairie into sections for future occupants.
About noon of Wednesday, August 26, Mr. Crist, of Thrasher’s party saw Captain Short’s wagon standing on the east side of Crooked creek about eight and a half miles south , and two and one-half miles from Meade. Captain Thrasher was notified and he reconnoitered with his force, including Mr. Woolens, S. W. Howe and Richard Douglas. They armed themselves, then unhitched their oxen from their cart and drove them ahead to the empty wagon. There they found the bodies of Captain Short and his five men lying on the ground in a row, as they had been left by the Indians.
The oxen were dead in their yokes, with the hind quarters cut off, and the camp dog lay dead beside it’s master. Captain Short, his son, and Harry Jones had been scalped and the others had their heads crushed. All the pocket’s of the men had been turned inside out. There were twenty-eight bullet holes in the wagon, and eight bullets were found in the water barrel. James Shaw was the last mam killed at this place, as shown by tracks made there by the iron on his boot heels. It was learned later that the Indians had carried off their wounded and dead. The bodies after a careful search, were put in Short’s wagon and drawn back to camp. They were buried near sundown, about 100 yards southeast of Lone Tree, and the same distance southwest of the camp. One lone grave three feet deep was made for all the victims, who were wrapped in tent cloth. Initials were carved on rough stones which were placed at the head of each body.
Next morning, Thursday, August 27, hunters passing by the camp reported they has seen a party of twenty-five Cheyennes about fifteen to twenty miles west of the camp. Waiting until the Indians passed well out of dight they examined the camp of the Indians. There they found Short’s compass, papers and chains; also Cheyenne arrowheads. It was learned later from Mochin a squaw of this party, and from the Indian agent that ir was the band of Chief Medicine Water. Truman Short’s horse was found in Medicine Waters camp about a hundred miles west of camp supply. Years later Chief Yellow Horse began to tell H. C. Perkins, of the auditor’s office in Topeka, about his prowess in the Short massacre, but then shut up lake a clam for fearing that Mr. Perkins might infrom the government about his deeds.
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